World of Pokemon [Inactive]

Wind pushed himself back up the tree as Meeka came running over.

"I... I don't know what that thing is... But it attacked me." He slumped down.

"Please... Please help them." He gestured to his pokemon, who were being battered by the shadowed figure, unable to land even a single hit.

"They can't defeat this thing, whatever it is, by themselves." He closed his eyes for a second before pushing himself back up the tree. The force of the air had knocked his splint loose, and re-opened the wound on his leg, so he was quite dizzy.
Jayden lurched awake when Trapinch bit down on her arm, looking at her with something akin to fear in it's eyes. Jayden pushed to her feet, noting first that Wind was no longer where he was and Meeka was no longer where she was and everything was discombobulated. Trapinch chirped to get her attention before pointing out where Wind and Meeka were, and the pointed to the dark shape that was battling ... Houndour! And Ghastly.

Well... this situation couldn't get much worse, right? Jayden scampered over to Wind and Meeka, keeping one eye on the shadow. When Trapinch made a move to go help them Jayden scooped him up, shaking her head. "You might get hurt, Tridon."

Tridon just glared at her as if to say that the other pokemon were already getting hurt... it wouldn't be so bad for him. But Jayden ignored the expression, holding Trapinch closer while she made her way over to her friends.

"Are you ok?! What happened?!" Jayden asked, seeing the state that Wind was in and the expression on Meeka's face. "What's going on?!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befd862a9_trainercard-JaydenRiann.png.0b31ac092416620873db3ca43b617dc0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15627" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befd862a9_trainercard-JaydenRiann.png.0b31ac092416620873db3ca43b617dc0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Graceon the Absol stepped out of the shadows behind the trio, his red eyes glaring. Soon following him are Meganium, Mismagius, Cranidos and Eevee, all looking intimidating.

Cross stepped out from between her friends, eyes cold and harsh. In an eerie manner, she raised a hand, and all five Pokemon tensed. When she closed her fist, all five jumped forward in unison (Except Mismagius- She floated in an intense way) and began their onslaught on the attackers. Eevee ran to Houndour first.

Cross shook her head and ran over to the other trainers, then grabbed Wind's arm and supported him. "What is going on here?!" She demanded of the others.

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Meeka peered up at the shadowy figure. It was moving too fast for her to get a good look at it. She didn't want to risk her Pokemon to an unknown figure. They could be hurt more than just fainting.

Disheveled she watched Houndour and Gastly battle with concern. She couldn't just leave them to fight on their own though. Her pause was long enough to let her come up with a plan. She reached for her bracelet, unceremoniously clutching Emogla's Pokeball from her wrist and throwing it into the air.

"Emolga! Light Screen!" The little Pokemon swooped out in a practiced glide then squealed as she saw the shadowy figure she was unprepared for. She let a burst of light flash from her cheeks, as a large curtain of light flickered across the clearing. It danced and shimmered as if altered to be more beautiful then effective, but shown with a determined brightness. Softly the curtain of light fell in front of and around Houndour and Gastly, protecting them as best as it could. It was noticeable immediately that whatever threatened up was unable to hit near as hard through this shimmer of dancing lights.

Without a word Teddiursa had already gotten up from her bed and wandered into the woods beyond the battle. Since no one had noticed her disappear there was no one to stop her. She leapt out with a fierce 'Roar' much unheard of from herself, and attacked the shadowy Pokemon with 'Shadow Claws.'

Wind thanked Cross quietly as she pulled him up from the tree and supported him standing.

"We... We really don't know what's happening. I broke my leg earlier and fell unconscious. When I woke up, we were attacked by this thing." He motioned to the figure that still bounced back all attacks from the trainer's pokemon. Dodging move after move, all the pokemon together couldn't hit it.

"It's like it can't be hit. No move we've thrown at it does anything!" He looked at the raging battle and suddenly realized what they had to do.

"We can't hit this thing, we have to run. I'll get Houndour to use smokescreen and we'll book it!" As he spoke, all the pokemon around the figure were sent flying away from it by a pulse of darkness.

"Houndour, Gastly!" He pulled himself from his friends grip and ran for him pokemon, ignoring the pain in his leg. He knew he was being reckless, but he couldn't just let his friends get hurt. Tripping in front of them, Houndour supported him back onto his feet, and he turned to face the shadowy figure, only to be paralyzed with fear.
"Wind!! What are you doing?! Get back here!!" Jayden called, moving to stop him... he was running on a broken leg, she should have been able to stop him... but with Tridon in her arms and weighing her down she was slower than she anticipated. She moved to follow after him, finally setting Tridon down he ran along beside her.

