World of Pokemon [Inactive]

Rooke got up and dusted himself off with a look of frustration on his face. "I just had to end up sleeping in a tree next to them." he groaned as he headed towards the voices and blast of fire. "Maybe there is a battle?" he asks his Squirtle quizzically and heads through the bushes. The foliage muffled the noise at first, but as soon as he moved from the bushes he found the situation most confusing. Someone had fled, one was tending to a Meganium and the other two were helping he guessed. "What is going on?" the inexperienced trainer asked.
"Whatever..." Cross didn't look up, her clenched fists shaking on her legs, darkness falling over her eyes. Cherry looked kind of scared, and stepped closer, to try to comfort her trainer. The brown haired trainer pulled out her partner's Pokeball and returned her so she wouldn't feel the pain anymore, then stood silently, her eyes hidden. "I try to help someone, and this is what I get... This is why I don't have friends..." She cast her gaze coldly at Meeka, "They always crush you." With that, she walked briskly to Cherrygrove and towards New Bark Town.
Meeka paused at the harsh reply, her eyes locked with Cross for a moment. She felt taken aback, having done nothing but try to treat her Pokemon for something another Trainer had done. She was at a loss for words. Teddiursa patted her hair to get her out of thought and to begin focusing again. She glanced at the new trainer who had just appeared with a questioning look in his eye.

"I..." she stuttered for a moment not sure how to answer the question. "We just were...I don't know." She looked forlornly at Cross who was storming away and then the other direction towards Wind who had now disappeared in the distance. She shrugged looking lost and confused.

A blonde boy- No, his hair was flame colored- ran out of Cherrygrove and reached to Cross as she passed, but she shoved past him and kept walking. The boy meanwhile ran to Meeka and the new boy, Rooke. "What happened here?!" He looked angry that Cross was upset.
Rooke stood in bewilderment at the random assortment of chaos. "Um, hello?" he asks the remainder of the group. "You okay?" he asks Meeka before the flame haired boy showed up.
Meeka shrugged again at the question. Teddiursa copied her shrug with more enthusiasm and less confusion. She nodded breifly to the trainer who was asking if she was okay. It was rarely she had this much company around her, and it was overwhelming.

"I think so. I don't know what happened." Her eyes were distant as if trying to recall the entire situation in repeat. She looked up as another trainer ran into the clearing. She sighed in discontent as he came up bristling like the trainer that had just left. People were so confusing compared to Pokemon. She walked up to the two new trainers, dismissing everything they had said and said in a flat but cheerful tone,

"I'm Meeka. Who are you." She looked at both of them with a solid commanding stare. "Both of you."

"Blake Washan, Unova resident, visiting my friend Cross who just ran past me in a rage. Who are you, and what happened?" The flame haired boy demanded angrily, his fists clenched, his white-blue eyes lit with rage.
"I'm Rooke. And this is Squirtle." he said introducing himself. "Seems like something eventful occurred here." he notes as Squirtle begins to spray water on some the dry dirt to make some mud. The pokemon began to spray more into a slide of sorts and slid down on its back, rocketing trough the tiny course.
"Excellent, and you? Look, I don't mean to sound rude, I hate being rude, but when Cross is upset, everyone is upset. And that's bad." Blake looks at Meeka, his expression geniune worry. Cross was like a sister to him. Meanwhile, a Piplup popped out of it's Pokeball and stood on his shoulder. Soon after, a Blaziken walked out of Cherrygrove and stood by the boy.
Meeka rolled her eyes at the fiery-haired guy's introduction. She was not about to pick a fight with anyone. She tried to smile and talk in a soothing way, the way she would speak to an upset Pokemon. She really didn't know if this would work on a person. She put her hand out, one at a time to each of the trainers, first to Rooke and then to Blake. She shook their hands delicately if they returned her gesture.

"As I said, I'm Meeka." She gestured to Teddiursa who had leapt of her back to join Squirtle in his water slide game. "That is Little One. We're just travelers who happened to be camping in this area. I met Wind, Jayden and Cross yesterday. I stayed with Jayden and Wind, Cross went her own way. Uh... Wind was hurt, so Cross was gonna help him, but he turned her down. Then his Pokemon attacked her's when she tried to take him by force." She paused her eyes wide. It had all happened so fast she was unsure who was in the fault, if at all. Perhaps it had all just been a misunderstanding.

She crossed her arms uncomfortably at all this questioning. She was just caught in the middle.

With that explaination, he sighed. "Cross was probably only trying to help... I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding... She can be stubborn, though. Like a mule." He chuckled. "Here, lets find someplace to settle down and talk." He looked at Rooke and half-smiled. "You can come along with Squirtle if you want. Pippa could use some company." He pet his Piplup under her beak, and she practically cooed, before hopping off his shoulder and joining Squirtle and Little One in sliding in the mud.
Wind sat by the side of the road, head in his hands as Houndour watched the road, and Gastly floated above.

