World of Pokemon [Inactive]

The girl took a piece of metal to he face as it flung from the bar of the cage, and she rubbed her nose. "Ow..." She muttered, then started desperately to pry past the bars. Once she did manage to do so, she crawled across the floor and grabbed onto the outer edge of the door as it tilted precariously, and she looked out, muscles tense as she looked down.

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(Sorry for my inactivity.)

Scizor looked down at the two people conversing. He saw them as a non threat he scanned the area for a more prominent threat to his master.
The young girl looked back at Scizor, her hair whipping around her face, and one emotion shone on her face- pure terror. It was simple. She could jump and risk being killed in the fall, or stay and get beat up by a Pokémon. She glanced back and forth between the open air behind her and the Bug Pokémon in front her. She wasn't sure which was worse..

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Scizor spotted the girl and honed in on her. He sharpened his claws and prepared for his attack.

His claws glowed a bright silver and he flew at her.
She squealed and rolled out of the way, grabbing onto the back of the drivers seat. She was breathing hard, about ready to give in to panic, but somehow she kept her cool. She stared at Scizor, eyes trained on the big red bug.

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Scizor flew into the helicopter and grabbed the girl. He turned around and held her out the door.
She screamed, grasping onto the pincers of the Scizor. Her vision fade in and out, her legs flailing in the open airs. She looked down. She could barely make out the figures of Meeka's Pokemon below, merely specks on the horizon.

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The girl clung onto the Scizor for dear life, refusing to let go of the bug. This thing was not dropping her- "Oh god, I'm starting to get vertigo- oh god." She clung on even more. "Kill me, you kill all the information you'll ever get! And you kill your chances of getting Suicune back!"
"Im not even sure you're worth it anymore! I said drop her scizor!"

The bug let go of the girl
Cross went wide eyed as she fell out of sight. Then slowly she rose up again. On the back of a Salamence, with Absol right behind her. Trainer and Pokémon jumped onto the helicopter as one, and Cross went to wrestle with Cephas for Celebi's Pokéball, while Absol blasted the Scizor wih Flamethrower.

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(Oh just a battle raging in the helicopter as it tilts dangerously to one side. Cephas has gone bonkers and decided to dump everyone out of the helicopter.)

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*Lance had been waiting for someone to challenge him to a Pokemon battle. He had been bored for a little while after constantly beating so many trainers. He decided to take a break until someone came forth to challenge him*

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