World of Pokemon [Inactive]

(really all that has gone down is that we found a cave for the night, slept, and i woke up to find lucario distressed. He said the forest was dying and that he thought celebi was in trouble [which she is]. I said we needed to get him healed first and then train before we go off gallivanting through the forests looking for a fight. He agreed, and now im making breakfast waiting for the rest of you to get up. Wind is with cross [saved her] and then Jayden was ahead of us and made it into town before she slept. She is now somewhere in the forest as well, training.)
Meeka woke up to a delightful smell. Her stretched and yawned, her muscles spasming as she did so. She looked over at Teddiursa who had fallen asleep next to her for the night. Despite having a pokeball now, Meeka still didn't feel right about putting the wandering Pokemon away. She might have been safe but it was not where she was comfortable. Meeka got up, startling Little One as she did so, wandering over to Daniel and his fresh cooked breakfast.

"Good-morning." She mumbled it through a yawn, drowsily rubbing her eyes and combing her fingers through her hair. The mess of red had become tangled and matted throughout the night, and she was making it manageable, tying it off again with her hair tie in a fidgety move. She saw the determination in Daniel's eyes and stopped her morning ritual mid-motion.

"What's wrong, you look...distraught." She put a hand on his shoulder gingerly, not sure how to convey any form of concern through personal contact. It was probably more awkward for her to do so, then for Daniel to feel her hand on his shoulder. She jumped her hand away after briefly resting on the fabric of his shirt and move across from the food to face him. She turned pale as her embarrassment burned up. People were so confusing.

She scarfed down breakfast, finding the combination quaint and enjoying the hominess of the meal. Seeing everyone still slumbering she got up and plucked Emolga and Buneary from her wrist, bringing them to the campground in a flash of light. They both bounced cheerily when brought out, and the three small Pokemon relished in each-others company. Meeka smiled at their excitement then turned serious.

"Its been a rough few days, and I think we all need to..." She smirked, feeling awkward saying this word. She had felt disdain for the concept of teaching her Pokemon to fight, but the last few days had proved they needed more protecting then they could manage. "Train."

Her team of three looked determinedly at her, all with fire in their eyes.

Daniel really didn't feel her hand as he was much to lost in the thought of something happening to the protector of the forest. Celebi was the sole entity responsible for bringing order and balance among the trees. It wasn't until he saw the flashes of light from Meeka's pokeballs, that he awoke from his zombie like trance. He put on a smile and softly said. "Well good morning." He said it more towards Meeka, but followed it up with, everyone, referring to the Pokemon. Quil was still snoring from inside the cave, a sound you could very much hear and resembled a dying motorboat in the middle of an earthquake.

Lucario, however, was sitting next to Daniel and eating the home-cooked meal off of a plate like a human. He thought he heard the word train come from Meeka's mouth. "Training eh?" He asked, looking up at her in a hazy grin. "Well, if you want, we can train together. I need to get my Pokemon off their butts," he said with a laugh. "I think training will do us both some good." he said as he reached inside his jacket and pulled 4 pokeballs from it. "What do you say?" He had another 12 empty Pokeballs attached to his jacket, just in case he came upon a Pokemon he desired to capture.

He threw out Minun and Plusle first. The fraternal twins burst out of the bright light; happy to be out once again. The two pranced around for a few moments before realizing there were new people around. Minun hid behind Daniel's leg while Plusle embraced Meeka. The Plusle climbed onto Meeka's shoulder and snuggled next to her smiling. She then proceeded to sit on her shoulder, propped up against her head. "She likes you," Daniel said with a grin. He noticed the little Minun hiding, and proceeded to pick him up onto his shoulder. The Minun hid again behind Daniel's head. "As for him, it'll take some time to warm up to you. Shall we get the other 2?"

He threw out one of the remaining 2 pokeballs he had left and, out of the blinding white light, a great and powerful mightyena appeared. The dog like Pokemon stood strongly and proudly. He eyed the Pokemon that were gallivanting around, as well as Meeka. The Mightyena walked over to Meeka, coming to at least her shoulders, and stared at her. After a moment, he cocked his head; ears raised. She looked curious to him. They had never seen another human before. After analyzing her for a moment, he licked her face. This to anyone else would seem cute and just a thing a "dog" would do. But in reality, mightyena just marked Meeka as valuable and made her an honorary part of his family. "They all seem to really like you, guess you just have a way with pokemon," Daniel said to her. "Last one."

