World of Pokemon [Inactive]

Gastly flew around frantically above the heads of Meeka and Dylan as it began to fly out the door of the large school building. It had to get help for Wind as soon as possible, who knows what could have been happening right then?


"Why is it that's it's always me getting in trouble..." Wind muttered under his breath as he sat in the corner of the room, next to his injured Houndour, while the blue-haired man spoke with some of his men. He turned in a flurry, and walked over to Wind, his maniacal grin even larger than before.

"Listen kid, we're in a tight spot here. Authorities are sure to arrive soon, and half our men our gone. I like your spunk boy, so either side with us, or... I think you know the rest." He ended on an almost insane laugh, his bright yellow eyes gleaming in the candle light.

Wind spat at his feet and looked up angrily.

"I would never join the likes of Team Rocket you slug." The man made an exaggerated sound of protest, and with mock hurt in his voice responded.

"But how could you say such a thing?" His voice then snapped back to his real tone, but much more threatening.

"Listen kid, do what we say or you will suffer. It is in my power to do things that would cause a grown man to cower in fear any time he saw my shadow for the rest of his life. So, cooperate."

"You can't do anything to me that would drive me to join such pathetic villains." He replied defiantly. "You were stopped by Red two years ago, and you'll be stopped again." The man cringed at the sound of Red's name, but straightened his jacket and stared Wind down, suddenly grabbing Houndour's neck.

"You say there is nothing I can do to you to make you cooperate... But what about your pokemon?"

Wind's mind froze. He couldn't let Houndour get hurt, he just couldn't.

"I'll... I'll cooperate." He muttered. Standing, the man dropped Houndour, and Wind hugged him, trying to calm the enraged pokemon. He was flailing like crazy, trying to attack the people around him "Calm down Houndour... Please. It's our only chance!" The giant pup stopped jumping around, and just stood their, shaking with rage.
Chris continued his hunt for a trainer to battle . He really wanted to try his pokemon in a battle.
Donovan and Tridon followed after Jayden as she headed back towards where she had left her friends to see them no longer there. "Meeka?" Jayden called, seeing a form moving in the distance. Noticing that it was a guy on the ground and not her friend Jayden stopped regardless, Ralts and Trapinch pausing at her side.

"Did you see anyone come through here recently?" Jayden asked, wondering where Meeka had gone. Realizing that was horrible manners she put her hand out to the stranger to offer help up. "Are you ok? Why were you on the ground? I'm sorry if I'm bothering you... I just seem to have lost my friend."

Daniel had been a trainer for little over 8 months and had managed to obtain 5 Pokemon and inherit 1. A Quilava, Lucario, mightyena, Luxio, Minun, and Plusle. They were strong in their own sense, but he strived for more adventure then he was currently getting. He went over possibilities on where to go in his head but found no idea that was to his liking. His Quilava stood proud and steadily at his feet; ready for anything. The rest of the pokemon wer away "Might as well take a rest for right now, It's beginning to get dark." He said looking up at the sky. "We'll move along again shortly." Quilava walked over to him sluggishly and fell over in a tired heap. Daniel smiled as he knew his pokemon liked to over-exaggerate at times. He slumped down next to him and fished some wild berries from his pack; feeding some them to Quilava. Him and his pokemon were very content. 
Daniel looked up and smiled. "I'm afraid I haven't seen anyone come this way yet. Then again, only been sitting here a few minutes. Taking a quick rest you know?" Quilava was very friendly and he didn't feel threatened. His pokemon got up and inspected her ralts and trapinch before giving out a happy sigh and returning to Daniel. Daniel took the strangers hand and hoisted himself up trying to do most the work. "Yes I'm alright," he said begining brushing the dirt from his pants. "Are you missing someone?" he asked.
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"Yeah, I was traveling with a couple other people but one was a friend of a friend. The one that I know is a girl with a Teddiursa and an Emolga... and it's not like her to suddenly disappear..." Jayden said. Well... maybe it was like Meeka to do that but she had never disappeared like that before. Even when Wind took off she stuck around... so where did she disappear to? It gave Jayden an extremely uneasy feeling that something bad had happened. "I'm um... Jayden, by the way." She said after a moment. "And these are my partners, Tridon - the Trapinch, and Donovan - the Ralts."

