Woodrow High [Inactive]

"Alex!" A wash of relief came over Amelia as she tried to catch her breath from the yelling. "We got locked in... I don't.." Amelia fumbled with her words trying to calm down, "I don't know how but we're stuck in this room, its Clary and I in here but we can't get out? Is there..." she fumbled again, "Is there anything you think you can do!?"
Lu, not mindingthe gym uniform, followed to where everyone else was. "So the amnesia really did affect everyone?!" She said, suddenly terrified. "Wh-why is this happening?!"
Aria got to the classroom and saw the writing on the board, though she didn't know that everyone else was experiencing similar things. In fact, she didn't remember anyone else. So, confused and not really knowing what to do she made her way to the auditorium which was nearly pitch black, and hid herself there. Not really to hide, but rather to just relax until she could figure out what to do. She decided to pass the time she would play the piano that was siting in the wings of the stage. Knowing she wasn't really good at piano she looked around through the darkness, not so thoroughly but to reassure herself, to make sure no one was there. She didn't see anyone, but she knew she was being ridiculous because even if someone was there she wouldn't have seen them. Figuring no one would come this way anyway, Aria decided to go ahead and play a little while.
Amelia heard more voices outside the door and turned to Clary putting a hand on her shoulder, "don't worry, the others are here now..." she paused, "they're going to get us out of here okay?" She turned back to the door, "Alex... who else is out there with you? Do you guys think there is anything we can do to get out of here?"
Alex wiggled the handle. "Alright...This is getting dangerous." He then stepped back, saying, "Get away from the door." Waiting a few minutes, he kicked it down, and helping the girls out.
Clary stayed in her position, shaking. She jumped a little when the girl's hand was placed on her shoulder, but she just stayed there, not making a sound. She hated breaking down like this, but Clary was terrified.
"Oh my gosh!" Amelia squealed as the door came crashing down in front of them and Alex rushed into the room with a group others behind him, Amelia shakily walked out of the classroom and back into the hallway with Clary following close behind. Once they were safely away from the classroom she turned to Alex, "Thank you so much... this is getting really scary..."
Noah quietly backs away, feeling bare in his uniform, uncomfortably tugging at the sweatbands on his wrists. He starts walking to the bathroom to change
Ollie: "Are you guys okay?" Ollie asked, trying to calm the girls down. He pat Alana's head as she looked distressed. "Alex, what exactly is going on?" he questioned.

Alana: "Wha-? What's going on?" She asks no one in particular, feeling a hand on her head. She looked up slightly, giving a small smile before going to comfort the other girls.
Clary came out and dropped to her knees, wiping her cheeks and trying to catch her breath. She was happy to get out, but memories came back to her, and don't wanna leave her head this time.
Lu looked inside. Her heart was beating a million times a second as the door was kicked down. "Hey! I-is everyone okay?!" Lu looked to Noah, figuringhis clothing didnt look to comfortable.
Mia heard a loud bang of the door. While running to see what happened, a guy in a black robe was running towards her saying, "Nobody can help you guys now." He dropped a book, with the words, 'The End of Happiness&Love.' She picked it up, and continued down the hall, seeing Ollie and Alana, Clary and Amelia, Alex and Lu...All seemed worried, looking at the door that is kicked down.

"Guys, a strange guy dropped this book....." Mia pulled it in front of everyone.

(I gtg. Family Movie!)
Alana: "Hey, hey. Sh, it's okay." Alana said, hugging Clary. "I'm Alana by the way. What's your name?" she asked. Hearing other people, she looked up. "I'm alright, but you should check on the others." she said, concerned. 
Ollie: "What is that?" He asked, nearing Mia. He looked at the book suspiciously. "Should we read it? It looks very important, it might even tell us about what happened here."
"Um, I think we're okay" Amelia looks up at the boy and girl, "Sorry, I'm Amelia, and this-" Amelia noticed Clary on the floor and stooped down to her, "this is Clary" she looked back up, "What are your names? I'm sorry I seem to have kind of lost my memory? I think it happened to almost everyone but things are starting to get really weird..." She stood back up looking at the the two.
Clary sat on her bottom, her back against the lockers, and she took her board. Writing "Clary" on it, and showing Alana, her face pale.
Noah finishes changing and comes back out, wearing underarmor under a black button down shirt, and fit blue jeans. He walks back over, and remains quiet. When he sees Clary having a panick attack, he knows it all too well. He pushes everyone aside and embraces her tightly, whispering "Its over now...you're safe"
Alana: Alana smiled weakly, giving Clary one more tight squeeze before standing back up. "I'm Alana, nice to meet you!" she said, trying to cheer up the mood, but her face was distorted with confusion.

Ollie: "I'm Oliver, but most people call me Ollie." he introduced himself, giving a wide grin and waving.
Clary drops her board and wraps her arms around Noah, tears still spilling slightly. No sound came from her, just the tears that went onto the boy's shirt.
Lu smiled at Clary. "We're here and its open. Dont be afraidplease." Her smile was ever knowing. She hated when others were scared.
Noah can feel the intensity of her situation as she was shivering. "Shh...shhh...its okay. We're here..." He strokes her hair and after a minute he pulls away, looking into her eyes "Can you stand up for me? C'mon, lets get up" He extends his hand to her
Alana: "Is she going to be okay?" Alana asked the male. She felt as if she's known the girl before, but couldn't place a finger on where from. "Do... do any of you also feel like we've met before?" she asked curiously.

Ollie: "Yeah, actually I do..." he trailed off, beginning to think the whole situation over.
"Hi Ollie and Alana... I'm sorry, we're all just..." she looked around, "confused? I don't remember much- and neither do most of us, but umm" she began to get nervous again, "I think we should maybe all try to stick together? It seems when we split up bad things happen, like getting locked inside classrooms..." Amelia felt useless, she didn't know how to comfort Clary and she was too nervous to put up any good suggestions. Her face began to feel hot as she fought back a stinging in her eyes. She was just so lost, she didn't remember anyone, and the real panic from being locked in the classroom.
Clary suddenly relaxes when Noah plays with her hair, that always seemed to relax her. She looked up with red, puffy eyes and took her small hand in his, standing up quietly. She took her board and wrote a message showing it to the group after completing it.

"Sorry everyone, I'm okay. Thanks."

A very small smile formed on her lips and she looked at Noah, pointing to the "Thanks." again for him.
Lu nodded to Alana. "If we knew eachother.. that would make a lot of sense." She grinned at them, her voice ever cheerful, though she was scared. 
Lu moves towards Clary. "No reason to apologize. We want youto be okay."
Alana: "Good plan! And Clary, don't feel bad. I understand, and know tat I'll be here for you, okay?" she said, giving her a genuine smile.

Ollie: "I agree on the plan, and no worries Clary! We're all a little on edge here." Oliver said, moving to stand beside Alex.

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