Woodrow High [Inactive]

Ryan thought for a moment, then shook his head. "I don't really remember much.. " He mumbled and scratches the back of his head. "S-sorry.. I'm no help am I?" He frowned slightly and looked at the ground.
Clary smiled as they started to walk back. She nodded and looked around the hallway. Suddenly she stopped and tugged Vince's arm, pointing to the 'Creative Writing' room.
Noah noticed her change in demeanor and smiles widely, messing up a little bit. He quickly recovers and continues the chord structure. He starts rocking his head back and forth as he added a little blues influence to the sound.
Lu didnt mind the mess up and took great advantage to the jazz feel. Suddenly the voice that told her she wasnt ever going to be good enough faded away. Still, she knew it would be back with worse things to say. She didnt want this to end.

Vince looked at Clary, not showing his surprise. "You want to go in?" He opened the door for her.
Clary nodded, a huge smile on her face. She ran to the back of the room, where poems written by students where hung up. She searched around until she found a certain one. She motioned him over and pointed to the poem.

'Life Changes. by Clarissa Evans,' was written on the top of the paper.
Noah could see a change in her eyes as she cut loose. It seemed like whatever burdened her in life was gone in this moment, like there was nothing else but her, her ukelele, and the sound of Noah's guitar. He could tell that she responded well the the change and decided to throw in some odd chords and some passing tones, hoping that he wouldnt confuse her
Vince read the paper, looking to her. "So you are Clarissa." He began to read it out loud, his voice like silver, cold but lovely and smooth.

Lu closed her eyes, moving with the changesin music. it was like the rocking of a boat, or a swing. She changed as did, thriving in the odd difference in notes and making itmeld to the previou.
Clary nodded, a small smile formed on her lips. She took out her whiteboard and a minute later she showed him.

"I like to be called Clary. You can read it if you want to."

Clary read her own words again, her lips never leaving the smile they made.

'From a beating line, to a dead straight one.

A couple bruises and scars,

Then a crash with two cars,

Life changes for a certain someone.'

Their assignment was for a short poem that described their lives, something easy that could tell why their hurt or happy. Clary got an A for that poem, and she will never say it was one of her worst ones.
Without noticing, Noah starts swaying at the same pace she is. He smiles once he notices and doesnt stop. The background seems to disappear as he watches her. She seemed so free, like a different Lu entirely. he couldnt help but to smile when, for the first time, he realized that she was considerably shorter than he was. It was quite adorable he couldnt deny. In this whole thought process, he didnt realize that he had stopped playing entirely and was just looking at her with a smile on his face
The silver tongue Vince, did just that. He read out the poem in a gentle voice, expressing the pain and sorrow in every syllable. Every word laced with how he believed shewould feel as he gazed down with understanding.
Clary looked at him and instantly frowned. She hugged him, then after a while wrote on her board again.

"It's okay. Don't be sad."

She smiled again, her small fingers going to his cheeks to push them up, making them smile. Clary silently giggled, hugging him again, softly.
Opening her eyes, Lu looked to Noah, entranced in his dark eyes. The last note came and went but the hateful thoughts didn't yet return. She just looked on, the grin on her face never going away as she watched him smile as well. It fit him too well.

Vince smiled at Clary and shook his head, embracing her and running fingers through her hair. "I am not sad.. it was you who made such sounds." He raised a brow at her laugh. "And with such a lovely voice. They say we are deprived of the things we crave the most."
A full minute goes by before Noah suddenly blushes a deep red color, realizing what was going on. "Oh!! I, erm...." What are you doing...say something!! "That was good!" That was good?? Is that really what you think of it?? "That was amazing!! To be honest I didnt think anyone here had that kind of musical talent but you proved me wrong" He realized that she was still beaming at him and he felt a jolt of nervousness shoot through him. I never feel nervous...whats wrong with me...oh god she's still staring...say something you idiot. "Was I okay?"
With faint pink cheeks, Clary thought of something. First, she sat on top of a desk, her feet becoming tired and starting to hurt. She took her whiteboard and copied down the quote she followed for a couple years now.

"If no one is around to listen and reply, why even speak?"

