World of Pokemon [Inactive]

Jayden's face flushed red and she looked away abashedly. It was true Houndour didn't appear to be hurt... she had reacted on impulse. She should have known better with how pokemon battles work but still, she felt she had had a just reason to react in such a way. Well, the yelling could have been done away with but she was just defending the Pokemon. No... there really was no defending her behavior. "I apologize, I didn't really think before speaking."

Seeing that Houndour was fine Tridon had moved on to stand near Meeka, looking up at her expectantly. He nudged her leg affectionately and watched the Teddiursa with curiosity, wondering how strong the pokemon was. He was used to his trainer overreacting and then apologizing for it by now. It was a pretty steady pattern with her.
Grunting, Wind turned away, when suddenly he got an idea.

"How about this, why don't we battle? Maybe then you'll see how strong my partner really is." Houndour lept up expectantly, the gleam he always got before a battle appearing in his eyes.

"Oh, you can't say no now. Houndour will keep us up all night expecting a battle."
Jayden looked at Trapinch, feeling unsure. She and Tridon had done a few practice battles, sure... but they had never battled another trainer... and who knows how far away the nearest Pokemon center was. Still, though... the Houndour did look pretty excited and expectant and she would really hate to let it down... but what if Tridon got hurt.

Tridon, upon hearing the challenge, scampered over to his partner and eyed the Houndour. He was willing to give it a shot. He was pretty sure he was outmatched considering the Houndour had apparently taken out an Onix but his partner had been challenged and he wouldn't let her down.

Jayden looked at Tridon a little while longer before nodding reluctantly. "Ok, then." She said, only a little unenthusiastic. With a 'chirp' (she had no idea what else to call the sounds Trapinch made) from Tridon she gained a little more determination. "Let's do this!"
"Alright then! Shall we begin?" Wind felt a burst of excitement in his chest, this definitely wasn't his first battle, but he still got a child-like sense of wonder every time he fought.

"Flame Charge!"

Without warning, Houndour barreled into Tridon, sending it hurtling away.

"Oops..." He scratched his head sheepishly, and looked over to the fallen pokemon.
Tridon took the blow full on, feeling a really hot pain before feeling like he was flying away. Only the ground caught up eventually. Pushing back to his feet he let out a huff of annoyance.

"Hey! He wasn't ready!" Jayden said, rushing over to her pokemon (it took her a moment to spot him) to check if he was ok. Seeing that he was worse for wear but still breathing she let out a sight of relief. "Well that was an intense first battle."

Tridon looked at her incredulously, shaking his head. It wasn't over yet... he had yet to land a hit of his own! Not that he really saw himself winning this but he could take success from landing a hit. Seeing that Trapinch wasn't really ready to give in just yet Jayden sighed heavily.

"Tridon, use bite!"
Houndour sidestepped it easily, the Trapinch had become wobbly, and Wind looked down worriedly.

"Here" He said, leaning down and pulling a berry out of his bag. "Eat this."

Tridon sniffed it suspiciously before scarfing it down. It turned around, filled with energy again.

Wind looked up, only to be greeted with a shocked face.
Meeka planted herself on the sidelines watching the battle with excitement. She lifted her hands in little bursts as she cheered each blow. Teddiursa matched the cheers her small voice reaching out across the clearing.

"Dont worry, I have plenty of potions and natural remedies. Do your best!"

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"Next move to you then." Wind said, eyeing down his opponent.

"Houndour, be ready."

His pokemon growled excitedly, ready for whatever their opponents threw at them
As the battle proceeded, Cross, Graceon, Cherry and now having been joined by Cross's long time partner Luna the Meganium and Rascal the Cranidos, the five sat and watched the battle from the sidelines with the experienced eyes of a seasoned trainer.

Cherry kept her eyes specifically trained on the Houndour, with an odd expression Cross had seen only once before; Between two of her older Pokemon partners before she'd released them so they could live their lives on their own. She smiled at Cherry and rubbed her behind the ears, just where she liked it.
Jayden sighed. Tridon only knew bite at this point, as far as attack moves go. She was grateful that Wind had at least helped Tridon out a little. Keeping an eye on her pokemon she did the only thing she could. "Tridon, use bite!"

Tridon launched his attack again, feeling a lot more energized. There was always something to be said about a berry given at the right time. Trapinch tried to focus more this time, now that he wasn't so off balance.
I stepped out into the grass. I took a few more steps, found a clearing, and stopped to eat. I opened my bracelet’s storage module and retrieved a sandwich and some food for Zorua. I awoke Zorua, letting him know that his lunch was ready.

