Woodrow High [Inactive]

Alana: "Thanks a bunch!" She exclaims, grabbing a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich and trying her best to take big bites since she was so hungry. Probably resulting in her face becoming a huge mess.

Ollie: "Yeah, thanks!" He agreed, taking two random sandwiches and offering one to Amelia. "Want one?" he asks.
Noah had already finished his sandwich and decided to practice his guitar so he placed the case on the table and opened it, smelling the case as he always did. It never lost the new case smell even though it was years old. He tunes by ear and begins to play Over the Hills and Far Away by Led Zeppelin. He starts with the opening riff, smiling a bit to himself. Then the lyrics come in:

"Hey lady, you go the love I need.

Maybe more than enough.

Oh, darling, darling, darling,

Walk a while with me.

Oh you've got so much"

He continues to sing and play, unaware of everyone around him for just a moment

(side note....how do I embed >.<)
Amelia grabbed a sandwich and sat listening to Noah play and sing. He was really good and she caught herself smiling as she listened. She missed playing piano, she used to play all the time but since they sold the grand piano when her family moved, she had only gotten the chance occasionally. But she wasn't as outgoing as Noah was-she would never play in front of this many people, she wasn't brave enough- or even very good for that matter. She shook her head re-focussing on the music and eating her sandwich quietly.
(I don't know how to embed. Sorry I haven't been on, internet went out today. finally got it back.)

Mia felt her heart break after hearing Alexander totally forgetting her. She let go of him, and headed back to the cafeteria. Holding the notes and book left by the voice, she felt a shivering cold shoot up her spine with pain following behind. "Awe...My head!" Mia screamed while falling onto the cafeteria doors. She suddenly remembered parts of her past, and on February 14 last year, Mia met Alex at their middle school dance, which she was forced to attend by her parents. On that very day, he fell in love with the Mia as he watched her from a far. She heard Noah singing, which brought her back to the last dance, which Alex finally asked her to dance.

Alexander, confused with the strange girl, went a heard of her towards the cafeteria. He entered, seeing everyone eating and listening to Noah. "Hey guys!" he said smiling. "It seems I've missed out on the fun." Once sitting down, he stayed quiet until some of the others asked about Mia.
Noah closes his eyes and fades into the music. He can feel himself beginning to tear up as he could really feel the music. He starts rocking side to side with the music as he continues singing, but as Mia comes into the cafeteria, he stops paying and looks up. "There you are! We have all been worried sick!"
Alana: Alana flinched, dropping her food. She looked up and ran over to Mia. "A-are you okay?" she asked, flustered and worried. "Guys! Something's wrong!" She exclaims, trying to comfort Mia.

Ollie: "Oh, hey du-." Ollie started until he saw Alana freak out. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but as he watched her leave, he understood. He saw Mia on the ground and Alana went to help. "Hey, what's going on?!" he questions, jogging over to the two.
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"o..oh, h...he...hello guys." Mia said, holding her head. She then dropped the book, spilling the notes out..."N..noah, something happened to Alexander...H..ey Alana..." Mia continued.
Sitting up against a nearby wall. "I..Idk, but he doesn't remember me at all. We went to the same middle school, h...he asked me to dance..." She paused, looking at Noah and Alana in the eyes, "How can someone forget asking a girl to dance?" Tears then slowly fell down her cheek.
Amelia turned around- still sitting- watching as Ollie and Alana went to check on Mia, "What's wrong?" She questioned, pushing herself out of the seat and towards Mia. Things just kept getting weirder and weirder, and now what if Mia was hurt? She looked around and caught Noah's confused stare and she frantically tried to think of ways she could help. "Do you want some water Mia?" She blurted as she looked back at Mia. There must be some around here, she thought waiting for a reply. As Mia began to explain Amelia covered her mouth with her hands, shocked, Alex forgot that they were a couple? "How..." she began, stopping herself. What if he wasn't the only one... what if the Amnesia caused the rest of us to forget who we loved. How could this be happening?
"W..ater will be great Amelia....Thanks." Mia replied as she cried....

