World of Pokemon [Inactive]

Lucario looked at her for a brief moment, but then looked back out over the mountains. "He is far over those mountains. He isn't known to be found in caves or forests, and that is exactly why he is hiding there. He had taken refuge in Vladomor cave, or at least, that is what we Pokemon call it. It's deep into the forest, and past those mountains. If we hurry, we could get over the mountain and camp before nightfall." Daniel nodded and geared to go. "Then let's get movi-" Daniel said before he was interrupted. "However," Lucario said sharply. "There is no promise that Suicune will show himself once we get there. There is even a chance that he might turn on us. If that were to happen, we would be in grave danger." Listening to his words, Daniel began to contemplate. "What are we going to do then?" Daniel asked. Lucario shrugged. "We take a chance. Meeka," he said turning to her. "She is pure. I can see her aura and it is flawless, as are you Daniel. You have been since you were a child. I believe Suicune will sense this too and reveal himself to you. If anyone could get Suicune to show himself in this time of crisis, it would be you two." Daniel looked back at Meeka. "Are you prepared to risk it with me Meeka? Will you help me try to save Suicune?"
Wind turned and glared at Blake as he made that remark.

"Shut up. Come on, let's just..." He looked down again, beginning to feel even more queasy. "Go. And don't talk to me! I feel like I need to keep my mouth closed!"

Scarmory had finally straitened himself out, and began to fly steadily in one direction. Wrapping his arms closer around it's neck, Wind rested his forehead on the cold metal covering it's limbs. Wind pulled the great beast's head in the direction of Eureteak, and it swerved over and began to fly, screeching loudly into the distance.
"You're the one that won't relax. Just sit back, let the Pokemon do his work. It'll get easier. Trust me, when you have a flying mount that spent the first two evolutionary stages grounded, THEN it's scary the first time in the air." Blake said, a friendly smile on his face, amused by Wind's distress, and continued whistling with Pidgeot as they side by side with Skarmory, having a merry old time. The Pidgeot even seemed to be having a good time too.
Meeka looked at Daniel for a long moment, with large round eyes. The words grave danger traced her lips a few times as she mouthed the thing that scared her. Holding up one hand to Teddiursa, she stroked her paw tentatively. She wanted to help, but at what cost? She had never quite a known a Pokemon who was dangerous, at least not around her. She fidgeted nervously, taking too long to reply.

She inhaled deeply before turning to face her decision.

"Alright." She almost whispered it too quietly to be heard. "Lets go, but I doubt we can make it that far in one day. I'm not really used to traveling so far at one time." Her stomach grumbled, making her smirk. "And we haven't even had any lunch!"

Her eyes traced the town they were in as she begun to walk towards the forest towards the West. An ache in her heart reminded her that there were plans to be had here. Trainers were supposed to be battling for their gym badges against Bugsy, who she was sure had left or was about to. She was disappointed that her first real companions in a long time had already been mixed up in trouble. She craved a normal life for a moment, but turned her attention back to Daniel. The sight of him helped her nod out of her distraught state. Her new friends, who had already tried to do so much to protect her, without hardly knowing more than her name, were in danger. She was there to do what she had always done, cared for Pokemon when injured, and protect Trainers from themselves.

She let herself smile again with determination, nodding towards the forest, her stride becoming stronger. She was ready to set out.

Wind sat on Scarmory, now much more confident in the beast as they tore through the air towards Eureteak. It was complete silence in the clouds, and he had forgotten about his fear while wrapped up in the pure splendor of it all. He couldn't even see the ground, this was amazing. It was so amazing, he nearly forgot his goal. Looking around for Blake, he spotted him to to far below, and called out in a voice he could barely hear himself.

"Blake! We need to get lower!"

Wind whispered into Scarmory's ear, and it began to descend, slowly drifting down into the clouds below, coming up beside Blake and Pigeot.

He called out to him again, this time much closer.

"We need to get down around now! I think Eureteak is close!"

