WW - The New World

Actually, the legs where wite because of the glow of his magic reacting to his dark skin, turning it white and glowing, giving it the illusion of "burning"

at the next stage, the Incubus jumped, taking his rope and swinging right over the "muffin monster" he almost fell back to his death but he got forward, he fel to his knees briefly, recovering from the shock of him nearly dying. but he was up in barely a second and running the 100 metres to the hellhound pen.
Steven dove to the ground and rolled,not losing momentum. He then sprang forward with incredible force,and extended his fingers. He hooked his fingers behind the rope,then retracted his fingers,easily grabbing it. Steven swung across the grinder easily,and hit the ground with a roll,and sprinted towards the hound pen,ahead of the incubus.
Alec, catching just the last of what he said, barked out something along the lines of a laugh. "I'm not Holly Short there Root...." Rather than feel stronger, the magic just sort of bounced around in her like she was a circuit, before ricocheting back into Marco. Hannah, who had been sitting on the arm of the couch, crawled over and set her hand over her moms. Kissing her child's finger, Alec sort of nudged Marco away. "It won't do anything anyway...." She muttered. "It's not...fatal....just...damaging."
Marco frowned, taking his hand away.

"... who the hell is Holly Short?"

as he asked this, he put his hand over her again, this time the magic was just keeping the blood inside the right areas, not actualy healing, more like Damage control.

the incubus was hot on Steven's tail.

soon the got to the cage, the incubus jumped, and the hounds were on his back in barely a second, but he threw one off, never stopping.

he managed to break free and was on the final stretch, neck-and-neck with Steven.

at the end, the Incubus tried to jump ahead, he won but steven hot his whole body over the line before him, so technically it was a draw.

the incubus was panting, he looked up at Steven ans smiled

"i've never seen a human move like that, not even the commander... i'm impressed, human, very impressed"
Steven leapt into the hound cage,and dove,leapt and wove under,over and around the hounds,giving them vicious elbow strikes should they get a good lunge trajectory. He left the pen neck and neck with the incubus,and pushed himself to run even faster,just as the incubus leapt for the line.

It was declared a draw. At the incubus' comment,Steven nodded,and said, "You're no slouch,either. It was a great race." Steven offered his hand for shaking. "I'm Steven Adams. Great to meet you."
The incubus shook Stven's hand

"my name cannot be pronounced by human tongues, even modified ones, just call me "Elvis" everyone else does"

the incubus streched his back

"wanna get something to eat? i'm starved"

his horns glowed a bit.. even though he was a demon, he didn't seem to be a bad guy.

the nurse came over

"that would be wise, Mr Adams, your body gains energy like an organic one, by breaking down food and converting the protiens and fats into energy, and your fat storage is running dangerously low"
Steven nodded. "Alright,Elvis. What do you have a hankering for? Besides women's souls? I'm in a pasta mood..." He faced the nurse. "Where's the kitchen?"
"pah, souls! what would we want souls for? useless things, all we would do with a soul is sell it to purgatory to be judged... the desire to sex is in my species's nature, like the human conpulsion to scratch an itch or pick your nose"

he thought for a minute

"Pizza... cheese, ham, pineapple and egg... 3 eggs..."

he licked his lips, like he would do while looking over a beautiful woman.. of course everything he did sounded and lokedlike he was doing it over a beatiful woman on a bed, even the way he scratched his nose oddly enough.

he put his arm around Steven's shoulders as they walked

"lets go, you should see what they do to heat them up, first, they take the milk of a succubus, then they ignite it, yeah demon milk is flamable, then they..." he kept on explaining.

by the time they arrived, Steven would be pale with horror, by the ways they prepare the meals.

but once they were in they encountered the strong aromas of the delicious smelling foods, it smelled like the kitchen of a high-class resturaunt, fantasic! it seemed to wash away all the horrible thoughts of how they cooked it from Steven's mind
Steven was disturbed by Elvis' explanation of 'Cubus cooking. "Interesting method...But I'd like to keep to my own." Steven looked at the tables,then at the doors to the back. "I doubt they'd let me cook my own food,eh?" He shrugged,and pulled a pen from the reception desk,and a napkin from a nearby table,and began to write down a list.

