World of Pokemon [Inactive]

"Dark and Ice type? Pathetic. One hit from Makuhita will knock it out. Speaking of which... MACH PUNCH!"

Makuhita could barely be seen as it threw itself at Weavile, fist rearing back to punch. In one swift motion, his pokemon sent Weavile flying into the air, Makuhita in pursuit.

"Now Vital throw!"

His pokemon grabbed it's opponent and with full force sent it hurtling to the ground. When it hit, the roof burst open and it went straight through the old wood.

"You were saying something?" Wind spoke up cockily.
"WIND! Those things are ridiculously strong! Don't underestimate him!" I made that mistake and watched that Scizor take Talon down in one hit.. Blake, flying up on his now rested Salamence, jumped up onto the roof, eyes narrowed angrily. "Wheres my friend, you son of a b****!?"

He shouted, Salamence roared angrily beside him.
Wind looked over to Blake, his smug looked still glued to his face.

"Didn't you see what I just did to that Weavile?! I got it down in one-"

Sudden pressure to his back sent him tumbling across the roof to the edge. Pushing himself up, he saw that Weavile had jumped back through and attacked him.

"Knock him out guys! Full powered Flaming Shadow Fist!"

All his pokemon charged their enemy at once, combining their attacks to create the method he had used against Onix to knock it out, the Flaming Shadow Fist.
"Ugh, so God's sake, Wind!" He shouted, face in the palm of his hand, then he plucked a few Pokeballs off of his belt and sent a few Pokemon to help in any way. Meanwhile, he himself head towards the helicopter, to look for his precious not-really-little sister. "Cross? CROSS?" He looked around the roof before climbing into the helicopter.
"Shut up Blake!"

Wind was standing now, pokemon by his side, panting from being flung around so much.

Damn... this thing is too fast. We'll never be able to hit like this... Wait a sec, what if we...

"Smoke screen Houndoom!"

A black veil of smoke began to cover the play field, making it impossible for anyone to see.

"Haunter, now, Ominous wind!"

The smoke was cleared in a small area, and Wind could see Weavile's outline through it, stumbling around and trying to escape the dark mass around it.

"Makuhita, Close Combat!"


In one swift motion, Makuhita flew at Weavile, throwing punch after punch after punch at the pokemon.

"Finish this you guys!"

His pokemon stormed together, charging and attacking their enemy at full force, sending it flying across the roof, defeated.
Weavile hit the ground and struggled to get back up. "Hahahaha if you think hes finished, hes only getting started. Get up weavile!"

Weavile jumped up and dusted itself off. "Hone claws, agility, and shadow claw" the pokemon sharpened its claws, spun around a few times to get up its speed, and flew straight up to haunter. He slashed the ghost multiple times and flipped back. "Now ice shard!" He fired a few large ice spikes right into haunter. Dropping the ghost instantly.

Wind began to panic as his pokemon was dropped. It took him a moment of fumbling with it's pokeball to return the ghost pokemon back to his hands.

He stared at the small capsule, mind filling with rage. He span, body trembling as he stared down his opponent.

"I. will. end. you. FIRE BLAST, CLOSE COMBAT!"

His two pokemon charged the Weavile, their power fueled by rage for their comrade. Makuhita slammed their opponent into the ground, through the roof. Houndoom launched a star of fire after it, and Wind heard a scream of agony from below.

"Makuhita. Do it."

The big pokemon jumped down, and left his vision. Suddenly, the black and red shape came flying out of the hole it had created before. Houndoom launched another flaming star at the pokemon, adding to it's already paramount burns.


Makuhita launched itself at the enemy, grabbing both sides of it's head and pulling it back.

Again, and again, and again this repeated until finally, Weavile couldn't stand again. It lay completely still on the ground, it's breathing barely visible.

"Now him." Wind raised a trembling finger at the man who had been controlling Weavile.
"Wind, God, calm down! This rage will only get you hurt!" Blake leaned out of the helicopter, looking at Wind with concern. This pure, unadulterated rage would be this kid's downfall. He'd had to deal with an attitude much like that when he was younger, just starting out. Rage may fuel the fire, but it will burn you as well as your enemies.