He tossed the Pokeball carelessly in the air. The Pokeball glinted from the sunlight until it burst open, and a Luxio emerged through the light. "And this is luxio," daniel said smiling. "Very strong for his evolution, but really friendly." The Luxio looked briefly at the girl before sitting by Daniels leg; like there wasn't anything different. "So miss Meeka," Daniel said placing his hand on Luxio's furr, Minun and Quil at his shoulders, and the mightyena standing boldly at his side along with Lucario. "Want to train?"
Wind felt himself slip in and out of consciousness until eventually being awoken with a star by a tingling warmth in his leg. Houndour was standing there, next to Absol and Cross, trying to move him.

"Don't, don't!" He struggled to stand up, holding out his arms as he did.

"Listen Cross, we have too much *cough* smoke in our lungs. There's a plant around here that will *cough* help the oxygen flow again. It may be hard to find in these ashes, but they're pretty fire *cough* proof." Stumbling forwards, he grabbed Houndour for support, his body aching like hell.

Pulling himself over to a greener part of the forest, he got down on his knees and began to root through the charred ground for the telltale dryness of the root. He almost screamed in relief as he found what he was looking for. Pulling the brown root apart sloppily, he tossed half of it to Cross, and began sucking on his own part, feeling oxygen return to his lungs almost immediately.

"Aw thank whatever god is in charge of healing roots." He sighed thankfully.

"Come on." His joints still ached as he stood, but much less. "We need to find Meeka and Jayden to make sure they're okay. Gastly too, I sent him to help them when Meeka got attacked by some team rocket boss." He spoke rapidly, feeling re-energized.

He shook off the trembling in his legs, and began making his way around the side of the rubble that was once Violet town, looking on it guiltily.
Meeka grinned, watching the Pokemon one by one approach her. It was true, she had an easier time communicating with Pokemon that people. She offered a small tough Poffin to Mightyena, much like the Pokemon equivalent of a dog treat, and nodded at him appreciatively. She understood the gesture as more than just puppy love.

She shrugged, embarrassed to train with someone else. She had never had someone else to train with. She was sure her Pokemon were fierce, several years of traveling had made them that way. But she had not made them practice to harm each other, rather than to keep up form and appearance. In competitions, execution was very important, so many of Emolga and Teddiursa's moves were very precise and rarely missed.

Meeka smiled at Emolga, twirling her finger in the air like a conductor, and watched as her flying electric Pokemon soared into the sky. She twirled and twisted with perfect grace, performing 'Acrobatics' like a dance. With just a few inches distance she passed by Quillava, the wind brushing his flames delicately. It was obvious that the miss was intentional, as she glided onto her back on her way back, chirping with delight.

Meeka turned to Teddiursa, sweeping her hand horizontally in the air. Teddiursa nodded, leaping up into the air, flipping with finesse, and landing on the ground in a showy way. As her paws landed down, she placed her front paws on the ground as if she was about to run on all fours, and a dark shadow stretched through the ground. It grew and reached up, a large dark claw reaching through the dirt, rapidly approaching Mightyena. As it came to his paws it paused, stopping mid dash as the claws formed soft paw-like hands. They scratched Mightyena behind the ears before dropping into the ground and fading.

"Fantastic Job Little One, you should have seen the look on his face." She lifted Teddiursa with excitement, letting Emolga land on her other shoulder, nuzzling her with pride. "And your spin was excellently executed." She turned to both, putting on a more serious face.

"Now when you come out of your glide, I need you to put your tail down. You're coming off more as tough then beautiful. And Little One, those claws were sharp, but I need you to have a more fluid movement with your shadow. We want cute not scary."

