World of Pokemon [Inactive]

Meeka huffed as she followed Daniel through the mountains again. They had traveled all through the night, barely stopping for a moment when the outburst could be heard country-wide. In the far off distance smoke dithered into the sky, far above the City she knew her friends were traveling. Her eyes grew wide as she pondered what was conspiring over in the dark places of the far-off place. Her pace had slacked, and she did a small jog to catch up to Daniel.

"I'm sorry, its like I haven't been here." She apologized for her lack of conversation, but secretly her lack of thought. She was a very well planned out person, at least she liked to believe so, and not having a plan for this was unheard of. Teddiursa yawned and laid her head back down on Meeka's, where she once again rested on her shoulders. Reaching up she stroked the soft bottoms of her feet and smiled to herself.

The urgency in Lucario's voice back at their make-shift camp had made her uneasy. Their travel speed tripled, and she was sure they had reached their destination a million times over. But in the silence of the trees it was becoming more and more difficult to make out how long she had been walking. Occasionally she would peer out through the dim tree branches and see a shape dodge in and out of the under-brush. Unsure of its origin, she would occasionally squint to try and find it hiding, but with no success. In silence she waited for the shape to appear.

Cross growled and snatched at Cephas's Pokeballs, trying to grab Celebi's. She'd met that Pokemon in the woods one day. They were friends. If she could just get Celebi away from this monster of a man, she could help the poor Grass type Legendary. She'd do anything to help her friend.

Blake meanwhile flew away from the helicopter, having given up on waking up Wind- the boy was out cold. Instead, he turned his attention to the Eevee cowering in his backpack. Trying to pry her mouth open was a task in itself. "Cherry, give me Suicune!"

The Eevee shook her head, refusing. The boy sighed and looked at her, then tried to pry her mouth open again. "Cherry, you're not helping this any!"

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Cephas slapped cross and backed up. "I want all of you, off my chopper!" He went over to the pilots seat and threw him to the co pilot seat. He sat down and turned the handle so everything started to fall out the open door. "Take suicune! Who cares? I was giving him to Drake anyways!"
The young girl cried as the cage was in started to slide towards the open door of the chopper, but it wedged in the open space instead. She could look out between the bars and see straight to the ground. "You're insane! You'll crash this thing! It'll kill us all!" She shrieked, shoving her way backwards as far away from the open air as possible.

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"I just dont care anymore! So either you all quit following me or I'll drive this bird right into the ground!" He yelled. He wouldn't really crash the helicopter but he was sick of these children following him around

Wind's eyes fluttered open as he saw the blurred figure of Blake above him.

"Wh-What happened?" He tried to push himself up, but a sudden pain in his back caused him to fall back down.

"Agh!" Clenching his teeth, he shivered as he lay.

"Why are we away from the roof Blake?" He looked up in worry.
Meeka saw in the distance a small dot dancing in the sky. Bringing her hand above her brow she peered up into the clouds, trying to make out the copter that was now tilting to it side hundreds of feet up. Unsure, but worried she paused in her march with Daniel, tugging her hair tie tight around her burgundy hair.

"I don't know what that is..." She looked at Daniel, not quite sure what his reply would be. For comfort she reached for Teddiursa's paw. "...But I'm going after it." She hit the dirt with a light boot, her feet carrying her more lively than they had the last few hours. Adrenaline pushed her towards the thing high in the sky, almost a town away it seemed. Not sure of the distance or time, Meeka ran until she was panting in the brush far below the Helicopter.

Her head tilted strait up as she saw the doors were wide open, and as she had gotten closer, the realization that the small dot was a flying vehicle made her heart sink. She recognized its markings from before, flying away as she came out of her hiding spot back at Union cave just the day before. A glint of silver from inside made her squint, catching her eye with curiosity. She was sure something was causing the Copter to tilt, and if Cross was still there from the day before, someone might be in danger.

