Woodrow High [Inactive]

Clary quickly erased her board and wrote new words.

"Go back to sleep, I'll go find her."

She then quickly left the room, noticing she forgot to put her sandals back on, her feet treading along the cold tile and when the lights went out her breathing stopped. She quickly turned around and ran back, but ran into a dark figure and fell on her bottom. She stayed quiet, but she was having a panic attack again.
The voice came up to Mia. "Sleep well my Valentine Princess." And began to see if anyone is awake, he noticed Lu and Clary.

Alex went to Lu saying, "pretend to sleep." He heard the voice, and thought, "That nickname..."
When Vince hear Clary was going to find the troublesome girl, he ran after her, not making himself known. He didn't see any figure. Only a panic attacking Clary. He bent down next to her and tried to hold onto her. "Shh.. its alright. Nobody hear but me.. Geez.. its late and you are suddenly full of energy." He joked, fingering her hair. "The room is the safest place. This place might be too big to find Lucy." 
Lu started to reply when she realized who was talking, but instead of word coming out, her thoughts got mean again. This time it was in the mans voice. 'You are wasting his time even being alive. He should be asleep. You've done nothing but wasted time.. lil'lu.' it used the nickname in a cruel voice. She bolted, running away, unsure of where to go. She locked herself in an art room.
Aric layed in a bed and sighed. She shed a single tear and closed her eyes, suddenly getting a strange dream.her eyes flew open and she sat bolt upright.
When the girl noticed that the figure was Vince, she quickly stood up and hugged him, her tears stopping. She felt more relaxed and she didn't want to let go. Barely even a whisper, Clary said her next two small words into the boy's ear.

"Thank you."
(The dark dude placed everyone in a room. Alex is back and with us, but his memory is gone of Mia, Vince and Clary are outside the room with beds. Clary;s freaking out, scared. Lu got freaked out by the guy and ran off, currently somewhere else in the building.)
Vince rubbed the back of her head, protectively. "Shh.. you're alright.. but I think something bad really might happen if we stay out here. We should return to the room, would you like me to bring you back the way I did earlier?" He asked with a smile.
Clary smiled but hopped on herself, but his front side. She felt more safe as she hugged him, not on his back. Her head fit perfectly in the crook of the boy's neck, and she held on, not to tightly, but still a little tight.
Vince held her tight, cradling her head in his neck. She was light so he lifted her as before with ease. He made his way back to the room, whispering. "When morning comes.. we can make sure everyones safe. After all those attacks you've had today, it would not be wise to run around with so little energy."
Clary whimpered very quietly, only so he could hear. She had no idea why she talked to him, and him only. But something inside her said she could trust him, so she went with that. Hopefully she will be able to trust everyone else, and she can talk normally again, but she is perfectly fine with only rarely talking to Vince. When they got to the room, Clary brought her head up, and smiled at the boy, kissing him quick and gentle and resting her forehead on his.
Vince paused, blushing again. Still unsure of why. Being emotional was never something he was okay with. But this felt good. He got back to the room, but still held onto her.
The girl laughed silently and put her head back to the crook of his neck, and she didn't realize she was falling asleep until her body saw darkness, small, quiet snores leaving her body.
Noah puts his guitar away and looks around the room. "Lu? Lu??" He suddenly realizes that she isnt with him in the room. "LU!!!!" He begins panicking. "LU WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!" He begins to tear up. This is the moment that he realized just how much he cared for her. The thought that she may be in trouble made him feel more emotions than he felt in a long time
Lu eventually saw a dark figure before her. It saw her and laughed cruelly. "You are the reason no one will get out of here, Lucy. You should be gone before anything bad happens to the people who feel bad enough to look for you. By that, I don't mean just from the school. Your thoughts were always right. Here.. there are a million sharp tools. Take your pick so everyone else can make it out alive Im not a bad guy, Lu. You know that." He said in a sickening voice. Tears streamed down her face as she looked at all the exacto knives and pin tools. But she didn't move an inch.

Vicent finally put her down in bed, but sat by it, deciding not to move until he felt they were completely safe.
Amelia bolted upright in her mattress next to Aric. She could hear panicked yelling and tried to push herself out of the bed, still in a daze. She desperately fumbled around, tripping over some blankets and hitting the floor hard. She rolled over onto her side holding her throbbing head... "ow, ow, ow" she muttered tears beginning to flow down the side of the face. Get up! She thought angrily at herself, you have to figure out what's going on! "Lu!" She heard the yell again, Lu? Is she okay!? Amelia tried to push herself up off of the floor but couldn't, her head hurt too much.
Clary was in a nice, light sleep, and knowing Vince was next to her made her feel safe. She grabbed his hand, smiling as she snored lightly.
Lu took an exacto knife and stared at it, inches away from her arm. One deep one, thats all it takes, both her mind and the man said in unison. She only stared at it, blocking out his voice and her own thoughts, the metal gleaming. Her eyes tracing the blade, too scared to move. Was she this bad? That even she herself wanted to do it? Was she that plain, that unimportant, that useless? She felt like the tears would never stop.
Noah starts shaking thining of what might be happening to Lu. He runs to the door and tries to open it but its locked. He frantically curses to himself and looks around. The window! He runs at the window and it opens. He shimmies out and looks down. It was a long fall from the second floor. He sidles along the wall on a ledge, peeking into the differnt rooms. He peeks into the art room and sees her. His stomach twisted inside and he knocks on the window "Lu! LU!!! LUCY!! LUCY!!!" He begins crying, hoping she can hear him "LUCY!!!"
Amelia pushed herself out into the hallway, gripping the door for support and looking around desperately, the only light in the hallway came from the large moon shining through the panel of windows. "LU!!" She screamed out, still in a daze. She felt a terrible panic take hold in her, she knew something was wrong... "LU!!!?" Who else had been calling her? It had been one of the boys- but who, Ollie? Vince!? No... Think! Noah! Where was he? It must have been him. They needed to find her before something bad happened, everyone needed to stay together!

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