World of Pokemon [Inactive]

Wind stared after the helicopter, head in his hands. He couldn't think of anything left to do.

"Blake, are you sure Salamance can't fly after them? Even without us!"

He clenched his fists, staring off into the distance.

"I know a place where we can find a pokemon to carry us. It's a sort of black market but... We have no choice."

Wind looked to Blake.
"we'll see about Suicune when the time comes, for the time being Drake, can you please fix her up? she's bleeding like a faucet"
"It's too late... they're gone... He have no way of tracking them, oh GOD I'm an idiot!" The flame-haired boy put his face in his hands, groaning in frustration with himself, with Cross, with everything. "Why didn't I do something? I just stood there like a fool with my mouth hanging open just- Uggghh, oh God what am I gonna DO? Elm is gonna KILL ME!" He looked around, then at Wind, suddenly a picture of calm and with an undertone of despair. "We need to... Do something... Ugh, I always panic like this... Look, lets just get our Pokemon to Azalea, we'll regroup there... That sounds like a good idea, right?"

"I don't want your f***ing help." She hissed, scooting away from the other man in the chopper, eyes glossy but filled with rage.
"No. Azalea is too far out of the way. If they're going after suicune, it only makes sense they'll be heading for the burned tower, right? That's where the legendary dogs are said to descend from, and is where they're usually spotted. We need to take a shortcut, or head to the black market. I suppose I'll let you decide, Cross is your best friend after all."

He desperately hoped Blake would make the right choice, not just one based off of fear for his friend.
"Cross is more than my friend, she's like my little sister. Also, how do you know they're going after Suicune?" He looked at Wind curiously, and then an afterthought; "And another thing, how do you know my name? I don't remember introducing myself."
Wind just shrugged as Blake spoke.

"I don't know, but it only makes sense. They said they were after more legendary pokemon, and the only place where they're known to gather in the direction they were flying is burned tower. Oh, and I heard your name while back at camp with Meeka and Daniel. Anyways, if you're going to Azalea, go ahead, but I'm heading to pick up some transport."

Turning, he began to walk away, whistling for him pokemon to follow suit.
Blake looked at Wind and sighed, following him, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Piplup, after the initial terror, poked her head out of his hood, looking around. "Okay then, whats YOUR plan?" Salamence, looking ashamed that he couldn't be of use, followed his partner closely, his footsteps loud.
"I already told you." Wind looked over his shoulder at Blake. "We're heading somewhere we can get transportation. It's not far, but we'll need to make it by nightfall."

Looking up at the sun that already hung low in the sky, he sighed. Houdoom walked next to him, growling with fury, no doubt at the fact they let those scum get away.
"Fine. I have no better ideas..." The flame haired boy sighed, recalling Lance and grabbing the Piplup from his hood, then holding her in his arms. This made her quite happy and she flapped her flippers with a happy cheep, and Blake smiled at her, a small smile, but a smile none the less. "You always manage to be cheery... This team needs that."
Drake wiped the spit from his face and looked at it in his hand as he listened to her ignorance and refusal. "Fine," Drake said with an evil smile and even chuckling to himself. "You want to sit there and die? Be my guest. When you are ready to get the help you need and help us, you call me, OK?" Drake said as he sat down with crosses bag (where i assume her Pokemon are kept?). He took out the Pokeballs that were inside and held them in his hand. "Interesting creatures these Pokemon are. Be a shame if something were to happen to these innocent Pokemon. But can I tell you a secret," he said getting down to her eye level again and smirking at her.

"I don't think anyone's gonna miss em. That being said, why keep them around? They might just, I don't know, slip-" he said letting a Pokeball fall into the bag. "-out of the hellicopter." After he damn near spat the words, he walked to the door of the helicopter and opened it. He chose a random Pokeball and summoned the Pokemon inside. He grabbed it by it's throat and swung it out of the helicopter. He still had the Pokemon by it's neck, but it was hanging out of the helicopter. If cross didn't agree to help them and didn't let Drake help her, he would drop her beloved Pokemon. 
(im choosing to make drake a deranged sociopath like the joker kind of xD )
The girl's eyes lit up at the sight of the poor Eevee. "CHERRY! I TOLD YOU TO GO WITH GRACEON!"

The Eevee's only reply was a squeal.