Seeing that Houndour had caught Wind when he tripped Jayden was about to breathe easy but then the shadow figure appeared. Tridon kept moving but Jayden froze... she didn't know what that was but it was the single most terrifying thing she had ever seen. She began to regret ever leaving home. Tridon's chirp snapped her out of it, though, and she realized that she wasn't the only one frozen with terror.

"Wind! Move!!" Jayden shouted, running in his direction, planning on slamming into him and knocking him from the 'trance'.
Chase looked around his room for the last time before shutting the door. "Im ready fir my journey! Finally!" He hurries out the door and rushed past his mom. She yelled to him but he didn't hear.

He kissed his pokeball and threw out venonat. It squeeked its name and bounced. "Het buddy how are you doing?" It squeeked again. "Ready to go on our adventure? Good! Lets go!" He turned and ran out of pallet town.
Meeka yelled furiously at Teddiursa to come back just as she was thrown back. Emolga had already retreated a safe distance as Wind was trying to flee, squeaking noisily by his side. She got up, turning on her heel to run away just as Teddiursa had looked up from her fallen place and gotten the cue to leave. Meeka paused as Teddiursa came up close, kneeling down briefly to scoop her up, before returning to her run.

She gestured to everyone to leave, but seeing the frozen Wind, she made to heave him away.

"Everyone, lets just go." She reached a warm hand out to Wind and pulled on his upper arm, "Lets just get out of here, don't look back."


All of her Pokemon ran back to her (Except Mismagius- She floated.) , supporting whoever they could and watching their trainer. "Alright, thats it, I told you it gets crazy at night. I hate to say it, but I told you so." She looked at the other kids, and sighed. "You're coming home with me. We've got plenty of room in Elm's living room."

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Meeka hadn't quite known this trainer who had briefly talked before heading away the night before. She shrugged as she said 'I told you so.' and thought nothing of it. It wasn't ever her idea to go wandering, but she had enjoyed the company. She thought of a warm room and a fluffy bed set on carpeted floors. She shuddered at the thought. It had been so long she felt so awkward indoors, mostly like she was intruding.

"Can he check on Wind's leg?" She tried to change the subject of staying anywhere for too long. "It seems pretty messed up. And my handy work isn't the best to boot." She smirked at the thought of losing her last spoon to the boy who was now stumbling along steadily.

Chris noticed the plane was beginning to descend. His first goal was catch pokemon here on his way to Kant. Maybe make some friends on the way? And when he gets to Kanto he would beat the gym leaders.
"NO!" She looked at Meeka, terrified. "Do NOT trust Elm to look after humans! Pokemon, he's fine with, but people? Noooo. Don't do it..." She shuddered at the last unfortunate victim of Elm's medical care... "He's not exactly gifted with grace, orrr... He's not the medical guy. Thats me. I'll take care of Wind, he'll be fine."

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Meeka looked sideways with surprise. She had never officially met Elm, since it had been an awkward transition into owning a Pokedex, and hers was a little unorthodox. She shrugged it off and tried another way of veering the conversation away from a cozy house.

"Perhaps you can take a look at him here instead of dragging him all the way back." She glanced at Wind who was struggling. "He really shouldn't be walking on that."

"There it is, Rotom! The Hoenn region." Dylan said with some excitement. He leaned against the railing of the boat as the land appeared on the horizon. The ghost Pokemon floated above him and rested on his head.

"Rotom." the Pokemon let out with a joyous smile.

Dylan watched the island draw closer. "You think, I can get my answers here, buddy?" His look went sullen when he asked that question. It was the question that tormented him day and night. The question that started his journey. The question he struggled with since he was first announced as next in line to run his family's gym: What type should he use?

Rotom floated next to him and pushed against his face. Dylan smiled and laughed as he pushed the Ghost Pokmeon away, "Rotom, stop! Alright, I won't focus on that." He looked over the ocean an noticed a horde of Wailmer and Wailord break through the water.

Dylan's face filled with excitement at the sight of the Pokemon, "Look at them, Rotom." These weren't local to him in his home region of Flintel. "We will have to catch some new Pokemon here and we'll make some new friends." Dylan looked as the island drew closer and the docks of Slateport City came into view.

