World of Pokemon [Inactive]

"No reason, just nice to find things in common with people. Brings them closer." Blake replied to Meeka, a slight smile to his words. "I'm from Unova too." He looked at Jayden, who was wandering off. "Is she one of your friends?.... Hey... does anyone else smell smoke?" Blaziken looked around, then at himself, curiously. "No, not you Talon. I smells like a fire... A pretty big one.."
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Meeka looked sideways at Blake at his response. She hadn't thought of other trainers being from Unova, and had just assumed everyone was fairly local. It had been a good number of years before she had been home. The thought made her heart ache momentarily but she looked up to leave the thought behind.

She stared at Jayden who had begun to walk off, and tried to understand the question. Was she a friend? They had only just met and it was hard to say someone was that close after just one night. The thought of her wandering off alone made her worry enough that she felt the point was moot.

"Yes she is." She nodded towards Jayden, who was already half a mile ahead, and began walking in her direction, a steady pace followed by Teddiursa's incessant cheering. She didn't check if the new trainers were following, she was more concerned about leaving someone alone after the night before's escapade. She watched as Emolga flitted through the trees to return to her, a piece of bread still in her paws. She shrugged and took it from her grasp, storing it in her bag and letting Emolga play along the foliage above her as she walked. It was a quiet morning for the Pokemon despite the gabby trainers. She was willing to chat but unsure how to continue a conversation. Pokemon were never this confusing.


She glanced at Blaze at the mention of fire, she hadn't noticed it before. She assumed someone was just camping and let their flame get a bit out of control. The local rangers would take care of it in no time, she was in no position to help with something like that.

Wind stumbled into Violet Town next to his partners. He walked along the edge of the small city until he came to a raggedy hut. Pounding on the door, his legs began to weaken. It was flung open, and Wind looked up into the face of a giant man. His mouth was hidden by a scrappy beard, and Wind was terrified in just one glance.

When the man spoke, it was in a gruff and deep voice.

"Whaddaya want kid?"

Wind pulled himself up and leaned against the door frame before speaking.

"I... I need to see Mrs. Nyhm. Please it's urgent!"

"And why do you think she's gonna see a punk like you?"

He felt his strength fading under the oppressive glare of this man, and took a deep breath before speaking

"I'm the son of Rose Ama."

The man stood stock still for a moment, before turning and receding back into the house, leaving the door open. Only a second later, a frail old lady turned into the hallway and stalked towards Wind. She was shriveled and held a polished cane in one hand, with a blanket draped over her hunched back. When she got to him, all she did was stare him down, examining every aspect of his face. She eventually spoke in a strong crisp voice. Much more than you would expect for someone of her age.

"Well, you certainly look like her child. I'll give you that. Well come in! I won't have you freezing to death on my doorstep!"

Turning, she too walked into the house, and Wind followed alongside Houndour and Gastly. He made to thank her, but before he could speak, she snapped at him once again.

"What happened to your leg boy!"

Taken aback by the sudden harshness in her voice, it took him a moment to respond.

"Well, I broke it when I landed on a rock."

She snapped her fingers, and the large man returned, holding a parcel, which he handed to her. She forced him down onto a musty couch and pulled up his pant leg.

"Well you have her sense of balance. I'll give you that."

Wind looked down sheepishly. He murmured thanks as she went to work, applying ointment and bandages. After only a few minutes, she stood again.

"That should keep the bone balanced until it heals. You should be able to move normally now. Now, tell me. What is the son of my former student doing in Johto?"

"Well, I came here for my journey... And to learn about the legends of Ho-Oh and Lugia."

"Well, you can stay here for the night." And with that, the old women left the room, leaving Wind to his thoughts.
Blake looked around again, sniffing around, then plucked a Pokeball from his belt and threw it in the air, "Lance! Come out!" With a pop and flash of light, Salamence appeared and flew up into the air, jaws parted in a roar, before landing by his lifelong trainer. "Listen, friend. Theres a fire somewhere nearby." He reached out and touched the dragon's head, "Go seek it out and put it out, if you can." He gestured towards the smell of smoke. "Go." With that, Lance the Salamence twisted and flew away, becoming a blue and red speck on the morning sky.
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Tridon gave an excited chirp, looking over his shoulder so Jayden followed suit and couldn't help but smile when she saw Meeka. She slowed down, waiting until the other trainer was next to her and matching her pace.

"I apologize for just walking off like that but... I can't stand standing around and talking." Jayden said, a little lamely. She gave Meeka another grateful smile, however. "Tridon and I are grateful for your company. Thanks for helping all of us out earlier and I'm glad you and Little One and your Emolga are all right."