What the HELL had he just done?! He never knew Houndour was powerful enough to do that much damage to such a strong pokemon like Meganium! He knew Houndour could never mean to do so much damage, his protective instincts had just kicked in. Wiping the tears from his eyes, he stood up again, leaning against a tree to support his broken leg. What had even happened? He remembered telling Gastly and Houndour to get them out of there, but Houndour was only supposed to put up a barrier! Not wail on Meganium like that. He sometimes wondered if Houndour was too powerful for it's own good. It was much bigger than any other Houndour he'd met. Big enough to support him. Limping over, he leaned on it's side.

Taking a shaky breath, he finally spoke to his pokemon.

"Alright, let's go."

They began walking down the road. Turning their backs on the awful scene they had just caused. Wind vowed that next time he saw Cross, he would have to beg for her forgiveness.
Meeka looked down both sides of the road nervously. Each direction someone had left and she did not feel like staying in the middle. It had just barely hit morning and her legs were already aching to get moving. She grimaced as she looked at the new trainers, and the new company she could cook for. The decision to keep going would be a difficult one.

"I would really rather keep going if you don't mind." She gestured towards Violet City. "If you'd like to come with and talk while we walk I'd be happy for some company, but I can't just sit around while someone is limping through the woods by themselves. Besides, you'll be hungrier in a few hours if you walk, and I could make some really delicious lunch for us all." She shrugged the idea into existence and then looked worriedly in the distance.

Teddiursa stopped playing for a moment and ran up to Meeka. Her fur was caked in mud and paws left prints on Meeka's pants when she tugged. They looked at each other for a brief moment in silence.

Rooke nodded and gestured for his pokemon to follow. The pokemon gave its trainer a look of disappointment as he obeys and walks towards Rooke. "I'm ready to go." he says as Squirtle tucked itself into its shell and sprayed water to clean itself off, hitting Rooke and a random objects. "Man, I just dried off again.." he groans.
"Maaaag..." The purple Mismagius floated by Gastly, idly floating about, as Absol watched from trees above, his red eyes trained angrily on the young boy below. His trainer had told him to follow this boy and make sure he didn't get in any trouble. A message had been relayed to Diana the Mismagius from his trainer for thi sboy if he got in trouble. Personally, for all the grief this boy had caused his trainer, he would've atttacked the moment he saw him, but he knew Cross would be displeased.

So Graceon waited. And watched.

"Oh, you're off to Violet City? Great! Had to go talk to Falkner anyway. I'll go with."
Meeka reached into a side pocked of her bag and pulled out a berry and tossed it casually towards Squirtle where he could easily catch it. She smiled as the pleased looked spread across its face.

"Would you mind spraying off Little One for me?" Teddiursa looked offended at the idea, "I really don't want her all baked in mud as we walk." She put her hands back in her pocket and looked down as she walked. Her thoughts were elsewhere and she was worried about what had happened. It was all an accident she was sure, that Houndour was anything but violent. She perked up with a thought as she gripped the small bangle on her wrist again. Tossing the Pokeball with precision and a bit of flair, Emogla burst out with a chirp.

"Emogla? Would you please find Wind and just make sure he's ok. Bring him this..." She wrestled with her bag once more and pulled out a small fluffy piece of bread. It looked like it had been freshly made just minutes ago, but obviously had not. "...If he doesn't want it that's fine, at least offer. Come back when you know hes okay."

Emogla dodged through the sky excitedly and flitted off, gliding through the trees in a motion of leaps and bounds. Soon she too had disappeared into the distance.

Wind froze in place as he felt a pair of eyes fixed on him.

"I know you're there Absol. Just go away. I don't need Cross tailing me."

Gastly floated down from the trees above, accompanied by Cross's Mismagius. Scoffing in disbelief, he shouted up at the ghost pokemon.

"You too! I don't need any protection! I think I've proved that."

He continued walking through the woods with his pokemon. Houndour had began growling at the pokemon above, but he held up a hand to silence him. How long were those two going to keep following him? Grinding himself, he turned around and bent down to pick up a rock. He flung it at the Absol above, who jumped out of the way and just stared him down.

"Leave me alone!" He took off again, tripping deeper into the woods with Houndour and Gastly.
Squirtle happily obliged to Meeka's offer, spraying Little One with a cool jet of water, even if the pokemon objected. "You're pretty good with pokemon." Rooke notes as he watches his pokemon unleash the jet.

(I gotta go for now. Just say Rooke is tagging along falling a little behind)
Emolga paused just as rocks flew past her aimed towards the two Pokemon ahead of her. Curious she continued on, scampering up and down the trees to avoid being directly in their way. She reached the trees above Wind and felt crowded by the tailing Pokemon. With a chirp she let Wind know she was there and dropped from the trees to glide down onto his shoulder.

