Woodrow High [Inactive]

Clary smiled and giggled silently, dancing around the room. She repeated the step they danced earlier in the rain, jumping up and leaning back as she was spun around. She giggled a little louder than she has had in a while, her eyes widening and she leans up, coming face to face with Vince.
Vince grew excited as well, lifting her far up into the air above his head and spinning her as though she weighed no more than a feather, then he dipped her down, almost to the ground again, but as he spotted her and held her a foot about the tile flooring, his eyes locked with hers and instincts took over. He leaned in and kissed her gently.
Clary was shocked at first, but then returned the kiss, smiling. She felt something in her stomach, but didn't realize what it was. She backed out of the kiss and leaned herself up straight, before looking into Vince's eyes and doing something she hasn't in a while. Talked, even though it was a whisper that only the boy could hear.


When she realized she talked her eyes widened, and she looked around nervously.
Vince was stunned as well, speechless especially when Clary spoke, but after a moment of thought, his eyes lit up and he smiled. "You may be right. There is no true reason to speak if nobody is there to listen, but I'm here." He said, with confidence and honest feelings.
Clary shook her head, and walked over to her whiteboard, writing down a message. She walked over to him with tears starting to spill slowly.

"Everyone leaves me."

She couldn't speak again, not fully. It will take her some time.
Vincent held onto her, holding her head into his shirt and pet her hair. "I cant tell you you're wrong,but I will show you. I promise I wont."
Clary nodded her head, but then she thought of something. She saw it was still raining outside, and she noticed a big stool like object in the corner of the room. Motioning Vince to stay in his spot, she ran over to the stool and brought it over to the window, which was high up. She motioned Vince to follow her, climbing up on the unsteady stool and unlocking the window. She looked out to notice the large drop, and quickly came back in, not wanting to go out anymore.
Vince smiled at her. "Lets do this." He opened the window up all the way and pulled another stool out so they may sit by the rain. "The best I can do, sorry. Maybe when we are ready to rejoin the outside world, but I like it in here.""

(Sorry! I have to sleep. Also, first time playing a guy, so sorry if its bad!!)
(It looks like I'm super behind. Would someone mind catching me up/telling me where everyone is or what class we're supposed to be in or some such?)
Catch Up:

  • Most of the students are in the cafeteria. Others who just joined may be wandering the school.
  • In the United States History room, Clary and Amelia were locked in the room.
  • Clary and Vince are in the creative writing room getting her things, the door closed, locking them inside. A note said 'Have fun being alone' (something like that) Vince comforted Clary as they fall in love.
  • Noah and Lu are in the downstairs hallway, along with Alex, looking for Mia. When the lights were out, Lu fell to the ground and Noah held her in his arms.
  • Alexander was searching for Mia. Once the lights turned on, a strange guy attacked Alex, saying 'Mia will be mine soon' and calling him a knight in shinning armor. After being knocked out, Alex was hypnotized, 'Once he awakens, Mia will be a stranger to you.'
  • Mia was searching for more students up stairs after finding a note about what is happening. Once upstairs, the lights went out and the guy (who attacked Alex, locked Amelia and Clary, and locking Vince and Clary.) stood up there. Mia asked why and he responded, 'I want to see true love in those friends of yours.' Also, she found out other details, like only have 14 days till V-Day, everyone has to find there soul-mate before they can leave.
  • The strange guy appeared, dropping a book, and leaving notes everywhere. He will try to ruin love with tricks. (Later on, we find out his identity. He also offers a deal with Mia, We can do something were she accepts it, and find out what happens then. And returns to the normal one, were she refuses it, and continue.)
Vince walks out in front of her and stares into her eyes with his dark eyes. "No, I really meant what I said. I know what you mean. Im glad you're here, Lu. I-..." He trails off as his mind goes blank. Whats wrong with me? I was just going to say something...damnit why am I drawing a blank...sh*t...Im just staring at her. COME ON!!! SAY SOMETHING!! "I wouldn't chase just anyone into the darkness...." These words hit him more than he expected because they were true. He wouldnt just run after anyone, in fact, recently, he can't say he would have gone after anyone at all, but this girl....theres something about her that made his step into the darkness in hopes of protecting her.
Lu looks up at Noah, eyes shining. She could help but laugh and think of how cute he was, stumbling on his own words, but the last thing he said caught her off guard. "Im glad.. because I would as well, I mean.. not literal darkness, but I think.. You know what?" She tried to find the right way to phrase what she was trying to say. "I can tell you have been unhappy.. and if thats your darkness, I'd gladly step in and try to protect you." She turned completely red, unsure of how that managed to escape her lips.
When he sees the look in her eyes, he feels as if hes melting inside. As she speaks, her words seem to fade into the background as he cant pull away from her gaze, as if he walked into a room and the door disappeared. That is, until she says '...try to protect you'. His smiles quickly fades and he takes a step back, shaking his head. "N-no...my demons are mine to bear. I cant let...*he begins to tear up and his words become forced as he feels this all to familiar feeling grip at his chest* ...I cant let anyone be hurt by my demons" An image of Lu crying flashes in his mind and it almost pushes him over the edge as a single tear falls fown his cheek.
Lu looked down, feeling like she had overstepped her boundaries, but tried to be brave. "E-everyone needs help.. its not always easy to receive it.. and you might not always want it.. but I think its a good thing to know somebodies there for you." She nearly whispered, a smile on her face. "We don't need to talk about this anymore if you dont want to."
Noah looks down at his feet and somehow he seems shorter than he is and he speaks in a quiet way she had never heard before. "You're right...but theres no helping me. I was meant to help, not to be helped" He could feel the grip in his chest get stronger and move down into his stomach. It comes in waves and as a strong one comes, he reaches up at his chest and winces, but he quickly realizes that he physically reacted, embarassing himself. His natural instinct kicks in and all of the pain he was feeling gets pushed down like always. His face goes blank and he wipes the tear away. "W-we should get back to the cafeteria..." He trails off and extends his hand to her once more
The hug went straight through him and he loses his breath for a second. Theres that feeling again. What is it... As they get back to the cafeteria, Noah looks around and realizes that there was food out, but no one to tend to it. "Hmm...I think we should save that food from spoiling...by eating it." A hollow smile spreads across his face
(Hey guys! c:)

