Wyld Hunting 101 [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

So key points of instillation....

solars/lunars = Bad

Glorious death in battle = Good

Obeying the party = Good

disobeying = death

I've got just the place for the 'deprogramming'. My manse......Let me restructure it right quick......

it's currently set up as a theatre, let me shift it closer to the coast, add cells and it will be perfect....
cyl said:
Dealing with the Faes will probably be a no go, as DB, we know like many other how the are a threat to the Realm.
House Ragara does deal with some of them you know.(ok, as a side note house Ragara even deals with 3 anathemas, but that's a greatly guarded secret.)

PS : Atrius, as soon as i saw "Obeying the party" i couldn't help but think of soviet russia... :mrgreen:
Yep, if we can keep the sheeps alive and straigthen (= break) the minds of the true believers, we will do a better job than offing a few of them in public.

We must become war heroes, liberators, in the eyes of the people from outside the realm, not hitmen from another nation.

I thought about this when thinking about Daki's story (from the hidden truth game), if the DB had been less violent in their approach of the Hunt, and had taken the time of deprogramming the cultists, then he would probably not have turned into an ennemy of the Realm.
And that way we will aquire lots and lots of popular support... I see what you are hinting at...

"Brain, what are we going to do tonight?"
Of course this is not the primary purpose (gaining popular support), but a fortunate consequence to be expected.

We do not necessarily need to brainwash them at first, just a bit of reeducation, then taking them to a hunt for a true monster.

This is why solars gain followers against the Realm, it is unjust, the dynasts are fricking abusive tyrants, and the people are unhappy.

If we can take a few unhappy ones and expose them into the true madness of the anathema, they'll realize the Realm is not that bad and will spread the word when we take them back to their towns :)
cyl said:
This is why solars gain followers against the Realm, it is unjust, the dynasts are fricking abusive tyrants, and the people are unhappy.
QFT. But damned if Jihn is going to let that change.
One of our goal must be to inflict as minimum collateral damage as possible (says the firebender with beacon of power :lol: ).
it might be one of your goals, but some anathema seem to feel that the best way to get rid of the wyld hunt is to do such damage that the DBs will have to deal with it before they can pursue said anathema.
Which is why I have taken some rather interesting Investigation charms ! I know where you live and who your friends are PUNK ! :twisted:

We will deal with the destruction once we kill the anathema... if not he will create more damage and this will be our responsability. We sometimes need to sacrifice a few to save many !

I'm Mr Priority ! :mrgreen:
Still maintaining that executions are needed for anyone who actually aids or actively harbors the Anathema. These aren't some poorly misguided subjects who decided to throw off their Realm overlords, they are servants of monstrous evil come to tear down all of Creation.

Recruiting them is a good way to get double agents in our own ranks anyway. One or two at a time we might be able to deprogram with some confidence, but with large numbers we can't be sure there are some hidden Anathema loyalists still left. It is an unacceptable risk.

Our cause is inherently righteous, we don't have to go around convincing people of that. Those sorts of things are jobs for missionaries anyway. We aren't out there to do public relations work for the Realm, ours is a holy mission to rid the world of evil. Evil's servants don't get a free pass because you think the realm has too harsh an image.

Besides which, recruiting all the fighting age residents of a town is hardly going to endear us to those who remain behind. Forced conscription or (hideous as the suggestion is) selling them into slavery are going to net us little goodwill. Execution may not engender feelings of kindness, but it will give pause to those who consider joining our foes.

Unless we go around throwing out bags of Jade or spend months improving the infrastructure in there crappy little villages these people aren't going to be impressed by our kindness and generosity. Better angry and afraid than just plain angry.

All of which is beside the point, really. Anathema are by their nature corrupting destructive monsters, and I will not condone serving such vile evil entities.

... I might have slipped into character there a little at the end.
I say we have a scaled response :

Normal folks who were dragged in by the events : nothing

People who helped the anathemas but didn't help them against the realm : some simple education, inspired speaches and a free copy of the immaculate teachings.

People who helped anathemas against the realm but had no choice : some special reeducation(still non-violent and non-oppresive), many inspired lectures and have to read the entire immaculate teachings and understand them.

People who were manipulated to help the anathemas willingly : some minor brainwashing, reeducation and advanced understanding of the immaculate teachings.

People who helped the anathemas againt the realm willingly : reeducation camps, some brainwashing, and they will know the immaculate teachings by heart.

