Woodrow High [Inactive]

Lu placed the blade down against her skin and cut into it just a little, hearing the man laugh. For a moment, she felt okay. Sedated, like it would all end and she wouldn't have to watch it. Like she had a little control, but then she heard him. Noah. It wasn't going to end. It would be hard, but she was strong enough to pull through. The warm liquid ran down her wrist, but she did not cut in deeper. Instead, she through the knife at The man. She screamed, voice cracking, "NO! IM NOT GOING TO! IM DONE LISTENING TO YOU! IM DONE!" only to look up and see him gone. Her heart dropped and she looked to Noah, apologetically and with no trace of smile. Her head felt like it was full of cotton, but she was okay. She wasn't bleeding too badly. It was alright. Numbly, she unlocked the door.
The yelling had stopped- it was replaced by screaming that sounded like it was Lu. Amelia just couldn't figure out where it was coming from. Had Noah already found Lucy? She hoped he had, and sank to her knees halfway into the hallway, tears still pouring down her face. She couldn't imagine things possibly getting any worse, and she felt so alone. She didn't know who to turn to or where to go. She felt like a burden on the group and most of all she was scared... to scared to even function. The screams kept echoing in her head, over and over again. She dropped her head into her hands and began to sob, she knew she couldn't go back to sleep. I wonder if anyone will find me here. She thought as she stayed crouched to the floor just outside the room.
Noah cant take it anymore and looks down at his hand. Clenching it into a fist, he punches through the window and knees out the rest of the glass. He tumbles into the room and quickly gets up. He rushes over to Lu and embraces her. "Lucy...I was so scared...where were you?" The feeling of her body against his made him feel a little more relaxed, even though his chest still heaved up and down
Lu barely realized Noah was holding her, or that he used her real name. her own body slumped against his as she cried. "I..im sorry.. sorry.." Red liquid still dripped, making her think of what she almost did and she didn't have any energy to resist nothing anymore. She held onto him feebly.
The blood from her wound stained his shirt as the blood from his hand stained hers. He didnt even notice the gashes in his hand from the window. While she stumbes to apologize, he interrupts her with a kiss. He hadnt even thought about it and by the time he realized what he was doing, it was too late. His lips pressed against hers and his mind went blank. There was no pain, there was just Lu. He holds her tight as he cranes his neck down in the kiss.
Lu finds herself leaning up into Noah, unsure of how it happened. She felt sedated again, but in the good way. She got on the tips of her toes leaning deeply into his kiss. It just felt right, like nothing else would have to matter. Like she could stay okay.
When he feels her lean into him, he tilts his head to the side, subconscoiusly smiling during the kiss. He strokes her hair with his good hand and when he pulls away, he pulls her head to his chest. "Its okay now, Lucy. Nothings gonna get you while I'm around." His heart is beating a mile a minute and he is till a little short of breath
Lu's crying became hiccups as she naturally found herself curling into Noahs touch. The feeling of his body making her warm but in a good way. Though, the feeling her head was stuffed with cotton became stronger, most likely because of the contact with him.
Noah kisses the top of her head and his heartrate slows back down. He knew...it was her. She was the one at the table who he knew. It felt as if thins were starting to fall into place. All he could see in his head was the look in her eyes when they were playing together. He cant help but to smile, but it quickly fades as he remembers seeing her arm bleeding. This thought process leads him to remember his hand and he feels the pain. "Tch..." The pain shoots up his arm and he does his best to hide it
Lu suddenly felt like she knew him forever. Like they were resemblant of puzzle pieces, when she felt better, she pulled away, looking at his hand. "Are you alright...?" She said in a lackluster voice. "Does it hurt?"
He looks into her eyes and feels strangely warm inside, as if he had just drank a hot cup of tea. He looks down at his hand and sees it dripping blood. "I..I would say yes...but it doesnt look okay..." He looks away "What about you? What happened?" He feels sick with worry as he awaits an answer
Clary woke up, just out of nowhere. She wasn't sleepy anymore, but she didn't want to get up. She felt her hand intertwined with another one, and looked up to see Vince sitting there. As she sat up, Clary took her hand to rub her eyes and straighten out her dress, she took her board and used her purple marker.

"Morning! Where did he put the change of clothes?"
Lu looked at the cut on her wrist, not clotting or stopping yet. She frowned deeply, sure he already knew. "I thought leaving would be the answer.. and I wouldn't have to deal with this any more.. but I was wrong." She answered surprisingly honestly. She gestured to the blade she threw at the wall, completely ashamed.
Clary nodded, standing up and walking towards the closet, finding proper undergarments, a white t-shirt, and a pair of black sweatpants. Wow, she thought, seems like a prison. She looked around and saw there was no place to get changed, her face turning pale at the thought of changing in front of these people.
Vince raised a brow. "Morning sunshine. well its not morning but, you seem awake." He pointed to the signs. Vince saw her embarrassment and pointed to a corner. "Im a bit bigger than you. Ill stand in front of you with a blanket."
Her answer shocked him to the core. He had thought someone hurt her but when she says this to him, his world was rocked. He looks into her eyes and she can see the turmoil raging about in his head. The thought of walking in on her lifeless body makes him burst into tears, silently crying. That was it. He had finally cried. Not just shdding a tear or two, but weeping. He hadnt wept like this since...

"Y-you can leave me like that...I....I wont let you"
Lu reached up and wiped off some of his tears, then held onto him. "Im.. Im sorry.. You saw.. through the window.. but I wont. I wont ever do it again, I promise." She said, being brave and not letting herself cry. She had to be strong, not think about what could have happened.
Clary nodded and waited until she was blocked with the blanket. She quickly changed out of her old clothes and into her new ones. When she was done, she stepped out and smiled, hugging Vince and pulling her long hair into a bun. Then she sat back down on the bed and motioned for Vince to sit with her.
Alex woke up on the second day of the game. He gathered a pair of clothes and headed downstairs to the boys bathroom to change. He thought to himself, "Feels like an apocalypse..." He heard the sound of Lu and Noah in the art room and stayed quiet, listening.
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Vince sat down next to her, frowning a little at the clothes. "Seems like solitary confinement to me. Still, its cute to se your face like this."
Noah tries to contain himself and stops crying, still sniffling a bit, he says to her "I dont know what it is...but..I feel like Ive known you for a long time." He collects himself and asks "D-do you love me?"

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