Ralts and Trapinch looked at the new person's Pokemon with interest.
He smiled at her awkwardness. "Well, I'm Daniel and this is Quil." He said gesturing to Quilava. He would introduce her to the rest of his pokemon, but he saw she was in a panic over her friend. "It's getting dark out," he said to her as he grabbed his pack. "We better get going. I'll help you find your friend. Not smart to be out late alone." He smiled once more as Quil very regally walked to his side. "Shall we?"
Meeka dashed around the City till she was face to face with Sprout Tower. Gastly had led her here in such a flury she had barely noticed running past the few trainers on the road. Teddiursa had waved excitedly to every trainer as they passed, not quite understanding the urgency in her Trainer's eyes. As Meeka reached out to touch the door, but paused as she watched Teddiursa copy her gesture. She swooped down to hug her tightly and stooped down to her eye level.

"Little One, I want you to hide. Or go find Jayden, you know the nice lady from yesterday?" She started gesturing to prominant features that might remind Teddiursa of Jayden. "I just want you to be safe, and I've never gotten a Pokeball for you. Wind could be in real trouble." She looked at Gastly above her and felt a shiver.

Teddiursa reached up and grabbed at Meeka's bracelet, tugging at the small Pokeball bangles. One was a soft pink color and was unfilled, which she plucked off of her wrist and let it grow in her paws. Meeka eyed the ball with curiosity and opened it up, facing it towards Teddiursa. She squealed in delight as she was absorbed in the white light, and danced into the Pokeball. It clicked with satisfaction as Teddiursa became hers in all trainer sense.

She took a deep breath and pushed her way inside, unprepared for what was to come. She hid her bracelet away, hiding her three Pokemon from any trainer's sight. As she walked she passed trainers who didn't question her, or challenge her. You couldn't challenge a trainer with no Pokemon after all. Gastly stayed hidden and led her up flights of stairs, but disappeared as she hit the highest floor. She felt the floor waiver a bit as the tower leaned along its center pillar. There was a battle.

"Well... it's nice to meet you, Daniel... And you too Quil." Jayden said, forcing a smile. "I wish it could be under circumstances that didn't have me worried." She said, rocking from foot to foot in agitation. Her eyes flicked around restlessly, it really was getting dark and after everything that happened with that shadow thing... did they ever even figure out what had been attacking them? "You... you really don't have to come with if it's... you know, a bother to you? Tridon, Donovan and I will be just fine... honest. We just... well we have to find out what's going on is all. Violet City is near enough that it shouldn't be all that dangerous... right?"
Wind stood on shaky legs as he rose to meet the villains around him. What was he doing, helping them? He supposed there was no choice though, there was nothing he could do to fight them off if they attacked. His eyes darted around him, watching with horror as he realized what he was really doing. Suddenly, he realized Gastly was gone. Had he escaped? No expression on his face could display to the men around him that he had realized this, so he just stood in acceptance.

"What do you want me to do?" He spoke in his calmest voice, though the rage inside of him was building. Houndour was obviously angry too, he growled and snarled at the members of Team Rocket around them.

"That's more like it. Now, the cops'll be here any minute, some traitor tipped 'em off to our presence here, so we need to book it."

As if exactly on cue, the giant window beside them shattered open, and men climbed through the hole. They were all dressed in police uniforms. There was nothing he could do now, he had to act. The blue haired man attacked first.

"Crobat, sucker punch!"

As he spoke, he threw a pokeball into the air, which released the giant bat pokemon, that immediately attacked the policemen. All around him, people burst into action, and a giant battle sprung into action. Left and right pokemon and human were thrown across the room. Wind began to panic, he couldn't keep track of who was who. That's when he realized he had lost sight of Houndour.

"Houndour!" He shouted into the fray, fear rising in his chest. Only a moment later, men were thrown out of the way, their clothes catching fire as Houndour jumped back to him. His eyes were flaming with rage, and fire poured out of his mouth. That wasn't his regular attack, it was something much more powerful.

"Come on! We need to get out of here!" He turned and tried to make for the window, but the blue haired team rocket leader stepped in his path.

"You're not going anywhere. Either you help us, or I will hunt you down and find you after this is over."

Tears fell from Wind's eyes as he spun around.

"F-Flamethrower Houndour!"

Men everywhere dropped, and the battle was done in only a minute more. He stood now by the Rocket leader's side, looking over the scene. Awful. It was all he could do to not burst into tears.