Noodles and garnishes

-Boneless chicken breast

-Fettucine noodles



-Parmesan cheese


-Cream of mushroom soup

-Ground pepercorns


-Put a pot of water to boil

-Mix sauce in seperate bowl

-Dice chicken and brown in a pan. Season with Montreal Chicken spice and Worcheschire sauce

-When water boils,add salt. Add noodles

-When chicken is browned,lower heat to a simmer. Add sauce mixture

-When noodles are nearly ready,add broccoli

-When noodles and broccoli are ready,dump contents of pot into a sieve

-Dump contents of seive back into the pot. Add butter. Mix thoroughly

-Serve hot

Steven placed the pen back on the desk,and sat at a table nearby,after pulling a seat out for Elvis. He looked at the recipie he just jotted down. It was one of his favourites. Every thursday at the orphanage it was prepared. Then Nightrise reduced it to a field of ash,with naught more than a marble slab left to remember those who died. They will pay.
the cooks got to work on the new dish, the cooks were all demons with at least 6 arms each, allowing them to cook in amaxing time.. each cook had 3 eyes as well, talk about multi-tasking.

it took barely 3 minutes, and both the large pizza and Steven's dish was prepared, it looked and smelled a helluva lot better than how it was in the orphanage.

"not bad for army grub, right? nah you only see this here at home base the field stuff is mainly cooked enemy limbs... oh dont look at me like that! they're like giant crabs! completely edible"
"Book person....had to read the whole series to David when he was little....." Alec said. "She was basically a fairy....they absorbed power by planting a seed in the ground or some weird thing like that..." Coughing a little, she scared Hannah. Chuckling a bit, she looked at Marco. "Why the hell do you even care?"
"i don't care, i want to know who holly short is because you mentioned... never mind"

he took his hand away again

"okay, you're not bleeding any more, but you should stay down, or your wounds might re-open"

he sat on the armchair next to the couch, laying his head back

"what a day... i proposed to leslie just before... she said yes"
Ins scratched at the head of his Python. He stood just in front of the Large chasm, his suitcase and bag next to him. "I know your hungry. Just, chill. We'll grab some munchies later." He muttered under his breath, clearly to the snake. The way he talked to it you'd assume he could read it's mind, or something like that. But, no. He was just good at guessing when it wanted something, by the way it acted. And right now, it was coiled as tight as possible, without actually injuring Ins.

Hesitantly, He stepped onto the bridge, expecting something to happen, like a guard or...gate to pop up and stop him. When nothing of the sort appeared, the skinny teen continued across the bridge, towards the cloud just in front of him. From what his parents had said, Ins knew that behind the cloud, the school should lie. But he wasn't to sure. And weren't clouds wet? He didn't want his gear to come out all soggy... Ins ignored the thought. He shouldn't worry about stuff like that. Besides, the cloud was magic! The chances of it having the normal consistency were slim.
they didn't get wet, this cloud was anythign but normal.

soon, Ins was stopped, there was a jeep with 3 men in it, all were wearing fearsome-looking armour and all had a weapon of some kind, one had an assault rifle, another had a large spear, the one approaching him has a blade

"show your student or staff identification"

this was the checkpoint, the first line in case the school was attacked, understandable considering the last 3 were prone to assault
Ins stared at the men, a look of mild surprise on his face. He shook himself out of it, and made a great show of emptying out his pockets. Rubbish and junk of all kind tumbled out, from a snapped magnet to a half repaired calculator. The only thing that wasn't there, was his ID. He moved to check his bag, but was momentarily distracted by a muffled hissing noise. From within his T-shirt, the snake stuck it's head out, The card somehow held within it's mouth. "Ah...There it is." He plucked the card from the snakes mouth, and passed it to the officer. The snake took a quick look at it's surrondings, before quickly retreating back into its home.
The officer bought out a scanner and used it on the card, there was a "beep" and the officer handed it back

"sorry, the last 3 schools were attacked, we're not taking chances with this one"

he gestured Ins to walk with the guard

"we have guards all over the place, so you're completely safe, you are free to leave, so long as you come back with your ID, and we're payed to keep you and others safe, odds are we wont care if you get up to mischief"

after Ins was past the checkpoint, the cloud began to clear, revealing the new school, in all it's wonder, from the high battlements, to the paths going down the Chasm's walls into the cloud below, to the mountains and forrests in the background.