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Daniel's Pokemon were just as intrigued and amazed as he was to see Meeka's Pokemon putting on a show. Both of the Pokemon moved with great speed, finesse, and class. As for Meeka, she had tremendous advice to give to them when they preformed sloppily. He had seen trainers that would yell or even beat their Pokemon when something came amiss. But not Meeka. She treated each of her Pokemon with love and delicate care. All Daniel could do was clap and grin widely. His Pokemon that could, followed suit with the applause. He smiled as he told her, "Very nice," Daniel said as the clapping ceased. "Your very talented. And so are your Pokemon."
Wind left Cross behind as he ventured out, away from the city. He marched for what felt like hours, Houndour had lost almost all of the joy he had had when they began their journey, and now marched with unease in their hearts. After a while, a familiar ghostly presence filled Wind's senses. Looking up, he saw the shadow again.

The shadow from back in the forest, with it's blurry figure and piercing white glow, it was even more terrifying than before.

Holding his ground this time, Wind gathered all the courage he possessed, and took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he did so. The world around him came back into focus when he opened his eyes again, but the figured had dissipated. Leaving only a wisp of smoke in it's place, and an eerie feeling in the air, it had vanished. Shaking his head, Wind felt like he was going quite mad. A sudden laugh from behind him sent him rocketing into the air, and spinning around, his cloak jostling at his feet.

It was just Gastly, floating in the air beside him.

"Gastly! Oh my god, you're okay!" He went to hug the gas ball, but his arms went right through it.

"Never mind, is Meeka okay? Is Jayden okay? Are they okay?!" He spoke rapidly, allowing his excitement to overtake him. Gastly just span around and took off over the hill, leaving Wind in his tracks.

"Wait up!!!" Turning, he ran after his pokemon without hesitation, stumbling as he ran up the uneven hill. Sliding down the other side, he ran for only a few moments, until he was lead through some bramble, and he stumbled out into the open, staring into the face of Meeka and some boys she was with.
"For god's sake, how long have you been here?" She muttered, coughing. Graceon looked at her, worried. "You think YOU have smoke in your lungs? I was out in the middle of the fire looking for YOU!" She looked at Wind, eyelid drooping, breathing coming out in scraping hisses, it looked like it pained her to even speak. She stared, "Whoever was stupid enough to use a fire type move in the middle of the woods, I'll kill them.." More coughing. "Get me out of here, Graceon..." With that, Absol trudged off, his trainer holding on, down route 2...

(Lets say whenever I'm not here, Blake is just following quietly... Is that okay? >_<)

"Oh, are we all introductions now?" Finally catching up after Pippa fell in a mud puddle, Blake ran up, still brushing off the Piplup, and looked around at the other Pokemon, Pippa running over and starting to play with Plusle, he started plucking Pokeball from his Belt. "Well, I guess I might as well join in. Regal, Crash, Victor, Talon, meet everyone else." With that said, the flame-haired boy flung the Pokeballs in the air. Out came Haxorus, Rhyperior, Scolipede, and Blaziken. Haxorus looked around, then scooped up Piplup and patted her head in a very motherly fashion. "That's Regal, she's always been the mother of the bunch.. And watch out for Crash, he's-" Before the boy could finish, Rhyperior squealed happily and ran over to Meeka, picking her up and hugging her tightly. "He's a hugger. Rock hard on the outside, but he's a softie."
Meeka smirked at the compliment. She could never really get over the redness in her face that she felt when complimented. She murmured a thank you again, unsure how she should react to such praise. She huffed a sigh of contentment and waived Buneary towards her. Buneary leapt up and down, bouncing excitedly at her first real training session with her new Trainer. Meeka tilted her head towards Daniel as she groomed her fur lovingly.

"You're next, so show us what they can do." She finished perfecting one of Buneary's fluffy ear curls and nodded to her companion silently. She had trained with Buneary long ago when her friend had been her true Trainer. But now that he had found his place amongst Flying Pokemon she was sure they would be a perfect match.

"Why don't you show us what moves you can do too, Buneary?" She scratched her under the chin before standing up and posing in a director's position again. "Blow us away Darling."

Buneary leapt up, her ears curled up in tight little balls. She swung herself towards the nearest tree, letting her ears unfurl and began smacking the tree in a flurry of 'Dizzy Punches'. She finished with a soft round kick and leapt backwards, nimble on her soft paws. Buneary faced Meeka and brought a paw up to her mouth, giving off an adorable smirk before leaping high into the sky. Her 'Bounce' took her 15 feet up before she came hurtling down, her back paws jutting out in a fierce kick to whatever was below her. She aimed for a small fallen branch that snapped in a loud satisfying kind of way.

