World of Pokemon [Inactive]

Meeka shrugged, not knowing if everyone was speechless, or still getting acquainted. She pointed to Violet City with determination.

"I still have friends who are in the City. I can't just leave without knowing if they are okay." She thought of Wind and Jayden and their potential Gym Battles. She didn't want to miss that after Trapinch had so diligently trained. "Where ever you all decide to go, I need to find them first."

Teddiursa matched her determination with the same moves, ending in a striking pose pointing towards the City. In a less serious time it would be amusing to see the little bear pose so heroically.

Daniel just sat quietly by the tree with Lucario and Quil watching more and more people coming in. He could tell how nervous his 2 pokemon were with all these new people dropping in. He would have been in defensive mode and try to get answers on who they were or their intentions, however, they all seemed to know Meeka and Jayden. Not only that, but Meeka and Jayden recognized them as well. Daniel smiled as he thought of his younger days as an outcast. Gatherings like this never occurred with him. People being excited to see him was really un-heard of. That was the main reason why lucario and him were so close, as were the rest of his Pokemon. He had no one else to play with and bond with. Daniel got to thinking and realized he did what he came to do. Helped a girl find her friend and saved her too. They obviously had a defined group and Daniel began to realize he over stayed his welcome. The next town was only 15 minutes away, if he left now, he could get a bedroom at the inn and in the morning, he could get his pokemon the medical attention they needed. Of course, if he knew that one of their friends were still missing, he would have stayed to help. But, he wasn't paying attention when Meeka told everyone about her friend lost in the city. He swung his bag over his right shoulder, regrouped his pokemon so they walked along side him, and he began to walk into the tree's.
Chris "I'll go help you in the city. " he then noticed Daniel leaving. "Where are you going? " he asked with curiosity.
Meeka turned her attention from Violet City at Daniel turned to leave. Her chest heaved with anxiety at the thought of another person running off while injured. She was sure he had recovered enough from the poison he would be fine in the long run, but she did not think it was smart to over exert him already.

"Wait." She murmured just loud enough for him to hear her. She was suddenly embarrassed to have said anything, he was welcome to go where he'd like without her meddling. She looked down ashamed of speaking up. She was in control of nobody here, only grateful for the company.

"Where are you going?" She almost whispered it, her curiosity getting the best of her.

Daniel and his two walking companions looked back in unison at the question asked by one of the new trainers. "Me?" he asked more rhetorically then anything else. He knew the boy and Meeka spoke to him. "I helped like I said I would. Helped a girl find her friend and get to safety. Now that they are safe and sound, I don't know. I don't want to overstay my welcome here and become a bother. I'll hike into town from here and get my Pokemon some rest, possibly get a nice warm cot and leave you guys to your own adventures." He gave a nice and genuine smile before turning around, preparing to walk again. His Quilava looked on with an expressionless face while his Lucario looked on with wise and patient eyes.
Meeka reached out without a word. She wouldn't stop him from his own decisions, but regretted such a short time in meeting. She closed her eyes carefully and turned on her heel to face Violet City. The only way she could let someone walk away was to not watch them. Her attention fell to the City, whose fires were now dying and embers were burning dim in the starlight that was creeping in. She took a few steps towards the city and sighed in defeat. Memories of Wind disappearing made her feel as if this was a pointless endeavor, he was with that larger group who had called themselves Team Rocket. He would be safe, and she was sure she would run into him again soon. Gastly had followed her quite a distance into the treeline, but she waved him off to his owner. She wasn't in need of help anymore.

She faced Azalea Town and nodded to her Pokemon. This was where everyone had said they were heading in the first place to get to Bugsy. She was sure he wouldn't be leaving for another day, and that meant the possibility of running into some eager trainers from before. She swooped down and picked Teddiursa up onto her shoulders, and returned the others. The put her bracelet back on comfortably and nodded to the other trainers around her. She would have to start walking if she wanted to make it through Union Cave in the morning.