Cross looked at the man. "Your deranged. That girl has me through all kinds of sh*t. She's a fighter that one. Watch out." The young girl was making an odd two fingered gesture at the man. At the moment Eevee's eyes registered the registered the gesture, the tail of the Pokemon shone more then before, and with a jerking motion, the Shiny slammed her steel hardened tail into the man's ribcage. That done, the Eevee Bit down on the nearest thing, being the man's torso, and dug her teeth in.
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*We're going to skip to the black market*

Wind felt so out of place in the shady market. All around him, pokemon in cages called out in pain as they were trapped in cages. Cloaked figures ran back and forth through the stalls filled with scummy looking people, and dangerous figures. He turned his head to Blake and began to whisper.

"Stay as quiet as possible." He looked around, and spotted a man trying to sell two winged pokemon. "There." He pointed to the man and began to slink towards him.

"Hello my good sir." Now he was at a closer distance, Wind saw the two pokemon were a giant Pigeot and Scarmory. "Are these pokemon for sale?"

The man snorted and smiled a disgusting smile. When he spoke, it was with a heavy accent.

"Well that depends 'ow much yer' willin' to pay kid."

Pulling a small bag out of his pocket, he handed it to the man reluctantly. He'd only ever dealt with these people once before, and he hated doing it.

" Are ye' kiddin' me punk? Only 3000 poke?"

Wind snapped his fingers, and Houndoom came out from behind him snarling at the man.

"I thought that would be enough. Or will we need to... negotiate?" He felt nothing wrong with threatening this man, he was scum anyways.

He looked at Houndoom for only a moment before grabbing the bag and tossing him two ultra balls.

"Just git out of 'ere." He slunk away, back into the shadowy crowd.

Holding up the ultra balls, Wind pulled the two pokemon into them and tossed one to Blake.

"Come on, let's get out of here."
"This- This exists?" Blake looked around, exasperated and startled that people were literally SELLING Pokemon over a black market? This is cruel. "I don't have space for more Pokemon!" Blake muttered, walking briskly away. He wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. He didn't want anything to do with this place.
The man yelped out in pain and smacked the Pokemons entire body away from him. The Pokemon slammed hard against the metal casing of the helicopter. Drake put fingers to his chest, felt the blood, and tasted it. "Nice bite," he said almost unfazed. "Clean cuts several layers deep." Drake picked up the Pokemon and slammed it against the ground again; and did so three times. The Pokemon hit hard on the last slam, and was now unable to stand or see straight. He picked her up again, nearly choking the Pokemon. "But, whats that old saying?" he asked pressing the eevee's face into the iron bars of Cross's cage. "What goes around, comes around. I'll give you one last chance," said the man standing up again. "Be a good girl, eh?"
Meeka had watched as the Helicopter had come over the clearing. Initially she was confused and unconcerned, but her Pokemon cowered, and she followed suit. Worried she ran into the cave before any commotion started, her team of three hiding with soft frightened voices murmuring comfort to each other. She chided herself for being such a coward, but she couldn't risk her friends again.

When Daniel called to her, she knew the trouble had passed but not without incident. Smoke was clearing as the other trainers had begun to push their way to Azalea, hurried and in panic. She inhaled deeply, afraid to ask what happened, and embarrassed to show her coward face. She looked down-cast as she approached Daniel, avoiding making eye contact, afraid to be accused of whatever disaster took place. She sighed and prepared herself for the worst.

"What happened?" She glanced around and tried to start matching the pace behind the others as she spoke. All three of her crew were walking with her carefully, Emogla above her head, Teddiursa on her shoulders, and Buneary tugging at her legs. She was afraid to leave them out, but even more afraid to see them go. She needed them as much as they needed her.

She looked ahead as they reached town, putting her Pokemon away as the Black Market came into sight. She stayed behind, unwilling to expose herself to the horrors of such a place. As she waited, a beggar approached her and any trainers left behind, asking for a bit of money. Taken back by the worn down look of the lady, she took a small portion of what she had been given for a room, and few berries and offered them to the worn beggar. The decrepit lady smiled a toothless smile at the offering and silently moved to grab something under her worn clothes. Meeka stood back wearily before the lady took her hand eagerly. She left a small sack in her hand, wrapping her fingers around it carefully and patting her hand in silence. This was her thanks for being generous, and she stumbled away in a much more cheery mood.

Meeka looked down at the bag, almost afraid to see its contents. She looked over her shoulder to Daniel (if hes still there) and shrugged, silently asking his opinion of the entire occurrence.