Spinning on her toes Buneary danced towards Teddiursa who was watching in excitement, brushing her paw gently before grasping firmly and spinning her into her place. In a flash Buneary had taken Teddiursa's place while Teddiursa stood dumbfounded at how she ended up squarely where Buneary stood just a moment ago.

"Excellent..." Meeka whispered it under her breathe. The sight of Baton Pass excited her, as it was an excellent show with the Judges. She turned to greet the new Pokemon who joined the training, making an effort to great each with a special smile. As Crash stumbled into her, lifting her well off the ground her breath escaped her, but she smiled through it. As he released her affectionately she inhaled deeply and rubbed him behind his upper shoulder-blade. She was sure they could be good friends.

Even as they trained Meeka noticed a shape bounce up out of the distance, her eyes narrowing as she saw a familiar person walking towards them. She waved in relief to Wind as he came into the clearing.

Daniel shined his award winning smile at buneary. He got a sense that she was relatively new to the idea of competitions, but she did surprisingly well. "She moves very well," he smiled. "I would show you what my Pokemon could do, but we aren't 'Competing types'. We like to battle. Thinking of which, we might try to go for our first badge; maybe up after your competition. Maybe, you could help me practice. How about we battle?" He asked with a challenging smile. "I'll go easy on you." After he made the joke, he winked and awaited her answer
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Crash smiled goofily and wandered off again. "The other two are Victor and Talon." Scolipede looked up at the mention of Victor, then wandered off too, and Talon the Blaziken picked up Pippa and walked around with her cheeping happily. "Oooo, did I hear Pokemon battle? I call winner." He smiled and sat back on Lance's back, the Salamence looking pleased at the prospect of a battle to watch.
Meeka contemplated it for a moment. His Pokemon outnumbered hers 2:1, and the three were not really battle-ready Pokemon. But she would be happy to help train, and they could hold their own if not better. Emolga and her had been training for four years now, and her speed was beyond even some of the Gym's Flying types. She nodded in agreement, she would battle. Inhaling deeply she took a few steps to give way to a clearing so that the Pokemon would have a fair battle ground.

"What do you think you guys? Can we take 'em?" She grinned at her crew, who cheered with enthusiasm. It had been a long time since they had battled, but she knew they would stand strong. "Okay Daniel, you choose first."

She nodded at Blaze at the offer. She would have to win in order to continue battling.

Daniel smiled as he felt an excited rush pulsed through him. "It wouldn't be fair to use all 6 when you only have 3. I'll choose 3 to use," he said returning all Pokemon to their balls and then putting 3 inside his jacket. "My turn first eh? I suppose I'll choose..." he said trailing off and grinning. "Go! Mightyena!" He shouted. The mighty dog charged out of the white light, and took a strong stance. He let out a large howl, then locked his eyes on Meeka, awaiting her choice.
Dylan stretched as he walked out of his room with Rotom floating beside him. He yawned as he walked out into the lobby. Distracted by the rubbing of his eyes, Dylan ran into someone. "Oh, sorry, si...Oh, hello again." He said, noticing he ran into the guy from the night before. The guy looked over at him and nodded. He walked out of the building and Dylan followed suit.

"Hey, wait up." he cried out and the guy stopped and turned to him.

"What is it?" he asked as the Pikachu climbed from his head to his shoulder.

"Well, uh, I never got your name. I'm Dylan Gale." He held out his hand.

The guy stared at it for a moment and then turned away, "You can call me R." he said as he began to walk away.

Dylan dropped his hand, "Hey, wait, where are you going?"

The guy chuckled, "Wherever I want."

R was almost gone when Dylan shouted, "Can we at least battle?"

R stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder, "You don't want to do that."

Dylan brushed his thumb across his nose, "Yeah, I do. I'm challenging the Hoenn League to figure out what type of gym leader I want to be. I want as much experience as possible. Besides..." he looked over his face. R's face almost looked excited. It looked like it would be his first battle - at least, in a long time.

