WW - The New World

"well, i fear you will have to go to the quartermaster about those weapons, sir"

the 2 components came in, one was a small chip, and the other one was about the size of a Pepsi can.

"alright, now just relax Mr adams"

the doctor pressed just below Steven's nipple, and his chest actually opened up! he could see the machines inside him and he could hear them

"now, if we just..."

Steven suddenly felt lighter as the doctor took out a part

"that was just a space-filler, Mr Adams, a bit of extra armour just in case, now for the signal booster..."

the man put in the amplifier, Steven could feel it connect, he could actually feel Minerva nearby.

"now for the chip so you can access Minerva"

the man pressed the spot under his nipple and his chest closed up by itself.

"please lay on your stomach, Mr Adams so we can insert the chip, there is an openable slot at the back of your head"

"well of course you don;t appreciate it, but how else can i heal your inner wounds directly?"

the man held out his hand, all the blood that had bled into her was sucked out, and his other hand began glowing blue, inside the wound, Alec could feel her muscles and flesh stitching itself back together, every part healing at an incredible rate.
"I never said you could." Alec barked back. "And the more blood you take out, the worse it's going to be. I'm already running low as is. I'd also suggest you get your other claw out of me before I shock it off."
"Calm yourself! if you were really running low, then you would have fainted by now, and even then you would need to lose another few litres after passing out before you get into the danger zone, you're still concious, so you're fine!"

bout 1/4 of the damage had been reversed, with each muscle that "stitched" itself back together, Alec could feel less of a sting from the open wound, even though it was numb she could still feel a sting.

"and don't bad-mouth my claws young lady, they have been completely sterilized!"

the doctor pulled back a flap of skin from Steven's head, it didn;t even tickle.

then, Steven would feel a strange pressure on his skull as if it were put into a vice, then the pressure stopped and the skin was sealed back up.

then, Steven heard a voice in his head, it was a female-like computer-voice

"Synchronizing... Welcome Steven Adams to the Minerva system, you may now access my knowlege base by thinking about what you want to know, and new information will be uploaded directly to your brain"
Alec growled. "I suggest you listen to me, and remove your claw, before I crack you open a boiling pot. And yes, you can tell Mister Highland I said that. And if you really want to test me, I've killed people much much stronger than you....I never gave you conest to heal, and unless you want to have your medical rights revoked, I suggest you back off before you really screw me over more than I need."
Well,hello,there,Minerva! He rolled back over,and sat up. Opening audio and video channels. Feel free to use my eyes and ears. I may need your help for something soon. Steven slid off the table,and gestured for Elvis to lead the way. "So,to the workshop. Time to get things done. Mind going to the QMS to get the weapons and ammo?"
"very well then"

he stopped and stopped the numbing spell, causing intense pain to shoot from the gaping wound, he reversed all his healing, re-opening all the wounds in the muscles he had just healed

"prideful little wench"

the doctor walked out of the room, letting her bleed all over he floor.

"requesting... all items you currently require have been approved, they are being delivered to the practice rane, a you're current rate they will arrive 3 minutes and 56 seconds after you arrive"

Elvis lead the way

"Sir, forgive me but... i feel you were very rude to that scientist back there, not even saying "thank you" for installing the new components"
Steven winced. "Sorry...I've got a lot on my mind...But that's no excuse. I'll thank them after I ge the prototypes made." Minerva? Can you detect another presence in my mind? There's usually another one. I can't find it. It's unsettling.
Her coffee mug connected with the wall seconds after he left. Shaking her head, and forcing herself up, she looked over the wound herself. "Guess that pill won't be enough now, will it...." Running a new scan, he did indeed cause more injury than before. "This is why I don't let other doctors I haven't trained touch me..." She growled, the pain not even affecting her in the slightest. Moving towards the bookshelf, she pulled one open, before going into her second secret room. The surgery room.

Pressing a hand over her stomach for the sake of pressure, she moved quickly and carefully. Gauze, disinfectant, another bottle of med pills - as the one she had taken before was completely nullified now-, a few needles, a mirror, a roll of stitching thread, and a syringe. Laying everything out, she set to work quickly, actually taking the time to set up the muscles into their correct place, and very carefully sparking veins back together with the little magic she had regained, when she had the blood problems back in control, she cleaned the wounds several times. Cracking another one of her med pills between her teeth, the shot of magic that came from it gave her enough power to seal the flesh back together enough for her to not have to worry about it coming apart again.
the doctor contacted Marco

"Sir, it seems your little friend doesn't want any help"

"yeah, i should have remembered, thanks anyway doctor"

the doctor disconnected, teleporting away.