As she saw him about to brush her off casually she jumped up and glided until his hand was past before dropping down delicately. She flapped her arms curiously and offered the bread with enthusiasm. Her cheeks bounced with little specs of light as she waited to be dismissed.

Meeka smiled at the compliment. This too embarrassed her, like her previous encounter the evening before. She wiped off some of the water that had splashed off of Little One onto her with a smile on her face.

"Its nothing really." She scratched the now soaked Teddiursa behind an ear lovingly, "They're easier to understand then people." Teddiursa yawned cutely before running off towards Squirtle, trying to tag him with a delicate paw for soaking her fur.

"Emolga. One of the more rare electric types of the Unova region." Blake looked at her curiously, "Are you from Unova?"

Graceon jumped down from the tree and in front of Wind, herding him gently back to somewhere safe. Then he sat in front of Wind, gesturing for Mismagius to float down. Once Mismagius was positioned directly in front of Wind, the ghost type opened her mouth, and instead of the normal Pokemon sounds, Cross's voice explodes out with barely restrained rage, the Pokemon recited her trainer's words in her voice.

"Look, Wind- Yes, I know it's Wind, I told you, Graceon is an excellent tracker. In ANY case, as I sit in my bedroom, which is where I currently am, I'm boiling over right now. I try to help, all I get is my dearest friend badly wounded. If I did that to Houndour, how would you feel then, hmmm? HMMMM?" The Mismagius made a sound like someone clearing their throat. "Now I realize, I really shouldn't be this angry. That probably wasn't even intentional. Luna seems to have forgiven you. Right, Luna? Yeah. Now, I'm happy to accept an apology if you see fit, but I expect it to be in person. And I'm not leaving my house, so. If you're going to apologize, better get to New Bark Town. End message, Diana." With that, the Mismagius snapped her mouth shut, murmured, "Maaagg.." and floated away, followed by Graceon.
Jayden has just stood there in shock as this all went on, Wind's attack and the coming and going of new people. She was a little lost on who all was present anymore and was dependent on the person she did know, Meeka. Wind was gone... like long gone... and Cross has stormed off... leaving Jayden with two new people and Meeka.

She hugged Tridon closer to her, not realizing she had picked up the Trapinch once again, but it seemed just as stunned. She remained quiet, moving more into the background to listen without saying anything in particular. She still planned on camping out here for the night but maybe she and Meeka could remain a group... or these new people and her... or she could go off with her and Trapinch, as well. It would all work in the end... she was a Pokemon Trainer, of course it would all work in the end.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8beff23d51_trainercard-JaydenRiann.png.5145e0801aca4213bd6ce1476d183b96.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15696" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8beff23d51_trainercard-JaydenRiann.png.5145e0801aca4213bd6ce1476d183b96.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I woke up the next morning and decided to train Zorua’s moves.

“Use shadow ball on that boulder!”

Zorua fired several blobs of darkness at the rock, leaving a few cracks.

“Now, use night slash!”

This time, Zorua shattered the boulder into fragments.

“Night daze!” I shouted.

Zorua knocked out countless Hoothoot and Rattata, so I decided to check Zubat’s moves; it knew leech life, wind attack, bite, and supersonic. After training Zubat for a while, I made my way to Violet City. 'I am ready,' I thought. 'Zephyr Badge, here I come!'
"Wait!" Wind yelled after Cross's two pokemon, who turned back towards him.

"Tell Cross... Tell her... First off, I had no idea Houndour was so strong! Next time, don't ambush me like that! Houndour is way to protective to let that slide! And if you want to tell me something," His voice began to raise into a shout. "Come yourself! Don't send your pokemon to tag me instead you coward!" And with that, he took off into the woods again, barely noticing Emolga had come by with some bread in it's grasp. He ignored it and charged off blindly into the forest, filled with so much rage. When he came back from his anger, he was in the middle of the forest.

"Houndour, ember." The giant pup burnt down the bushes around them with hesitation, and they found their way back onto the path. After a long period of blind walking, in which he completely forgot about his broken leg, he saw the lights of a city ahead. Violet town.
Deciding in the end that there were just too many people, Jayden continued to back away from the group until she was on the road and then began to walk along the road. Daylight had begun to break over the trees and Jayden didn't really have a fear about anything attacking them in the daylight. All the standing around and talking, though... it was unproductive and Jayden was just ready to continue on...

She wasn't quite sure where she was headed, anymore, hearing so many different places from the different people - one saying Azalea town and another saying Violet town but Jayden supposed she'd figure it out when she got there. Setting Tridon down so that he could walk on his own, Jayden set a brisk pace- wondering if the biggest mistake she had made was considering travelling with other people.

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