R chucked, "Alright, I'm game. Follow me." He waved his hand and proceeded through the town. Dylan smiled and ran to catch up.

Dylan and R walked all the way through Mauville City and began down the next path. Neither of the two said anything the whole time. Dylan felt awkward and he didn't even have a clue as to what R was thinking or where they were going. Dylan spotted a desert like area up ahead. He stopped in his tracks, "Are we going in there?" he asked noticing the raging sandstorm. R didn't reply and walked right into the storm. Not wanting to lose sight of him, Dylan caught up to him.

The sandstorm hit hard against Dylan's skin almost like rocks were pelting him at high speed - which was pretty much true. They walked a little further into the desert and R soon stopped. He turned and looked at Dylan, "Shall we get started? How does best two out of three sound?" He asked with a grin.

Dylan looked around at the swirling storm, "Are we really going to battle here?"

R nodded, "Trainers have to be prepared for all battling conditions. I've trained like this for years." R walked a short distance as he reached behind him and unhooked a ball off his belt, "Shall we get started?" he asked expanding the ball's size.

Dylan noticed R's eye started to burn with a fire. He could see that he was excited and anticipated an amazing battle. Dylan smiled and grabbed a ball off of the headphones that hung around his neck, "Let's do it, R." He expanded the ball and threw it into the air.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0761dac_DylanCard.png.6438262172de38c78851a467eb2c7f15.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16040" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0761dac_DylanCard.png.6438262172de38c78851a467eb2c7f15.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Meeka nodded at his choice, knowing it was a good one. She pointed to Buneary and gestured towards the battle field.

"Lets see what you can do Darling!" Buneary bounced forward eagerly, leaping into the clearing. Her eyes focused on her opponent as she danced back and forth from paw to paw.

"Buneary, use Bounce!" Meeka called out an order. She had yet to teach her new partner her hand gestures, but that would come later. She flung her arm into the sky to replicate an upward motion, fingers stiffly pointing towards the sky. Buneary leapt up again, her feet sprung upwards as she aimed herself to crash down on Mightyena.

The first move surprised Mightyena and caught him of guard. Buneary's paw came crashing down on top of mightyena's head. The great dog stood back up, shook his head, and growled awaiting orders. "Nice first attack choice Meeka." Daniel said genuinely. "Mightyena, use ShadowBall!" The Pokemon grinned and opened it's mouth, revealing viscous canine teeth. A black and dark blob of energy formed, and as mightyena clamped his mouth shut, the ball flew directly at Buneary.
"Darling, dodge!" Meeka spoke sharply out of surprise. The thought of Buneary getting hit full force with a Shadow Ball scared her tremendously. Buneary leapt to her right, reacting to the urgency in her Trainer's voice. Her reaction was delayed, making her swing aside a bit too late. The Shadow Ball hit her side, but faded into her fur. She stood tall and glanced back at Meeka, confused at the attack that didn't effect her, awaiting a command.

Meeka narrowed her eyes and tried to focus. She swept her hand low to the ground and gestured in an upward motion as she exclaimed,

"Jump Kick!" Buneary leapt off of her quick paws, her eyes matching Mightyena's as she moved, and spun mid-air, her feet hitting the air with a swift kick. The bottom of her paw aimed directly at Mightyena, hoping to knock him over. Meeka knew that Mightyena would be weak to Buneary's only fighting move, and smiled at the amazing execution.

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Mightyena was a fantastic specimen. He was strong, cunning, and intelligent. He had one downfall, and that was that he was slow with his size. Buneary connected with his side and successfully knocked him to the ground. A critical hit. The large dog, struggled to get up, but managed to stand. Daniel was taken back by Meeka's skill and choice of moves. Her tactics were very good. "Alright Mightyena, that got us down, now let's try and land a hit. And a good one. Use Hyperbeam!" The mighty dog opened its jaws again, and a large beam covering a decent area whipped out at buneary. This was a powerful move, however, if this didn't take buneary out, Mightyena would have to recover on his next turn. All Daniel could do was hope.
Buneary tried to leap away, flipping backwards nimbly just as the beam hit her full force. She stumbled, falling to all four paws in distraught. As the smoke cleared she stood, stiff and bruised but standing none the less. Meeka let out the breath she had been holding in. She jabbed both her hands forward in a sharp motion calling out to Buneary with determination,

"Dizzy Punch!" Buneary breathed deeply before launching herself at Mightyena, her ears unfurling in a rapid motion. Each ear struck her opponent in succession, dizzying him with their blinding speed until he was confused.