Suddenly, the door on the other side of the room burst open, and Meeka stumbled in. ((You don't mind that little bit of controling Meeka do you? I'll delete if you want.))
Meeka stumbled in... her breath instantly caught on fire as she inhaled deep smoke. Around the room lie Policemen, not dead but burned and unconsiocus. She gasped at the scene, unsure how to respond to such injury. As she made her way to the first injured man she looked up to notice Wind, who's Houndour was standing with smoke flaring from his nostrils. Both looked shocked and scared, with a front of determination.

"Wind!" She stopped mid way through leaning down over an injured Policeman to approach Wind. Only as she came closer could she clearly see through the smoke the entourage that surrounded him, and was filing out of the tower by the opposite exit.

She reached out for Wind, waving him away, knowing that whatever happened the smoke would hide him from the panicking others. They were fleeing like cockroaches would to light.

She gestured towards the door she had come in from and knew they might be able to leave through it if they were quick enough. Eyes spotted her and she mentally shrunk down as a Team Rocket grunt glared at her. She did not recognize their uniforms and did not know that she was being checked for any sign of being a Pokemon Trainer.

He smiled at her. "I'm sure you would be," he started, looking off into the darkness which was being lit by Quilava's flames. "It really is no bother, now that I know you are going to go gallivanting through the tree's after your friend, I wouldn't be able to rest knowing a beautiful girl such as yourself is in distress alone." he said as Quilava danced over to her and nudged her. "Alright, where to begin," he asked aloud, but more so to himself. "Do you have any idea where she was heading?" he asked ready to move when she was. Quilava tilted his head in curiosity at her
Jayden blushed at the compliment and she reached out to pat Quilava when it came closer to her. "That's really nice of you to say and... thanks for having some faith in me. I mean usually it's 'you're a girl so you must be protected' and you know that really just kind of sucks." Jayden replied. Donovan followed along behind a little uncertainly which had Tridon slowing down to walk beside him. Jayden thought hard on Daniel's question, rubbing her chin in thought. "Um... I ... we were heading towards Violet city... and then Tridon took off because he saw something which turned out to be Donovan.. and well, I was only gone for a moment... I... maybe she mentioned something about a tower around here but I could have sworn that she was going to the Trainer school so.. I really don't know. I'm sorry... I'm kind of an airhead."
He thought about what she said and traced violet city in his mind. He had only been there twice, but he had gotten the layout down pretty well "A tower you say?" he asked her thinking some more. "She was most likely talking about Sprout Tower. It's located in the middle of the city. We could make it in 30 minutes if we hurry. If anything, its a place to start," He patted his shoulder, and Quil crawled up onto it. "Follow me," he said smiling once more
"Sprout Tower? Is that like a place for grass type pokemon?" Jayden asked, looking at him quizzically. She didn't like the idea that it would take so long but it was better than nothing... at least a place to start. "Again... thanks for helping me with this. It's really appreciated and I'll be sure to return the favor when I can." Jayden said, a small smile curving her lips. Ralts was beginning to look exhausted and.. considering that she had just battled him to have him join her team it made sense. She scooped him into her arms and began carrying him as Tridon followed at her side.
He smiled and nodded. "No need to thank me, It's my pleasure" Quil had yawned and then fallen asleep on his shoulders while they walked. Eventually, they reached the town and saw it in disarray. "Something is going on...violet city isn't usually like this. Wait..." he said seeing the flames coming from the very top floor of the Gym.
"What's going on here?!" Jayden asked, staring at this strange new town. If all towns were like this then maybe traveling really wasn't for her. Swallowing back her fear and taking deep breaths so that she didn't disturb Donovan too much Jayden lowered her voice. "This... is this normal? I've never been here before... I've never been anywhere outside of my home town before..." Jayden admitted, staring at the disarray. Tridon chirped in distress, not looking the least bit impressed. He had been looking forward to a nice long rest but now? ... Jayden sighed, shoulders slumping. Why did bad things just keep happening?
He looked around. The flames were beginning to spread through town ever so slowly and there were firemen attempting to put them out. That flamethrower must have been powerful to cause this disarray. But, of course, Daniel didn't now about that yet. He turned his head without moving his eyes from the tower and spoke to Jayden. "No....this is not normal. Usually cities are a friendly place where trainers and pokemon alike could live in harmony. But this..." He couldn't even finish his sentence before his thought changed. "We have to get in there, somethings wrong" he said to Jayden, worried about the people inside the burning building.
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Wind couldn't look at Meeka as she stood in front of him. Did she even realize what had just happened? Did she realize who these people were, and what he'd done? Suddenly, the Rocket leader jumped forwards and grabbed her by the arm.

