• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy World of Zorathia (Not accepting at this time)


The last survivor of the Freelands
Rules to follow

#1: No God-modding or power modding. It ruins the story for everyone else

#2: I don't expect super-detailed posts, but I ask at least for 2 paragraphs. That way we can keep the roleplay following with good energy

#3: If you join, don't just post once and leave. If you have important matters, Please alert me so that we can moderate it at your discretion, and continue the story for the other members

#4: Time Period is Pre-industrial. Blackpowder weapons are almost non-existent, except for fireworks and cannons.

#5: As I wrote, I am open to suggestions. Please, let me know if have ideas for the story. This will work better if we all pitch in for it.

#6: Before anyone asks, I will allow any race within reason. That includes Naga's, Lizardkin, Elves, Dwarves, and Merfolk. So long as the race is reasonable, and fits within the Roleplay's setting, you can be literally any race.

#7: Have fun!
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Strength: 6

Perception: 4

Endurance: 1

Charisma: 4

Intelligence: 4

Agility: 5

Luck: 4

Andy sat in his apartment at his laptop, taking a long drink of the glass bottle of pepsi in front of him. Today was a big success: The release of their game, Fables of Chaos, was tonight. At long last, those long nights of testing, story writing, caffeine fueled frenzies were going to pay off. Andy was proud, no beyond proud, of the achievement that he and his small company made. Without a doubt, this game would be a huge success, as Andy was already preparing a story for the sequel. "Make no mistake, my friends. Our work has just begun. May this be our finest year yet. "Andy said, dumping the bottle in the garbage. Tomorrow, they'd be reviewing the first-wave of people playing the game. They'd have to make up for anything they missed, but hopefully it wasn't as bad as some thought. Andy was getting ready to close his laptop, when he got a Ping in his mailbox. Curious, he clicked on it, to find a message in his inbox from someone simply called 'Unknown'.

'Tired of life in the real world? Want to get away from your troubles, and enjoy a life of Magic and Intrigue? Try out 'Fables of Chaos', the first installment to a new line of gaming!'

Below the message was a link. Andy thought this was curious, but he expected it was one of his colleagues sending out key's for the game. I mean, if you make it, why not play it? Andy clicked on the link to try the game, but found that his inbox just exited out, and his computer shut off. Andy just shook his head. "Probably a junk link or something. I'll get Abby to fix it tomorrow. "he said, closing his laptop, and laying down on the bed. "Tomorrow is going to be a long day....."He said, finally drifting off to sleep.


Andy would feel......strange as he woke up. The first thing he would notice was an earthy smell.....he was laying on a field of grass. Looking up, he saw trees instead of concrete and wood. "The hell.....am I having a dream?"he asked, reaching over to pinch himself. While pinching his hand, he noticed two things: One, this was not a dream, and Two, he had a studded gauntlet over his left arm. He also noticed he had a iron plated leather armor over his chest instead of his normal attire. "What the hell....."he started feeling his arms, and he noticed one thing: When the hell did he have muscles like that?! He wasn't a weak person, but he didn't have a strong build either. He reached up to touch his face, and even that felt different!

Running over to the nearby stream, not even paying attention to how fast he ran, Andy looked into the water, and he thought he was looking at a completely different person. Reaching up to touch his face, Andy began panicking. "This has to be a dream right.....or I am hallucinating on some strong shit! What, did someone spike my drink or something?.....Holy shit, man.....holy shit!"Andy said, falling back. He then noticed he was not alone: There were others there on the ground. They all looked familiar.....until Andy realized they looked like his friends and coworkers Avatars. "Uh.....Hello?.....Rowan?....Tsuki?....Abby?......Tim? Guys, we have a big problem!!!"Andy said, looking around. "A big....fucking....problem...."
Strength: 4

Perception: 1

Endurance: 4

Charisma: 5

Intelligence: 4

Agility: 5

Luck: 5

Rowan Autumns had had a good day, he'd finally been able to stop testing the game, and they'd had a reasonably good night. But something's wrong now. "What the hell? I'm pretty sure that I don't have fucking grass in my apartment." He looked around, and heard a familiar voice. "Boss, you're here too?"

Rowan--- or, Crow now, thought back on the events of how he could've gotten here. He had gotten home, excited that he'd finished testing, and logged onto his computer. He'd gotten an email, and opened it. It said something about escaping the real world. He'd clicked the link, and his computer had shut down. After that he'd went to bed, feeling odd...

