World of Pokemon [Inactive]

Blake, flying over the forest on Lance, could see Celebi. He saw Celebi doing it's job, healing the forest. This made him happy, but the next thing that happened horrified him. Celebi was captured.. Celebi? "Lance, down, NOW!" The Salamence looked up at him, shocked. "GO! We need to help Celebi!" The dragon blinked then started shooting down among the trees.
Meeka shrunk down as the Team Rocket leader hauled her around. His hand was clasped tightly around her upper arm, and she was not able to manuver away on these stairs. Her eyes wide with confusion and panic she didn't try to struggle, but let herself be pulled away. She had seen Wind leave with the others in these dark black outfits. She thought back to how little she knew about them, and allowed herself to assume they were people he knew. She was bright, but optimistic, and tried not to think of the flames as Houndour's fault. She stumbled at the side of the intimidating man who would occasionally tug her to the side as she pulled away.

"Let me go!" She demanded, her eyes were fiery again as he had pulled her too close for comfort. His breath smelt of sickness and filled her face as he told her to be quiet. She coughed bitterly at both the smell and the smoke that flowed down from the higher tower.

As the leader pushed her down aggressively, a trainer showed up, and challenged her 'captor' with a fierce glare. Daniel had shown up after a few flights of stairs, but Meeka had already begun to think of a way to find out what was happening. If she allowed herself to continue to wherever they were taking her, she could find Wind and get an explanation. It was a long shot but she had been ready for the consequences.

When this new trainer showed her plans were dashed, and a hope of escaping came forward. She tugged out of the Man's arms, pushing violently away before finding herself pushing too far. In the momentum she hit the railing square in her gut, pushing her over and tilting over the edge. She felt the villain catch her wrist before she fell over, and be pulled back into his grasp, one hand threatening her neck as he glared at the new trainer. She faced Daniel with eyes wide, unsure of what he would do.

"You are really going to try and fight me boy?" Tremor (name of the Rocket boss) looked at the boy who had challenge him with distaste. He had hoped to dispatch this girl quickly, and then leave with his comrades. Now he'd have to deal with this punk too.

"Crobat, deal with him" Smiling wickedly, the giant bat flew at the boy, sending him tumbling back into the girl behind him. Then the flames appeared. They had finally caught up with the building, and the inside had become a furnace, burning away quickly, beams of wood already falling from the ceiling. Pulling his cloak tight to his body, Tremor sighed as the boy showed to signs of giving up.

"I guess we'll have to do this the hard way hm? Crobat, Cross Poison."


Wind struggled to breath through the flame as he stumbled away from the building. He had escaped the Rocket Grunts, and now was trying to escape this burning town. People all around him fled in panic, which didn't at all help him cope. His worst fear was death by suffocation, so this was hell on earth for him. Sumbling through the flames, he came upon a fallen form on the ground. It was accompanied by what appeared to be a shadow, but Wind realized it was a pokemon in only a second, just covered in ashes. An absol. Bending down, he finally recognized the form on the ground.


He panicked as he saw her motionless body, and released Houndour into the streets next to him.

"Help me Houndour! We need to get them to safety!" Houndour picked up the tattered form of Eevee by the scruff of it's neck, and allowed Absol to lean against him for support. Wind tried to hoist Cross up, but he was about half her size, so he had an almost impossible time. Eventually, he just had to drag her away from the scene, pressure on his muscles double as he struggled to escape the hellfire.
As soon as Daniel got up from the hit he had suffered, the crobat was already preforming another move guarunteed to keep him down. Daniel, in a quite feeble attempt, lept to the side which, miraculously, caused crobat to miss. Daniel kept his face on the outside stern, but on the inside his expression was solely fear. The young girl was in danger, more so now that he had tried to help. He looked Tremor, up and down. He was strong and sturdy. Even as muscular as he was, Daniel knew he couldn't overpower him. The only chance he had to save her was to distract the Golbat, and use his pokemon on the man and force him to release his grip. This would free her, and allow them to escape to Jayden outside. But, the Golbat was strong and it's sight were set on Daniel. He only had one pokemon that could even match his strength, but unfortunately the type of pokemon the leader had won out against his. It was at this moment, Daniel saw his opportunity. The ghastly that had been hovering around their heads made a dive at Tremor as soon as the crobat was far enough away. The Ghastly bit him on the arm; causing him to release his grip on the young girl. The Golbat, in an attempt to protect his trainer, chased the ghastly out of the window. Daniel didn't hesitate one moment. He shouted, "Go lucario!" He weakly tossed the pokeball he had been holding and Lucario emerged from the white light. Before the man knew what was happening, Daniel commanded Lucario to use dark pulse. It connected perfectly; causing the leader of team rocket flew into the wall, making it crack on impact. He called to lucario, "come one! let's get out of here!" Lucario nodded, helped him up, and ran down the stairs. "miss, we need to go," he said to the girl mid cough. "It isn't safe."
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Tremor felt his body pulse with pain as he as thrown against the wall. Turning his head, he saw Crobat flying out the window after the Gastly.