The boat docked in the bay and Dylan walked off the vessel. Rotom floated along side of him. He exited the Marina and looked around him at the bustling city. He looked at his buddy, "Well, where should we start?"

"Wow, is that a Rotom?" He heard a voice behind him. Dylan turned around to see a man in a lab coat and cargo shorts standing there.

Dylan smiled, "Sure is." He rubbed Rotom's head.

"Amazing, I've never seen one before. They aren't native here in Hoenn. Mind if I take a look at him?" The guy asked as he pulled out a pencil and paper.

"Umm, sure." Dylan said a bit unsure of the guy, who went right away at studying him.

The guy constantly made notes as he talked about a bunch of sciencey stuff that Dylan didn't understand. "I must say you take good care of your Rotom." The guy said as he put away his notes.

Dylan smiled and rubbed the back of his head, "Haha, thanks. Rotom was my first Pokemon and is my best friend."

"I can tell. My name is Professor Birch, I'm the main researcher here in the Hoenn region." The guy stated as he held out his hand.

Dylan shook it without hesitation, "Dylan. Dylan Gale."

Professor Birch grew a surprised look on his face, "Are you possibly related to Natalie Gale the Gym Leader of Starlin City back in the Flintel region?"

"Uh, yeah, she is my mom."

Professor Birch grew really excited at that bit of info. "Oh, wow, it's an honor to meet you. I've heard a lot about you from your mother. She says you are out to find out what type of Gym you want to run."

Dylan retreated his hand from the professor. How did he know his mom? This guy is a little weird. Dylan stuttered, "Uh, yeah, I am."

Professor Birch straightened his stance, "Well, I may be able to help you out. Follow me." The professor turned around and made his way into the city.

Dylan looked up at his Rotom, "He is kind of odd. Should we follow him?" Rotom didn't answer but floated off gleefully after the professor. "Hey, Rotom, wait up!" Dylan shouted and chased after the two.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befde0475_DylanCard.png.53d788d6218888c3049fdeb8a5920f63.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15645" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befde0475_DylanCard.png.53d788d6218888c3049fdeb8a5920f63.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Rooke was awoken again from his slumber in a tree, this time by trainers near him. "Mom, I just wanna sleep a little more. They'll still have pokemon when I get there." he groans as he rolls out of the tree. His Squirtle stood idly by as his trainer fell as he had no way to soften the landing that he knew of. As a result, Rooke hit the ground with a loud thud, immediately jarring awake in pain. "Ow, Ow, Ow." he repeated as he rubs the pain out. 
Jessica bid the Hawkins farewell after promising to deliver a message to Rooke if they ever met up. She clutched Eevee tight as she walked the path out of town and towards Cerulean City. She figured from there she would head to Pewter and challenge the first gym there after training up Eevee and maybe catching a cute pokemon or two.
James had recently decided to head off to Johto. He and his pokemon had got on the ferry over from Sinnoh, and start out again over there. He had just taken his pokemon out on the deck, as it was a beautiful day.

Clawitzer was speeding easily alongside the ferry, using its giant claw as a booster. Garchomp and Banette were playing happily, and metagross and darkrai were resting nearby.

James himself was looking over the side, keeping a watch over Clawitzer, and seeing all the water pokemon playing with and around him.

Suddenly, he saw a shadow fall over him. He looked up, and there was the most gargantuan Gyarados he'd ever set eyes on, heck, even heard of. It was at least the height of the ship, and then some, and still with some length under the water.

It looked down on James, and opened its mouth to emit an incredible roar. It kept its mouth open and bored down towards James



Suddenly, James' Metagross was over him, its back legs on the boat, its front legs pushing the Gyarados back.

"METAAAAAAA-GROSS!" Metagross was able to use its immense strength to shove the massive Gyarados aside, and it fell into the water.

"Thanks Metagross! You saved my life. Hang on... CLAWITZER!"
"Thanks for the save." Jayden said... not really very sure how she had gotten from one place to another but glad she wasn't facing that dark shadow again. She shook her head at the invitation of Elm's living room, though.

"I'll just camp down for the night along the road. I think the only problem... at least for me.... is that we got off the beaten path. So if you could just lead me there. I really hope Wind feels better and everything but I'm not big with being around too many people.... " Jayden refrained from mentioning that her parents had never been a big fan of Elm's and would loathe to hear that she had accepted his help in anyway... besides, a living room didn't really appeal to Jayden. She was supposed to be on an adventure! And camping was the only way to go.