Alex just sat in his chair, closed his eyes and leaned back. He then got up, putting his hands in his pocket and walked out of the cafeteria saying, "I'm getting out of here, Noah, Alana, Ollie, Amelia...Have fun with the weird girl..." he then put his hood and into the hallway.
Alana: Alana gave Mia a hug, stroking her hair. "I'm so sorry." She breathed. Alana, doesn't remember ever falling in love, but for some reason she felt a tang of pain in her heart of thinking of the same thing happening to her. "I didn't know you two were a couple... You two would be so cute." She smiled, leaning out of the hug and giving Mia a reassuring look.

Ollie: Ollie gave Alex a weird look. "Dude..." he sighed, watching him leave. "Don't worry Mia, he's just in a bad mood." He said. He was upset, seeing Alex being so distant to Mia. She was crying because of him and he calls her the weird one? He didn't understand.
Tears stopped flowing as Alana hugged Mia. "I guess we always where together...When he asked me out, he kissed me saying..."You're my Valentine Princess."
Amelia spun around quickly looking for some water as Alex stormed past her. She couldn't believe what was happening, and felt bad for both of them. He must be so confused... if he didn't remember anything, her claims would seem crazy, and for her... the rejection. Amelia approached the counter and grabbed a closed bottle of water, turned back around to the group with Mia at the center. "Here-" Amelia was puffed from running to the back of the cafeteria, "drink some Mia, and-" she paused trying to be comforting, "don't worry- okay? Everything is going to work out..."
Suddenly, Mia hurried to the notes on the floor. "Valentine Princess. The voice said that to me...Only me and Alex know about it..." she said looking at a note. Taking a sip of water, "Thanks Amelia!" and tried to smile.
HEaring Mia's story, Lu became angry. She ran after Alex, ready to tell him off... or at least fumble with word combinations until one sort of made sense. "Hey, Alex Wait!!" She heard the last thing Mia said as she left to get him. "S-stop and listen please!"
As Mia took the water from her she spun back around- determined. She wanted to find Alex, maybe she could reason with him- maybe he could remember something. As Mia began to talk more behind her Amelia moved away from the group and towards the cafeteria doors, opening them and looking into the hallway. Which way did he go? She paused a moment balling up her fists and moving forwards. Maybe she would run into him- or maybe she was just about to wander back around the school aimlessly, all alone, while a crazy guy was roaming around terrorizing everyone. All of a sudden Lu rushed past her, "Hey, Alex Wait!!" Amelia stopped in her tracks, she got to him first. Is there nowhere I belong? She thought her mouth still half open as she was about to call out. Where should I go? What do I do? She turned back around confused and walked back into the cafeteria with no particular purpose.
Lu gave him a gentle and welcoming smile, showing she understood why he would be confused. "Do you remember the mass amnesia?" She asked sweetly. "Everyones been so worked up about it."
Clary heard a lot of shouting, so she tugged on Vince's shirt to motion that she wanted to check it out.

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Vince nodded. "Be prepared for me to fail Clary. Im not the strongest guy.. hehe" He slammed his foot into the door, swinging it open. "Glad the bomb was noticed before things got bad. Lets go." He took her and and came with her to where Mia was, taking in the situation.
Alana: Alana looked down after Mia left. What was going on? Hardly anyone remembered anything before today. She surely didn't know what happened before, and she wanted to know badly. "Guys, does this make any sense? It's like we all have amnesia except for a few people." she asked, looking up to everyone.

Ollie: Ollie scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "I have no idea..." he replied, looking to the side. He honestly wanted to know too.
"I remember everything that happened this past day. That girl said she knew me, I remember nothing about her and none of the events today have her in it..." he replied.."Sorry Lu, I don't think I can help." he continued, giving Lu a hug, "Good luck with her." and continuing down the hallway.

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