Scarmory's wings began to fold close to it's body and into a slant, allowing it to dive at extreme speeds. Wind began to panic as this happened, and pulled his legs and arms even closer to the beast, closing his eyes as they fell.
"Ya think that's why I'm this low? I've been there before. There, see? Its the Burned Tower!" He pointed, at the burnt structure. He sighed and looked around. "I don't see any helicopter, Wind!" He shouted as Pidgeot finally landed and let Blake off, then he looked up at Skarmory. "That one is having a lot of fun torturing him." He muttered to Pidgeot, who looked at weird, but then made a shrugging motion and nodded.
The ground beneath Meeka changed quickly from stiff stone and dirt roads, to loose grass and uneven rocks under her feet. The path that she had hoped to follow soon disappeared, and her direction was lost to the Forest. She hugged as she followed her natural sense of direction, which was far from strong. Looking to her side she watched Daniel, trusting he had some other way of finding their way through the winding path. Teddiursa leapt from her shoulders, and dashed into the brush with eagerness.

"Little One, wait!" Meeka called out, worried for Teddiursa's safety, and shocked at the suddenness. In the quiet of the Forest she could hear the bug Pokemon rustling through the leaves, their eyes watching the curious trainers as they passed. She quelled her instincts to go after he bear Pokemon, knowing that getting lost would only extend their time here. Besides, Teddiursa first came to Meeka in Ilex Forest, and she was sure to know where she was going. She turned her attention to Daniel once again.

"So you're suuuure you know where we're going, right?" She asked it tentatively, afraid of making one wrong turn. Not that her journey wasn't enjoyable all the same, she just would feel bad knowing that she had walked in circles without lead. She huffed as she walked, her hands jammed into the pockets of her jacket as she awkwardly tried to strike conversation.


((I'm assuming based on Johto maps thats where we're going through to go West, since any further would mean the ocean. Correct my location if I'm wrong. Here's a link to a labeled map if you'd like one. Johto Map ))
Daniel smiled as he followed the path that was more defined then Meeka saw. Lucario was in the lead, looked back for a brief moment, then turned back to the road. They were making good time and were already half way down the mountain. However, it was getting dark, and they needed to get rest if they were going to confront Suicune. "I'm sure this is the right way. I'm following Lucario, and he is locked on to Suicune's aura. We aren't far now, if I'm correct. But we need to rest." Daniel said sitting down and taking out Quil's Pokeball. "And, I wouldn't mind another one of your home cooked meals." He said, smiling up at her. He threw the Pokeball into the air, and a rested Quil appeared from the white light. His flames lit the area around them up, and now they could see. Lucario sat as well, looking off in the distance.
The time training passed by in a blur and yet it seemed to last forever. In the end Jayden, Tridon, and Donovan had become closer as a trio and were ready to truly move on with their journey. Jayden's Trapinch still wasn't 'strong' or perfect by any stretch of the imagination but he could hold his own in a battle... and Donovan showed cunning and fast reaction time. They made a pretty good fighting pair and Jayden was anxious to actually put their abilities to the test. She wasn't aware of any of the trouble that had been going on in the outside world and was now on her way to see about refinding her friends and possibly winning herself a couple of gym badges.

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Meeka smiled at the thought of resting. Her feet had grown weary and she was feeling sore. Normally half-way through the say she would find some place to play, and her travels were broken up by activities and naps. She in herself was pretty lazy. All this excitement had kept her going, but it was taking a toll on her body.

With a 'oomph' she plopped down, hitting the ground hard as she did so. Rolling up onto her knees she pulled her bag off her back, and slid it in front of her. She began digging through it eagerly, pulling out her general tools of a cooking pit and Canopy. She activated both with a pinch of her fingers, and sat back as she watched both spring into life.

Feeling her wrist numbly for her bracelet, she mindlessly called out Emogla and Buneary. She reached out a hand, clenching it tightly before opening it wide, and Emolga performed 'Flash', the light spilling from her cheeks and filling the area with a daylight intensity. Comforted by her normal routine Meeka began laying out her cooking supplies and ingredients before her, lighting the fire with a small manual lighter. She envied Quillava for his ability to burn so brightly. Teddiursa wandered back in the middle of her sorting, offering a few berries she had picked on her adventure. With a short surprise Meeka hugged her lost Little One, reassured of her security and turned back to her things. As she chopped and began brewing a fresh new dinner, she realized her favorite spoon was still missing. With a sad look she recalled the two nights before and sighed a breath of worry. Her hands wandered into her bag and she improvised with a smaller spoon. In a manner of minutes dinner was ready and smoking warmly over the glow.