The guys who were the right-hand mans of the anathemas : At best public execution(after long and heavy propaganda about real and fake atrocities they commited), at worst... :twisted:

I also want to say that i want to personnaly educate any heroic mortal having predispositions for sorcery and want to educate some talented mortals in the way of thaumaturgy(only schools which are very usefull in everyday life and things like that NO summoning whatso ever).
I don't think we really have the resources or manpower to run reeducation camps or even do the sort of investigation it would take to really figure out exactly to what degree every individual assisted the Anathema.

The Realm is on the verge of civil war, we suddenly have dozens of Solar Anathema where the used to be only a handful at any given time, the Realm is actually losing territory for the first time basically ever, and the Houses are all pulling more and more of their resources out of public institutions like the Wyld Hunt while the Wyld Hunt is being called on to exterminate more and more Anathema.

At a certain point one simply has to be pragmatic and take the more expedient route.

If we know someone provided material support to the Anathema we execute them. It is simple, it is fast, and it is within our means.

And in Brother Shooting Stars opinion; if anyone intends to do any brainwashing or training of former minions they need to do it on their own time, with their own resources, and without allowing it to interfere with their real duties to the Hunt.
demihappycow said:
At a certain point one simply has to be pragmatic and take the more expedient route.
Forced Conscription is suprisingly quick. Not much red tape, don't need to explain the benefits package or retirement, don't really have to be picky about entrance standards. "Follow us and fight, or we'll kill you."
A bit more in character...

Mortals are weak, gullible and easy to be tricked by more powerful beings... this is why some of them choose to follow the anathema, for various reasons. If we execute all of those who have followed a demon king, we might end up just as being assimilated to the demon kings themselves who oppressed and killed countless mortals when they didn't follow their unrighteous ruling in their time, which is why the dragons slaughtered them, to protect mankind.

The Realm has become decadent and is divided since the Empress has been gone. It is now every man for himself and houses interest are put before common good.

Our mission is one for the common good, so let's try to enact this.

I agree that some men are beyond saving, but some aren't, within the realm, the Order can teach those that can be saved, and they have the means to do it, we just need to ship the lost souls there, or take them to the appropriate educative facilities.

I am not all for conscription, since those men cannot be trusted, I meant that we would need to take some of them with us to be the witnesses of what we do when we fight real monsters, for them to understand we are the ones protecting them... not the other way around !

Once some of them come back and have seen the good we have done, they will spread the word to the others, and this is all we need... that some of them see what we do.

We don't need to reeducate all of them, we need to spare the ones who aren't beyond saving on their own (a thorough investigation must be conducted there), to make the ones who doubted true believers, and to get rid of the ones that cannot be saved (a quiet imprisonment is less extravagant than a public execution).

People have lost the common sense to see that our cause is righteous, we need to remind them that it is, not just by saying "we are dynasts, our cause is righteous !".

People are afraid all over the world, do we choose to keep them afraid or do we choose to bring them hope and earn their respect and support by our very rigtheous actions ?

This is what's at stake...
I do believe the fifth Dilligent Practice would enlighten our discussion:

p 80 Blessed Isle:

"Resist the commands of the anathema to the fullest degree of the abilities of your present incarnaction, and do not fall into disapair"

"the Immacualte Order consideres those mortals who follow the Anathema to be as much victims as those the Anathema slay"

Earlier it mentions that being part of a community is also valued. I think one of the many devout Immaculate stances on mortals swayed by Anathema would be to ship them back to the Blessed Isle so they can be taught the error of their ways via thorough attention of Immaculate monks (Dragon-Blooded or mortal) and given a chance to return to the path of enlightenment.

Another of the Dilligent practices says mortals are never straying from the path of enlightenment when they follow the orders of a Dragon-Blooded, so if an Immaculate saw Jihn conscripting them, he would not fear for the mortals. Jihn is pointing out a path to enlightenment by giving them orders. But the Immaculate would fear for Jihn if his conscription was unrightous. Considering Jihn means to use them to hunt Anathema, though, I doubt many Immaculates would find his cause unrightous, even if his methods are uncompassionate.
So it is either the order who will send the sheperds to the flock, or we that will ship the flock to the sheperds. That sounds good to me.

Has our immaculate brother evolved from his merciless previous vision ? (I mean there are still some "interpretations" possible).
And Education camps are for those to difficult to handle in normal means, and those "education camps" are work camps, where they work like slaves, but if they learn and become cooperative they will become free again. The camps will be financed by the profit comming from the work of those detained there.

For the vast majority some Crazy Zealots(read : immaculate monks) who teach them the doctrine is enough to take care of most problems.

