Woodrow High [Inactive]

"Choose who you love, Mia. It seems like a complex problem, but the solution is clear." Even Vince nodded in agreement.
"What solution? I'd rather have everyone be okay and unharmed than me to be happy... But i feel I can't live without Alex...My mind says one thing, my heart another. I just don't what to do any more...." Mia replied.
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Noah twitches a little in his sleep, muttering something incoherent. He felt the hand of someone on his back and it made his feel much better for some reason

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Clary looked over when she heard a quiet call for water. She saw Noah struggling, so she ran and grabbed a bottle of water, rushing back to him. She opened the cap and handed it to him, patting his shoulder.

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Noah slowly sits up, still hunched over. He reaches out for it and manages to take it. He takes a couple sips and then pours it over himself. The cooling effect of the water wakes him up more and he lifts his head, eyes wide open. "Ahhh. Ok...I'm up...." He looks at clary and smiles "thank you!" Out of the corner of his eye he sees all the dried blood on the table and frowns, ignoring it "I'm sorry for all this..." his voice trails off

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(What is injured again for Noah? O.o His hand?) 

Clary put her hand on Noah's shoulder, showing him her understanding. No one minded that there was blood, he was injured. She looked at his hand to see it was still bloody and sticky. She kept herself from feeling queasy, and grabbed his good hand, motioning him to walk with her. She lead him to the nurse's office, helping the boy walk.
He follows without question, still a bit groggy from passing out. He could have sworn that she told him to follow her, but he cant remember hearing anything. He manages to grab his guitar with his bad hand and winces a bit, but manages to hoist it onto his back. "I hope I make it there..." He says jokingly. He was the type to be dismissive of a serious situation
Clary and Noah reached the nurse, her having Noah sit on a bed. She grabbed some cleanser, and a new wrap bandage. On a small piece of paper, with a pen, Clary wrote some words to aware him of what her next move was.

"This might hurt, but only for a few seconds."

Then she started cleaning the wound, and tightly but carefully wrapped it, making it feel nice and clean.
He winces at the first touch as it feels like he is being seared. His whole body tightens up. This is when he realizes that his sleeve was ripped off, revealing the long scar down his arm. He casually positions his good arm behind him, letting her tend to his wounded hand. Once shes done, he examines it and the only thing he can think about is not being able to play guitar. This sends a shooting pain through his chest and he tries to hide it
Lu followed along with Noah, silently, just to make sure he was alright. "You feel any better?" She refrained from blaming it on herself, out loud at least.
Lu hugged onto him, eyes full of worry. "You passed out.. and it scared me half to death, you know." She attempted to sound scolding, but only managed a meek mumble
The way she said this along with her grabbing him just made him melt inside and he wraps his arms around her "Im so sorry, Lu. I-...I get stupid sometimes...besides, I already told you, *He lifts her head to meet his gaze* Nothings gonna harm you, not while I'm around" He manages to smile weakly as he stares into her eyes. He never realized how detailed and colorful they were. He had just thought they were light brown, but now that he was this close, he could see all the patterns and different colors. Theres that feeling again.
Mia felt relieved to see Noah and Lu alright. It is always something that felt great deep within her heart, along with seeing two people fall in love..."Why don't we give them a breather." Mia said while nudging everyone further away.
Noah blushes a bit when she announces this. He then becomes even redder when he thinks about the two of them alone. His heart starts to pound and he is at a loss for words
Lu looked into his deep onyx orbs and blushed deeply, ignoring anyone else in the room. "Im just happy.. I think we will both be okay." A sensation came over her and she leaned in to kiss him, heat transferring between their red cheeks.
Suddenly, Music played over the speakers with Louis saying, "Noah Michaels and Lucy Burns, you have touched the hearts of one of the gods. Whenever you'd care to leave, you may." and ended with another song.
Noah lowers his head to meet her lips with his. This time felt different. Like they were in the right place at the right time. Like this is the universe's way of telling them that they are okay for now. He closes his eyes and lets himself be taken away in the sensation he was currently experiencing. His breathing speeds up a little along with his heart beat as he puts he pulls her tight against him. He doesnt even notice their names being called over the speakers
Lu felt herself grow warmer inside than she has ever felt, but not in any way anything but wonderful. The contact of her skin against his and Noah's embrace sent shivers through her, like electricity ran though her body. She felt strong, empowered like the feeling she got playing music with him. When she finally pulled away, she whispered confidently and full of understanding. "..I know you.." As though her mind rewound, she saw she and him together. A feeling she then remembered was love.
Alex was on his way back when he heard the announcement. "Congratulations Lu and Noah." he said into the empty air as he opened the door seeing them embrace each other.
It felt as if he had awakened from a deep slumber as he opened his eyes, seeing Lu for the first time again. His heart jumped up in his chest and he didnt feel so alone anymore. He felt so strong with her now. That feeling is love isnt it. Thats what is is. His face lights up like a christmas tree and he puts his arms around her, picks her up, and spins around, proclaiming "I love you Lucy!!!" He sets her back down and says, out of breath. "I knew you were her...it had to be you..." He gets completely and udderly lost in her eyes
Lu looked towards him, giddy after being spun, with a laugh bubbling up in her throat, she stared back into the deep eyes. "I.." She paused, finding herself out of anything else to say but, "I love you too..." With her cheeks practically glowing, not with embarrassment, but pure happiness.

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