at the gate, Sam and Riyoshi were, they were caught trying to sneak back in by a teacher on break, and now they were getting punished by having to sit there with their legs cuffed, having to read up on mathemaatics until they had memorized several key questions

Sam looked over to Ins, "hey dude, you're late" he joked
Ins shrugged at the remark. There was no reason for him to be late. Not a good one at least. He'd only just dropped out of normal school a couple weeks ago, after a particular incident. *Dunno why i got suspended. I only hurt a few people, and even than, those bones would heal back.* He'd thought to himself that day. His parents gave up on the 'Normal Life as a Child' thing, and sent him here.

Ins gazed at the tall spires, before looking at the two guys chained together. With a slight smile, he offered his hand to shake. "Yeah, I'm late. By the way, My name's Ins. Ins Rivela." He said, a slight slur to some of his words.
"right, I'm Sam Greene, this is Riyoshi"

Sam nodded to him.

a beautiful woman approached Ins, she was dressed in a kimino, she looked japanese.

"i am sorry, but the teachers are currently punishing them, may i help y- OH MY! i'm sorry, i am katsura, Sam-Sama's blade, a weapon-spirit, pleased to meet you, i would shake your hand but you will probably get cut"
Ins gave a slight, kinda royal bow. Just for theatrics. "Nice to meet you." He stood back up, and scratched his head in a confused manner. "Uh...Do you know where i need to go? I was given instructions, but...uh...They were eaten." Ins said, a slight blush crossing his face. It wasn't a lie, they had been eaten. But he felt like a bit of an idiot letting them get eaten. *I probably shouldn't leave important documents lying around anymore...* He thought to himself.
Katsura bowed formally in return to Ins's bow

"es, go in the main gate just over there, and there are several signs pointing you to the reception"

she gestured to the main door.
"Thanks! I guess i'll see you later, than." Ins picked his bags up, and headed towards the main doors. He pushed the doors open with his foot, and almost toppled over in the process. He entered the hall and followed the arrows, quietly muttering to his snake as it slowly coiled around his arm. From past experience, that meant it was getting REALLY hungry. Which usually lead to Papers and other necessities getting eaten.
"Sure, sure..." Alec muttered. "If they reopen they reopen..." But, she had a feeling he'd tie her down or something if she fought. Instead, she pulled a blanket down and wrapped it over herself after tugging Hannah next to her. After a while, the kid feel asleep, leaving them to talk. "I meant, why do you care....about this?" She gestured towards where the wounds were hidden under the cotton. "And did she? Odd..."
Steven quirked an eyebrow at the chef's comment. "Your cuisine seems a little...Exotic for me. Call me a caveman,but I like what I know." Steven ate his meal in silence afterward. He put his mind to how he could modify the Phalanx pistol so it would work. Finally,he came upon a solution; Create Element Zero. It was the only way.
"why do i care... Alec, we've known each-other since we were 12, even though you no doubt hate me... i still see you as a friend, why shouldn't i care?"

he smiled a bit, but after her next bit his eyes became a little bit angry.

"and yeah, she did say "yes" whats so odd about that?"

Elvis was eating at an alarming rate.

"not at all! a lot of what these guys make looks and tastes rather funny to humans, its understandable but you should remember, its all edible, i'm not saying you should try it out right now, just maybe give it a go from time to time, get to know the taste of it"
Argo strode the dimly lit streets of yet another human city. Moonlight gleamed off his graying silver hair half-covered by a dark robe that almost swept the ground. He pulled the hood over his head, just a bit more to hide the unmistakable gleam of magic in his eyes, and turned down a narrow dark street. He was now an old man, past his physical prime by far, but the magic that ran through his veins seemed bursting to get out. Argo shivered both from the call of magic, and the weather. The temperature in this town had dropped an unnatural amount in the past few days and Argo was investigating the effects. His glowing eyes swept over the dark alleys and dead ends, but he saw no recent magical residue to tip him off of the cause of the strange weather.

"Dammit!"... he cursed under his breath, "I'm getting too old for this crap"

He glanced at his watch (which wasn't really a watch) and watched the dials twist and turn until it seemed to point down another dark street. Turning and walking where the pointer indicated, he shuffled down the street.

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