“Okay, I’ll be down in sec!” Zorua mimicked my typical response to my mom’s call. He was joking, of course, and yet he wasn’t. In about one second, the fox had climbed out of my hair and started eating his food. I took a bite out of my sandwich; then I noticed a rustle in the grass. I shrugged and continued eating.

“What’s that in the grass?” I asked Zorua after finishing my lunch. The shaking had returned, and it was getting closer.

“I dunno. Pokémon, maybe?” Zorua replied vaguely. “I’ve never heard of wild trainers in Kalos; I don’t expect that to be so different in Johto.”

A Sentret appeared. Zorua and I had never seen one before, so one can imagine my reaction…
Tridon latched onto Houndour's leg, and in retaliation he spurted fire in it's face, causing it to leg go.

"Now, Payback!"

Houndour blast a burst of dark energy at Tridon, sending in hurtling back into it's trainer.

Wind looked curiously over, and asked:

"He okay?"
Jayden was knocked over by the force of Trapinche's trajectile, her arms wrapping around her arm automatically as she fell backwards. As soon as she had her breath back she sat up, cradling Tridon close to her and checking to see how badly he had been injured. He really couldn't fight anymore, that was for sure. When he blinked and looked up at her he let out a triumphant chirp as if he had just won the battle... his bite had been successful! Grinning she nodded towards wind.

"I think Tridon will be fine." She said, rubbing the Trapinche's head affectionately. "I wouldn't mind using a few potions to heal him up though. Sorry if the battle kind of sucked for you, Wind, but it was really really great for us and we appreciate it."
"No problem, here." Wind threw over a super potion to Jayden.

"Sorry 'bout Houndour, he gets way too hyper." Turning around, Wind saw Houndour running in circles, barking at the bird pokemon above.

"Calm down you!" He yelled over at Houndour, who came running over. He bent down and scratched his ears.

"You did great bud." Wind looked up into the sky and saw the sun coming to a set.
Cherry stood up and yawned, soon followed by the others. "Alright guys, get on home. Elm will be expecting you." She looked at her Pokemon, then grabbed Cherry and Rascal before they could walk off. "You two are staying with me. You," She tapped her Cranidos's head, "Are just a few levels from evolution, I want to see if we can get there today. And as for you," She tapped Eevee's nose, "You need to practice Shadow Ball." Cherry groaned unhappily, while Rascal seemed excited to get stronger.
Wind sat alone with Houndour in a clearing near the camp, looking out into the trees. Houndour lay on the ground next to him, sleeping. His own eyes felt heavy, but Wind refused to give in to sleep. As he sat, there was a shaking in the bushes near him.

He stood quickly and reached for his belt, now fully awake, nudging Houndour awake as he did so.

A shape burst from the bushes, and rushed at him. Houndour jumped up and blast it with fire, sending it spiraling away.

Wind gasped slightly as he stared at his opponent, but his shock became a smile soon enough.

"A Gastly..."

Houndour jumped at it again, but this time the little ball of smoke shot away, only to appear behind Houndour again, and attacked him.

" Don't stop now Houndour! Payback!" Once more, a blast of darkness shot from Houndour, sending the Gastly flying away.

"Now's my chance... You're mine my little smoke ball!" Wind picked off one of the empty pokeballs on his belt, and pressed the button in the center, allowing it to enlarge before he tossed it and the dazed ghost. It opened with a pop and pulled the Gastly inside, trapping it. It fell to the ground and began shaking.

"Come on... Come on..." Wind crossed his fingers as he stared at the shaking capsule.


The pokeball flashed red and sat still. Wind fist pumped slightly as he retrieved the pokeball, and his new companion.
Jayden quickly healed Trapinch before the two of them moved back over to the camp Meeka had set up. She and Trapinch sat in the grass, feeling exhausted yet happy (Granted Jayden had more of a mental exhaustion while Trapinch was just exhausted). Jayden would reach over and rub Trapinche's head from time to time while he gazed at the surrounding scenery, looking content.

When the bushes shook Jayden and Tridon both turned their attention to it and watched while Wind and Houndour masterfully took down a Ghastly. "See that, Tridon? We'll be able to do that too if we keep working together." Jayden said with confidence, watching the ball click and the pokeball stop moving. "Way to go, Wind!" She congratulated from where she still sat in the grass.
Wind looked over to Jayden as she called out to him.

"Thanks Jayden!" He smiled winningly and looked back to his newly caught pokemon, encased in the red and white pokeball.