Jayden stared after Daniel as he took off, a little at a loss as to what to do. She wanted to come with... she really did... but what help could she even be? It looked like something serious was going on and She didn't want to be in the way. Looking down at Donovan who was fast asleep in her arms and Tridon who was beginning to drag Jayden hung her head and headed for the Pokecenter- she could at least get them healed and rested and then figure out what to do from there. There was a small glimmer of interest in Donovan's power... and now she had a partner to help Tridon train and a new partner to adventure with! But... she was really worried about Meeka and Wind and felt guilty for not continuing her hunt for them.. but she hadn't started her journey to make friends, she had started to learn more about herself... and she was realizing that essentially she was very selfish- caring more for her own pokemon than any of the people she had met. Giving a tired smile to Nurse Joy she spoke to the nurse about Trapinch and Ralts a moment before Joy took them away a moment to help them regain some of their energy and recover from their injuries.

Daniel looked back to see Meeka walking the same way he was. She looked very beautiful in the moonlight; and this caught Daniel of guard. Lucario gave a joking nudge to his arm. THIS made Daniel nervously smile. He straightened up and looked at her, this time, with intent to speak. "Where are you off to that is this way?" he asked as they walked. The trees casting shadows derived from the faint light of the moon provided an almost goolish feel to the forest. It was in this area and type of place that Daniel felt calm.
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Meeka looked awkwardly at the stars as they reflected off her eyes. She was used to Emolga's flash to help her see in the dark, but didn't want to wake her partner. Quillava's flame glow was a good indicator as any as to where she was. She kicked some rocks that were in front of her as she walked, not sure as to what a decent answer would be. As she heard Chris's footsteps rushing behind her she smiled and shrugged.

"I'm just keeping my feet moving I guess." She scanned the path with weary eyes. "There's nothing more someone like me can do anyway. Besides, I have something in Goldenrod City in about a week, and I might as well be on time for once." Her lips formed a small smirk and Teddiursa began playing with some of her loose hair casually as she patted her head.


He smiled at her, again, like always. "You have a competition then?" He thought about that. She had the feel of a very good competitor and her pokemon were adorable. Maybe he would go to see her skill and root on his new found friend. Quilava's flame was bright and lit the way like an old gas lantern. As did Lucarios aura. The elegant blues and bold reds combined to make a very beautiful light to walk by. "I wish you the best of luck on that. You have a plan, plans are good." he said more awkwardly then he realized. "As for me, i'm more of a drifter. Go where the wind takes me. First things first though, i need to heal my pokemon and I think we ALL need some rest." After he finished his thought, he gave a hefty yawn and his eyes tired slightly. "I don't know, maybe the wind will take me to Goldenrod city in a week," he said not looking at her, but smirking.
Dylan ran into Mauville City. He felt excited knowing his first Gym Battle would be in the next city. Rotom floated beside him as the two entered the energized city. "Wow, this place is huge." Dylan said looking over all the buildings. "Maybe we should stop somewhere for the night, eh, Rotom?" He asked looking at the Ghost Pokemon. Rotom nodded - at least it looked like a nod - and floated off down the street. Dylan reached out his hand, "Hey, wait up." he said follwing after ball of Lightning.

The two walked through the city and came upon the Gym that Birch had mentioned before. He looked over it's design, intrigued by how different it looked compared to the one back home. He debated on whether or not to talk to the Gym leader, but something in his gut said not to. "We will have to come back to this one after the Lavaridge battle." Dylan said to his Pokemon partner. A smile grew on his face as he looked more and more into battling leaders.

The two turned away and started to walk into the town, but bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry, sir." Dylan said looking up at the man.

He was obviously older than him. He had dark purple hair and wore a black bandanna on his head. His clothes were dark purple with the letter S on the sleeve of his shirt. He looked at Dylan with a glare in his eyes, "Oh that's quite alright, young man." He looked at Rotom and chuckled, "A Rotom, eh? Quite a rare find for you." and walked off.

Dylan grew and inquisitive look and looked at Rotom, "Well, he was weird. Anyway, let's get to the hotel before it closes for the night." and ran into down the street.