Steven could feel Minerva probing his mind, eventually sending a message

"there seems to be a second conciousness inside you're brain, Mr Adams, but it is very weak, nearly nonexistant in fact"
Steven's eyes widened. That would be it. I need a location,Minerva. Without that conciousness,I'm a dead man.
When she was done, a majority of the healing was going to be done all naturally. The way she liked it. No one healed correctly through magic use alone, in fact, it healed a little sub par compared to just waiting and letting it fix itself. Contacting Marco mentally, she whistled sharply.

The next time you get the smart idea to send one of your 'doctors' to help me, don't.

​None of the tone was pleasent. Shutting off the connection before he could even reply, she began to clean up the room, burning anything that had blood on it.
Minerva transmitted the exact location and status of the other conciousness drectly to his brain without saying a word.

Marco rolled his eyes

"well, so much for trying to help"

he went back to work
Steven delved to the location of his mind,to where Aenor was hiding. The location was interesting;it housed no critical proccesses. Visually,to the magical visitor,the location was an island,surrounded by,not water,but crude oil. The island was made of solid,riveted steel,with only a large grate or two dotting the surface. At the center was a figure wearing a tattered gray robe,holding a simple scythe. "Aenor. I needed help to find you. Why were you so quiet?" Aenor didn't say a word;he didn't even turn around.
Leslie sighed, leaning against a door frame, the shadow mimicking her on the other side. "It'd be harder to keep things I'd rather not explain away from him too...." The shadow nodded. "I mean, Chaos is already fuming over the whole thing, Life and Peace are probably laughing up a storm some where....I worry, you know? This place was built as a way so that even the other three aces can't get to you...but up there? Completely free game." Nailing her head against the frame, she looked over the shadow.

"And I doubt you'd want to come...so that leaves me weapon less as well..." Hanging her head, she sighed. "This isn't good..." The shadow slid out of the room, and down the stairs to the cellar. Leslie followed after. Down there, with a large cauldron like thing in the center, and shelves lines with various things ranging from liquids to organs to live creatures, it began to place things inside it.

"You know....he means well...and your worrying about things you don't know will happen yet..." It replied, voice shifty with every word.
Minerva sent another message to Steven's brain

"aplifying the signal of the other signature"

soon, Aenor's essance began to shine like a sun, a beacon to Steven.
Grabbing a heart from a jar and dropping it in, the Shadow looked at Leslie. "I mean...how do you know Chaos will do anything? He could have done it by now if he was...." It poured in three different tinted pink bottles, "And your right....I won't leave here...but you still have a way back...."

"But running away to grab you if anything goes wrong....that's too much time wasting..." Leslie replied, watching her partner closely.

Lighting a fire beneath it, they waited. When it began to bubble, the shadow wrapped an empty bottle in a spider web, before dipping it in. Pulling it back out, she handed it to Leslie. Grasping the bottle, she looked at it, before shaking her head and downing it.
Marco closed the folder and put it back on the pile

"i'm going on break, Charlotte you can take some time off afer you finish putting those reports into the system"

he went outside, the weather system was changing, it was cold inside their little pocket dimention

"winter, eh?"

little by little, the snow began to fall around the school, it began light but slowly became heavier.

Marco reached into his pocket and pulled out a packet of smokes then lit it up with a fmall flame from his hand

he took a few puffs before exhaling a cloud of thick smoke.
The pulling force that came after knocked Leslie off her feet, or rather, out of them. Standing there, staring at herself, she grinned. "Brilliant..." Her voice was a mere whisper, a hollow echo. The shadow nodded, before moving through the wall, Leslie following after with ease.

"I thought you'd like some time...to just list aimlessly around planes of existence....no one can see you, the most they feel is a cold chill, and if you speak, it'd be like a faint whistle to anything living...." It explained quietly, before opening a portal. Leslie floated through, before floating through into a hallway full of doors. The shadow walked beside her, motioning towards one of the very last ones. "It's yours...you know.."
Marco continued his smoke, a small bird landed next to him

"hey buddy"

"please do not call me "buddy" Mr highland"

"great, i can't tell whats a bird and whats a mage in disguise"

"indeed sir, but if i may inquire sir, i bring to your attention a situation most terrible" (the bird has a deep, posh english accent)


"yes sir, our fleet has picked up a water-based force of old ones, like scaled giant squids"

"huh really?..."


