Woodrow High [Inactive]

Vince released with one hand, but strong held her away from him, spinning her like a ballerina soaking in the rain. He lifted her high in the air for a moment, then let her down in a dip. "Im glad I could have this dance." After the break when they came out, Vince grumbled to himself. 'Really? When things were getting fun..' He nodded.
After a couple seconds, pulls away, slightly blushing and looks around. It was unnervingly quiet, except for the sound of a voice shouting "Wh-what was that?"
Mia came up behind. "It is really important, our lives may be in danger...I think I know a reason why there is the mass amnesia." she replied.
Clary frowned and leaned up, coming face to face with Vince. She mouthed 'Thank you.' and kissed his cheek. Then hopped down, grabbing his hand and walking inside. As they were about to pass the janitors closet, she stopped and opened the door, grabbing two towels for them to dry off.
Vince froze at the kiss. It was the first time he had ever blushed.. before then. He thanked her for the towel and dried his body off, taking off his wet shirt and revealing a slim but well defined build. He walked with Clary to the Cafeteria.
He considers this for a moment and then starts to pack his guitar away "I think we should check it out" He puts his guitar case on his back and opens the door, letting Lu go first As he starts to walk away, he looks back at the room. The air in there was still electric. He smiles and walks out
Clary couldn't help but look at his body. Her cheeks became a faint pink as she continued to walk to the cafeteria. She took his hand once again as she started shivering, finally becoming cold.
"Yea, we need everyone in the cafeteria, and it means life or death." He replied. "Do you know where the others are?" he asked.
Lu stuck close to Noah, unsure of why. Probably because it made her feel safe. "Sorry.. about.. yeah." She babbled about nothing, suddenly nervous again.

Vince noticed Clary's shivering and gave her his towel, wrapping it over her hair and hugging from behind to get her warm. He whispered in her ear. "Better?"
Noah grabs her hand when she starts talking about nothing. "Dont worry about it, Lu." He shifts his attention back to Alex and nods "Life and death? This seems important"
Mia felt a weird feeling as she climbed the stairs, "h..Hello?" she said in a shaky voice. "Why hello my little princess!" said a male voice at the top. "Wanna play a game I call true love?" he continued running down the hall dropping another note. 'True love is up to you guys to find.' said the note.
Vince's whispering sent chills down her spine, why? She had no idea. There was a feeling she couldn't recognize. She turned her head and nodded, a smile formed on her face. She felt much warmer and safer with him holding on, she placed her hands on top of his.
Lu heard life or death and became a bit more tense. Nobody was going to die, right? Everyone would be fine. She turned ghost white at the male voice. It was almost sadistic. Her thoughts turned on her, 'You would be the first to go, Lucy. A child like you cant do anything useful, especially if you react like this to a stranger. Pathetic.'
Noah can feel her tense up and lets go of her hand, only to wrap his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. As if he read her mind he whispers in her ear "...not while I'm around" He looks around and doesnt see her "Oh crap...MIAA???"
Lu's heart raced significantly. "M-Mia! Are you there?" She slid out of the grip that made her feel so good and was on instant panic mode. She sped through the hall she last saw the other.

Vince, Sensing danger, held a firmer hold on Clary.
Suddenly, all the lights on the second floor went out. Mia was left alone with some strange guy. "Why are you doing this!" she asked. "Because! I want to see the true meaning of love shine in those friends of yours." said the voice. "Once everyone finds there soul-mate, life will go on as normal." Slowly, the voice came closer when the voice went silent and kissed Mia, freezing her in place, speechless and defenseless. "w..what was that for." she finally was able to say. "Think of it as a gift, if no one wins, you could always have me..." he said leaving another note. 'By the way, your my Valentine Princess.' 
Mia fell to the ground, realizing we have 2 weeks, 14 days to find true love, will we be able to find them...
Clary felt the tightening of Vince's grip. She suddenly felt scared, and started to hyperventilate. 'No, not another panic attack, stop!' She thought.
All the lights came back on as Alex ran down the hallways, looking for Mia. He'd yell, "Mia! Mia where are you! We need you!" 
She still couldn't move. Feeling afraid and scared....
Lu caught the mans voice right before the lights returned. She felt her heart rate speed and she leaned against a wall, sinking to the ground. Even her thoughts were too scared to complain.

Vince ran his fingers through Clary's hair to sooth her. "Its alright. You are okay. I was worried for no reason."

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