Dylan walked into the hotel and quickly got checked in. He proceeded towards his room when the TV broke through the airwaves, "Breaking News! Violet City Suffers Massive Fire Damage!" Dylan glanced over his shoulder at the television, "A strange fire broke out through the city today. Eye witnesses confirm that the fire started at Sprout Tower and made it's way to other buildings leaving many injured with few casualties. No one knows how the fire got started, but witnesses report the sight of strange people with the letter R on their chests. These sights are similar to the reports Team Rocket who was rumored to have disbanded two years ago. Authorities ask that if you note anyone suspicious in the Johto region to please contact authorities."

Dylan bit his lip as the report ended remembering the guy from earlier, "But he had an S on his sleeve not an R." he thought as a guy came up beside him.

"So, Team Rocket is still at large, huh?" he said startling Dylan. Dylan turned and looked at the guy.

He was a few years younger than himself probably in his late teens. He had black hair which was covered by a red and white cap. He wore a black t-shirt with a red and white over shirt, a pair of blue pants, and a pair of black and red sneakers. On his back was a yellow backpack and on his shoulder sat a Pikachu.

Dylan was confused at the guy's remark, "Do you know much about them?" he asked as Rotom floated by the Pikachu.

The guy smirked, "Well, I guess you could say that." He watched as Pikachu smiled and pressed his tail against Rotom's bolts.

Dylan chucked, "Looks like Rotom has made a new friend."

The smiled, "I guess." and chuckled like it was the first time he had done so in a long time.

Dylan looked at the guy once more and grew a confused look on his face, "You look familiar. Have we met before?" he asked.

The guy shook his head, "Doubt it. I haven't made much contact with the outside world in a long while. But it was nice meeting you." and tipped his hat at him before moving off to his room.

Dylan watched as the guy disappear down the hall, "I swear I know him from somewhere." he said as he yawned and stretched his arms. "Oh, well. We'll figure it out later, but for now let's get some shut eye." he said as he and Rotom made their way to their room.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf05dcd12_DylanCard.png.42775b82ba6a795f2751787f45669851.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15970" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf05dcd12_DylanCard.png.42775b82ba6a795f2751787f45669851.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Meeka smiled at the thought of someone rooting for her. Teddiursa and Emolga were excellent, but she hoped to see what Buneary could do in a contest. She was sure she would shine like the best of them. She sighed, content with her new found friend and traveling partner. Even in the quiet night the path was lit up in a comforting glow.

"I could use some rest too." She stretched mildly, Teddiursa mocking her with real drowsiness. "But I have no money for an inn, I've always just camped. So I'll have to stay outside of Union Cave once we get there. I'm not fond of traveling it at night." She cocked her head curiously at Daniel.

"So when you say I have plans, do you mean a direction? Because really..." she paused looking frustrated. "I just go where things take me, and if theres something there for me to do, I participate. But we always try to look our best doing it." She smiled, doing a partial spin as she walked, making her look like an awkward helicopter.

He smiled and watched her twirl in the moonlight. "Well if you'd like," he began. "I can pay for your room. That is one thing I could do to repay you for what you did for me today." He pulled out....what ever currency is used in the pokemon universe, and gave her enough for a nice room. He took a moment to think of an answer to her question and came up with this. "Regardless if you just flow with the wind until something comes along good enough for your skills, thats a path. Thats a direction. That's a plan. Being free and wild in this beautiful world..." he trailed off. Lucario, that had been listening to this drool for almost 10 minutes rolled his eyes at Daniel and his appreciation of life. Quilava grinned and giggled a little at Lucarios obvious torture. Even giving him a good natured punch in the leg. Lucario grinned as Quilava then climbed up onto his shoulders, still illuminating the path.
Meeka looked at the money that was offered to her in silence. She didn't know how to accept such a generous gift like this. She smiled embarrassed, murmuring thanks, and took the currency, stowing it away in her front pocket, unsure where to keep it safe. She walked along side Daniel, listening to his appreciation. She would daze in and out, but nod every now and then. Conversation was still a new concept to her since her time with her Pokemon had been so secluded.

