World of Pokemon [Inactive]

Buneary fell, hard. Her momentum had made the tackle take her unawares, and she knew she had one last kick to her. She glanced back at Meeka, eagerness in her ears as they flexed. Meeka said nothing but nodded, putting both of her hands together, palms flat, as if she were praying or giving herself a high five.

Buneary spun with a new found energy, bringing her arms out as she flipped backwards towards Meeka. Behind her Emolga waited and watched, but was drug in by Buneary's Baton Pass. Spinning her, Buneary switched places, leaving Emolga on the battle field ready to battle. Understanding the motion, Emolga took to the skies, gliding around as she eyed her new opponent. Her cheeks sparked in warning of her intent to fight.

Mightyena was very weak and was uneasy as well. He should have taken the one round regeneration break instead of attacking. The damage finally got to him and, without getting one attack in, he collapsed in a huff. Daniel muttered good job under his breath, returned him to his pokeball, and brought out a second one. "Alright, guess its 2 to 3. Go! Quilava!" The fiery pokemon burst out of the flash, flames trailing behind him. He stood strong and waited for Meeka's first move
A helicopter flew over a pokemon battle. "Looks like a couple of kids battling. Hmmm..." Cephas said turning to his advisor, "any good pokemon down there? Celebi needs a good challenge"
All of Blake's Pokemon looked up, Rhyperior, Scolipede, Haxorus, Blaziken and Salamence, meanwhile Piplup kept playing on Salamence's back. Haxorus started to growl, picking up the Piplup, looking protective. "Huh? ...Guys, whats going on?" Blake stood up and looked up, squinting into the sky.
Dylan's pokeball opened up and out shot the standard light that most pokeball give out. The beam transformed into a tall green lizard with leaves on its head and arms. "Grovyle!" It cried out as it did a double arm pump.

"Let's do this, Grovyle." Dylan said with a confident look in his eyes.

R grinned, "A Grovyle, eh?" He tossed his pokeball into the air, "This should be interesting." The ball opened up and out came a giant light blue dinasaur with palm tree on its back.

"Venasaur." It let out slowly.

"Wow, cool. I've never seen a Venasaur before!" Dylan exclaimed. He noticed something odd about it though. A medium sized orb hung from its neck. It was light blue with a pink and green wave in the middle. "What is that? I've never seen anything like it before?" He asked pointing at the strange orb.

R snickered, "I'll show you, if I think you are good enough." R lowered his hat over his eyes, "But for now," R swung his arm out and cried, "Venasaur use Earthquake!"

"Vena..." Venasaur said as it stood up on it's hind legs, "Saur!" and crashed down onto the ground. The ground shook violently causing both Dylan and Grovyle to collapse.

"Whoa, that was some Earthquake." Dylan said to himself, he quickly got to his feet. "Come on, Grovyle, don't let that get you down! Use X-Scissor!" Grovyle got up shakily but shook it off. The leaves on his arm started to glow a silver like color and he charged at Venasaur.

R grinned and lowered his hat over his eyes, "Frenzy Plant!" he whispered. Suddenly, out of the ground shot out multiples of large thorny vines.

Dylan was taken aback, "What? Look out Grovyle!" but the command was too late and a vine shot out underneath Grovyle and launched him back a Dylan. "No Grovyle!" Dylan cried as Grovyle landed in front of him. He bent down and put his hand under Grovyle's head, "Can you stand?" But Grovyle didn't need to answer that; both Dylan and R knew Venasaur took this one.

Dylan sighed, "It's okay, Grovyle, you did well. Take a rest." Dylan held the pokeball over Grovyle as it morphed back into the red light and disappeared into the pokeball. He looked up at R who also returned his Pokemon. The look on his face was serious as if he expected better of Dylan.

"I've got this next one." Dylan said grabbing another ball off his headphones. "At least, I hope so. This guy is no pushover. I didn't even hit his Venasaur." Dylan thought as the pokeball expanded in his hand

"Sure you do." R said grabbing another ball off his belt and expanding it.