Jayden said, her step noticeably lighter than it had been earlier.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf00d437b_trainercard-JaydenRiann.png.2361d96c93e1102c080c44a2d2db583f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15769" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf00d437b_trainercard-JaydenRiann.png.2361d96c93e1102c080c44a2d2db583f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Meeka waived back at Rooke and Blake before continuing on. She did not intend on leaving them behind, but rather was not interested in sitting around. She hoped Rooke would come along with that playful Squirtle, so that Little One would have another play-mate. They genuinely enjoyed each-others company. In the mean time she fell behind Jayden, she was a follower after all, not a leader.

"You don't have to apologize." She flicked her wrist in the air as if to dismiss the idea. "No one is ever obligated to follow, stay or lead." She mumbled the last part and focused on the path in front of her. The next few hours were fairly quiet, aside from a few small chats between her and the other trainers who came along. She was most excited to see before her Violet City, where she had earned her second badge just a few years before, but had decided that battles were not her passion. She thought back to the little city and what she left behind.

A Pokemon school that her family had suggested had led to a friendship made with one of the students. There she trained Emolga and learned how her type advantages would make her a strong match up with the gym leader. But after battling Falkner she saw how hurt Emolga had been, and felt discouraged from asking her to ever battle for shiny metals again. The friend she had known ended up staying from what she remembered, and had decided he wanted to train to be one of Falkner's apprentices at the gym. It had been two years since she had seen him, and Meeka was curious of how her old friend had sufficed.

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Rooke notices that Meeka was in the process of leaving and quickly bid farewell to Blake, sprinting to catch up. "Hey! Wait up!" he yells to the two trainers. "Mind if I join up with you guys for now?" he asks with a cheerful grin on his face once he had caught up.

Squirtle wasn't far behind its trainer and once Rooke had stopped, it decided to spray the dirt under Rooke's feet until it turned to mud. It then watched until the trainer took another step and fell backwards. "Squirtle-squirt." was the noise that came from the pokemon's mouth as it seemed to laugh.

"Haha, very funny Squirtle." he said, getting up and brushing the mud that he could reach off. "Maybe I should go see Professor Elm soon." he thinks aloud as he receives a message from Jessica.


Hey Rooke, it's Jessica from when we were kids. Where are you because its been forever and i have a present that can't really wait.


As she finished the message she walked through the grasses surrounding Cerulean looking for a cute pokemon to add to her team. "See anything yet Eevee?" she asks, holding out a pokeball ready to throw at an unsuspecting pokemon.
Meeka grinned at the boy who was taller than her, and nodded in confirmation. She gestured behind them when he mentioned Professor Elm and murmured something about him 'going the wrong way'. She shrugged it off, happy for company and not about to argue with anyone about what direction they were heading. There was plenty enough to interest her in the City ahead.

"Hey, I didn't catch your name back there. Sorry, I was probably spacing out or something... but uh... well I'm Jayden and that's my partner, Tridon." Jayden introduced, smiling at Rooke as he caught up to them. Trapinch looked at the new comers, glowering for a moment at the squirtle... Tridon tended to have automatic dislike for water type pokemon.

When Squirtle caused it's trainer to trip, Jayden paused to check to see if Rooke was okay. She didn't really say anything, just waited for him to get back up... she wondered what it would be like to have such a troublesome pokemon (troublesome in the playful way)... Trapinch just tended to chew on her belongings and create the occasional pit trap but for the most part didn't pick on Jayden too much.

"If you want to see Elm... isn't that back in the other direction? I... think we're headed to... Violet town?" Jayden looked to Meeka for confirmation, not completely sure if that's where they were headed or not.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf00d6bfc_trainercard-JaydenRiann.png.f8f09a3af4772b3c99a80e2036343b99.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15770" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf00d6bfc_trainercard-JaydenRiann.png.f8f09a3af4772b3c99a80e2036343b99.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Meeka nodded again in confirmation. As she walked she swooped down to pick up Teddiursa again, letting her up on her shoulders to play. The walk would be over in just a short time, but there was no reason to tire the Little One out. Emolga chirped in the trees, and Meeka didn't feel the need to put her away. The air was fresh, and they all deserved some time to rest anyway. She tried to focus back on the words that were murmured in front of her.

"Yes, Violet City. There's a gym there, with its flying type leader Falkner. Its also home to the Bell Tower and Pokemon School." She let her eyes flash between both the trainers, a bit lost in thought. "I'm guessing both of you are fairly new trainers, you should probably go there first."

