Woodrow High [Inactive]

Lu looked up, happiness in her eyes. "I have my Ukulele when you're ready, Noah." She looked through her bag she had been carrying around, but this time started playing a song she knew. for a moment, just to warm up.

(Its Space oddity if you'd like to know)
Clary came back to the cafeteria, after putting the stuff away. She shot a thumbs up and a smile over to Noah and Lu, then went over and sat with Vince. She hugged him and kissed his cheek, giving a small wave. She looked around to see if anything important was going on.

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Noah unpacks his guitar and begins to warm up to Your Hand in Mine by Explosions in the Sky. After a bit, he looks at her with a smile. There was so much untapped energy between them it was almost palpable. "So...what should we play?"
Vince took no interest in the couple. He figured Clary and him would be the next to go anyways. He ran a hand across her cheek, smiling to himself, content.

Lu shrugged, just in the mood to play. "Go for it.. and I will play along. Im happy with anything you pick." She said, already in the mood.
He smiles widely like a kid in a candy shop. "Okay!" ^^

He starts off with a minor sounding ballad. It fills the room with a haunting melody
Lu slowly joined giving it a certain and very subtle brightness, without getting rid of the haunting effect. Her mind wondered back into her world where she was strong, but now Noah was by her as well.
As soon as she joins in, he starts soloing. It was apparent that he was in his zone because he simply closed his eyes and let the music take him. He would accent certain notes with slight body movements and facial expressions.
As Noah soloed, Lu backed him with a steady progression, changing it ever so slowly as the music took hold of her heart. He fingers moved mechanically and her eyes were closed as well, feeling out every note.
Clary took Vince's hand and motioned him to follow. She took him down the hall, to a door that said Green Room. With a smile, Clary opened the door to reveal a big room with lights, plants, and different flowers. A big open space in the middle had a couple couches and chairs.

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He opens his eyes and looks at her as he solos. The sight of her made his smiled uncontrollable. It bubbles over into a laugh and he has to stop for a moment to catch his breath. "Oh! *he blushes* Im sorry..."
Lu laughed, loving to see him smile. She shrugged eyes at her feet and kept playing, a bit faster than before.

Vince looked around, green eyes flashing in amazement. He took a flower and put it behind Clarys ear. "I don't remember this place..."
Clary blushed and looked around, thinking of something to do. She forgot what was in here, so she decided to look around a bit, forgetting she wasn't the only one in the room. She stopped in front of a small garden of white roses, remembering they were the flowers her mom loved, how Clary put one next to her figure in the casket. Clary stood there, admiring the flowers, smiling, but letting a few tears fall.

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Vince hugged her from behind, sensing her sadness without even having to look. "You trust me, right?" He whispered into her ear.
Clary jumped a bit when arms wrapped her, but then she furrowed her eyebrows, thinking for a minute. She figured if he needed an answer, he had to hear it. Clary wiped her tears and turned around, putting her hands on Vince's chest, looked into his eyes, and nodded. She then spoke out loud, giggling as she did. "Yes!"

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He picks up on her change and brushes off that feeling, and starts soloing again. The melody coming from his guitar sounds like its weeping. He winds down and sinks back into the background with her.
Vince was overjoyed to hear the sound. He smiled at her brightly and lifted her up, hugging her tightly. He set her back down and kneeled in front of her, taking Clary's hands in his and holding tight. "Then I promise, with everything in my heart, I will never let you feel alone ever again." He said, honesty in his voice.

Lu slows to a stop, feeling the song out as she did. She looked to him with a small smile and met his gaze like before.
Clary smiled huge and took his face in her small hands and kissed him gently. When she did that, butterflies erupted in her stomach, and she smiled into the kiss.

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As they end the song and their eyes lock, he sets the guitar down and walks over to her, never breaking eye contact. He wraps his arms around her and picks her up with ease, the muscle on his uncovered arm flexing, then sits her down on the counter, so they were at eye level. His face gets a little color as he starts to lean in
(Sorry I haven't been replying! Don't quite know where my character fits in at the moment!!! :) Where is everyone now and what are they doing!?)
(Just to let everyone know.... Once your characters fall in love and remember their past fully, and touch the hearts of one of the gods, they are able to leave. If both characters agree, they may leave or stay. Depends on the them. Also, if they choose to stay, no games will be played with them, only those how have not achieved the goal. Rules for leaving includes, Both loves leave together, or stay together, one cannot leave and the other stay. I should add that into the overview.)
(Well, anyone else can start something...I thinking, any of the girls without someone as a soulmate/ still looking, can contact me for a secret idea nearing the end of the 14 days, no 13 days. Just start a conversation with me!)

(Each pair is given 24 hours to decide to stay. I think they should as well.)

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