The two trainers looked at each other and threw their pokeballs into the air.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf08d5351_DylanCard.png.82ef4312f842645f6868c289c063e44a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16107" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf08d5351_DylanCard.png.82ef4312f842645f6868c289c063e44a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Drake turned to Cephas in the helicopter after peering out the small window to see what he was referring to. "Can't be sure. But, of the Pokemon currently on the field of battle, I'd say there is nothing here of our interest. This would be an utter cake walk for Celebi, not amounting at all to it's talent. If it is a challenge you seek, i don't believe this is the place to find it." Drake sat back in the uncomfortable seat as he watched for his bosses reply. "To make our name known, we need to find a densely populated area and challenge a powerful opponent. Then the world will see our strength."
"Your're right Drake. Celebi needs a real challenge. These fools pose no real threat to the guardian of the forest. Where's the next town?" Cephas said while he sipped his drink.
Blake flung his leg on Lance's back and climbed on. "Lance, up!" The Salamence spread out it's wings and flew up through the trees, ramming his head on the side of the helicopter. "I know you're in there! I saw you in the forest! What are you doing to Celebi?!" He shouted, holding onto his partner as the dragon slammed into the side of the helicopter, jaw parted in a roar.
The pilot got the chopper steady, Cephas turned to him and yelled angrily "Bring her down so I can deal with this pathetic nitwit!" then he turned to Drake and barked "You stay with the chopper and make sure nothing happens!" The pilot then landed the helicopter
Salamence flew down and landed with a roar as Blake slid of his back. Blake other Pokemon ran to him, and all stood in an arc behind him. Rhyperior smashed his fists together angrily as Haxorus whipped her tail, ready for a fight.

"What did you do to Celebi, you worthless RAT?!"
"Watch who youre talking to welp! I am Cephas, leader of Team Shadow. Celebi is mine, so I believe you should leave before im forced to give you a demonstration of my power!" He gripped two shadow balls tightly in each hand, angry that someone would dare challenge him like this
"What power? Power of your MOUTH? And you know I think of your 'position'?" Blake raised both hands with one finger up.

You know which finger.

"You're going to release Celebi! Celebi deserves better then your treatment!"
Wind stood on the edge of a lake, staring out to the shores beyond. A sudden burst of noise ripped him from his thoughts, looking up he saw a helicopter flying over him, heading in the direction of where he knew the others were. Something about the helicopter bugged him, it felt dangerous.

Suddenly, it was shot down from the sky, and Wind watched in alarm as it fell to earth. Grabbing his belt and pokeballs from beside the lake, he made off for the place where it crashed, tearing through the woods, making the wild pokemon around him scatter in fear.

Pulling himself out of the forest he ran for only a minute more before tumbling in front of the wreck.

Sure enough, two people stood face to face, both staring threateningly at each other. One of them was dressed menacingly and almost like an over-the-top cartooy villain, while the other was less... eccentric.

Reaching to his belt, Wind pulled Makuhita's and Houndour's pokeball off his belt.


They were released in a flash of light, and he stood, nodding to the guy facing off against the shadowy man to show he had his back.
Cephas scoffs at his foe. "you really dont get it do you? Usually id let my advisor Drake handle a whelp like you, but you have really angered me, so this time its personal!" he launched a ball in the air and a dark scizor flew out and crashed to the ground hard. "Scizor show this bother whos in charge here.

Scizor launched forward at lightning speed and hit salamence with a bullet punch, then flew back next to his master.

Cephas noticed a new figure off to his side. "Drake, you handle the new one for me!"
Drake climbed from the helicopter and stood across from this "hero". Drake let a maddening smile creep onto his face and stare at the young man. He pulled a shadowball from his pack and gripped it in his hand. Confident, he nodded to the young man, showing him he would let him make the first move
Salamence, taken by surprise, took the brute of the attack, but given high defenses, it didn't do too much damage. It was massive though. Haxorus growled and stepped forward, ready.

Meanwhile, in Blake's head he was going over his knowledge of Scizor. Dual Bug and Steel type, evolved from Scyther...."TALON!" Blaziken ran forward, fists turning to flame as it performed a shattering Fire Punch right to the gut of Scizor, then jumped back.
Wind stared down this "Drake" a sneer coming across his face.

"Don't you dare think down on me. Houndour, Flamethrower! Makuhita, Vital Throw!"