Meeka turned to Daniel, a smile playing on her lips. It was homey in the fire light with real company.


Meeka set out a few bowls before standing up and brushing herself off. She had a long few days and needed to entertain herself. She turned to Daniel, a smirk playing on her face.

"I think I need to give a show." She flicked her hand at her team of three, all three cheering at the idea of performing. "We need the practice anyway, if we pass Goldenrod soon I will get a chance to compete."

She dug into her bag and pulled out a pile of cloth and turned to Daniel, pointing a finger at him in accusation. "Now give me a moment, and don't you come after me." She quickly fled into the darkness of the woods, hiding behind a tree to change. She came back with all three of her Pokemon, each decorated with a bow in their ears. Teddiursa tugged on hers playfully, and Buneary squeaked happily about her own new one. Emolga landed on Meeka's shoulder with a pose, her small bow covered in glitter. Meeka herself had also changed, her normal pants and jacket were replaced with a dark dress. Her hair was pinned to the side, giving her a more elegant impression.

She walked up into the clearing and posed, gesturing to her team of three with performance like grace. Emolga lit the area up once more, performing her flash with an artistic flare. Teddiursa followed through the blast of light, twirling before leaning in towards her audience and blowing a sweet kiss. Buneary leapt over Teddiursa, performing an acrobatic backflip as she bounced around.

As the dust cleared Emogla glided to the front, the three seeming to intertwine in a choreographed manner. She swooped down, letting light pour from her cheeks until a shining Light Screen appeared before her, a soft glow emanating beauty. Teddiursa danced behind the wall of light, a shadow reaching from her paws, forming paws of its own, shaping into a heart before reaching out to the light screen to bat it away playfully. Buneary dashed around Little One, her paws in a flurry of agility, and reached out to grasp her paw. As she passed Teddiursa she spun her into her position, curtsying as she landed a distance away.

All three Pokemon paused, taking a moment to bow from their short performance. All the while Meeka praised them, her hand motions having guided them throughout the entire scene. Her dress bobbed with her movements, and she stopped embarrassed, tugging at her hair nervously. She rarely performed for people rather than judges.

Daniel stood up with a wide smile and clapped slowly. He eyed the young Pokemon, tired from such a spectacular performance. He inspected the beautiful costumes and was quite impressed. "Very nice," he said enthusiastically. "You are a shoo in for Goldenrod city. We will have to rest there on our way back from Suicune," he said as his grin turned grim again. "If we make it back that is." Lucario looked over, then back at the woods. Daniel could tell waiting around really made Lucario nervous for Suicune. They would need to leave soon, resting was just wasting time when it came down to it.
Wind stumbled off of Scarmory as they touched the ground.


He threw the beast's ultra ball onto the ground, and began smashing it to pieces.


Scarmory cackled before spreading it's wings and flying away.

He clenched his fists in rage.

"Alright, let's go Blake." He spat with rage.

Turning, he began to walk towards the Burned Tower, ready for whatever awaited them inside.
Watching Wind's reaction to his first flight, Blake's face cracked into a huge smile, and he laughed harder than he had ever laughed before. He was literally smashing that Ultraball into pieces. That poor thing. He had already released Pidgeot, and now he was hunched over, holding his stomach and trying to catch his breathe, his breathing wheezes, "Ohhhh, sweet God, that was... Overreacting, ohhhhh my god." He laughed some more, then straightened up and followed after Wind, trying to keep his cool, swallowing and breathing out a sigh. "That was... A bit of an overreaction. You'll get better with flying Pokemon, I'm sure.."
Jayden rubbed her chin upon finding out for probably the third time that Falkner, the Violet city gym leader, was a flying type. Ralts knew a couple of moves that could be useful but Trapinch was kind of falling short... And it wasn't like Jayden could expect Ralts to defeat all of Falkner's pokemon... or any of them really. Not that she didn't have faith in the pokemon but... well... that was when a noise caught her, Donovan, and Trapinch's attention... and that was their only warning before there was an ember attack. Ralts used magical leaf to deflect the attack so it didn't hit Jayden... and that's when Litwick stepped out from the bushes. Feeling slight annoyance at being attacked Ralts moved to deal with the troublesome pokemon but Trapinch stepped in the way. Donovan nodded... it was a smarter match up, regardless. And with that Jayden faced off against this new pokemon, wondering idly if it was even native to the area. (answer is no, I know that... I have a story for why it's there if it needs explaining.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/72407_trainercard-Jayden_Riann.png.99419b6d8dd9f338302a232328903d90.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16545" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/72407_trainercard-Jayden_Riann.png.99419b6d8dd9f338302a232328903d90.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Out of Dylan's Pokeball appeared a medium sized Monkey with fire on it's tail and various markings on its body. The monkey stood up and pumped its arms with a cry, "Monferno!"