Almost immediately after Daniel asked Meeka about the noises they were hearing, the Onix tail connected with him (as it did with the other Pokemon) He was unconscious for the battle. If he had been awake, there is no way he would have let them get away. He most likely would have done the same as cross, and be in her position now. Daniel finally came back to reality when he heard Meeka ask him what had happened. He had a limited time to answer "I don't know," before they were off to the black market. The stench and filth that resonated from the dark alley was horrid. The sight of all the Pokemon locked up was even worse.

Daniel had been walking when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw two struggling Pokemon locked in an iron cage. They were different in the fact that they were struggling more so then the others. The poor things looked like they were going to pass out...or worse. Daniel let his feelings get the better of him, and he walked to the grungy man in front of the cage. Upon closer inspection, the Decaying duo turned out to be a Minun and Plusle. Not exactly good battling Pokemon, but Dan felt inclined to relieve them of this prison. "How much?" Daniel asked; gesturing to the cage. The nasty man flicked his cigarette to the side and eyed him. He said, "how much you got?"

Daniel's family was rich, and therefor, money was never an issue. Daniel handed him a pouch, containing more than a decent size pay. The man counted the Poke closely before nodding his head and handing Dan two ultra balls. The old man began to walk away, but Daniel stopped him before he could get to far. "I want him too," he said pointing at a chained up Tropius. He had no intention on using these Pokemon to battle, but he needed transport, and he needed to save them. He would most likely release Tropius into the wild after they caught the shady men who had taken . Another ultra ball Daniel collected from the dirty hand. He called his new Pokemon to their balls to rest. Finally free, he hoped they would find bliss.

He didn't even have lucario out with all these thieves. As meeka looked back, Daniel studied her face. Cleaned up, she was even more radiant and beautiful then before. Daniel could see she was implying for him to give his thoughts on all of this, but what were his thoughts? Daniel looked around, looked back at her, tightened his jaw, and let out a sigh. Hopefully she understood Daniel was trying to say, "what opinion can I have on a place where choice is stripped away for fun." He looked at her with the same expression, trying to get her thoughts as well.
Cross looked at the whimpering Eevee, eyes round and... scared. The emotion she told herself never to show. "You... Your insane!" She shouted, hands on the bars, reaching out to her Eevee, to try to comfort her, to do something, but the silvery furball was just moved out of reach, cruelly. "F... FINE! FINE, Just give me my Eevee!" She snatched the the Eevee's fur, teeth clenched.
"Come on." Wind turned to Blake as they left the foul black market. "Let's ride."

Throwing the ultra ball into the air, he saw that he had gotten the Scarmory, which screed as it was released, turning on Wind threateningly. He did nothing but stand perfectly still, allowing the massive bird to size him up. Eventually the steel beast decided he wasn't a threat and just began to look around, reveling in the outside world he probably hadn't seen in a long time. Walking towards him, Wind held out his hand, placing it on his beak.

"I need your help, then you can go." He spoke quietly.

It stared at him scathingly before bending down and allowing him to clamber onto his back.

"Thank you. Blake, hurry up with yours. We need to leave as soon as possible." A sudden noise from behind caused Wind to spin around, and he saw Meeka and Daniel coming out of the dirty building.
Blake looked at Pidgeot and sighed. "I feel SO bad about what you've been through. But once we go where we need to go-" With that, Blake looked around s Daniel and Meeka appeared out of a dirty building. Blake immediately let his eyebrows fly up, once more confused by the kids that constantly seemed to crawl out of nowhere.
Meeka shrugged at Daniel. She had refused to go near the Black Market in fear of what she might see. So as they rounded the corner, she narrowly avoided seeing the caged Pokemon, her obliviousness being her only saving grace. She stayed naive of the entirety of the situation. Her hand slipped into her pocket, where she stored the new bag she had been given. She would look into it later.

She followed Daniel to the others who were coming away from the Market, two new large flying Pokemon now displaying their powress before them. Meeka eyed them carefully, but did not question where they came from. Instead she took a step closer to Daniel, seeking comfort from the unknown. She was not one to be afraid, quite the opposite, but rarely did she deal with robbers or cruel people as the ones she realized they were dealing with now.

"You're gonna ride them?" She questioned, reaching to brush the Skarmory on his steel face feathers. It paused before she touched him, unsure, but her gentle tones brought it closer than she had expected. Soon she was embracing the large steel Pokemon with loving coos, and the large bird echoed them calmly. Even the most traumatized Pokemon just wanted love. She turned to Wind and Blaze, unsure of where they planned on going.