Meeka paused as the reached the top of a small hill. From across the trees they opened up to reveal a decent sized City just a few minutes more down the route.

Rooke shook his head. "I'll go see the professor when I have a pokemon that can fly. So Violet is where we are headed?" he asks, knowing that his decision to challenge Johto before Kanto was probably a waste of his time. His home town was Kanto so he should have stayed but he didn't mind. "I'm Rooke. And this troublemaker is Squirtle." he says as the pokemon sprays water and poses like a fountain.
"Why do you want a flying pokemon to face him?" Jayden inquired. She really didn't have much of a mind to face the gym leader herself... she wanted to but Trapinch only knew Bite at the moment. She needed Trapinch to know something other then Bite to face a flying type. "If Squirtle at least knows water gun... that's a ranged attack so if Squirtle has good aim they could hit a flying type and do damage."

Jayden noticed they could now see Violet City... at least as long as they stayed atop the hill... it was such a short distance away! She felt excitement flutter through her. Trapinch took off, running ahead of Jayden but not far enough to be anything more than playful.

"Meeka! Will there be any contests for you to enter in Violet City?!" Jayden asked, her excitement building. She hoped so. She really wanted to see what a contest was like... she kind of wanted to try it herself once she and Tridon were better trained.
Meeka sped up as Jayden and Trapinch began to go ahead. Her pace was brisk, and Teddiursa bounced joyfully on her shoulders, putting her paws up with excitement. As they left the foilage she plucked Emolga's Pokeball from her wrist and returned her, hoping that the travel would be easier this way. As they made it down the hill and towards the front gates she took a moment to gasp for air and shakily reply.

"The next contest I know if is in Goldenrod City." She put her hands on her knees to steady herself. She was more out of shape then she realized. "But I do know someone who could help us practice. There are several genres of learning at the Pokemon School."

She stood a little taller and reached behind her to tighten her hair tie again. The bushel of red hair moved smoothly through her fingers. Meeka gestured towards a building not far from the center of the City, that looked like an average schoolhouse. Across the road to the left was a gym, which she swept her hand past in a flurry of show.

"Those are the Schoolhouse and Gym respectively." Her head tilted up towards the tall tower that reached high into the clouds. "That's Sprout tower. If you like sight seeing, or training, that would be a good place to go."

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Wind sat alone on the old porch of his mother's teacher. She had said to leave whenever he felt like it, but he was terrified of what would happen if he found Meeka and Jayden again. They did say they were headed for Violet too. Maybe he would hide out in sprout tower? Standing, he put much more weight on his right leg than he would've yesterday. Whatever the old lady had done to it was the stuff of miracles. He began to walk deeper into town, slipping past person after person as he went. As he strode across town, he drew closer and closer to the gym where he had earned his first gym badge. It was a fond memory, which he was so caught up with that he didn't notice Jayden and Meeka standing right across the road from him. Inhaling sharply, he made of right for sprout tower tripping and stumbling in his flurry. When he finally arrived at the giant tower, he took a moment to rest against the side of it. He felt it shaking behind him. In a panic he stepped away from it and pulled out Houndour's pokeball. It took him a moment, but he remembered that it shook whenever someone was battling at the top of it. Sighing, he pushed open the large wooden door, staring into the vast darkness before him.
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Meeka paused in the clearing as she spotted a young man stumbling off towards the Sprout Tower. As he began to slip away past the large wooden doors she started to say something, but thought better of it. Wind had rejected her help earlier, and she was sure he wanted to be left alone. It was none of her business what he did, and he did seem to have been walking decently now. He must have gotten the help he had said he would when he arrived before them. She dismissed it, looking to Jayden to see if she had noticed the boy slip past them.

She opened her mouth as if to say something but closed it dumbly. Her thoughts went to the night before and how chaotic it had been. Perhaps he would not have accepted her warm bedding and bad job of a splint if he was conscious. She sighed at the entire situation. Thinking of the splint reminded her of the Spoon that she had used to tie his leg off. It was her favorite cooking spoon and she would have to get it back and sanitize it before she left the city.

Teddiursa was already tugging her towards the direction of the School. Meeka looked up and followed the directions of her Little One straight to the center of the town, and before she knew it she was at the front steps of the School.

