Woodrow High [Inactive]

Clary nodded and she relaxed, taking a hold on Vince's hand tightly, quickly walking to the cafeteria. She just wanted to be with everyone, and make sure they're okay.
With the lights back on, Noah continues searching for Lu.

"Lu!!!! Lu!!!!??!"

He finally catches up to her, in a huddle on the ground. He rushes to her side and wraps his arms around her. "Im here, Lu. Im here now, you're safe." He instictively kisses her on the head as he runs his fingers through hair
Lu looks at him and tries to smile big, but her eyes were watering a bit. "I was scared.. I mean, I thought someone could have gotten hurt... I wanted to make sure Mia was okay.. Wait! Did you find her?!" Her heart beat pounced up again and she looked around fervently.
The strange voice was now down stairs with Alex. "Hello Little knight in shinning armor. Mia will soon be mine...You won't be able to have her." the voice said while knocking Alexander out and hypnotizing him. 'Mia is a stranger to you. Once you wake, you will forget she ever existed.' and leaving towards the front offices. 
Mia decided to find the others. She headed downstairs, seeing Lu huddled with Noah and Alex on the ground. "Alex!" Mia said while running towards him and kneeling down. A note sat on Alex's chest. 'Your knight will be no more once he awakens'
As they're walking. Clary spots Alex unconscious on the floor with the others surrounding him. She tugs on Vince and points, running over. She shakes Alex, hoping he'll wake up,
Vince was about to shake him awake, when he saw Mia. "He was worried for you. I think you better get him up." He recommended.
Clary stood up and held onto Vince, scared. She then noticed something. She tapped him and made a writing action, motioning her stuff was gone and they have left it in the Creative Writing room.
Vince raised an eyebrow. With any other girl he would flirt with, he would tell her he liked a girl who was brave and let her do it herself, but that didn't seem to be happening, for some odd reasons. He cursed his emotions and found himself more than willing. "Your stuff.. Im not going to let you get it alone." He slipped his hand into hers, reminding himself how well it fit, and walked with her, keeping protectively close.
"What do I do?" Mia asked. "What happened...Oh Alex." Then, Mia kissed Alex, waking him up. "Alex!" she yelled, almost in tears. She hugged him tight. "W...who are you?" he asked in confusion. "W...what? We have been friends since forever....Alex." Now in full blown tears. "Alex" she whispered. 
(Sleepy Time! I was sick all day so I need it.)
Clary smiled and walked into the room, her stuff being right where they left it. When she picked up her whiteboard, there was something written on it. She tugged Vince's arm and showed it to him, then as if perfect timing, the door slammed shut.

"Have fun being alone and helpless."

Clary started hyperventilating again, knowing she's locked in.

Vince held onto her tight. "shh shh.. its alright.. I'm here for you. You aren't alone. Talk to me, alright? Im here." He wanted to get her to relax before trying to escape, as he knew a bad enough panic attack could make you pass out.
Clary suddenly relaxed, then walked over to the door to back away from it right away. Shaking, she took her board and wrote only a few letters down, then showed it to Vince, pointing to a little detail attached to the door.

Vince turned pale, as he immediately came to the door, detaching the device the best he could. They were too high up for him to jump with her from the window, but he had a better idea. He used a couple pens and detached it, running to the window and smashing it with his fist. Normally he would complain about damage done to his skin, but he didn't care. His knuckles bled profusely, but he didn't take the time to look.
(back. If i miss anything its because Im really add)

Noah raises his voice a bit. "Are YOU okay??!?" He looks into her eyes with straight determination
Clary stopped him from going further, she took him to the teacher's desk and motioned for him to sit. Then she went into a drawer to bring out a first aid kit, stopping the blood and bandaging his knuckles. Then, she gave them a light kiss and hugged him. She took her whiteboard and wrote something new down, still shaking.

"Do you think we can stay in here for a bit? I'm scared to move on."
Lu looked at him, practically hyperventilating herself, had she been the sort of person who would. Her eyes wide. She was sort of like a scared rabbit. She calmed down slightly. "Im jut.. I cant remember anything, and I hate the dark. Its dumb, yeah, but I would rather be anywhere but here except for the fact you are here." She blurted, but then back tracked. "I mean.. you.. all nice people.."

Vince nodded, a bit startled himself. "Thank you." He said, gesturing to the bandages before sitting down at a table. "Are you alright? This whole thing must be quite a shock."
Clary shrugged, sitting down next to him. She took her board, and wrote her reply down, leaning on the boy's shoulder as she showed it to him.

"I guess, I'm okay. Just glad I'm not alone."
Vince wrapped his arm around her, giving her a gentle smile. "It really helps, doesn't it? Im.." He took a deep breath, deciding to be honest. If he cared at all, he figured she deserved it. "Im glad I chose to talk to you.. and that you aren't just some pretty girl, but there is something to you. Im glad I convinced myself feeling funny around another is okay." He looked away, sure his face was red. A man shouldn't blush! he thought to himself, thats what the girl does when he wows her with charm. Still, this was going the other way around.
Noah hears the words come out of her mouth and he suddenly becomes lightheaded and short of breath. After she backtracked he sort of calmed down, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized that he needed to be strong in this desparate time. He figures he should say something. "I know what you mean. *he pauses for a second* We should really get back to the cafeteria. Can you stand with me?" He takes her hand and looks at her
Clary smiled and saw him get red. She put her hand on his cheek, stroking her thumb against the warm skin. She then noticed that there was a radio on the bookshelf. She scribbled on her whiteboard then put it down in his lap, hopping up and walking over to the radio, turning it on a slow song.

"We never finished our dance outside."
Lu takes the hand in her own shaky one and gets up, realizing she was actually a bit wobbly on her feet for some reason. Shrugging it off, she realized the must have embarrassed Noah. 'Way to go Lucy, told you he didn't care about you. You are really stupid. All I ever do is try to help and you ignore me. You're going to get hurt and make a fool out of this poor guy. You don't even know him.' She thought to herself. She stared at the ground as they walked back and mumbled. "Im sorry.. I didn't mean to embarrass you. Im just.. you know. Im happy I wasn't tossed to the side the moment things got hard.

Vincent smiled at her, blush going away. he moved with the slow song and took her hands. He waltzed with her around the room, gentler than before.

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