Wyld Hunting 101 [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

My point is that even if we show up with a reasonable cover and don't give them a reason to suspect us, we can't count on not getting converted. Solar social-fu is pretty badass, and our characters should be unrealistically afraid of it. We are a bunch of characters who are willing to devote our lives to hunting these things down, I'm guessing that as a group we buy into an awful lot of the propaganda. The Anathema turning one of our own is way too big a risk to be worth it.

Now pulling that kind of line on the thing's friends and family once we know who it is, that might be a way of giving ourselves an edge. And we can always consider taking hostages.
My character doesn't buy any of that propaganda. He only does it because he must do it and because he is bored like hell.
Another point we need to agree on : what do we do with the followers ?

Massive execution ? Capture and brainwashing programs ? Taking them as slaves ?

I'd be in favor of the second option, Yugo has a high compassion enough not to engage in a bloodbath with defeated followers, he's not all for slavery.

I'd like that we agree on that one too so we don't have problem when the case comes before us.
The most fanatical followers will be publicly tortured to death as an example, the others will get a major brainwashing.
This is where I disagree, ruling by fear doesn't quite work (not in those desperate times), we need to be better than we usually are as dynasts, and become the heroes the Anathemas are trying to show the world they are.

Public executions will only strengthen the feeling of oppression which will only lead to more sympathy for the anathemas and sow the seed of a soon to come rebellion.
that is one point in which I believe it's better for each character to have his own opinion, and solve through role-play. Some of the dynasts are pretty bad to the mortals, while others are more considerate.
Well this is a thing we need to agree on before as to avoid dissension and conflict.

I'd be in favor of letting the immaculate monk responsible for those decisions, as we will share command (we both have backing 2). It'd be more appropriate that he determines wether there is a need for a purge or not.
demihappycow said:
Solar social-fu is pretty badass, and our characters should be unrealistically afraid of it.
Jihn is unrealistically afraid of it. Anathema are for running through, not talking to.

demihappycow said:
We are a bunch of characters who are willing to devote our lives to hunting these things down, I'm guessing that as a group we buy into an awful lot of the propaganda.
Jihn buys into alot of the propaganda regarding Anathema, but not as much with all the tenets of the Immaculate Philosophy. He's definately in it for the glory, not the piousness.
cyl said:
Another point we need to agree on : what do we do with the followers ?
Conscription and forced fighting. I'm willing to BS that that's House of Bells standard practice. Mix em in with the rest of the Legion, and ample floggings for those who don't fall in line.

The floggings will continue until morale improves!
Well, generally Brother Shooting Stars is probably gonna say just kill them. Too risky to leave them alive or try to conscript them. Couldn't be sure they wouldn't start working for the next Anathema that came along.

Though... come to think of it we might want to leave some alive, with a couple controlled/brainwashed individuals amongst them. Could make for a good way to get spies working for our enemies.
You do realize that slaughtering them will generate only more disapproval for the Realm and more and more people will turn to the anathemas... while if we capture them and spend our time treating them well, and negating their former endoctrinment by the solar, showing them our righteous cause (I mean hey... who the hell saved Creation huh 800 years ago ? the solars... noooo)

I mean haven't you seen Star Wars ?

Oppression will always lead to rebellion :lol:

Only beastmen and true barbarians shall be erased from the face of this world.
Dead people aren't oppressed. They are just dead.

I'm not saying if an Anathema holes up in some little village in the threshold we massacre the whole thing, but those who corrupt or weak-willed enough to fight for or worship such evil are simply too dangerous to allow them to live as a matter of course. If they are so easily turned to and from evil, what would stop them from simply being converted by the next monster that comes traipsing along?

Service to the Anathema can not simply be condoned. Punishment must be swift and merciful. Clean, relatively painless, deaths are entirely appropriate. The Realm and the Order do not have the time or resources to examine every follower of an Anathema to determine if they can be salvaged. If they were righteous but compelled by a power beyond their control to do evil, they will surely receive favorable incarnations in their next lives.

See, it is easy to justify slaughtering captives.
Service to the Anathema can not simply be condoned.
Why not ? It is after all only a problem of education or faith, both can be turned.

Punishment must be swift and merciful. Clean, relatively painless, deaths are entirely appropriate.The Realm and the Order do not have the time or resources to examine every follower of an Anathema to determine if they can be salvaged.
Except that the social consequences of the deaths will not serve the Realm. If the Realm is seen as an unjust ruler who executes everyone who follows a different path, the numbers of rebels will grow and soon we will be outnumbered (we already aren't unified)...
Taking prisoners is a far more viable option on the long run.

If the monsters come back, we will be there to hunt them once again, but if the people know they are monsters and the Realm is righteous and just, they will cast the monsters away if they can or call for help... that's our role as Princes of the Earth, protectors of mortals.
Slavery is a much better option: at least they will serve the community as a redemption of their unsubordination... could be a good deal to get with Lookshy.
And if a few "dissapear" and "happen" to land in the hand of some "smarter"(read : easier to bribe) Fair Folk? Preferably any hotheads that would just keep making trouble. That way we get rid of an unproductive liability AND make a very good investment.

Those that aren't "corrupted" should be threated well and more like we were(gently) curring them of an aillment. Those that would persists in front of threat of physical harm would need harder mesures. Those who would persist when faced with their potential deaths are to dispose of in the most productive way.

As for the integrity problem... How about i drop the additionnal spell or the willpower increase in favor of an integrity excellency?
cyl said:
Slavery is a much better option: at least they will serve the community...
[in Character] Forced. Conscription. I feel less bad using mortal buffers when they should die anyway. And mortal buffers is chapter 3 of my esteemed great-great-uncle's book on Anathema engagements I happen to have in my travelling pack. On several occasions in the esteemed Wyld Hunt history Anathema have hesitated to kill what they percieve to be mortals sympathetic to their cause and have made fatal tactical mistakes because of it. We should definately use this.

They don't need to fight well, they need to soak motes. Scaring them by killing a few out of hand at the start so they at least attack when they're told (Coordinated attack) is a good purpose for them.
Tikor said:
They don't need to fight well, they need to soak motes. Scaring them by killing a few out of hand at the start so they at least attack when they're told (Coordinated attack) is a good purpose for them. [/QUOTE] You're playing the Imperial Army in W40K(tabletop or videogame), aren't you?
Err... conscription is actually an excellent idea, but very difficult to put in place.

I can totally see the followers of a solar fighting being converted to our side once they have hunted with us a lunar and his beastmen (raiding a few villages). But how are we going to keep them in line, that I don't know... but it's an excellent compromise between slavery / execution / nothing.

Excellent for the hotheads "see, we hunt monsters like those ones here ! we know they inevitably all turn bad... and your now dead master was among them, yes he was kind, they all start like this, but in time he would have become this... now look what this anathema has down... do you still feel we're the bad guys ?!".

Dealing with the Faes will probably be a no go, as DB, we know like many other how the are a threat to the Realm.
inirlan said:
You're playing the Imperial Army in W40K(tabletop or videogame), aren't you?
Actually, not at the moment. I did play a few months of the Warhammer MMO, but I've never really dove into that universe, as appealing as it looks.

I'm currently not subscribed to any MMO, and I find my time for Exalted has much increased, along with my happyness.
Actually the manipulative bastard could do it.

We capture the hotheads, brainwash them a bit, take them captive, use them in one of our hunt against a true monster (lunar most likely), then we use them as examples to convince the other mortal followers.

This way we resplennish the ranks, and we straigthen a few souls. Isn't this better than a massive execution ?

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