As for R's Pokeball, out came a very large blue turtle with two cannons breaking though its shell. "Blast." It said slowly. Dylan also noticed how this Pokemon also had an orb around its neck except that this one was light blue with a blue and brown wave.

"What are those?" Dylan asked himself with a concerned look on his face.

R grinned, "Let's just make this quick. Blastoise, use Dragon Pulse." he commanded. Blastoise opened it's mouth and formed a glowing purple ball of energy. He unleashed it in a straight beam at Monferno.

"Dodge it, Monferno!" Dylan shouted as the Fire Pokemon leaped to the left out of line of the attack. "Good job, now use Mach Punch!" Dylan cried moving his arm across his body. Monferno lunged forward with it's fits glowing bright. It connected with a solid hit on Blastoise's shell.

R smirked and simply stated, "Rapid Spin." The Water Pokemon tucked its head and limbs into its shell and began to spin at a crazy speed. A tornado of sand began to swirl around the two Pokemon and soon had Monferno in the air.

Dylan gritted his teeth and cried out, "Monferno, get out of there!" But it was the no use, the Pokemon was in no position to follow its trainer's command. It was just being whipped by sand and had no control over its movements.

R tilted his hat and said, "It's over. Hydro Pump." The turtle Pokemon suddenly stopped and lunched it head and limbs out of its shell. It took careful aim at the flying Monferno and unleashed two powerful streams of water at the Monkey.

"No, Monferno!" Dylan shouted. The streams of water nailed the Pokemon and sent it flying higher into the sky.

R grinned as the Hydro Pump soon stopped.

Dylan grimaced at the sight of his beloved Monferno falling into a loss. He looked helplessly as the Pokemon dropped from the sky.

R reached for Blastoise's Pokeball, but was stopped by Dylan's command, "Monferno, use Thunder Punch." R shifted his sight to the sky.

Monferno had shifted forward to regain its balance in the air. Lightning surrounded its fist and the Pokemon leaned forward like a rocket and flew force at Blastoise. R jolted, "Dodge it, Blastoise!" But there wasn't enough time and the attack landed directly on Blastoise.

"Blastoise!" The Water Type cried out.

Monferno landed with a grin. It looked back on the turtle who looked a little shaken but stood strong. Monferno smiled before falling to the ground.

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"Shut up Blake!" He shouted over his shoulder at him.

"Burned Tower is right over there, be ready for whatever awaits us in there.

Their footsteps echoed around the seemingly empty town as they slunk towards the large tower. As they arrived at the old wooden door to the tower, Wind slowly raised one hand to push it open. As he stepped in front of it, he placed his hand on it and began to slowly push. Suddenly, the door shot right out of it's socket and sent Wind flying along with it, trapping him underneath it. Smoke was pouring out of the tower in large amounts.

"Makuhita!" He pushed the small button on the pokemon's pokeball, and Makuhita popped out, fists raised.

"Can you get me out of here?" Without a sound, the pokemon went to work. Pounding the door to splinters.

