Woodrow High [Inactive]

"Youre welcome, Clary" He hugs her again and looks around "I uhm...I gotta go..." He starts to walk away, affected by that situation more than he thought
Lu saw Noah start walking away, and decided to be brave. Or fumble with words. "H.. hey um wait.." she said, walking up to him." Maybe.. you want to play a little..?" She asked. Maybe it was because he said music also made him feel better, and he looked like he could use it.
Clary grabs Noah's hand to stop him. Her eyes looking at him worriedly, she held up a finger and then wrote on her board. After a few moments she showed him her message.

"Please don't go. I want you to stay safe. Please."

The thought of her 'new' friend getting hurt made her heart shatter, her eyes becoming a slight red again as tears threatened to stream.
As soon as the other spoke, Lu moved away. 'You are in the way again lu. Shut the hell up and go away..' something in her told her, so she stepped away and smiled, glad at least the other might cheer him up.
Noah is about to stop to respond to Lu when he feels a tug at his hand and turns around to see Clary looking like she was going to cry again. He looks at her sign and cant help smiling but inside he was crying out for her to be okay. He wraps her hand with his and says "Im going to be okay, me and Lu are going to play music, and that makes everything ok." He smiles at her and then looks at Lu "Ready?"
Lu, after cussing at herself, looked up, then behind her to be sure he was talking to her. "Ye-yeah, if youre sure." She grinned, but it faltered.
Ryan hid in the background as he saw people talk and try to figure everything out what was going on. Fear began to overtake him, so many people in one area, just the thought of the scenario brought utter terror into him. He isn't much of a 'socializer' so he continued to hide until most of the people were gone.
He smiles at her embrace and then walks over to Lu. "Im sure. She is going to be okay, I can tell....so anyways...lead on!" He smiles and tilts his head
Lu gave him an unsure grin and ran to the room with a piano, scared of touching him. Her brain started reminding her again, dont be stupid. Hes doing this for himself. You really are a stupid plain girl. She laughed. "Um.. yeah. In here." She sat at the piano.
Amelia looked over her shoulder to notice a boy further down the hallway. As Mia, Clary, Ollie, and Alana stayed near the classroom door she slowly left the group moving towards the boy. As she got closer she smiled and waved her hand, "Hi-" she began as she reached him, "What are you doing over here..." she began realizing she hadn't introduced herself, she held out her hand quickly with a nervous laugh, "I'm Amelia."
He can tell she is nervous and that same feeling comes over him again. What is that? He shakes it off and tries to be relaxed around her. "So, you're a pianist?" He smiles and lays his guitar case on the ground, unlatching the latches
Clary waved at hand at everyone then pointed at Amelia, going over to a boy who was hiding. She tilted her head in confusion, and took her board out once again.

"Who is that? Should we go over there?"
She suddenly felt stupid, pulling out a ukulele. "Um.. i play this too.. and the vocal cords.. but its really.. im sorry.. ifim bad." She turned back to the piano, chest beating hard.
Ryan blinked and looked at the girl, surprised that she noticed him. "H-hi.." He mumbled and looked down. "I'm Ryan.." He said in a very silent voice.
He cant help but to chuckle softly, but quickly stops. "So, you're a girl of many talents? Well, how about you play the uke, and Ill play the guitar" He smiles warmly at her, knowing that the sooner they played, the sooner things would be okay
She nodded, suddenly a bit more serious. She picked it up, starting a steady improv. After toying around for a few seconds.
Amelia smiled back at Ryan pulling her hand back to her side. "It's nice to- um-" she felt nervous all of a sudden and tried to shake off her anxiety, what's wrong with you? "meet you," she finished. She met the boy's gaze and held it for a moment before shaking her head a little. "Do you remember anything? It seems we all have - amnesia or something about each other..." she looked back at him, "and the school... and now weird things are happening." She bit her lip hoping she wasn't pressing Ryan or being a nuisance.
(Oh wow.. there goes a rude character. But hes pretty much apathetic and silent.)

Vince raised an eyebrow at the hiding boy, laughing to himself at the kids appearance, but said nothing.
Noah quickly picks up on the chord progression and plays background chords, accenting the extensions. "Can you solo?" He asked, not wanting to break his concentration and mess up in fron tof her
Clary looked over at Vince and wrote a message on her board. She tapped Vince's shoulder and showed him the purple writing.

"Can you go to my locker with me? I don't want to go alone."
Without a word, her notes changed from basic to an intricate finger picking, falling in line with his background. Within this time, she smiled, a real one that proved all the others were completely fake. Or most of them anyways.

Vince grinned, taking Clarys hand. "Yes, just lead the way ."
Clary's cheeks turned a faint pink as her hand was in his. Clary strolled down the hall to her locker, staying close to the boy, since she was still scared, slightly. Once they reached her locker, Clary put in her combination and opened it up. She took out a brown, leather journal with a "C" printed on it in blue. Clary closed the locker by hitting it with her hip, then put it in her bag, taking Vince's hand once again, a sign saying she's ready to go back.

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