"So what's your 'direction'?" She asked it suddenly, as if she had a train of thought she had come out of. She stared at Daniel intently, waiting for an answer. Teddiursa yawned and dozed off, finally slumbering on Meeka's shoulders.

Cephas clutched his shadow ball tight. " You'll turn dark soon enough celebi, but now its time to find a new legendary. Im thinking suicune"

He turned and walked back to his chopper. He laughed, "that should be fun"
Wind struggled with Cross as he pulled her away from the wreckage that was once a city. They had made some distance, but not enough to really count for anything. All they did was get out of the smoke, and even that was only by a bit. A bunch of the smoke had gotten in Wind's lungs, making the task of pulling someone twice his size even harder. Setting her down, he fell to his knees and gasped for air. He felt like he to was going to pass out at this rate. He slumped down next to her, leaning against a tree, closing his eyes for a moment.

"What in hell's name have I gotten myself into?" He wondered with disbelief. Everything that had just transpired hadn't entirely caught up with him yet, and he was beginning to wish it never did. All he could think about was if that fire was his fault or not. But... No, that didn't matter now. He had to find something for him and Cross, they both had way to much smoke in their lungs. Standing on shaky legs, he tried to take a step, but only crumpled down again. Motioning with his hand, he called Absol and Houndour over.

"Listen you two *cough* I need to to *cough* find this plant." He rooted around in his pockets for a moment until he pulled a small journal out of them. Flipping it open, he searched for the right page, and held it up for the pokemon to see.

"It looks exactly *cough* like this. If I'm *cough* If I'm not awake when you get back, give it to Cross first, she's been unconscious for longest. *cough* Go... please... I'm counting on you..." His voice faded away as he closed his eyes again, hoping these two pokemon could find them what they needed in the charred forest.
Chris "would anyone like to give me my first trainer battle? " he said, with high hopes to finally have his first trainer battle.
Daniel was beginning to get tired. His feet scrapped the ground as he walked, and his strides were begining to slow. Again, he wasnt fully recovered from the two attacks he had suffered from Crobat, and the other from Scolipede. He could feel the lingering poison left in his veins, contaminating his blood. This in addition to the left over char marks that dirtied his face and clothes. Without proper medical treatment, he and his pokemon would be vulnerable to any form of attack. Be it from team rocket, or the team shadow Daniel had still yet to figure out about. They were only a few minutes away from town, but those minutes were feeling like hours. Drudging on; attempting to make idle conversation. But, he found Meeka to be very interesting. Her love for her pokemon was astounding, as well as her passion for every action she pertook in. When her question jumped at him out of nowhere, he thought a moment before answering. "I guess I don't have a direction right now." But the thought humoured him, and he let out a soft laugh. "But I guess that's a direction all on it's own."
Absol stared at Wind, then glanced at Houndour. With a huff, he nudged Cross with his nose. The girl groaned and coughed, and her pale green eyes fluttered open, taking in only the sight before her, that being her pure black Absol. "Awww..." She offered, patting his head, "You look pretty in black..." She coughed some more. Absol sighed, frustrated, then nudged her again.. "Yeah yeah, arms, I-" The girl was hit hard by another coughing fit that died down after a minute or two. "I get it...." She struggled to pull herself up and wrap her arms around her partners neck, and maintain her hold on the world around her as well. Once that was done, Graceon turned his gaze on Houndour, practically demanding he follow suit with Wind. Maybe not the waking him up, just the dragging part.

"Does anyone need anything? I can fly to Azalea and get something, it's not too far away. Heck, Regal could even carry someone. Actually, more likely Crash would." He chuckled at that last part, Crash would happily do that. He loved people. Maybe to a point of accidentally hurting them with his rock solid hugs. "I mean, I have some bandages in my bag here.."
((I'm assuming Blake is with us?))

Meeka smiled a the offer, flying seemed like an interesting way to travel. She sighed, settling down in her jacket, the night air threatening to bring a chilly nip to her skin. The jacket was comfortable, but thin in order to allow easy movement. She reached her arms around herself in an effort to retain heat and looked up at Teddiursa who was still slumbering peacefully on her shoulders.