As she ducked deeper into the brush, Teddiursa hopped off of her shoulders diligently, and strait into the open clearing. With a loud sweet voice Little One called up to the large vehicle in the sky, waiving innocently to the new company.

"Why do you think they're following you?! You're holding their friend captive!" She shouted back, angrily. "God, I don't know WHY you went after Suicune anyway! He is not he most powerful Legendary in this region! Hell, I have MET STRONGER LEGENDARIES!"She shrieked without thinking, then gasped. "Sh*t!"

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"Wind, you went unconscious! Your Pokemon have been worried sick!" Blake gestured to Houndoom and Makuhita, who, with the help of Blake, had been patched up. Cross's other Pokemon stood among them, along with Cherry the Eevee, who Graceon was formally making a show of making sure she was okay. When he nuzzled her, the silvery Pokemon's ears went straight up, and she buried the lower half of her head in the fur around her neck. "Do you think you'll be okay? I might be able to go back for Cross still!"

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"Oh you have, have you? Maybe you're actually worth keeping around after all!" He Reached over and grabbed the cage and pulled it away from the door. He hooked it to the other door and continued to turn the copter to drop the others
Meeka watched as the Helicopter tilted further, more drastically causing large thumps high above her head as miscellaneous items fell out haphazardly. Teddiursa continued waiving around, her voice rising to louder growls at the people who were still hovering in mid air. Meeka tried to waive Teddiursa down, calling her softly to come back, but as her wrist bent mid-motion, her bracelet glowed. Buneary leapt out, bouncing to Teddiursa and joining in her calling into the sky.

"Buneary?!" In shock Meeka tried to bring out their Pokeballs, unnerved by how anxious her Pokemon had become. There must surely be something or someone important on that Helicopter. As she watched, dumbfounded, her wrist glowed again and Emolga glided out, circling her team with the same fearful enthusiasm. "Emolga?! You too?" She almost hissed the words.

The young girl looked at Cephas. Now she was looking desperate. She started to slam her shoulder against the door of the cage, desperate to escape. This tilting was so ridiculous, "YOU MUST HAVE A DEATH WISH!" She shouted, desperate to get out.

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Meeka jolted up as she heard the last remark. 'You must have a death wish!' It was loud enough to echo through the now semi-overcast skies. The smoke of Ezekeal City had already begun following the trail it came from, filling the air with a thin haze. She clenched a fist instinctively and rocked back on her heels in nervousness. As she tried to decided what to do, her Pokemon had already decided.

Emolga changed her glides from casual watching to a full on aerial attack. She launched herself towards the Helicopter, her wings exerting furiously to meet the distance required for this. Her head popped over the top of the Helicopter flooring, just in time to see another small object go flying off the vehicle. She chirped in recognition of Cross, who was jumping back and forth in the cage, still trying to escape. Her dark ears twitched in understanding of the situation as she swooped down quietly and landed on top of the silver caging, small enough to go unnoticed by the driver.

Her cheeks sparked momentarily as she sent a small current through the metal bars. Although the small current was meant to help weaken the metal's strength, the contents of the cage were still vulnerable to her shock. With a sudden start she watched the trainer she was trying to help jump at her sparks, and immediately she chirped in apology.

As the Helicopter rocked again, Buneary also decided to take action, her bounces now become large powerful bounds, hundreds of feet in the air. She gestured to Teddiursa, encouraging her to help her be launched into the air, until soon she was bouncing the height of the Helicopter. With each hop she waived, assessing the situation with her rabbit ears curled tight, cocking her head to Cross every time she began falling back down.

The young girl jumped when an electrical current went through the metal, "Oh, trying to electrocute me now, huh?" She shook her fist, then looked around when she heard a squeak. That was an Emolga squeak... "Meeka..." She muttered, looking around for the sky squirrel Pokemon.