Clary climbed up, along with Vince, her feet dangling from the window edge. She listened to the rain and smiled as she leaned on the boy, getting more comfortable.

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Alana: Alana wandered around the cafeteria, trying to clear her mind. A lot has happened since she found herself standing in the rain. She hasn't really talked to many people, nor has she made any friends so she's a bit confused as to what to do. She glances around at the other students who have started grouping up and making friends. She gave a sad smile, not brave enough to do so herself. Sitting down, she glanced around one more time before sighing and tracing her finger over the surface of the table she sat at.

Ollie: Ollie ran a hand through his hair, letting out a heavy breath. It seemed like everyone was getting together, and he still wanted to know what had happened to all of them. It seemed like Alex and Mia had an idea, but he wasn't sure how to confront them about it. Looking around he noticed a few people by themselves, much like himself, and felt pity. Everyone needs a friend, especially at a time like this, but maybe they needed some alone time. For now, he just sat, leaning his elbows on the table as he sat facing out at everyone, merely observing and taking a break.
Noah walks over to the actual cafeteria section of the lunch room and looks at all the food laying around, as if it was made and abandoned. He hops over the counter and grabs a box, piling in all the premade sanwiches he could grab. After hes done loading up, he brings the box back over and sets it down "Is anyone hungry?...or should I say does anyone remember being hungry?" A tasteless joke. He shuts up and bites into a sandwich
Amelia looked around, feeling more lonely as each second passed. Some people were sitting, others wandering around the cafeteria, she was lost in the crowd. She moved over to a table where Ollie and Alana sat and joined them. "Hey guys..."
Alana: Alana brightens up after hearing Noah's announcement. She looks over to see Amelia walking over to her and Ollie. "Hi." she said, smiling warmly to the other female. She turned back towards Noah and raised her hand. "I would LOVE a sandwich right now." She replied. She scooted over to give Amelia some room to sit, her eyes never leaving the food.

Ollie: "I'd like some of that action as well, please!" He chimed in. He grinned and nodded his head toward Amelia in acknowledgment. "Hey." He greeted, giving a slight wave.
Noah walks over to that table and sets the box down. "Dig in, everyone. We all need to have our heads on straight if we are going to make it through this. We got, pb&j, porkroll, cheesesteak, aaaand I think thats it. Theres enough for everyone so dig in." He sits down across from amelia, remaining silent as he eats his sandwich

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