"No you idiot! Get back here! Damn it!" Turning back to the kids, who were trying to escape, he pulled himself up the wall and pulled a pokeball of his belt.

"Scolipede! Get them all!"

The giant monster of an insect appeared at roared in rage at his newfound opponents. It screeched in such a loud voice, that his opponents had to grab their heads in pain.

"Poison Jab!"

((Sorry for short post, I'm about to leave for a while, feel free to control Tremor for a while.))
Meeka felt a rush of adrenaline as she was released from Tremor. She stumbled to the ground and heaved herself up in a flurry. Her jacket caught on one of the embers of the building and singed silently as she ran down the stairs. She grabbed Daniel's arm to steady herself as she fled, making sure that she could run, while at the same time securing that he too had escaped the flames. As she ran passed Jayden she hollered something that was lost in the flames, and hoped she too was fleeing from the building.

As she reached the base of the stairs she looked up to see a stunned Tremor about to rise, and felt fear bubble up within her. She bolted for the door and only stopped when she felt the chill of fresh air hit her face. She coughed and shook as the smoke had taken over her lungs and made her sick. She stumbled a few feet from the entrance before falling to her knees and becoming ill all over the dirt before her. She looked up at Daniel and tried to murmur a thanks, but only coughs spewed from her lips. Her face grew pale as she coughed more, but couldn't seem to feel the air in her lungs. She watched the flames flicker in a daze, as everyone ran around her.

Meeka thought of her Pokemon before slumping over.

The actions that had transpired were so quick, Daniel had a hard time comprehending them. They were out of the building, but a new problem had arose. The giant insect of a pokemon charged down the stairs after them and Meeka had passed out in his arms. He looked at her and then at the burning building. Before the Scolipede managed to emerge from the building after them, Daniel had carried Meeka to the tree-line. If they could have gone a few yards further, they could have hid in one of the low hanging trees, but Scolipede caught them as they were about to flee. Daniel set Meeka down gingerly and took a solid stance in front of her. The Scolipede gave off it's attack, and Daniel didn't have time to think as the poison jab connected with him and entered his blood stream. He hunched over just for a minute, but difficultly returned to his feet. "Alright," He began. "My turn." Lucario hadn't seen battle for quite some time, but he hadn't lost his edge. Daniel commanded the move shadow claw, and lucario connected with the giant pokemon. It did a decent amount of damage but Daniel knew the fight was far from over. After a long battle, and Daniel being forced to use 4 of his 6 pokemon, they brought the beast down. Daniel slumped over as he felt the poison begin to over take him. He stood up, all pokemon in their respective pokeballs, and picked up Meeka. He carried her to a safe area in the woods. As he fled, he caught a glimpse of Tremor running out of the building, eyes bloodshot, and looking around the town that was now engulfed in flames. Realizing almost all of the trainers had escaped, he threw something on the ground angrily and marched off in the other direction. After they were in a safe place, a little outside of one of the other cities, he set Meeka against a tree and slumped over; life drained from him.
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Chris began to approach violet city, but noticed that it was burning. He ran closer to see if he could help anyone.
Meeka slumbered silently, coughing in her unconsciousness. As she was set down, her bag hit he tree, her bracelet falling out and rolling into the dirt. The pink Pokeball danced for a moment as Teddiursa leapt out with eagerness. She yelped at the sight of Meeka and the new trainer laying vulnerable in the woods. She began tugging on Meeka's pants until she stirred, hacking soot from her lungs as she did so. She turned groggily to Teddiursa, confused and disoriented, then looked to see where Daniel had gone. As her eyes landed on him, she started, energy filling her veins as the last of the smoke cleared her lungs. Meeka began digging through her bag and pulled out a small Pecha Berry. She mashed it quickly in a soft clothe, unable to spend the time looking for her mortar and rested the cloth in Daniel's mouth. The juices seeped through to help cure him of poison, and the pale look in his face grew colorful again as the poison dissipated. She breathed a heavy sigh and pulled Little One into her lap without saying anything as she watched for his recovery.

Daniel was very weak as he slumped against the tree. He managed to open his mouth as the remedy came. He embraced it and smiled as he felt himself slowly recover. He wasn't flush anymore and the ill feeling he had been experiencing was depleted. He smiled at Meeka before resting his head against the tree and sighing. "Thank you. You really saved me just now..." he said groggily. "Are you alright?" he asked now looking at her again, his bright blue eyes reflecting the darkness around.
Meeka fiddled with her hair tie, tightening it with a quick jerk of her fingers. She looked up at his question. She didn't know where this trainer had come from, and it made her nervous after the last flash of her memory to be here without knowing who he was. But he had challenged the trainer who tried to hold her hostage, and that in itself could have saved her life. She nodded at him appreciatively.