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Meeka ran into the clearing, clearly confused by her team's actions. She gestured to Teddiursa, who was the only one still remotely on the ground. She knelt to eye level, one knee planted firmly on the ground. She leaned in close, butting her head softly against Teddiursa's, and without making a sound, nodded. She understood they needed to help more than anything, and she wasn't going to try to stop them. Her Pokemon were in their own, rescuers. She formed her hands into silent claws, and reached out, gesturing to Teddiursa her own idea for her to help.

Teddiursa's paws met the ground, forming a shadow that danced along the ground, before jumping off the horizon and into the sky. The shadows danced up towards the Helicopter, sharp claws threatening to grab onto whatever they found. As the reached the floor of the Vehicle, Buneary leapt again, this time fiercely kicking the side of the cage. The powerful kick dented the cage in one blow, and the Shadow Claws followed with ferocious cuts to the bars. The metal, already weakened by Emogla's current, made a loud cracking sound. The combination of blows made one bar finally crack, a chunk falling to the ground a hundred feet below.

In the dirt Meeka saw the small piece of iron glisten, picking it up she realized it was a piece of a cage. Her team's ambitions became clearer as she realized someone was imprisoned, and they were trying to free them. Pokemon's inhibitions were always greater than that of a trainer. She watched in stunned silence as her crew geared up to repeat their process, in hopes of breaking down more bars.

"What's going on out there?! Scizor fly out there to stop this" cephas threw a shadow ball and scizor flew out
"Emolga, get out of here, GO! Before you get caught!" She shouted, waving her hand in front of the little sky squirrel, trying to scare her away.

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Emolga squeeked in reply, gliding out of side above the Helicopter. Buneary and Teddiursa, their claws and kicks already initiated, did not hear Cross's warning. Another round of Shadow claw scraped at the metal bars, while two firm kicks followed. Another three bars gave way, just enough for a small person to squeeze through. In mid-air Buneary spotted Scizor, squealing in shock she fell to the ground and scrambled towards Teddiursa, waving wildly at her friend.

Meeka heard a loud buzzing, the sound of metallic bug wings flickering in the air, causing her attention to be drawn away from her Pokemon's good-doing. At the sight of Scizor she waved at her Pokemon, struggling to see Emolga in the clouds above the clearing.

"Little One! Darling! Emolga!" She called out, her voice raising in panic. She ran towards Teddiursa, scooping her up just as she was about to pose ferociously. Only the little bear Pokemon seemed unnerved by the new opponent. Buneary punched her ears in rapid succession into the empty air, a show of courage, before leaping up to hang onto Meeka as she retreated back into the brush. Her eyes wide, she waited for the Pokemon to react to her sudden show of concern.

Once they had finished up at the pokecenter Jayden took her team to go get something to eat while she attempted to plan out what she could do to help out... it was obvious that her friends were no longer in this town (could she call them friends anymore? She had practically abandoned them...). Regardless, Jayden sat and picked at her food... she wanted to be of use and now she had a team that could really be helpful... or at least she thought so. She noticed Donnie watching her with curious eyes and turned her gaze on him... He gave a small smile before taking her hand and 'speaking' to the other pokemon which had Ray (a little hesitantly) and Tridon crowding around Donnie as well... and then there was a flash.

Jayden blinked and rubbed at her eyes furiously, blinking rapidly as she looked around. It had gone from a quiet place to eat to seeming chaos. "Meeka? Wha... " She said, pushing herself to her feet and rushing over to the familiar face. Her pokemon followed her, looking out at the battle and fidgeting... it was obvious they wanted to join in but were unsure how to do so.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/75793_trainercard-Jayden.png.31fae3a858eeb32763e27ba4cbcbd772.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17535" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/75793_trainercard-Jayden.png.31fae3a858eeb32763e27ba4cbcbd772.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Meeka whipped her head back at the sound of her name, looking at Jayden with wide unsure eyes. She was surprised to see her friend in this area so suddenly. Her thoughts wandered to Daniel, Blaze and Wind, all she wasn't sure where they had gone to. She waved her hand up and down in panic, mouthing the words 'get down' to Jayden as she did so.