As I said, my character is also for education of some chosen elements from the masses in highly usefull skills, like alchemy, enchanting, husbandry, or weather control. This would greatly increase general productivity throughout creation AND would gain a lot of popular support.
No, that comes after we have indoctrinated and fanatical followers everywhere, with a seemingly near-infinite supply of alchemical boosts, talismans and maybe even a handfull of artifacts for the essence channelers. And also after each of us has 4 dots or more of connection(deliberative) or equivalent connections.

I also vote that we try to recruit as many outcastes as we find.
it's starting to look like like you guys are more interested in becoming the next rulers of the realm than in hunting down the Anathema :mrgreen:
Well, the second is not a bad mean to achieve the first :

- We have occasions to be known as great heroes through the realm and beyond

- We loot every anathema we kill for their artifacts

- We can use the pretext of educating the poor misguided souls for indoctrination

- We travel aroung the threshold, possibly finding potential allies(like outcastes, heroic mortals, spirits...)
Some more IC:

The idea of investigating who is still able to be saved and reeducating is all well and good, but who amongst you can provide the resources for doing such? Who will devote trained soldiers to minding hundreds of potentially deadly former servants of evil? Can any of you requisition a ship and crew and guards sufficient to ship these poor unfortunates back to the Blessed Isle? Once there can you pay their room and board while they are reeducated? Are you willing to risk your loyal followers attempting to save what may be unrescuable? Is your plan actually to ship the military might of the Anathema directly to the heart of the Realm? Because you are worried someone might think we're mean?

Were I to attempt to conquer the Realm I would surely be glad to come against opponents with such priorities. Opponents who will willingly place my spies and agents in their midst, and waste their fighting strength attempting to reeducate peasant levies. Hunters so toothless that no peasant will fear to march against them, knowing that all that awaits them in response to their crimes is a boat ride and a few days at a temple. If this is the sort of strategic thinking to be had in the Realm it is little wonder our empire is failing.
demihappycow said:
Some more IC:
The idea of investigating who is still able to be saved and reeducating is all well and good, but who amongst you can provide the resources for doing such? Who will devote trained soldiers to minding hundreds of potentially deadly former servants of evil? Can any of you requisition a ship and crew and guards sufficient to ship these poor unfortunates back to the Blessed Isle? Once there can you pay their room and board while they are reeducated? Are you willing to risk your loyal followers attempting to save what may be unrescuable? Is your plan actually to ship the military might of the Anathema directly to the heart of the Realm? Because you are worried someone might think we're mean?

Were I to attempt to conquer the Realm I would surely be glad to come against opponents with such priorities. Opponents who will willingly place my spies and agents in their midst, and waste their fighting strength attempting to reeducate peasant levies. Hunters so toothless that no peasant will fear to march against them, knowing that all that awaits them in response to their crimes is a boat ride and a few days at a temple. If this is the sort of strategic thinking to be had in the Realm it is little wonder our empire is failing.
As for the ressources, Inirlan has on average at least two trade caravans on the go, sometimes even more, he owns a somptous mansion with several acres of private garden and could easily recruit several legions of mercenaries.

However, for 98% of the cases the monks come to them, not the other way. And as for the work camps... Let's just say that best case they work like slaves, in the worst case the camps make a goulag look like a nice comfy beach resort. And those work camps would NOT be in the blessed isle, but either on a isolated island(ever heard of the bagnes?) or in a similar place with harsh living conditions.
IC again;

You seem to be forgetting one thing brother, we do not hunt peasants, they do not have to fear us as ennemies as long as they do not actively take arms against the Realm. Once they have willingly become our ennemies, they must be treated as such.

We hunt the anathemas, the ones twisting the soft and weak mind of the poor. The ones building armies and leading revolts, raids and bringing chaos all over Creation.

We would not need to capture all those followers, only the ones that are doubtful about the righteousness of our cause and whose minds have not been as twisted that they are too far to be saved. Those ones will most likely meet their doom trying to defend their corruptors, and if they can't be straigthened, they need to be either captured and imprisonned or executed.

It is our responsability and our sacred duty to prevent and correct such corruption and to bring peace and order. We are not only hunters, we are crusaders. Our mandate doesn't when the beast has been slain.

I thought someone as educated as you would understand the difference between the one who blindly follow a cause under the influence of a greater being, and the one who has sold his soul to the evil.

One isn't beyond saving, the other is, but you are talking about executing both, and I don't see virtue in this.

It will not take more than a few days to identify the worms in the apple, and bring them before us for judgment. Once we sorted them out, we can either discretely execute the ones too corrupted, or take them captive and use them as war prisoners usually are disposed of, and arrest the ones who still can be taught and ship them back to the Realm along with us.


ooc: I've recently seen the Chronicles of Riddick... we need a purifier ! :lol:

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