"Flame charge! Shadow ball!" Wind shouted as he and his pokemon stood side by side, attacking trainer after trainer who launched repeated assaults on them. Sprout tower was much livelier than he had originally thought, and he was moving up floors every few minutes. The trainers had become stronger and stronger each floor, and him and his pokemon were becoming more and more exhausted as they climbed. As the last pokemon flew away from them, even Houndour was tired. Looking to the stalk in the middle of the room, he scratched his pup's ears.

"Just a little bit further guys."

Walking to the next staircase, he couldn't help but remember the last time he was here. He hadn't even made it halfway then. Now, he was near the top. As he got to the next floor, he saw the trainers around him preparing to fight. Smiling, he threw out his arms.

"Shall we go all out? Shadow fire!"

Shadow fire was the technique Wind had developed for Houndour and Gastly, where they combined their attacks to provide a powered-up version of their two attacks. The pokemon around him were thrown away by the attack, but that doesn't mean his own pokemon took their own damage. It was done in a few minutes. The pokemon around him were knocked out, and his own pokemon were beginning to collapse. Getting back to them, he began to spray them with Potions. His pokemon were back in action, and they stood at the foot of the stairs, ready for whatever came next.
"So much for knowing this forest like the back of my hand..." Cross mumbled as she wandered among the trees. After Diana and Graceon came back, Diana with a rather infuriating message, Cross had decided she needed to physically seek him out. She didn't know, really, why she cared so much about this guy who clearly wanted nothing to do with her. Why was she wandering around in the woods looking for this idiot? HE was the one who ran off into the woods with a broken leg! But no, she had run out after him. Why had she done that?

With another sigh, she returned her thought back to her search. "Wind? Wiiiiind?.... Where did you run off to, you idiot?" Suddenly she was hit with the overpowering smell of smoke. This brought horrible memories rising to her head, but she hardly had time to think about it- A crack from above, then Graceon ran out of the trees, his normally snow white fur stained gray with soot. The Absol cast his blind gaze about, then ran and tackled Cross just a burning branch fell from above right where she was, sending up a spray of embers. The girl was coughing from the smoke now. When she managed to stand, she finally took it all in. The forest was a raging inferno; And she didn't know how to get out.

"Well. Great."
Meeka put her hand on the door knob tentatively. Teddiursa was jumping up and down at her feet, mimicking her small actions. She took in a deep breath and pushed on the door until the florescent lights hit her with full welcome. Children and adults alike filled the main center of the room, desks lining the room in parallel rows. A familiar teacher stood at the front of this room, tapping on a blackboard cheerfully to get his student's attention. She excused herself shyly to a side room and disappeared into the many smaller rooms the building held.

Soon she found herself in front of the garden gate, which she swung open to reveal a large open yard, fenced in with worn wood fence posts. All around Trainers were training their Pokemon in mock battles, and some were training moves on dummies that were lined up along the east side of the clearing. She found a small area with a raised up platform that served for contest practices and set her bag down. Here is where she would spend the most of her time until her companions had gotten their badge here.

"Hey. Long time no see." Meeka froze at a voice from her past. She turned on her heel to look him face to face and smiled in return to his call. She didn't have much to say as she took in how much he had grown. Damion was a friend from when she had first started her journey, and had stayed here in Violet City instead of continuing on with her. Meeka had first learned how people would part ways from this friendship, and kept it close to heart.

She walked up to him and reached up without saying anything and gave him a hug. He returned it before stepping back and offering to catch up. Their conversation was long and full of memories but his eyes grew serious when he told her how he had been accepted at the gym.

"I thought they only allowed flying types there." Meeka questioned him with curiosity. She had recalled his Buneary who Emolga had trained with all those years ago. They had been the best of friends. Damion looked down cast for a moment but shrugged it off. He reached into his pocked and gripped a Pokeball in his hand, holding it firmly in front of him as a Buneary appeared before him. She bounced joyfully and punched the air with her fluffy ears. At seeing Meeka she squealed and jumped at her, paws extended for a hug. The two embraced momentarily before looking back to the boy from the past.

"That's why I'm glad I ran into you." He looked at his feet for a moment again, then brought his eyes to meet Meeka's. "She needs a trainer who can utilize her no matter what, and I remember how good you were to her." Damion took one of Meeka's hands, and placed the Pokeball into her hand, and wrapped her fingers around it.

"I want you to have her."