Oh, shit. This seems like a bad novel plot. Being stuck in the game you helped with. But... Crow looks down at his hand, the hand of his avatar. He looks into the distance and starts moving, not knowing where he'd end up. Soon he finds a lake and looks into it. His face, but harder, with different eyes. The face of his avatar that he had used. "We'll, shit." That's all he can really say as he tries to process this.
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~*Tsuki/Arima Spirit*~

Strength: 3

Perception: 3

Endurance: 3

Charisma: 2

Intelligence: 7

Agility: 5

Luck: 5

It was a good day for her old friend's new game. She was happy to hear that the game was going to launch soon and it was still interesting to see Andy's face once the product was released. She was an artist for his company, drawing whatever came into his crazy little head. While it did irritate her to high hell, she enjoyed drawing out the sceneries, some of the people, the monsters and whatnot. It brought good money and gave her a chance to meet some interesting people.

The young dark skin woman was at home, sitting in front of her laptop as she sipped her cream soda. It was late and she was getting a few drawings for some friends. "So much work~" She said softly before looking over towards her picture of her small family. A smile crept on her face, sipping her drink through the straw until her attention was taken to a small bell chime coming from her laptop. The dark skin female arched a brow as she moved her cursor towards the email and opened it. "The hell?" Tsuki said softly to herself, it was a message for the game. Instructions to be exact on how to install it. She sighed softly before clicking the link. But it didn't work. "Wow, that broken link though." Tsuki chuckled to herself before closing the laptop and bade her way towards her bed and soon fell asleep.


Tsuki slept soundly, she groaned softly as she tossed and turned. Her breathing slowed but something was wrong. There was a lot of air coming through her bedroom window. What didn't help was the fact Tsuki remembered closing the windows. The young woman rose her hands up and gently scratched her hair, soon stopping once she felt something on her head. It was hard and it felt as if it was protruding from her head naturally.

She opened her eyes slowly, her vision blurred before hearing something in the background. It was a noise. More like talking. Tsuki slowly rolled to her side as she sat up, groaning a bit as she held her head. "Quit yelling, I'm trying to sleep." She grumbled before blinking a few times. Soon her vision cleared up, seeing the large field of green and flowers. Her face showed that she was dumbfounded, blinking a few times before looking at herself and towards the one talking. Her eyes widen once she recognized him as Andy, "Andy? What is going on, where are we and what did you break?" She questioned, looking around towards everyone who had been there, her co-workers and friends. Another one of them had even woke up and seemed to be questioning it as well.
Strength: 7

Perception: 3

Endurance: 6

Charisma: 3

Intelligence: 3

Agility: 5

Luck: 1

Abby closed the door of her flat behind her, took her shoes of and let herself fall into her couch. The life of a programmer wasn't always easy. She rested for a few minutes before she got up again to take her laptop. She expected a restless night, the game the company she worked for just got released, and there sure'd be still some fine issues. When she checked her emails, she noticed something strange. It was an email, in which there was a link for the game. Abby was confused, she was sure that, if there was someone sending out keys or anything, she'd know about it. As curious as she was she clicked on the link, and after a few moments her laptop shut off on it's own. "What the...?", she mumbled to herself, desperately trying to turn it back on. A sudden wave of tiredness overcame her.

"Well I guess the work can wait until tomorrow...", she said while yawning, before passing out on the couch.

Abby was woken up by a person talking, sounding like they were complaining about something. As she wanted to cover her eyes with her arm, she felt an unusual weight on her, but yet she had no problem raising her arm. She slowly opened her eyes, and to her surprise, she found herself outside. She got up and looked around. It seemed like she wasn't the only one there, but also her work collegues. Where were they, and how?
Logan was on his laptop playing video games when he got an email. He looked at it, there was a link where you could try out Fables of Chaos. He had been beta testing it for a while, but hadn't played the actual game. He clicked the link without hesitation, but his laptop shut down. "Must be a bug." He said to himself, feeling suddenly tired. He got in his bed and fell asleep instantly.


When Logan woke up, the first thing he did was move some strands of his long black hair out of his face. He then realized his hair was normally supposed to be short and brown. He panicked and ran to the river, looking in and seeing the face of his avatar.
"What the heck?" He mumbled to himself. He looked over at Andy. "Do you know what's going on?" He asked, confused. @Andraus
@Dakota Drakon @PaintedLily @Sulfurlix @HikaruxKaoru

In a seemingly peaceful town, people were going about their business without knowledge of any new people arriving in their world - the only world they knew. Currently, a man with blond hair sauntered down the street without a care in the world. It was just a normal day for him, nothing out of the ordinary or wrong. He was just now heading back to his little family, his three other siblings and a friend, where they waited for him. "So, what job shall we take today?" He inquired with a grin as he placed a hand on his hip. "And I know... No forcing Azzy to cross-dress... At least until next week!" He spoke, soon laughing as he would move to hide partially behind Sirah from the man.

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