"Do you know this punk?" He stared Wind right in the eyes, which made him turn his head, feeling more anxious than ever. He looked Meeka right in the eyes only for a second, before turning to the man.

"No, just let her go, she didn't see anything."

"I don't think we can take that risk." He threw Meeka back down the stairs, sending her tumbling. He followed her, his Crobat floating over his shoulder.

"I'll deal with this punk, you guys get out of here."

Wind began to panic, he had seen how strong that Crobat was, how could Meeka stand up to that? How could anyone? Clicking the button on Gastly's pokeball twice, it flashed for a second before returning Gastly to it, who had been floating by the ceiling this whole time. As casually as possible, he tossed the pokeball down the stairs, praying to whatever god he still believed in that Gastly could help Meeka.

All around him, grunts burst into action, and they shot three cables out of the giant hole in the wall, which connected to a building opposite them. Pulling hangers over the cable, they shot off, down to the next building. One of the hangers was shoved into Wind's hands, and he walked cautiously over to the hole, looking down into the streets below. That's when he saw the fire. It had started on the side of the building, and had crept down into the city below. He was pushed and shoved around as the Grunts flew away from the building, ans he hastily hooked his hanger onto the cable, hoisting himself up and jumping out the hole. Exhilaration rushed threw his body as he was launched down the cable. Stumbling and falling over as he landed on the other building, he was pushed up again, and moved with the Rocket grunts as they flooded into the building.
Ahara updated World of Pokemon with a new update entry:

introducing: Team Shadow!

Team shadow is a newly emerged pokemon crime organization located across the world. They are planning a large action soon to hit the Johto region.
Team shadow is a group of criminals who are out to bring about the total collapse of the pokemon worlds regions. They plan to capture all of the regions legendary pokemon and keep them locked up to prevent them from keeping the delicate balance intact.

Using mostly ghost, dark, and bug pokemon, Team Shadow will destroy anyone who gets in their way....
Read the rest of this update entry...
Chris found no-one in the same area as him, so he began heading towards town to find an opponent.

(Were are the Johto trainers at? Sorry for not being active yet. I plan on being active now.)
Without waiting for an answer, Daniel hurried into the building hoping Jayden would follow him. He was climbing up the stairs when he saw a girl on the ground in front of him; one flight away from the top. Standing over her, a very large and heavy man followed by a crobat. The golbat grinned maniacally at the young girl. The flames were spreading fast and he knew they had to get out. But before he jumped into action, he noticed the TR on the mans chest. Team rocket? What are they doing here? I should have known they had something to do with this. He thought. Regardless, there are bound to be more around. I need to help her quickly. The Golbat looked very strong and Daniel didn't think Quil was strong enough to do the job. He put Quil back into his pokeball so he would be safe, reached into his jacket pocket, and pulled out another. Now was the time, the man was closing in on the girl and it seemed there was a ghastly attempting to save her. He ran up next to the ghastly and shouted to the man, pokeball in hand, "Leave her alone," he said boldly; not reflecting the fear on his inside. Beads of sweat rolled down his face. Part from the flames, another part from his nervousness. At his side, he gripped the pokeball tightly.
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(I'm at a loss right now I'm out of the loop again, DANG IT)

Fire. It was everywhere. Cross had already given up trying to get out, the only thing that was left was her Absol.. Cherry had puttered out a while ago, her silvery fur was dull gray from ash, the poor Eevee was draped across the Absol shoulders, burned and sad looking. Cross had all lost feeling in her lower half after after a burning branch had fallen on her legs. Holding on with her arms wrapped around her Absol's flank was all she could do to stay... alive, she guessed..

The air was getting thicker as Graceon trudged through the thinning trees, but the fire did not die down... Her oldest partner was pure black by now, only his red eyes showing a spot of color... It was hopeless, and yet he trudged on, even despite being blind and the smoke no doubt clogging his nose. Even when he pushed through the trees and into Violet City's streets. Nothing would make him stop worrying. His little furry friend the Eevee and his trainer, who laid so still and silent on the cold pavement of the city....
A green glow flew over the burning forest. A mist fell down onto the fire and it started to disapate.

"Brrrrriiii" the Guardian of the forest shouted while restoring the forest to its former glory.

Cephas snickered and brought celebi back to its ball. "You still fight my influence. We'll change that."

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