Woodrow High [Inactive]

Lu pauses to think about it. What was love, really? "I've just met you.. but I feel like we've been with each other forever.. when I was scared and ready to kill myself.. your voice was what stopped me.. I feel like I know you, and I love the way you talk, and the way you smile. The way you allow yourself to feel..." She gave him one more gentle kiss. "I think I do.."
Clary grinned and grabbed his hands, her face bright with happiness, glad to have someone with her. She took her board and her marker, taking out another one that's red. She drew a tic-tac-toe board and started playing, sliding the piece of cardboard with white material over to Vince.
Vince grinned childishly. "You know.. I don't like to lose. A meager game like this is no exception." He joked, laughing as he made his first move, pretending to take it seriously and spend a long time on one O.
When Vince finally put an O down, Clary smirked with encouragement after his words. After the board was passed back to her, Clary but three X's down in a row and showed him the board, giggling and sticking her tongue out.
Vince reached over and tickled her. "Clary! Thats no fair! Do you know what I do to cheaters?" He said, mirth filling his voice.
Clary was silently giggling as she was tickled, her face turning red. She got his hands off of her sides and wrote on her board.

"What do you do to them?"
Vince grinned even wider, mischief in his eyes. "I do this!" He tickled her more, having her fall back in bed. His gaze became less childish and more passionate. "And this." He gave her a peck on the lips. before removing himself front the space above her and grinning once more. "Thats what you get, cheater."
Noah smiles like an idiot and his heart jumps at her last words. Its almost as if nothing else mattered in this moment. After a minute, he finally speaks up. "Lets get patched up before we lose too much blood. It really would be a shame to check out on life now that we're...well...us" He says 'us' without second thought. He feels nerv
As soon as he said that, Lu found her last bit of energy run dry. Being brave enough to tell him was one thing, and yelling, and running away, and bleeding. She just ran out of her last wind and found her body slumping down, hoping the blood lost wasn't too much.
Clary kissed him back when he became more passionate, and blushed furiously when Mia said that, smiling over at her then back to Vince. She looked around to see some people still asleep, and noticed she was getting hungry. But, she was scared to leave the room.
When Vince asked her, she decided not to have him worry about anything. She shook her head, and smiled, motioning she was fine.
Aricks eyes widened. "Eh." She said, seeingthe kiss but turning away. She wished someone whould treat her likethat.
Vince nodded, feeling a bit famished himself. He couldn't help but think about those who were missing though. Why did he care? They weren't him, and Clary was fine too. It shouldn't matter. "Lets get food, shall we?"
Alexander finished changing, he had then head towards the sport club room where a mashing machine and dryer lived for the schools nurse to wash blankets and the sports teams to wash clothing. As he finished up, he headed to the cafeteria. "Hey Mia, Clary and Vince!" he said seeing the three walking down the hallway. "Hey Alex. Thanks...About last night." Mia replied, thinking how she was able to sleep. Alex nudged at Vince meaning 'Can I talk to Mia for a sec.'
Vince looked at him, Apathetically, but took Clarys hand and pulled her right outside. "It seems they need some privacy." He whispered to her. 
As things calmed down between Noah and Lu, she finally ran out of energy, and enough blood to make her woozy. Tired and giving up for the time being, she fainted. It was actually relief for her. After all, it was such a stressful day.
Clary nodded and held Vince's hand, walking into the cafeteria and sitting down at a seat. She listened to the rain as it hit the windows, and she wanted to go play in it so bad. Not wanting to eat right now, Clary took her board and wrote a message for the boy, letting him know what she was doing.

"I'll let you eat and all, I'm gonna go to the gym and have some alone time."

After a few moments to let him read, Clary got up and started walking over to the gym, which was two doors down only. She sat down in the middle of the gym floor and took out her journal, and a new notebook, writing away.
Noah catches her and pulls her up "Lucy!" He checks to see if shes okay and sees that shes really pale. "Lets get out of here" He picks her up, one arm under her legs and the other arm around her shoulders. He carries her back to the cafeteria and as he sets her down, he starts to feel woozy. He knew he had to act fast. He rips the sleeve off of his shirt and wraps it around her wrist. He quickly ties it tightly and sits down. He looks at his hand and places it on the table, slowly removing the shards of glass. "Ow...tch...damnit..."
"So...I've been thinking. Yesterday, I was rude." Alex started as he played with his hair, "Sorry about that."

"Oh..It's okay, you...you were shocked..." Mia replied looking down on the ground.

"No it's not okay." He said stopping in front of Mia and holding her hand. "I've been a jerk...Let me make it up to you..."

Mia wondered what changed him from last night to today...Maybe seeing the others, Lu and Noah, Clary and Vince, falling in love? Or is it his heart? "You don't have to make it up." Mia replied. They made it to the cafeteria and decided to make sandwiches for everyone when they woke up.
Lu flinched, still unconscious, at the touch to her wrist and let out a weak sound of protest. Face pale but not too terrible.

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