"I hope you don't mind. But I'm ok and Tridon is ok, so if you don't mind." Jayden needed to talk to Trapinch as well. He had been sulking the entire time and she had to at least attempt to apologize and that wouldn't be any fun around other people.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befe2719c_trainercard-JaydenRiann.png.ada990e577cfef8899fd1710e61179e4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15654" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befe2719c_trainercard-JaydenRiann.png.ada990e577cfef8899fd1710e61179e4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Oh... well, uhhh, sure. That's fine, I guess." She looked at Jayden curiously, then shrugged her shoulders. "You can do whatever you want, I won't stop you. The path to Violet is right there." She pointed at the dirt road, then back at Jayden. "It's was nice to meet you, good luck on your journey. Oh, and watch out for the Spearow, they're territorial."

Wind was half asleep as he struggled behind the other three, trying to work up the courage to apologize for all this. As they reached the path to Violet city and Newbark. He came out of the woods as Jayden was speaking about continuing on to Violet town.

"I'll come too." He spoke up for the first time since they faced the dark shadow.

"I can't let an injured leg stop me. Besides, an old friend of my mother's lives there, I'm sure she can help me out." He wouldn't let himself be back tracked by an injury.

"I appreciate the offer, but I don't want to be a burden to anyone." He turned and began to make his way down the path, Houndour and Gastly moving close to him as they went. He looked down and sighed as he walked away. He hated to leave them like that, but he couldn't stand to be seen as weak, and he knew he couldn't cause them any more trouble if he was far away.
Chris landed and instantly ran to catch his first pokemon (besides piplup). First thing he found was a level six hoppip. He had a quick battle in which he caught the hoppip. After that he went to find another trainer.
"Ah, no. Come back here!" Cross ran after him and grabbed his shoulkders, redirecting him towards New Bark Town. "You, are getting medical care. Now shut up and come with us." Luna the Meganium used vines to gently pick up Wind and lift him to sit on her back, while Graceon picked up Houndour and put it next to Wind. "Let's go."
Wind froze as the Meganium picked him up and moved him over to her back. He kept silent, and allowed the hair to fall over his face, trying to hide his anger.

"I'm... I'm really sorry about this. Houndour, Gastly, now!" Gastly jumped out of the shadows and attacked Meganium with all it's force, knocking him and Houndour off of the back of the giant plant. Only seconds later, Houndour sent a spiral of flame at his friends, and then releasing a smokescreen into the air. Jumping onto it's back, they took off through the smoke and down the road.

"I'm sorry!" He yelled behind him as he ran off for Violet town.
With a terrified squeal, the Grass-type took the full force of the fire attack, falling over, and writhing from her burns. "Oh my god, Luna!" Cross cried and ran to her partner, running her hands over the nasty burns. She rubbed her friend's neck, listening to the pained whimpers of her lifelong friend... When Cross looked up at Wind's receding form, her hurt shone like a beacon in the fading daylight.
Meeka was silent as they traveled back towards the road. She was sure she would continue off to Violet City just for the new sight. She was caught off guard as in a matter of seconds Wind had been swept up by Meganium who consequently was attacked by his protective Pokemon before he leapt to Houdour and rode off. She was about to chase after him but stopped herself mid-step, jerking herself into an awkward standing position. She spun on her heel slowly and faced the Meganium that was squealing in shock and suffering.

"Here." She murmured. She dug through her bag and pulled out a dry and bitter poffin that she knew would appeal to Meganium's likings. It was soft and a sea-foam green color and shaped irregularly into a petite heart. She offered it gingerly, kneeling on the ground, knowing it would soothe any disdain in the Pokemon. She got up with a huff of frustration at the thought of the run-a-way boy who was injured and needed caring for. When Teddiursa mimicked her she shrugged it off and gestured back towards Violet City.

"I'm heading that way too, but I'm not running." She smirked as she brushed off her knees and heaved a shaky breath. She had run a bit too much in the last twelve hours. "Who ever wants to join can, I'm just here for the ride."

Teddiursa jumped up excitedly, tugging on Meeka's pant legs to be lifted up. Obediently she knelt down and allowed Little One to climb on her shoulders. As she walked away she pulled on the string tying her hair back to tighten it, and pushed it out of her face in determination.


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