((Sorry dinner took longer than expected.)

Daniel saw his opportunity, and as the Buneary came falling down in an attempt to daze his Pokemon, Daniel struck. "Now mightyena! use tackle!" There was no way buneary could dodge the attack mid air, so the tackle connected. The extra momentum from Buneary's jump added with the power of Mightyena's pounce made a huge impact for a lot of damage. However, he wasn't sure the Buneary was out. He didn't think the little bunny was done. Even if it only had a little life left, which was about the condition of Mightyena, Daniel was sure that bunny would fight till the very end. It had heart and determination; there was no doubt about that. Daniel waited for the dust to clear to see what had transpired and also see the condition of Buneary.
Wind sat quietly in the corner of the camp as the battle raged on, staying alone with his thoughts. Did they know what he had done? Did they know it was his fault for destroying the forest and town? He breathed deeply and stood again, leaning against the rough surface of a tree as the two pokemon clashed. He could tell Houndour, who was sitting by his heels, was quite agitated, and looking for a battle.

Wind looked around for a moment.

"Come on bud." He glanced back up at the battle for just a second. "We're not needed here."

And with that, he stepped back through the brush, slipping into the night, happy just to know at least someone was safe.

A little bit of solitude would do him good. Plus, he still had Bugsy to challenge. Wow, challenging Bugsy. The thought had completely slipped his mind while wrapped up in everything going on. The cold air burned his skin after all the heat he'd been exposed to recently, but he shrugged it off.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Several Hours Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Flame charge! Shadow ball!"

Houndour and Gastly both fiercely attacked the dummies Wind had constructed, firing with full force, almost enough to send them flying into the pond behind.


The two immediately follow his command, falling to the ground in exhaustion, heaving for breath, but also tingling with energy.

"You two have definitely improved." He turned to his bag, slouching towards it. "I got some food if you're hungr- Hey!"

The bag was empty, the back of it ripped open, all the food had been taken.

He spun, his eyes darting around the clearing, searching for whatever stole all their food. A sudden bit of movement in the trees caught his attention, and bending down slowly, he felt around for a rock, closing his fist hastily around the hard surface. There was no sound as Wind crept silently towards the bush, until with all his might, he flung the rock into the bush. Suddenly, a red fist burst out of it, smashing it to pieces. A large Makuhita tumbled out of the bushes, it's fists raised. Wind knew not to mess with these things, they could deliver a punch that would knock a fully grown man out cold. His feet had already began to touch the moss on the side of the pond as he backed away from the large fighter, hoping not to anger it any more than it obviously already was.

Gesturing with his hand, he signaled to Gastly, telling it to get behind and paralyze the brute. Understanding almost immediately, the intelligent pokemon floated behind Makuhita and took a deep breath before blasting it with cold air, which sent in tumbling to the ground, paralyzed.

Not knowing what to do now, Wind acted on impulse, bringing out a pokeball and tossing it at the pokemon. It sprung open again, engulfing the Makuhita in a bright red light, pulling it in. It wobbled for only a moment before clicking satisfactory and sealing itself shut. Picking it up, he eyed it cautiously. It looks like he had a new companion...
(im going to take out 3 pokemon from my trainer card...hell maybe 4. It will make it more fun to capture the pokemon instead of just starting with them :D )
Blake watched the battle roll on, with Pippa slid down Salamence's neck, back and tail like a slide, flapping her flippers happily. The water-type peeped joyfully and clambered onto Lance's head again as he lowered it for her to climb back on, then lifted his head once more so she could slide down. Haxorus watched the battle with experienced eyes. "I see you're sizing up opponents," Blake nudged her with his elbow. "Relax, Regal. I think we can trust these people. If they're a friend of Cross, they're a friend of mine. Besides, the fighting amongst us I see in the future is for sport." He nudged her again, and the female Dragon-type made a sound like a sigh.

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