Woodrow High [Inactive]

Amelia took a step back as she suddenly realized Lu's defensiveness. "Lu... no" she began, "let me help... please..." Amelia tried to keep tears from coming to her eyes. Whatever Lu's reason was for making that mark, it couldn't be her fault. "Please?"
Lu looked at Amelia, guilt and regret in her eyes. "I really did try to.. but thats over..." She handed her the arm, flinching. "Please be gentle.. I feel like passing out.. or throwing up. Hopefully not both." She joked, still a bit loopy.
(gtg...be on later!)

Noah lays his head down on the table and passes out. All he can think about is making the situation ok, but he cant now...he has to rest first.
Clary nodded, but kept her eyes closed, not wanting to see anything. When she hears a thud on the table she looks up to see Noah passed out. Tears begin to flow as she hugs Vince, not knowing what to do.
Vince held onto her hands, shing her. "Hey.. its alright. He's tired. He's going to be fine, okay? We are all tired, and with your luck, I wouldn't be surprised if you were the next to faint. But he's going to wake up, so don't be scared."
(Ok :) )

Amelia smiled back at Lu and took her hand, "It's okay... don't worry," she gently tended to the wound, cleaning it and wrapping it up with some more of the bandage on the table. As she finished she head a loud thump to her side and gasped as Noah was now fully unconscious.

"Oh my gosh!" She gasped again moving towards Noah unsure what to do... touching his arm and confirming he was out cold, "Someone, help me! We need to... oh my gosh... lay him down or... something!"
Lu shook her head, shakily moving his into her lap. "Its okay.. i got his bleeding to stop.. and its not enough to kill him. Please relax." Lu touched him, and he was still nice and warm. "Let him rest.." she said, loopy or not, making a good point.

Vince shook his head. "Well.. thats going to have to change."
Lu looked at Amelia and frowned. "Im sorry.. its really just my fault all this happened... sorry you had to clean up after me.."
Clary unwrapped herself from Vince and went to the kitchen to get an apple to eat, becoming hungry. She started to look around and found something interesting. Inside one of the ovens, the light was on. Clary opened the door to see a fully cooked chocolate cake. She got oven mitts and brought it out, looking at the writing carved in it. She ran out and banged on the counter to get everyones attention, motioning to the kitchen and running back.

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"No no!" She insisted looking back at Lu. "No it's not. Just because there is some psychopath running around this school playing games... doesn't make any of this your fault." She drew her eyebrows together looking around, "look, we're all here for each other, and" Amelia looked back again, "I'm just so happy you're okay." She paused a moment, then continued. "I heard Noah yelling for you last night, I- I'm sorry there was nothing I could do... I fell... I was trying to find you." She felt like she had failed her, she had wanted to help, maybe if she had been faster...
Lu paled. "Its.. its okay. It wasnt all the man. He only told me things i already told myself and.." she rubbed her head, dizzy again. Butlooked up when Clary banged on the table.
Amelia turned her attention to Clary... "What is it?" 
Her eyes followed Clary back to the kitchen, "Let's go see what she's talking about"
Clary pointed to the kitchen and motioned them to follow, going back to the cake. There were letters carved into it.

"the heat of two hearts should be happening, even if ones cold and unconscious."

Clary grabbed her board and wrote a message.

"How did they know someone would be unconscious?"
Lu stayed where she was, not wanting to move from Noah after he said notto leave him. Also, she was unsure if she could.
Mia felt like throwing up and thought, "this is getting bad." She quickly left the room, down the hall towards the offices where she remembered the voice headed to. She knocked on the door to the principles office. The voice said, "Come on in Valentine Princess." She opened the door, wondering, "how did he know it was me..." and sat down on a chair. Silence hung in the air as he waited. "What can I do for you?" he asked. "This game of yours is getting to be dangerous..." Mia replied..."I don't want them to get hurt, Lu and Noah almost died bleeding out, others from panic attacks, I can't take this any more...Make it stop...Please." she continued. "You know, some of them made progress faster than participates 25 years ago." He said, "If they keep it up, all of you may go home, back to normal." Mia said, "What do you mean by other participates 25 years ago?" He would be old being alive and in high school or adult from 25 years ago, but he has the agility and voice of someone 18 years of age."You see, I have done this once before, on the anniversary of the schools opening. They all passed, but it took them the eve of Valentine's Day to complete. Medical supplies are in the nurses office, fit with bandages and other things for wounds, fresh food will be delivered and trash taken out. Think of this as a..a boarding school during an amnesia apocalypse or one of those survival school TV shows we watch. Now, here, take this phone, contact me whenever you need something. It won't work for numbers outside the school. Check on your friends, they need you." He then got up and walked Mia out the door. "W..who are you?" she asked. "You know who I am...Mia...Just think me as a fresh fallen snow..." That sparked pain in her head, remembering a snow day when she was little with a boy named....."Louis, Louis Snow..." she whispered. He escorted her all the way to the Cafeteria, even opening the door for her and helping her sit down from the shock. With his hood on, he left the room after giving Mia a kiss on her forehead.

(Sorry it's long.....)
"It..its Louis Snow, a boy from when I was younger. He did this game 25 years ago, I was never born yet. He said, "wanna know a secret, I cannot fall in love, I never did, until I met you.'" Mia paused for a second. "He is able to tell who will be apart in this game, which happens every 25 years. No one have died...I guess...the gods want to see if humans can really feel love and compassion, they think society is corrupted...As stated in this note."
"He also was offered a deal by the gods...If I choose him, all of us will be free, so will Louis to be a normal guy...If Alexander is the one I love, then we have to continue this until everyone finds love..." Mia said with tears.

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