"I'm fine, thank you." She gestured towards the City that could be seen once again over the hill. Smoke billowed from above it as if a dark storm had taken over. It was quite intimidating. "You saved me too."

She reached for her bracelet, which sparkled on the ground where it had fallen. She fiddled with each Pokeball until she reached Emolga and Buneary. She let them free with a soft sigh and both bounced from their balls excitedly, not quite knowing what had happened. Buneary placed a paw on Meeka's knee in concern and Emolga landed on her shoulder, chirping gleefully at the sight of her Trainer safe. She pet her three small team with relief to see them all unharmed, and looked up to see Daniel watching her.

"I'm sorry I didn't battle earlier." She looked downcast as if being accused. "I didn't want them to get hurt." She let her arm sweep across the three cuties who were cuddling closer to Meeka. There was a mix of shame and protection in her eyes as she spoke.

Daniel smiled and looked at them. "I don't blame you, you know." he said now looking out into the darkness. "Risking them is like risking family. I only risked mine to protect you. You seemed innocent in all of this," he said gesturing to the charred remains of violet city. "Besides, I wouldn't have wanted you to battle with me if it meant you putting your pokemon in danger. You WERE passed out after all," He said with a weak chuckle and charming smile. "Speaking of which, do you have any berry's left? My pokemon took quite a beating from the battle." He said fiddling with the inside of his jacket until he brought out 4 pokeballs. In a quick and graceful few seconds, Lucario, a mightyena, Luxio, and quilava emerged. They were all battered with char marks and bruises. Most of them slumped over as soon as they were free. Lucario, able to walk on 2 legs and speak, sat next to Daniel. The others cuddled around him. "For some it's like risking family. For others," he said patting lucario's shoulder. "It is risking family."
Meeka nodded as she dug into her bag. She had plenty of berries, but those alone wouldn't care for this many injured Pokemon.

"Berries wont be enough." She evaluated the Pokemon as she looked from each tired face. She brought out her small mechanical clump and set it on the ground before her, activating it with a pinch as it developed into a small cooking fire. She swung the gate on top of it and found a pot and began filling it with ingredients diligently. In ten minutes flat there was a warm smell coming from the fire, and she knew this would be enough for all of them, and the Pokemon to recover with.

She served some to each of the worn out Pokemon who were resting, their color coming back in a rush, their burns seeming to fade like bruises over time. She offered some to Daniel, knowing he could still use some recovery himself.

"We don't fight." She looked over her own bowl as she spoke, her eyes dull as she spoke. "We started off wanting to train, fight, and become strong but when I saw Emolga faint for the first time...I knew it wasn't what I wanted for her." Here eyes danced between her Pokemon, and up to Daniel.

"Those Pokemon weren't just battling, were they? They went after you, and me. They were fighting trainers. They were being used, like scared angry creatures, and they had no way of knowing any better." She begun sputtering her words out with anger, mostly speaking to herself out loud at this point. She glowered at the ground again. "I bet they haven't ever truly been loved by a Trainer."

He probably looked a little funny listening to her rant as both of his cheeks were bulging out; filled with food. The berry mixture was a fantastic new taste his tongue had yet to experience. Lucario shifted his glance over to Meeka and smiled politely when she was finished talking. "Thank you." he said simply. Daniel smiled again. The rest of the pokemon were happily gobbling down the wonderful dinner. "Battling isn't for everyone, and I understand your worry for them." he said gesturing to her pokemon. "If battling isn't for you, perhaps you might like to preform in competitions. They are really fun," he said licking some of the stew from his lips. "Trainers from all over the place come and show off their pokemon. Great confidence booster!" He scrapped the bottom of his bowl and an over-exaggerated sad expression struck on his face. But he set the bowl aside and smiled, yet again. "As for those pokemon, I think your right. I believe pokemon should be loved and should be able to have fun. But those pokemon were weapons. I doubt they understand what they are doing. They are probably just listening to the trainers like they are suppose to." Quilava gave a very large yawn and fell over on his back. His belly was sticking out and he had a giant smile on his face. He muttered something in his pokemon language. After a moment, Lucario translated. "He is saying thank you for the wonderful food." Daniel grinned at his cyndaquil...always the drama king. "I dont think I caught your name before." Daniel said offering his hand to Meeka. "I'm Daniel."
Meeka smiled at the mention of competitions. She didn't quite feel like explaining that she had already participated in many competitions, and that Emolga was excellent in her beauty class due to how unique Electric Pokemon were in that class. She just nodded politely and smiled inwardly as he spoke. Her eyes grew cold as he mentioned the Pokemon being used as weapons. It hurt her deep to think of Pokemon being used that way. Surely that couldn't be the cause of the fire that took over Sprout Tower.