"These Pokemon are scared." She patted Skarmory one more time before standing between Blaze and Daniel. "They're scared and sad and...." she trailed off. "Are these yours?"

"Er... Not... exactly..." Wind trailed off and scratched his head as Meeka approached.

"Whatever, we're going after Cross. The two guys from before took off with her, so we came here to pick up some rides to follow her by flying." Scarmory perked up at the word flying, and spread it's wings tentatively, it's eyes glowing with the excitement of finally returning to it's home.

It was magnificent, the way the steel wings gleamed against the sun. With one swift move it lowered them and jumped up, taking off into the air. Wind wrapped his arms around the pokemon's neck even tighter, suddenly very afraid of riding this beast.

"Well, I guess we're leaving now!" Wind called out to his friends as Scarmory screed into the air, trying to gain it's balance in the air again. He seemed to be having trouble getting on the air currents.

Wind patted it's neck apprehensively as he realized this pokemon didn't know how to fly anymore, and he was riding it maybe 2o ft in the air.


Wind moaned as he averted his eyes from the ground below

Just don't look down... just don't look...

He looked down.
Meeka watched as they took off, eyes following the movements with careful measurements. She realized quickly that Skarmory was not flying near as high as a wild one would near Blackthorn City. She lifted her hand above her brow to watch them a few stories off the ground, and waived tentatively at them as they glided through the sky. She sighed uncomfortably as they left, not sure where she was going to from here, or how she could help Cross.

Blake looked at Meeka as Pidgeot took off, then shouted down to her, "If you want, you can go from Violet City to Ecruteak! That's where we're heading!" He waved, then casually leaned back and folded his arms behind his head and sighed, listening to the steady beat of Pidgeot's wings. Soon he began whistling a tune calmly, completely used to flying on the back of a Pokemon. He found that Pidgeot began to chirp out his tune as well, which made him smile. When glanced at Wind, he smirked and directed Pidgeot to fly closer. "Having fun?"
Daniel had watched the two fly off in awe. The Pokemon they had collected were magnificent and showed their beauty with each and every wing stroke. He smiled and looked down at one of the 3 Ultraballs he collected. He tossed it into the air, and from the flash of blinding light, emerged a defensive Tropius. Tropius looked around skittishly before snapping at Daniel. He calmly stepped back to avoid the Pokemons powerful bite. After a few moments, the Tropius became relatively comfortable with his surroundings as well as Daniel. Daniel walked to him, patted his head, and waved him off. "Go," he smiled. "Your free." The Pokemon cocked his head at Daniel; unsure of what to do. Daniel nodded once, and the Pokemon hesitantly took off and flew out of sight.

That Pokemon was his only transportation by air. Daniel wasted little time before grabbing Lucario's Pokeball and bringing him out. "Lucario," he said quickly. "You said before that Wind, blake, and those men were going to the wrong place. That Suicune wasn't where they thought he was. Where is he then?" Daniel asked; focused on Lucario and his words. Lucario had excessive knowledge about almost all Legendary Pokemon due to the fact that he was borderline legendary himself. The wise Pokemon pointed in the opposite direction that the rest of his group headed to. "I have sensed his aura in the west. He went into hiding after Celibi. If we hope to protect Suicune, we must hurry. It won't be long until they discover they have gone to the wrong place. If they have Cross, like we believe they do, then lets hope she doesn't mention anything about Suicune and his new location." Daniel nodded. "Lets get moving then." He looked to Meeka and asked, "Are you coming with?"
In surprise Meeka turned to Daniel. She didn't know where all these new Pokemon were coming from, or why he had just released such a powerful Pokemon from a Pokeball in his possession. Dazed she nodded at his question, unsure of how to answer.

"Ya...I suppose." She looked behind her, as if expecting someone else to run up or stop her, but no one showed. She had nowhere else to be but here in the present. "I'll go wherever we need to." Her expression grew confident, and she tightened her hair tie, as was her nervous habit. She turned to Lucario, who was still sensing Suicune's aura.

"Where exactly West are we going? I've only been as far as Whitney's lighthouse before. And even that was years ago when I first started out." She pulled out her small make shift Pokedex, and flipped through it till a small map popped up on her screen. It showed various layers of terrain and labeled many main routes, cities and attractions, but over all was not particularly detailed. She squinted towards the West, and shivered at the thought of crossing the rough waters of Whirl islands. She huffed a sigh and leaned closer to Daniel so he could share her small map clearly. Teddiursa leaned down from her shoulders where she rested, attempting to tap the worn screen like Meeka did.


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