Woodrow High [Inactive]

Clary held onto Vince, as they reached Mia. She was scared, and just needed to be with Vince since she felt protected then. She looked around to see what was going on, then her stomach made a nonhuman noise, and she looked at Vince.

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Lu said, just loud enough for him to hear, right before he left. "'You're my Valentine Princess.' If she cares that much about you, memories don't change whether or not things happen. The happiness is still there." With that she walked away. 
Vince looked at her and chuckled. "Are you hungry? It seems the lunch has been left out. Would you like some/"
Alex stopped for a second, that one line caused a spark, but he ignored it and went down the hall.

Mia was happy to see Clary and Vince safe. "Hey Clary..." She replied. "Guess you seem happy! I'm glad!" Mia finished off with a smile as she walked into the hallway saying, "We should find blankets. Since we might be here for a while."
The girl gave Mia a nod and smiled, then gave the same nod to Vince and took his hand, making their way over to the food. She hopped onto the counter, swinging her legs over, then hopping behind it. She grabbed a salad from the freezer, along with a can of iced tea, and some dressing. She took her board and wrote a question for the boy.

"Do you want anything?"
"Aric...You've been quiet." she said after opening the doors again and leaving once more. 
(I'm so happy I get to Rp with so many amazing people!!!)
((You're great too! I would get my characters involved, but I don't know where they would fit in right now xD ))
Lu came back to Mia, rubbing her eyes. She felt useless for not being able to help, but she didn't want to tell Mia what happened and bring down the mood. She sat and the table and stared off into space, though she felt like crying. With everything she forgot, she would never know herself as anything but useless.

Vince looked around the Cafeteria, feeling a chill in his spine for a moment, but he shook it off and showed no signs of nervousness. "No. Im fine. I had a big lunch. We should find supplies. It will get freezing here at night."
Amelia moved back towards Ollie who was just behind the others still crowding Mia, ending up an awkward distance from the group- deliberating whether or not to say anything or move closer. She was happy to see that Clary and Vince were back with the group.

(Yes guys!!!- I'm new to this and you all are amazing! xD )
Aric turned around and went back to the cafeteria. She sat onth e floor, rubbing her temples. "Hey..what's going on? Instill can't remember anything..?"
Amelia turned around at Aric's remark and and sighed, "Me neither... don't worry, it seems that Mia is the first one to remember anything..." She noticed Aric rubbing her temples, "Hey-" she moved closer before sitting down on the floor next to her, "does your head hurt too? Mine has been killing me all day..."
Aric nodded. "Yeah, it really hurts. Must be .my memory loss..or something.l she said, tapping her converse on the floor.
"This is all ridiculous..." Amelia replied nodding. "I don't understand how this could have happened, and I mean-" she blew a strand of hair out of her face, "like- is it just this school- or everywhere? Why can some of us remember and others not," she deliberated whether or not to say the next thing... "and I mean-" she hushed her voice, "if Mia and Alex used to be a couple... were any of us and we just can't remember?" 
"I think thats the scariest thing to think about..." she continued still quietly, waiting for a response from Aric.
Alana: "Okay, so we need to make a plan. We need stuff to sleep in, and we also have to figure out what happened to us." She said, standing up and turning to everyone. She didn't usually make orders, but they needed to start trying to work things out.

Ollie: Ollie nodded, looking around to see what all could be useful.
In the mean time, off in an office, the voice began an announcement..."It seems our little game as made a major twist. As the ruler of this school, I say I will give a little something to everyone. I've taken the time to clear out the third floor. It is one large room with beds, sleeping bags, blankets and clothes for you all. Girls have the right and the guys on the left." he paused to create mood. "You may be wondering the purpose of this. Everything will be answered in the book I gave little Mia...I wonder how she is, my little Valentine Princess." He then cut the announcement off.
Amelia snapped her head up as the announcement ended, her eyes wide in fear. "Who was that?" She said slowly getting to her feet shakily. "Should we... t-trust them?"
Alana: Alana froze, looking up towards the voice. "What the-?!" she whispered. Where's Mia? Is she okay? she thought.

Ollie: Ollie growled under his breath. Who was this guy to be toying with them? Sighing, he looked to Amelia. "I don't know, but what else is there to do right now? We don't have much to loose." he shrugged.
Aric got up. "My memory may be erased, but I don't think we should." She said, crossing her arms and fixing her shirt.
Alex heard the announcement and headed back to the Cafeteria. "Guess I'm staying. Anyone wanna check it out?" Mia walked back and bumped into Alex, falling on top of him.. "Sorry..." She said. They got up. Mia took the book from the ground. "I think we should. He may not want to hurt you guys, but Me. We should head upstairs..." Mia said.
Lu decided to speak out, seeing as everyone disagreed. "I.. I um think we should. If he wanted us gone, it seems we would be by now. We will all protect Mia, as well. Mia, don't leave our sight please." She tried to say strongly but it ended up meek.
Amelia looked back at Ollie, glad someone else shared her anxiety. "Okay..." She said, he was right, our memories had been taken away, what more could possibly go wrong. She followed the rest of the group filing in next to Ollie as people began to move away from the cafeteria.
Lu decided to start heading to the room, unsure of if it was the right choice. Still, it would be better than freezing when there were promises of blankets.
Clary didn't know if she could trust the guy or not, he did lock her in a room with a bomb attached. She tugged on Vince's arm and shook her head, her eyes filled with worry. Her shaking started again, and she held onto the boy, not moving.
Vince nodded, agreeing. "I don't think its a good idea.. but who would listen to us? If we need to, I think we should stick around the Cafeteria. Don't worry. Nobody has gotten hurt. So far we are all fine."

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