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Wind turned to Blake, eyes burning.


He turned back, soul ablaze.

"Makuhita, Houndoom! Finish this now!"

His pokemon didn't move for a second, hesitant about attacking a human.

"DO IT."

There was a blinding flash.
Cephas stood completely still while winds pokemon attacked. Celebi blocked the attack and sent it flying back at makuhita sending it flying. Scizor flew out and picked houndoom up and threw it in the air, then flew up and crushed it before launching it straight through 3 floors of the building.
Wind himself began to run at the man, eyes ablaze and fists up. He drew quite close when Scizor launched itself at him. He sidestepped it easily and continued charging

"You hurt my friends."

He threw his fist upwards when he reached the man, and it collided with his jaw.

"You hurt my partners."

He jabbed his fist into the man's stomach, sending him falling to the ground.

"You hurt me."

He began kicking him with all his might.

"But worst of all, you hurt the pokemon that had protected me since I was a child."

Reaching into a pocket, Wind pulled out something small and metal. A knife.

"And now you'll pay."

He threw his arm downwards and slowly slid the knife up to his neck. His body was alive with a fire he had never felt before, and he felt his soul burning with rage.

"You're scum. The worst kind of trash. I will remove you from this world at the cost of my own soul if it means you will never hurt another human being or pokemon again. Just die." Before he could move to draw his blade across the man's throat, he was sent flying away, ragdolling across the ground and laying on the edge of the building, vision fading.
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Cephas stood up and dusted himself off. He looked to his right and saw that scizor slammed the kid off of him. He looked up to see that his trap had worked. Suicune took the bait.

"Celebi leech seed suicune!" Celebi shot the seeds onto the legendary beast"

When the legendary wad being drained cephas threw a shadow ball at it. It collided and the pokemon was caught instantly. Cephas ran up, grabbed the ball, pulled drake, and hopped into the helicopter.

"Goodbye stupid children. Have fun with Your surprise" he pulled the black remote out of his jacket and pushed the button.

The helicopter took off and blasted away and at the same time the bottom floor of the tower exploded! The building started to fall
"WIND!" The shriek of the girl split the air in half, her green eyes following the boy as he fell, and suddenly she kicked and fought her captors with a new light, desperate to escape, get away, something. "WIND!"

Blake looked up, and ran to the helicopter, jumping to grab onto the leg of it as it took off, barely managing to grasp it with his fingertips, he shouted to his Pokemon," Go, get Wind, make sure he's okay!"

Salamence immediately flew down, snapping up the boy by the back of his shirt before he hit the ground.

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Wind barely realized what was going on. He had had the sensation of falling downwards, and now it felt like he was falling upwards. A tight grip on the back of his shirt constricted his throat, and he felt like he was going to pass out. Suddenly, he felt himself touch a hard surface, and he opened his eyes once more. He was on the roof. What was happening? Coughing, he looked around, but everything was blurry and fragmented. He couldn't make out one shape from another.
The Salamence huffed at Wind, his blue snout in his face, blowing smoke at him (mostly on accident) as he looked him up and down. The frantic screams of Cross and the struggling Blake above got farther and farther away, making the mighty dragon more and more anxious..

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Wind coughed feebly as he lay, shaking on the roof. His eyes were closed again, and he felt himself losing consciousness. His thoughts scrambled and became random, he could barely hold one for more than a second.

His mind began to slowly shut down, and the last thing he thought off was how he had failed his friends.


The dog teetered up the stairs as it tried to return to Wind and the fight. After Scizor had knocked him down, he had a lot of trouble picking himself up again. Clenching his razor sharp jaws, he dragged himself up another step, nearing the top.



A few Rattata were sent flying away from the pokemon as it struggled to hold it's ground on one of the Burned tower's middle floors.


The moment Celebi had knocked him back down the stairs, he had been surrounded by rabid-looking pokemon who had attacked him non-stop.

The yellow pokemon began to grow exhausted and could no longer fend off his foes. Turning, he lept and swung away, making his way back to the stairs to see Houndoom struggling up them.
Salamence made a keening sound and picked up the boy once more placing him once again on it's back, and looking around.