The smell of smoke almost unbearable now, where was Lance? In the meantime, Pippa the Piplup rushed over to the Buneary and started chattering happily. And when Salamence swoooped out of the sky, Blake could tell something was wrong. The scared expression on the dragon's face was anything but good. Only a few things ever scared his partner. The flame-haired boy rushed to his friend and held his head in his hands as the dragon huffed out smoke. "Lance, whats wrong? Calm down, bud!" The dragon reared suddenly and huffed towards the trees with wild eyes. "Lance, calm down, it's okay? Is that the problem?" Blake looked up into the sky and could see the smoke billowing into the sky, and his eyes widened as well. "Forest fire...Pippa!" The Piplup looked up to her trainer and chirped. "Go gather as many water-types as you can, we'll need it!" With that command, the Piplup said goodbye to Buneary and plodded off, towards the water.
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Wind stood in shock as he arrived on the top floor of Sprout tower. All around him there were men and women dressed in menacing black outfits, with their faces covered. At the back of the room, a man with blue hair stood, with a golbat floating over his shoulder. He turned as Wind stepped up, and smiled eerily.

"You are the first person to reach the top of the tower in a long time. Welcome." When he spoke, his voice was sly and low. Wind distrusted him immediately.

"Who are you?" Wind asked tentatively, confused about why these people were there.

"Houndour, Gastly, be ready." He muttered under his breath. But before he could make a move, the man in front of him had snapped his fingers, and the people around him darted forwards, grabbing Houndour, and trapping Gastly in some sort of net. They were manhandling them, and one of them place their hands on either side of Houndour's head, ready to break him in an instant.

"Houndour!" He shouted in anxiety, and tried to get to him. But the blue haired man, who appeared to be their leader grabbed his arm.

"Don't move, or your pokemon gets it."

"You can't! You can't do that!" Wind had began to panic, struggling out of the man's tight grip. Houndour howled in pain and worry as they struggled.

In all the commotion, no one noticed Gastly slip out of it's bond, and glide out of the room swiftly.


Gastly flew around the city in a panic, trying to find someone to help Wind. It allowed it's ghostly aura to spread around it to feel the life forms around. Two of them stood out to it, which it recognized as Jayden and Meeka. Turning, it shot off to the building they were in, crawling through the wall, and floating above their heads, doing all it could to draw their attention.


"Calm down boy! Nothing will become of your pokemon if you just... Cooperate. Do as we say, and nothing bad will happen to you." The man spoke once again in that sly voice, and Wind stop struggling, allowing himself to fall to the floor, panting.

"What do you want of me?" He spoke in a weak, defeated voice. The man smiled evilly.
(Ooo, plot twist! I like!)

Blake saw the Gastly fly into the school, and decided to follow it. When he looked in, he eyed the Gastly in the light and snapped his fingers in hope of getting it's attention. "Oi! Gastly, you seem kinda panicked, you okay?" He was curious, hopeful not looking like he was threatening, but he had no idea. This Pokemon seemed well trained, it had to have a trainer... Blake looked concerned.
Meeka reached down to scoop up Buneary as Damion walked away. She was fond of the little rabbit Pokemon, as she had been close in the past. She knew her grace would lead to many amazing adventures fitting for her team. She noticed Gastly and Salamance all at once. She glanced between the two as Piplup waddled off to find help for a fire that Blaze had suddenly exclaimed in no secret tone. She said nothing about it, unsure what she could do about such a large catastrophe. She turned her attention to Gastly who was floating above her in a rhythmic fashion. She recognized this Gastly from the night before and the image clicked. Wind! She knew there was no reason he would be without one of his partners unless he was in trouble. She turned to Blaze, Jayden and Rooke with a sudden concern.

"I think Wind is in trouble..." She looked up at the anxious Gastly before murmuring "...again." She pet Buneary behind its bouncy ears before returning it to its new home in her Pokeball on her wrist. It fit perfectly as if already prepared to attach to a bracelet carrying apparatus. She nodded to Teddiursa in a hurried rush and made her way out the garden gate.

"Lead the way Gastly, I'm willing to help." She pushed her way through the school house before waving a brief goodbye to the School Teacher who was excitedly waving in a flamboyant manner. She would have to catch up with the spunky teacher some other time. She paused to see if anyone was behind her to assist her, but in her hurry she was unable to see clearly. She finally found the way outside and broke out in a run as Gastly's pace sped up, leading towards Sprout tower.

Jayden watched as Meeka took off... remembering that she had mentioned wanting to see the school she figured she could look for Meeka there later. She wanted to get some time training with Tridon, anyway... and she wanted to check the school out, but first she wanted to get Tridon healed as well as a bite to eat.