His two pokemon charged at Drake, ignoring the fact he had no pokemon on his side yet.
"Ha! Itll take more than that to take out Scizor. Hes been with me since i was a child. Scizor! Grab that pathetic chicken!" Scizor flew right up to Talon with lightning speed and lifted him off the ground! "now seismic toss!" Scizor flung the blaziken down at the ground hard and landed on top of him with a heavy punch.
Drake smiled even wider now. Not taking the time to throw his Shadowball into the air, he simply dropped it. It landed on the ground quickly, and out of the bright flash, a giant dark onix tail came out of nowhere (just in time to save his trainer I might add) and smacked the 2 pokemon with enormous force, sending both of them flying back. The move on its own would do a great deal of damage, but given they were both sprinting, the added inertia dealt out an even greater amount of damage. Onix took the two attacks to save his trainer, but coming from ow powerful this onix was, the damage was only moderate. The giant pokemon slithered out and faced the trainer before his. His smile matched Drakes.
Wind watched in horror as his pokemon were flung aside by the giant rock beast.

"How dare you! Makuhita, Buff up!"

Makuhita smashed it's fists together, and it's body began to glow. It was raising it's attack and defense stats.

"Houdour, smokescreen!"

A sudden veil of smoke went up around them, allowing Makuhita to buff it's self multiple times without worry.

"Gastly, I need you too!"

The small smoke pokemon emerged from it's pokeball with a mishcevious smile that Wind could barely see through the smoke.

"I need you to distract that Onix, just spam Astonish, that should keep it flinching!"

With a quiet laugh, the ghost pokemon dissipated into the smoke, hiding him from sight.

"Houdour, keep up the smoke!"

Now his plan just needed to work. Eventually, Makuhita might become powerful enough to take down the onix with a couple Mach Punches, as long as he can keep up the buffs.

((I just realized how technical that sounds. Well, I'm a very competitive meta-game player, so I'm used to the strategy that goes behind pokemon.))
The Blaziken looked shocked at the speed of the Scizor, and Blake even more so when Talon went down without so much as a peep, swirls in his eyes. "How..." Blake looked up, then stepped back, eyes wide. But he didn't show an ounce of fear. In fact, he only looked more determined. He waved a hand, and Scolipede rushed forward, and with another fluttering gesture, smashed horns first into Scizor with a heavy Rock Smash, then bringing up poison with a Poison Jab.
Scizor caught Scolipede before the jab could hit him. "Poison? youre going to hit him with posion? Hes a steel type! Now Scizor! use superpower!" Scizor slammed scolipede with insane force!
And down goes Scolipede. "How in the.... Alright fine."

Up to my three strongest... These three have seen me through all five of the region leagues I've defeated... I can't lose... This is for Celebi!

"CRASH!" The flame-haired boy shouted, and the huge Rhyperior ran forward, massive and towering over Scizor, Blake made another Gesture, and recalled all his Pokemon. The ground began to shake, and rumble. Piplup crawled up onto Blake's shoulder, hiding in his hood, scared. "Earthquake."






Sensing that a plan was forming, he needed a combo attack that could harm a large area and multiple Pokemon. He quickly planned before commanding his giant Onix. "Let's show them not to mess with us. Onix, DIG!" The man commanded. The great Onix jumped up before burrowing under ground. The ground became to shake as Onix moved through it. Drake looked on before clenching his fist quickly. The Onix burst out of the ground, within the smoke screen, throwing the Pokemon to the side and dealing even more damage. Drake, without missing a beat, told Onix to use tail wip on the ground. Onix did as it was told and smacked the ground with it's tail. Dust flew up into the sky, and as it settled, small dust particles clung to the invisable ghastly. Ghastly was now visible. "Now onix," shouted the confident man. "Rockslide!" Giant boulder's were now being flung with pinpoint accuracy, all at ghastly. Wind didn't have a chance, and either did his Ghastly. The rocks connected and smashed the Pokemon to the ground.
Scizor took the earthquake hard and fell onto his knee. "Scizor!!" Cephas yelled. "Get up scizor! X-Scissor!" scizor flew right up to Rhyperior and sliced him with both claws

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