Taking out his pokedex, he flipped out the analyzer and ran it over the sphere, obtaining all possible data about Gastly. He sat down and leaned on a tree as he flipped through the entries and databases, finally letting sleep overtake him in a little while. He closed his eyes, and drifted off.
Trapinch was pretty energized after watching the battle and started to move around restlessly.

"Calm down, Tridon. You're supposed to be recovering from the battle." Jayden murmured tiredly. A chomp to her arm had her on her feet in a moment, quickly inspecting it to see if Tridon had done any damage. She looked at the pokemon scathingly a moment before sighing and giving in. "Ok, fine. What is it you want?"

Trapinch started to look around before seeing a rock and he pointed at it with his front leg. Nodding and collecting her determination Jayden gestured for Trapinch to follow and, with the adrenaline still pumping just from watching the fight, began to train. Tridon bit into the rock on Jayden's call, only missing once or twice but on the whole hitting. Every time he attacked he bit down harder, knocking chunks of the rock off in the softer, more eroded spots.

"Way to go, Tridon! You're doing amazing!"

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Wind woke up when he heard the sound of chipping stone. Opening his eyes, he saw Tridon ripping apart a rock. He walked over to him and Jayden and exclaimed quietly.

"I never knew how strong Trapinch really were. When I heard they could bite through rock, I thought it was an exaggeration. I wonder how strong my new Gastly is."

He looked down at his newly captured Gastly's pokeball, and threw it into the air. It popped open and Gastly fell out, floating in mid-air. It looked over to Wind with a mischievous smile.

"Ok, so what moves can you use... Try..." He looked down at his pokedex, but nothing appeared on screen. He whacked it a couple times, but it stayed inactive.
"Is it possible that Ghastly doesn't know any moves?" Jayden asked curiously, pulling out her pokedex as well and offering it to him on the off chance that his Pokedex was malfunctioning. Trapinch paused, appreciating the chance to catch his breath a moment and 'pranced' (as much as a Trapinch can) over to his trainer, seemingly glowing with pride at the praise on his strength.

Jayden snorted out at laugh as she watched her Pokemon preen... hopefully he wasn't getting a really big ego. Tridon looked between the two of them and the freshly caught Ghastly, eyeing the Ghastly curiously. Jayden wondered for a moment what other kinds of pokmon she might get on her journey... either way it was an exciting prospect. Not that she didn't love Tridon but for a strong team she'd need more kinds of Pokemon- that was for sure. She watched Wind and the Ghastly, wondering why the Ghastly either didn't have moves or it wasn't showing on Wind's Pokedex.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef7df42c_trainercard-JaydenRiann.png.1ea93ace5515b98e897449bc31dbd73d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15404" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef7df42c_trainercard-JaydenRiann.png.1ea93ace5515b98e897449bc31dbd73d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Wind held up Jayden's pokedex to Gastly, but it shut off as he held it up.

"What the..." Gastly's gashed mouth split in even more of a wicked smile. "Wait a sec... I remember something about Gastly harming electronic devices, maybe it's short-circuiting our pokedexes? Oh well, I guess... Lemme think... Shadow ball?" Gastly spun in the air, forming a shadowy ball around it, which with a laugh it threw at Wind and Jayden. He jumped out of the way, pulling Jayden with him.

"What the heck you little smoke ball!" It laughed and spun around in the air.
Jayden hadn't seen the shadow ball coming and was glad Wind had taken the time to pull her out of the way as well. She glared at the little smoke ball and Tridon chomped at it, in an attempt at retaliation. It was just out of Tridon's reach, however... and Tridon had never wished so hard that he had evolved and had wings already.

"It looks like you've got your work cut out for you." Jayden acknowledged as her eyes followed Ghastly, amused at Tridon's attempts to reach it but hoping her pokemon didn't bite off more than it could chew. Hoping her Pokedex wasn't permanently damaged she shook her head... it would be a ghost type pokemon's trick to mess with electronics. She glanced at Wind a moment, wondering how he was handling the whole 'mischievous pokemon' scenario.

Jayden had had a phase where Tridon had bitten everything which had gotten them both into a lot of trouble but she had never had to deal with a Pokemon that defied her directly- playful or otherwise.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef7e93a2_trainercard-JaydenRiann.png.e3920ef6649b2f1cd3dee774f1b18eae.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15407" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef7e93a2_trainercard-JaydenRiann.png.e3920ef6649b2f1cd3dee774f1b18eae.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Yeah." Wind wasn't really paying attention as Tridon tried to chomp down on Gastly, who just kept floating above it's reach, laughing maniacally. How was he supposed to train this thing? He'd learned how to earn and teach respect to pokemon, but never a ghost type.

((sorry for short post, but where is everybody else? Did they explode?))

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