Woodrow High [Inactive]

Clary was sitting and writing in her peaceful world when the gym lights started flickering. She looked around when she noticed a dark figure by the doorway. "Well, well, isn't it little, quiet Clary?" Once the words were spoken, Clary stood up straight, looking at him mischievously, watching his every move.
"Shh, Lu...its ok. Its me, Noah." He places his hand on her forehead before taking the last piece of glass from his hand. He himself begins to feel a bit lightheaded. "Damn..." He goes back to the cafeteria counter and grabs water for them both. He places one next to her and starts to drink his water
Vince feels uncomfortable and worried. Even though she wanted alone time, something was off. He rushed to where he heard she would be.

Lu, hearing weird sounding distant talking and opening her eyes to see florescent lighting, turned to look to Noah, still dazed.
Noah looks over at Mia, a little pale from bloodloss. "She...she lost some blood, she will be okay. Whats going on with the stranger..." He tries to change the subject, then he sees that Lu is looking at him so he grabs her hand with his good hand, forgetting to bandage his messed up hand
Clary stood there, still watching him. He had a little piece of paper in his hand, and a basketball in the other. "So I heard you're a writer? Well I made this a little more nicer for your understanding."

Then the paper was put on the basketball and before she knew it, the basketball was bouncing in her direction. When she caught the ball, the lights turned off, then back on again after about five seconds. He was gone.
Amelia's eyes flickered open, a view of the now bright windows in the hallway hitting her eyes violently. "Ow," she muttered, slowly picking herself off of the cold floor and and rubbing the back of her head, Did I sleep out here all night? She shook her head and blinked her eyes a few times, sitting upright and looking around.

(where is everyone now? I know Clary is in the gym but where are Lu, Noah, Vince, Alex, and Mia!?)
Vince came in, rushing after he heard the voice. "Hey! Clary! Everything okay?!"

Lu smiled, taking the hand in her shaking one. "..mm.. I thought we were in the art room..?" She asked, closing her eyes again, feeling all too sedated to be confused or upset. 
(Vince is with her.. I think now Mia, Alex, Noah and Lu are in the Cafeteria.)
(Vince, Alex and Mia are in the Cafeteria. Then Noah and Lu join them. Then Vince runs off to check in Clary. Others are sleeping or just hanging around.)
Clary nodded but then turned the basketball around until she found the piece of paper taped to it. She pointed to it and read it, showing Vince.

"So close but yet so far,

With that one kiss you'll be out without a scar."

She tried to take the note off of it but it was super glued onto the ball. She tugged on the boy's shirt, then began to run back to the others. Once she got there she was jumping up and down and pointing to the ball, gaining their attention.
William walked into of the cafeteria with a protein shake in his hand,. It was a chocolate - peanut butter blend with whey protein and a bunch of vitamin in it. He loved the stuff and would buy one nearly every lunch period. He had come from his locker on the first floor, all the while taking small sips of his drink, savoring every bit. Liam actually ate 5 small meals throughout the day so this shake counted as his third today. He had a strict regimen in order to keep in shape. Shapes, order, and regimens -- all things that nearly controlled his life. He always enjoyed this lunch period, because he could partially decompress, relax, and talk with people.
Vince followed, seeing most everyone in the Cafeteria. The note almost made sense. Yet, they have already kissed. Also, why would it target Clary?
(Damnit im too drunk to keep up >.<)

Noah begins to feel sick and relizes that he was bleeding out all over the table. "Oh!" He reaches for the paper towels he thought he had and then begins to pass out. He was very pale
Lu opens her eyes to see Noah stumble. She sits up on the table, still dizzy and wobbly, starting to try and wrap his wound, though her vision would go double. She looked at a worried Mia and shrugged. "We.. had a little run in.. can you help me? I cant tell which arm is his.."
(Okay thanks so much!)

"Gosh, where is everyone?" Amelia muttered now at the doorway of the room everyone had been in, empty with bedsheets and blankets sprawled across the room. I should probably go looking for everyone. I hope Lu is okay... I wonder what happened last night. Amelia made her way down the hall slowly, her head still pounding from her slip last night. Everything was a complete blur, if the real amnesia wasn't enough already, she was now struggling to remember what had happened yesterday. She took her time down the stairs, listening for voices on each floor before moving on. Finally on the ground floor she heard voices coming from the cafeteria and half-limped through the doors trying to keep focussed, but her mind kept slipping in and out and she thought she might pass out. She grabbed onto a wall suddenly to hold herself up, seeing the others in the room before her.
Noah, barely conscious to help her, points to his wounded hand. That was the arm with the sleeve ripped off. Because he always wore long sleeeves, no one noticed that his arm had a long, linear scarr running from his wrist up to his elbow. His head flops down on Lu's stomach
Lucy, trying to keep her vision clear, washes out the wound with the water Noah had out for her and stops the bleeding with a paper towel. Then she wraps it with bandages they found, still her, felt like everything was moving sideways. She knew the cut she gave herself was bad because though it was covered, her arm felt warm and sticky. 'Note.. suicide is bad..' she managed to tell herself.
"What's going on?" Amelia breathed squinting her eyes to see Noah fall unconscious in front of Lu, so much... Amelia covered a small gag... blood. She couldn't even tell whose it was... Noah's or Lu's or, she looked more closely... both!? They were both bleeding as Lu desperately tried to cover Noah's wound. But she needed help! Amelia ran over, snapping out of her trance. She grabbed the water as Lu finished up with Noah's wound, and tried to help Lu with the cut in her forearm. How did it get there?
Lu saw her move in to stop the bleeding on her arm, but she pulled away. "Don't!" she froze up, white as paper, holding onto Noah protectively. "I-its my fault.. I did that.. I can take care of it.." She unwrapped a soaked through bandage, still dripping, feeling like she would throw up, washed it off with the cup of water. The intentions of the line were obvious. She was ashamed.
Clary noticed what was happening and started feeling queasy. She held onto Vince's shirt, and closed her eyes, leaning against him. After the accident she was never good with blood, at all.
Vince frowned. "Its all right.. as soon as the bleeding stops, they will be fine and we can throw away anything that stinks.."

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