She began rinsing her dishes mindlessly with a small bottle of water she kept spare. All the compliments on her cooking were really her favorite thing about traveling. Little One brought her berries that she would make into any combination of goodies for passerbys. No one had ever spent and evening with her and left with an empty belly. It was just unheard of. She reached out to stroke Quillava as he rolled over, in appreciation of his compliment. As if talking to Quillava, not even noticing the offered hand, she answered,

"I'm Meeka." She looked up as another trainer passed by, calling to them with a 'Hello'. She looked at first to Daniel in surprise, and then to the new trainer, who she cautiously waived to.

Daniel had helped her with cleaning off the bowls and dishes. It was starting to get a little nippy outside, Meeka, Jayden, and him would have to make the final trip into the next town, and hopefully sleep till morning. He smiled when he told him her name and said, "Meeka? Thats a really pretty nam-" But he was cutoff as he heard the boy speak. He turned around to see someone approaching their small camp. Daniel had retrieved all of his pokemon except for Quilava and Lucario, who were eyeing the odd man. Daniel plastered on a smile and waved. "Hi." He called to him. Immediately, he looked for signs of a team rocket logo or somethingto show he wasn't friendly...but he appeared to just be a normal boy...perhaps he was lost?
Daniel didn't want to give away the real reason they were put in the middle of the forest. That they had been attacked. That they watched a beautiful city burn to the ground around them. That all three of them had nearly died from just pure smoke inhalation. Although, it was curious why this young man was ALSO out here. Maybe he was a resident of violet city? Quilava's flames began to grow bright as the man came closer. Lucario just crossed his arms as he carefully watched against a tree. Daniel looked to both of his pokemon with a calm gaze, and it seemed to put both of them at ease. Lucario and Daniel shared some kind of bond, because they could telepathically talk to each other. Careful, lucario warned from a small distance. Daniel headed what he said, but decided to greet the stranger. "Oh just checking out the stars, having a little dinner. What are YOU doing out here?" he asked with a curious eyebrow but friendly smile.
Meeka eyed the boy as he got closer. He seemed safe enough, but then again so did the people she had previously dealt with. She rubbed her upper arm with the thought, right where she had been gripped firmly from Team Rocket. She smiled, a genuine trusting smile, her eyes still showing a bit of hurt and fear through the welcome. Teddiursa climbed onto Meeka's shoulders, where Buneary leapt above and clung to her side like a child holds is held on the hip. Emolga disappeared into the growth above, eying the world below.

"Just... traveling I suppose." She answered with a stumble in her thoughts. She wasn't sure what she was doing here at this point. Breathing was all she could think of. She looked at Daniel to take the lead, unsure how to answer a question like that after the day she had already been through. She put a hand on each of the Pokemon clinging to her and rubbed their fur for her own comfort.

Absol stayed by Wind; He wouldn't leave his trainer for a second. Though he did refuse the help offered by Houndour, he was fine, compared to Cherry and Cross, he was positively peachy! Despite her fur being black now, he looked more like a shadow then himself.

The girl groaned in pain, her skin black and charred in patches.. She looked like she was in horrible pain, even if she was unconscious.

Blake flew down with Lance and landed beside Meeka and Daniel. "Meeka!" He slid off and rushed over to her, glancing at Daniel, then back at Meeka. "Are you okay? You look like you fell down a bunch of stairs..."
Meeka stared as Blake appeared from the sky. She was feeling overwhelmed again, but kept her tongue. She welcomed someone familiar with a smile and waived, this time more enthusiastically. She looked down at his comment, feeling self conscious for the first time in two years. She had never had someone quite comment on her appearance, and it worried her that she might look like a wreck. She tightened her hair tie in a nervous bout of habit, and matched his eyes with hers. She sighed, trying to think of how to explain everything that had just happened, but couldn't quite sum it up.

"Yes, I'm okay. I did fall down some stairs though." She smirked at the limited answer, and knew it would incite more questions then she could answer. "The fire, is it okay? I haven't seen sign but, I'm been surrounded in fire myself lately so, its hard to tell." She tried dusting off soot from her jacket, and noticed the small area that had burned through during her run.

Buneary leapt down and bounced around cheering for Piplup to come play. Despite not seeing the Pokemon, she quickly recognized the trainer as the source of her fun.

Chris "I was heading to see if I could help out at that city." He said while pointing at violet city.

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