Woodrow High [Inactive]

"That's more than what some people remember." Mia replied. Suddenly, the bell rang and someone announced, 'Students are now starting period 4, head there now.' Mia asked everyone, "What class do you guys go to?" She remembered having to be in Physics.

"Oh, I think we should." Mia replied to Clary.

"All of us have the feeling as well." replied Alex to Amelia 
(to check which class you go to, look at the front page, 'Role Play Overview' and scroll down to 'Classes')
Clary looked for her schedule and quickly wrote down her next class. She then showed her board to the others.

"United States History."
Amelia smiled at the boy who replied to her, "Sorry... what's your name?" She asked her eyes catching his gaze before she turned them down to look at her feet again anxiously. She suddenly had a panic wash over her as she realized she didn't remember what class she should be going to. "Sorry guys-" she began addressing the group- "I also don't know what class I'm supposed to be going to..." She hated to be a burden but was so lost and confused, she needed some help.
"I'm Alex, Alexander Parker. What grade are you in?" he replied. 
"I go to Geometry&Trig" Replied Alex to Mia

"I have physics. Does anyone know where the class rooms are?" Asked Mia
Amelia caught Clary's message on the white board and suddenly her memory was jogged again. "Oh- I think me too Clary, should we walk together?" Amelia looked back up at Clary as the boy replied.

"I'm a junior" Amelia said with a smile, her hands hanging still a bit nervously at her sides, but she was feeling much better with Mia, Alex, and Clary with her now.
When Lu heard the bell, she jolted upward, cheeks bright red. She realized she was wasting the guys time and started fumbling with her words again, getting up and nearly tripping over her own rain boot. "Oh! I have um.. sorry for holding you up.. yeah. Class."
Aria heard the announcement and hurried to get her last book. She shut her locker and hurried down the hall to her language class, being French. She smiled, thinking about going to class. Finally something normal. She thought. It's funny. I loose my memories of everything but my class schedule.
Clary nodded to Amelia and smiled, pointing to her board to show her we have the same class. Clary took out her school map and tapped Alex, handing it to him.
Noah hears the bell sound and stands up, breaking their mutual gaze. It was surprisingly tougher than he thought. "Yeah, I've got gym n-oh sh*t Im gonna be late! I still gotta change! I'll see you later Lu!!" He smiles and sprints off towards the bathroom to change
"Oh! H AA ha bye!" She said, running as fast as she could. What was the feeling in her chest? She was distracted enough to faceplant into a locker, before she ran off to class, whole face bright red.
"Thanks Clary. Geometry&Trig is two doors down, Physics is upstairs, first door to the left, United States History is the 5th door to the right, down the hall. " he said to Clary, Mia and Amelia.

Once arriving to physics, the teacher seemed to be missing. On the board wrote, 'School is canceled for a few months due to the mass amnesia.' Mia wondered, "Does everyone else have that message?" and headed back the way she came.
Amelia smiled at Clary and began walking down the hall following her to their next class, wondering whether she would remember any of her other classmates. She couldn't believe that her memory was just wiped so suddenly like that, and she was even more disturbed that she hadn't even realized until she was approached by Mia,Clary and Alex. Hopefully her memory would begin to come back to her throughout the rest of the day.

To her surprise, when she reached the United States History classroom no students were there, and the teacher seemed to be missing as well, and turned around walking back with Clary to the hallway.
"Seems like the Geometry&Trig teacher is gone." Alex said to himself as he headed down to see if United States History teach is out as well.
Great. Gym. He thought as he walked into the gym now in his uniform. He always hate wearing shorts. For some reason he felt like uncovered legs were more revealing than uncovered arms, although his arms were never uncovered. When he did wear tshirts, like during gym class, he wears sweatbands arounds his wrists, though he didnt say why. He looks around for a familiar face but finds nothing. Great....gym.
Clary thanked Alex, taking back her map and scrolling down the hall. Amelia and herself were the only ones in there. When they were about to walk out the door slammed shut and happened to get stuck. She tried to open it, using the handle, but it wouldn't budge. Starting to shake, Clary tapped Amelia and pointed to the door, trying not to have another panic attack, which she sometimes gets often.
Lu got to class and saw the writing on the board. Confused, she went back to the hall, she sawthe others. "Hey Clary. The door stuck? Maybe we should try another..." she frowned.
As class start and they run around the track, he wonders to himself what else he could be doing. "Playing guitar" He answers himself. When the teacher wasnt looking, he strayed from the track, grabbed his case, and started walking back to the main building of the school
"Clary, maybe we should head back the way we came..." Amelia said after trying to open the now locked door "Come on lets go and see if we "Hey- Alex!" Amelia waved as she saw Alex at the other end of the hallway approaching her. She jogged towards him holding her backpack with one arm. "Our teacher is out-" she began as she reached him, "is it just us or same with you?"
(OHH! sorry)

"Clary..." Amelia began panicked... "what is happening?" Amelia looked at Clary trying not to lose it, and grabbed the doorknob again tugging at it with no luck. They were stuck in the classroom and no one else was there, how are we going to get out of here? Amelia thought looking around frantically, think, think! Amelia pounded on the door,

"Hello!?" Her breathing steepened, "Hello!!!? Is anyone there?? Help!!"
Noah is relieved at the sight of Lu, but quickly realizes that he was still in his horrid gym uniform. He wants to run and hide but the sound of a panicked voice catches his attention "No teachers? Who is in that room? A-are they calling for help??"
Clary's eyes brimmed with tears and she sat on the floor, with her back against the wall, and her knees being hugged to her chest. She hated being locked in a room, she couldn't handle it. Tears started to flow as she rocked back and forth.
((Oh goodness, sorry I haven't been replying! I'll put one liners so that I can get caught up for now.))

Ollie: "Uh, yeah I guess." Ollie replies. He walks into the school, a bit frazzled about everything going on. "What exactly happened here?" he muttered.

Alana: "H-hey." she says, waving to her. She follows everyone into the school, trying desperately to keep up.

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