There was a rustling in the grass nearby that caught Tridon's attention and he gave Jayden a quick glance before taking off in that direction.Wondering what he had seen Jayden followed quickly after him to see a Ralts staring up at them from behind a tree. Jayden looked around, wondering if it belonged to anyone else, before calling Tridon to her side.

"We only battle Pokemon that want to join our team." Jayden told him and he nodded. Ralts looked at them with interest. "Well, you know.. wild pokemon. We don't pick fights just to fight... well unless it's with another trainer but even then we've only battled once and-"

Jayden was cut off with a loud chirp from Tridon and she couldn't help but laugh. He had caught her rambling again.

"What I'm trying to say, Ralts, is that if you want to test our strength to see if you want to be apart of our team then you can but otherwise we'll leave you alone. Or... well if you're hungry Tridon and I have some berries we could share."

The Ralts looked at her and Tridon suspiciously before wandering closer and accepting a rawst berry from Tridon, who had been holding it gently in it's jaw. Then it gave a look of absolute determination and Jayden gave a silent cheer... if she and Tridon could prove herself she'd have another partner.

"Alright Tridon! Let's get Ralts to join our team!"

The battle that ensued was intense... as far as the battles Jayden had fought so far were. Both Tridon and Ralts landed hits, trading attacks and dodges back and forth. In the end, though, Jayden through the pokeball at Ralts and with only a couple wiggles the pokeball grew still.

"Alright! Tridon, we have a new partner! Meet Donovan, the Ralts!" Jayden said, throwing the pokeball in the air and allowing Ralts to come back out.

(Did a bit of a change on my card :P )
Dylan proceed to follow the man who called himself Birch towards the nearest Pokemon Center. He wondered how he was going to help him with his choice and actually felt that he was a bit sketchy. But what choice did he have? He was in a new region that he didn't know, at least someone was willing to help him out.

The two entered the Pokemon Center. Professor Birch gestured toward the main desk, "This way, Dylan." he stated.

Dylan passed the professor and walked up to the counter. A young woman greeted him and bowed, "Welcome. How can I help you today?" she asked. Dylan knew her name to be Joy, because that's what all the Pokemon nurses were named.

"Umm...well, I don't really know why I'm here." Dylan said confused looking up at Birch.

Birch smiled and said, "We are here to sign this young man up for the Hoenn Pokemon League."

Dylan was taken aback by that statement, "Wait, what?"

Nurse Joy smiled and said, "Certainly, It'll be just a moment." and she walked into the back.

When Nurse Joy was out of earshot, Dylan exclaimed, "I thought you said you were going to help me with my Gym choice. I can't waste time battling in some league." Rotom floated around his head and floated over to Birch.

Birch rubbed Rotom's cheek and stated, "Well, Dylan, what better way to figure out what kind of gym leader you want to be than by battling and studying gym leaders." Dylan's looked went relaxed. He had never thought of that before.

Dylan rubbed the back of his head, "Well, I guess that makes sense.".

Nurse Joy walked back into the room, "Alright, I just need to see your Pokemon ID to get you registered." Dylan reached into his bag and produced a black Pokedex. He handed it over to the nurse who inserted into the computer. Nurse Joy clicked some keys on the keyboard and ejected the Dex. "Alright, Dylan, you are now registered for the Hoenn League." She handed him the Pokedex and a badge case.

Dylan looked over the badge case and clicked it open to its empty contents. Inside were eight slots for badge and Dylan smiled with excitement, "Alright, I'm in. Where do I start?" he asked looking up at Birch.

Birch smiled, "Well, there are plenty of gyms all over the Hoenn Region, the closest one is in Mauville City, but you can start from wherever you want."

Dylan fist pumped the air, "Alright, this will be so cool and helpful." he ran over to the map that hung on the wall. He closed his eyes and moved his hand along the map. He stopped it in a random spot, "Here, is there a gym here?"

Birch looked at the name, "Lavaridge Town? Yeah, Flannery, is the leader. She specializes in Fire types." he confirmed.

Dylan's face grew with a load of excitement, "Cool, then that is where I will start." He started to move toward the door, but was stopped by the Professor.

"Wait up, take one of these with you." He said pulling out a yellow piece of technology. He handed it to Dylan who looked it over with a confused look on his face. Birch chuckled and said, "This is a PokeNav. It has a lot of useful tools in it that will help you through your journey such as a map, GPS, guidebook, and more."

Dylan smiled at the professor, "Thank you Professor. I owe you."

Birch laughed, "Just do your best in the league and have fun."

"Oh, you can count on it. Let's go, Rotom." Dylan exclaimed and ran out of the center

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