Woodrow High [Inactive]

Vince leaned his head back into folded hands. "I feel like something important has happened.. not really in a good way." He said, after winking at Clary.
Noah jumps a little when he feels a tap on his shoulder. He was snapped away from what he realized was a stare at Lu. He whips around to see Clary staring at him. "Oh...I'm, uh...Im fine I swear"
(Okie Dokie)

"Alight, before anything happens we should find others." Alex suggested again as he stood up and threw away trash.
As Noah stands up as well, hoping to avoid any further confrontation about his sudden change in demeanor, his guitar case falls to the ground with a loud thud. He lets out a yelp and quickly embraces it as if his child had just fallen.
Amelia walks down the hallway looking around her confused. She feels like something weird has happened but can't figure out what. Her mind is foggy and she shakes her head trying to regain her senses but still feels uneasy as she reaches her locker and pulls some of her books out and into her backpack.
Clary's cheeks turn a faint shade of pink, and she stands up with the others, throwing away the core of the tiny apple she had eaten. She grabs her bag and her board and follows everyone. She, though, keeps an eye on Noah, feeling slightly worried about the boy.
Lu immediately dropped toa kneeto make sure itwas okay. If she lost an instrument, she wouldbe devastated. "You play? Its alright. The way itfell, itshouldnt be broken."
Mia follows Alexander, Suddenly grabbing his arm when hearing the thud. Alex feels a connection between Mia as he held her like a lost kitten. Waiting for everyone else to follow, they headed out into the hallway. still holding Mia, Alex lead the way, seeing a girl by the lockers down the hall.
Aria gathers her books at her locker, fumbling to pull out what she needs for her classes. She mentally checks off each book and notebook that she needs as she puts them into her hands.
Noah opens his eyes to see Lu right in front of him. He doesnt know what to say. "Th-thanks. Its been through worse. Shes gonna be okay. Do you play?" He tries to avoid her eyes
Clary jumped a little when she heard the thud, and tried to push away a flashback that came to mind, which was the last time she heard a thud but it was louder. Her face became pale but she tried to go back to normal before anyone saw. She quickly walked to the hallway, following Mia and Alexander.
Amelia turns her head to see a group of kids approaching her, she notices some of them and waves at Mia, the first person she sees, grateful to see her.

"Hey," she says as the group approaches, reluctantly closing her locker and trying to regain her composure desperately.
Lu looked at him surprised. "W-wait, me?" She shrugged, laughing a little. "I mean.. im no guitarist.. but some stuff.. yeah." She dropped her eyes. He doesnt want to hear about this.
"Hello, I'm Mia. You don't mind if we ask you something." Mia replied. "Do you remember any of us, or the location we are at?"
To her surprise, he presses the issue "I can tell you are a musician. Theres just something..." He trails off as he sees her also trying to avoid his eyes. This makes him feel a little less tense inside and a smile spreads across his face
Clary took her purple marker and wrote on her board. She held it up to Amelia, making the words visible for the girl.

"Hi, I'm Clary!"
Amelia looked at Mia confused... she felt like she had known all these people but the fog in her mind was still getting in the way. "I don't know... really... I know I'm at school, and I seem to remember this is my locker, but other than that I have to admit I'm a little lost..." Amelia noticed that the girl next to Mia was holding up a small whiteboard with 'Hi, I'm Clary!' written in purple. Amelia smiled with a wave, "Hi Clary! I'm Amelia" She smiled at the girl, she seemed sweet.
"I mean.. its probably stupid of me.. but i feel like i matter when playing makes people happy.. wait!" She looked up, almost in his eyes in fear of her stumble. "I mean.. not that i dont matter. I just feel good inside.." she wanted to know if he wanted to play with her but figured he wouldnt be interested. She had her ukulele and down the hall wasa piano room.
Clary shows a small smile to Amelia then looks around, her face turning concerned. She quickly erased her greeting, and let her marker fly across the board. She then tapped Mia and shown her the message.

"Why didn't Noah and some others follow? Should I check on them?"
Noah chuckles as she fumbles over her words. There was something about the way she was nervous around him that made him feel strange...but in a good way.

"I know what you mean. Playing for people just makes everything....okay" As he says this their eyes meet and he cant help but smile like an idiot. He wasnt even aware
"Sorry, but do you guys know if anything weird happened today?" Amelia inquired nervously, feeling somewhat out of place as Clary showed Mia another message, "It's just I have this weird feeling and it's making me really uneasy..." she tucked a strand of her dirty blonde hair behind her ear and bit her lip slightly as her eyes scanned the group of kids in the hall.
Lu looked up and caught his gaze, lips upturned. Eyes full of happiness, he was okay with her mess up.. no. He understood her. His smile made herfeel warm and she let out a small laugh. "Yeah. It really does."

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