"Get in there! I'll only be a second!" He called out to Blake. Sighing inwardly, he couldn't help but think how often he was injured and trapped.
Blake looked at Wind, then looked into the Tower. He couldn't see anything, it was dark, as usual. "Dude, I don't see anyone here except the Rattata and Koffing that wander around in here." He looked at Wind, then lifted the remaining pieces of wood off of him and dragged him out, then helped him up again. "And I don't even SEE a helicopter."
(haven't kept up with the ill guess

Drake smiled as he saw the girl give up. After giving her some antiseptic and finally sewing her up, he re-locked the cage that contained Cross and her Eevee, but hung onto her bag. If anything, the rest of her bag would be means to keep her here...especially if those kids were at the burned tower. Those Pokemon were important to that little weasel, and Drake would exploit that weakness. he helicopter approached the burning tower; flying though the smoke. They landed on the small landing pad atop the giant structure. He looked to his leader, and asked, "What's our plan?"
The Eevee was whimpering, shaking, and Cross couldn't do anything about the damage. Her bag had all her Pokemon healing supplies.


The Eevee shrunk, ears down and trying to look innocent. "THIS is EXACTLY why I told you to go with Graceon! SO they couldn't use anything against me, IF I got caught, which I obviously did, god damn it Cherry!" The Eevee, looking shameful, whined again. She sighed and picked up the silvery Pokemon and held her close, whispering now. "Don't worry, I'm not mad, I'm just... scared. But I'm not too worried, these idiots don't nearly as much about the Legendaries as I do. Suicune is far smarter then these two idiots..."

Cephas smiled. "Drake grab the girl. Tie her to a post here on the top floor. Throw her pokemon off the roof if she won't comply. Im sure those brats will be here soon and we don't have time for them!" He stepped off the helicopter and checked his pokeballs, ready for a battle if necessary.
Wind looked up, squinting his eyes as he stared at the figure landing on the top of the tower.

"There's that helicopter you were looking for Blake."

Taking a deep breath, he grabbed Makuhita and Houndoom's pokeballs off his belt, ready for a fight.

"Come on, let's go. Be ready, we have no idea what pokemon they could use since there's no space for that Onix. We're at a disadvantage here, it's an awful playing field. Anyways," He sighed, closing his eyes for a second to mentally prepare himself. "Let's go."

Stepping into the building, he began to look around for the staircase. Spotting it through the smog, he made a dash for it, leaping and pulling himself up the old creaky wood.

As he reached the top, he kicked open the old door and jumped onto the roof, throwing his pokeballs into the air, releasing his two pokemon.

He began to glare at the two men standing in front of him.
Cephas looked up casually as the door was slammed open. He tucked a black remote into his jacket pocket. He smiled as Wind came in. "That was quite an entrance there. But I think its time for you to run along now. This doesn't concern you, so run along and go compete in your silly little gym matches or whatever it is you children do." He laughed and pulled a shadowball from his jacket. "We wouldn't want your pokemon to get...hurt, now would we?"
The battle was intense but short. Jayden gazed at the Pokeball now containing Litwick with a smile... she had made a new partner. She had of course offered it not coming along with them but Litwick had disagreed with that so Jayden tossed the pokeball and here they were. She had headed to the Gym since then and discovered that the Gym Leaders weren't there... upon further inquiry apparently something serious and dangerous was going on in a couple of towns over. Biting her lip with worry she had just enough thought to nickname Litwick Ray before going to the nearest Pokeshop to stock up so that she could begin heading towards the town where the trouble was taking place. She had faith in herself and her team and believed now that they would be able to make a difference if given a chance.

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Wind let his hair fall over his face to hide the look of rage being thrown at his opponent. Trying to keep his voice calm, he began to speak.

"Don't under estimate me. I'm much stronger than you think, plus I have the type advantage. Haunter!" Now he plucked Haunter's pokeball off his belt, adding him to the group alongside Houndoom and Makuhita.

"Oh, and this is my business, you've hurt my friend, and your going to hurt many pokemon. I will stop you here. Shall we begin?"
"Fiesty I like it! You may think a ghost can stop me, but ive brought some new friends along, and you're not gonna stop me from getting Suicune!" He threw his shadow ball and a weavile came out. "You thought scizor was fast wait till you see weavile!" He laughed and turned to Drake, "I'll handle this, you take care of what I told you to"

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