"i think this is about time to bring those sonic-blasters online, they'be been known to make other old ones explode correct? and we have water-based models..."

"i understnad sir, i will return with a report after this theory is tested in a day or two"

"don;t let me keep you"

"of course sir"

the bird flew away, and entered a small portal, and he was gone.

"i must find out who in the sam-hell gave him authorization to teleport past our shield"
"Is it?" Leslie said quietly, moving towards it. When she stood in front of it, she touched the door, the thing swinging open. Inside, was just breathtaking. Stepping inside, she felt a warmth she'd never think she'd ever have. Sighing, she let herself settle into the false dream world, taking her mind of what would, or could happen. The shadow shut the door from the outside, and stood gaurd.
Marco finished his smoke and turned around

"I'm going charlotte, don't forget, if you don't understand something, just make a note and get back to it later"

he walked from the office, he was about to open a portal somewhere but he decided not to... he wanted to take a walk.

he walked down into th countyard of the school, he looked right, he saw a student couple making out next to one of the pillars outside the art building.

he looked left and he saw some of the science kids preparing to launch a small rocket

"guys, if you're gonna launch that thing, i want it aimed at either a solid target or have it pointing at nothing! if i hear about a broken window, bench, sign or statue, i'll know its you!"

"yes Mr Highland" called out the students.

Sam chuckled, standing up again

"oh? looks like its snowing, the weather system must be working then... seeya buddy, i wanna see if i have any contol over ice-magic"

Sam walked out, he picked up Katsura and strapped her to his back again.

he got outside and saw Marco

"Mr Highland, lovely weather"

"well, if it isn't the class skipping Sam, who i saved back in the store room, i dont surpose Katsure has been making an effort to contain you?"

Katsura spoke up

"Sorry Highland-sama, but sam is my owner, i cannot go against him in such a way"

Marco sighed, before smiling a bit

"care to walk with me awhile?"

"uhh.. sure"

the went along, talking about things, from school affairs to the old ones and more.
Ins waved to Sam as he left, and went back to lazying around in his hammock. *Might go test the shadows later...* He thought to himself, as he mentally planned out how his room would look. By the time he was done with it, it would be a steamer/Mechanics heaven.
Charolette sighed. By the look on Marco's face something wasn't perfectly fine. She hoped that it wasn't something to do with his injured friend to whom she dispatched a doctor not too long ago, or even worse, something on the fronts. It was, without a dobut an un-pleasant message that only he could hear or see.

After being told to enter the report into system, she immedietly got to work. After several minutes of her slender fingers, dancing over the keyboard, whole report was enterd into system, down to the last detail and notification about it being enterd into system sent to every higher commander or officer that may have have a need to see the information.

Cracking her fingers, Charolette streched in her comfy chair. Marco gave her time off, and she sure needed it, after spending the whole day up untill now behind monitors and books, her mind now flooded with data. At times like this, it's best to take a walk... Succubi thought to herself, as she stood up to get some fresh air.

Strolling trough the courtyard, she noticed a change in the weather. Oh, my... I need to investigate exactly how this is done later today... She made her mind up to go towards the bridge. She wasn't going to exit the barrier, just stroll along in that way, maybe go all the way to the hevily guarded cabin, but no further than that... actually she would probably stay wary of the cabin. As much as she was interested in how all the gadgets used by guards work, she wasn't silly enough to approach them before making a research on what all those pieces of equpment they use do...
Marco and Sam walked along the wall of the castle the school was housed in, hey looked down and saw Charlotte.

"Hey Mr Highland.... you're with Leslie, so why hire a succubus to be your assistant?"

"why?... oh i see what you're getting to, you see, not all succubi are sex-crazed nymphos, like Charlotte... at no point has she tried to "get with" me and she knows if she does, she'll be fired"

"what if shes only holding back because she'll get fired it she does?"

"Sam, yuo're making generalizations about all succubi, sure Charlotte is flirty thats just part of her nature, and thats the extent of what shes like in that area"

he chuckled a bit

"maybe i should introduce you to her"

as he said that, he nudged Sam a bit.

Sam blushed untill he was practically glowing

"wha? NO! man, come on, dont joke around like that"

"i'm not joking, come on, you're too uptight"

"so are you"

"yeah, but i've got reasons to be, i was just as uptight as you when i was younger, and it really screwed me up... you need to have fun while y"

he was cut off when sam scooped snow up into Marco face

"of you little"

Marco scooped up some snow as well and began throwing it at sam, who was doing the same.

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