Seeing Meeka's expression and catching at least the 'down' of Meeka's mouthed words Jayden obeyed immediately, trying to figure out what was going on. Unable to comprehend... she wasn't even sure how she had gotten there at the moment... she mouthed 'are you ok' at Meeka, worrying that her presence was more troublesome then anything.
Worried, Meeka ducked lower, crouching through the brush till she was soon close enough to Jayden to talk. The Scizor above her had yet to make a move, and with baited breath she hoped it had not noticed her scooping her precious Pokemon up and hiding them away. Teddiursa leapt up off her shoulders, and in muted joy pranced around Jayden. Meeka turned to watch Teddiursa, her face still stiff and serious.

"They have that girl, Cross. Up in that helicopter." She pointed up at an angle, trying to discreetly show the situation. Most of her air view was blocked by the shaky sight of red wings beating the air rapidly, in and out of view. "Emolga is up there too, but I don't know where. She was trying to help, and then this..." Her eyes fell, looking distraught. Never had she let her own team fall into such danger, and from such a dangerous trainer at that. The Scizor looked like it would crush Emolga in one go if she was found. Meeka coughed as she held back the squeal of fear that thought had given her. She had to act soon.

Jayden glanced up when Meeka pointed but all she saw was a glimpse of red. It terrified her but she pushed it aside. She was pretty sure her pokemon weren't ready for any of this individually... Trying to catch a better glimpse at what was terrorizing Meeka at the moment Jayden saw that it was a Scizor... Steel Bug... weakness were at least fire... but that's all Jayden could think off the top of her head. And... there was a girl being held captive in a helicopter. She had her the name Cross and felt like she should know the name but she didn't recall the girl completely... "Do you have a plan at all? Maybe we can ambush it?" Jayden whipsered to Meeka, creeping under the bush more so that she wasn't discovered too soon. She lowered her hat, hoping her hair wouldn't show. "There's gotta be something we can do... "
Meeka sighed, exhaling deeply into the thick air. She looked at her Teddiursa and Buneary, who were sitting quietly, tension even falling on their normally carefree shoulders. She turned to Jayden again, her words coming out in small short puffs.

"I'm not sure what we can do. I can't risk anyone getting hurt. I think Cross can get out, I heard a snap in in one of the bars as Scizor came flying after us." She looked around, trying to take note of her bearings. "If she decides to jump, we can catch her. If we hide here long enough Scizor might not notice us. If we fight, then we put everyone in danger, even up there."

She clenched a fist and released it experimentally, as if testing her own team's abilities through the single gesture. Both Pokemon were on their feet at the sight, poised if ready to take action.

"We could delay Scizor long enough as a team if we have to, but we'd have to have a way to get up there. I'm came to help, and I'm not leaving someone in danger."

Jayden thought it over and realized that Meeka had a point. Openly defying Scizor... well such a powerful pokemon could take them out rather quickly. She glanced over at Trapinch, Ralts, and Litwik which were huddling at her side. Well, Ray the Litwik wasn't really huddling but he had the sense to stay out of sight at least. It puffed up when it noticed Jayden looking at him and she couldn't help but smile. She couldn't put them in danger... if Cross really was making her way out little by little Jayden saw no harm in staying here as back up.

"Alright." She finally admitted. There was nothing they could really do without risking themselves and their partners and there really wasn't anything worth risking their partners for. "I'll stay here with you. I've got your back whatever you decide to do. I know that Ember isn't the strongest move but it's a fire type move that Litwik knows in case we do need to distract Scizor... because I think ranged moves work better. Does your bunneary know ice beam yet?" Jayden said, trying to at least plan out what they could do as a distraction.. because if they needed to go at Scizor best not to get close... They could have their teams circle around and hurl attacks from a distance... and their pokemon was small enough perhaps they could stay hidden while attacking. Jayden would only put it into action at Meeka's word however. Like she had said, she'd follow whatever Meeka decided.

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