"No thanks," She rejected the offer kindly. "We'll be there in few minutes if we just keep going. I guess traveling through Union Cave wont be so bad in a group." She stopped in her tracks as she spoke, having just passed the sign for the upcoming Cave. She inhaled deeply and continued her pace, only slowing once the entrance finally showed. Meeka placed one hand on the sturdy rocks near the entrance, leaning against the structure, looking back at the group.

"Maybe we should just camp here for the night." She placed her back to the cave, smiling through a soft panic. She glanced between Daniel, Blaze and Chris, hoping that they wouldn't sense her discomfort with the cave before them.

Daniel had also been feeling the tiredness and chill take over his body. The cold had gotten worse, and even though they were just a few minutes from town, he also felt that they should stop and rest shortly. He noticed the way Meeka stood. She was attempting to keep herself warm and she shifted her feet like she wasn't happy with the cave. He looked at her once more before speaking to the rest. "I think we could make it into to town if we hustle, but maybe we should take a rest here. Get warm." He was really bad with decisions and hoped his traveling companions would choose. Lucario was a gentle spirit who usually just went with the flow. Daniel looked to him for his opinion, but lucario simply shrugged and looked to the cave; sensing for dangerous auras. As for Quil, he was asleep on Lucarios shoulder. The heat didn't bother his pokemon, if anything, it kept him warm. If they did decided to spend the night in this cave, they could use Quil as a fire to warm themselves by
Once Tridon and Donovan were taken care of Jayden found a room for the night. She had, of course, considered going out but... again... well she supposed she just trusted that Daniel and Meeka could take care of themselves. She knew she would meet up with them later, anyway. She woke up the next morning with Donni and Tridon curled up next to her. Stretching she smiled down at them before waking them so that they could go get some breakfast. After that was taken care of Jayden headed back out into the woods and she had Donovan and Tridon begin training again, wanting to know what moves Donovan knew and see if she could teach Tridon any new moves and work more on bite.
Daniel woke up the next morning in a haze. He opened his eyes to find himself on the cold rocky floor; darkness surrounding him. Quil's flame illuminated the black cave giving it a warming glow. Daniel made a large effort to sit up, and after he was finally in a balanced position, he rubbed his eyes. His sight was blurry for a moment, but then he re focused and looked around. Everyone else, including his Quilava, were deep in sleep. They all looked so peaceful. It was at that moment, he realized that Lucario was not in the cave with them. Worried, Daniel stood up and walked out of the cave to find his lucario standing at the tree-line with a worried face. Walking over to him, Daniel wondered what had Lucario upset.

He put his hand on his Pokemon's shoulder and asked, "What's wrong?" The Pokemon replied, "I don't know, but something is. The balance in this forest is off. It's missing the life use to be held here." Daniel now became worried. "What are you saying..." Lucario looked him in the eyes as he answered. "Balance is changing, this forest is dying, and the world is in danger." Daniel had never seen Lucario look more worried then he did right now. "Celebi, keeper of this forest, would not let this happen. I feel it in the soil and I see it in the aura of the trees. Something must have happened. I think Celebi is in trouble." Daniel looked at the ground and thought hard about his next words.

As he thought, Lucario's sight was now focused out into the forest. "Well obviously, we need to help," Daniel started. "But that time is not now. You aren't ready and neither am I. Even if we went to help, if something was wrong, we would be of no use. Let us go, get better and stronger, then return to find Celebi." Daniel said. Lucario, without changing his gaze, said to Daniel, "We better hurry, we don't have the time to stand idly by. If we don't hurry, more will be in danger." said the wise pokemon. "Then I guess we should get started." Lucario nodded, but Daniel stopped him. "AFTER breakfast. Come on, let's make something for everyone. Afterwards, we train." Lucario hesitated for a moment, then nodded. The rest of the time he was awake alone, he was scrounging together eggs, other berries, and ingredients to make a delicious combination. The mixture was giving off a delightful aroma.

(might sound weird. Basically it's steamed berries, eggs, and other complimentary sides)

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