She showed Vince the board, looking at his eyes and a very small smile forms.
The moment Lu looked down, the sounds came back in her head, her own thoughts. "Y-yeah.. you were really awesome! I mean, I liked how fluid your changes were.. and you were confident about how they would come out." She thought to herself, 'He is just being nice. He is way to good to be so kind to you.. he would be better off without you. She laughed in a hollow way, eyes cast downward.

Vince frowned, taking her chin with a finger and tilting her eyes to his. "You should fall in love with the sound Clary. When others cant be around to listen to you, you must scream out loud to yourself. Otherwise you will disappear. Is your poetry not screaming to yourself as well? Whether its audible or not, your voice is lovely."
Clary's breathing hitched as their eyes locked. She just froze, not knowing what to do. She then turned a deeper shade of pink, and realized she could answer his words. She took her board and wrote new words along the white material.

"I have written much more than that small poem."

After she showed him, a minute later she opened her bag, taking out the journal she retrieved from her locker, along with two more notebooks. Every page of the two notebooks were filled with other poems, stories, etc. The journal was halfway filled with daily entries, she has stared it when she turned eighteen, and started on her own. She then added more to her board.

"No one else has seen what's inside but me."
Noah picks up on the change in her voice and debates whether or not to ask, and decides he shouldnt, but does anyway. "What was that...change just now? Do you think that wasn't good?" He knows the musicians struggles all too well. "If you think that, then stop it, you did things with those four strings that some guitar players cant do with six" He walks over to her, pushing his guitar to the side, and places his hands on her shoulders, smiling like a goof, because now he really noticed her height and it was unbearable cute to him.
Vince leaned over the book, finding himself actually for once interested in another human being. Still, he shook off the odd feeling. His thin and long arms holding up his head on the table. "Well, it seems you wont disappear soon, or I hope you wont."

Lu looked up at him, limply holding her instrument. "I um.. th-thanks.." His height difference made a blush fill her cheeks. Her thoughts grew a bit meaner. 'What are you doing? Do you think you deserve his pity? You know thats all it is. Its just pity.' She whipped her head down so she was staring at her feet. Her breathing hitched, but she looked back up partially. "Thanks so much.."
Clary shoved the things back in her bag, then looked over out the window. It was still raining, more than it was before. Clary got an idea in her brain that made her smile. She tugged on Vince's shirt, then pointed to the window. After motioning that she quickly wrote on her board.

''Wanna play in the rain? That always cheers me up."

She added a little smiley face at the end, her face bright and happy.
He brings her into his arms and her head lay against his chest. "You may not believe me, but I mean it" He just stands there, waiting for the moment to end, which it doesnt. Thats the bittersweet thing about moments. They can be anywhere from a fraction of a second, to forever.
In the mean time, Mia took Alexanders hand and headed to a quiet room. "What is it Mia?" he asked. "This strange guy past me, dropping this book and saying, 'Nobody can help you guys now...'" Mia spoke in a scared tone. "It's alright, the guy must be playing around." Alex said trying to comfort her. "Lets forget about it okay." and headed towards a door, that leads outside. But it was locked with a note saying, 'On Valentine's Day, only those to find your soul-mate may be free.' Mia read it once, then Alex came, reading it out loud. "Who the hell is doing this!" he yelled, drawing everyone to the location... 
'P.s' continued on the note, 'February 14 is that day.'
Vince, acting unusually fond of a girl, took his hand in hers and ran outside, smiling. Usually he would act composed. Mentally, he hit himself for acting a fool in front of a girl. "You wont be able to write to me if it gets too wet, a fair warning." he said, pulling her outside in the rain and spinning her playfully as soon as she stepped into the downpour.

Lu felt her hands move to wrap around his back as she tried to keep from displaying any negative emotion. Instead, she just held on tightly, afraid to lose what they had in that time. Funny thing is, you cant protect somebody from themselves.
Clary smiled as her spun her around, the rain wetting her hair and dress as soon as she stepped on the grass. She giggled quietly as she danced around with Vince, jumping around playfully, having fun. She then hopped up, wrapping her legs around his waist and smiled, leaning herself back a little as he spun.
"Sorry guys" Alex said while finding Vince and Clary outside. "I need everyone in the cafeteria for a group meeting..." he continued. "now!"

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