Meanwhile below, a flash of green whipped past Houndoom and Makuhita, vines lashed at them and snatched them up, carrying the two along with. Meganium was running up the stairs with a fury that could not be sated; not until her own trainer was safe. Absol and Cranidos joined her soon, leading the charge as Mismagius lazily floated upward towards the top floor.

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Houndoom struggled meekly in the grasp of Meganium, not realizing what was happening for a second. Sudden pain to his head brought him back to reality. Makuhita's fist hovered in front of his face, eyes narrowed a look of Shut up you idiot deep in them.

Growling, he looked forward, they were nearing the door. Closer... Closer... WHAM!

The door burst open and the pokemon flooded onto the roof. Looking around, Houndoom spotted Wind laying on the back of a Salamance. Yipping excitedly, he slid out go Meganium's grasp and began to run over to his trainer, looking up, mind filling with worry when he realized the young boy wasn't moving.


Hopping out of the large pokemon's grasp, he bowed thankfully, in the way Makuhita do.

Running over to his large companion, he joined him in looking at the immobile Wind. Rage filled his mind and he spun around, looking for whoever could have done this to the boy.
Meganium looked at Wind, then walked over and started to give off a sweet smell, the move Aromatherapy. Graceon looked up, then pried his trainer's ACTUAL backpack (not the one in the helicopter) off of Cranidos's back, nosing through it.

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Wind could not move as the aroma washed over him. He barely registered it in fact as he was stuck in the prison of his own mind.

He sat alone in some empty corner of his head, wishing he knew what was going on. All he heard was crying, very faint, and very quiet, but it was there. Nothing he could do would make it go away, and so he sat alone in his own mind. The crying had always been there, and it always would.
The helicopter flew fast and far away from the tower. It was already far beyond sight.

"Drake. I want you to take suicune. You need something powerful to back you up in a battle."

Cephas hands drake the shadow ball.

"Dont use him yet. The ball has to corrupt him. He needs to stay in the shadow ball for longer than celebi did. He has a much stronger will than celebi."

He sipped at his drink for a little while

"Dont make me regret this decision"

The Eevee ran out of the dark in a flash of silver, jumping off a chair and snatching the Pokeball containing Suicune, and skid under between Cephas's legs. At that same moment, Blake, who had been hanging off the legs of the helicopter, threw the door open, wind churning up his flame-colored hair. "Thought you could get away, huh?"

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"You runts think youre smart?" Cephas yelled angrily and went over to Blake. "Hand me the pokeball," he pulls out a small handgun (a sig 229 for you gun buffs), "or I'll personally end your life right now" he points the gun right at Blake
Eevee looked at Cephas confused, then stuffed the small Pokeball in her cheek and ran away.



The Eevee crawled up his back and into his backpack, huddled in the bottom of the bag.

Blake looked at his friend. He could see the desperate look in her eyes. "Usual place?"

"Usual place, NOW GO!" The young girl nodded, then lunged and grabbed Cephas's ankle and tugged, knocking him over.

Blake hesitated, then stepped back, taking his backpack with Eevee and the Suicune Pokeball with him. A sharp whistle summoned his Salamence with Wind in tow, and soon the boy and bag were flying away from the helicopter. 
"Wind... WIND! Wake up now! CMON!" Blake was urging the boy to wake up verbally. When that didn't work, he sighed. "Sorry." He held up a hand and began to slap Wind repeatedly, shouting, "WAKEUPWAKEUPWAKEUPWAKEUP!" Eevee even joined in by bouncing repeatedly on his stomach, trying to help.
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Jayden released Ray from his pokeball after heading over to the Pokecenter and getting all three of her pokemon healed. Tridon and Donovan only looked a him quizzically for a moment before seeming to accept the litwick. Jayden couldn't help but grin at her team, happy that she had a slowly growing family on this trip. Remembering that there was some strange business going on which was calling the Gym Leaders away she went in search of where the trouble was coming from.

(I don't know why this keeps happening but I keep ending up not getting notifications from this... I'll integrate better when I figure out why I'm not getting notifications...)

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