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Fantasy Wolf Pack

Laikas stopped and tilted his head, "No need for the aggression, I'm only here to ask questions." He bowed his head slightly, "I am sorry if I have offended you in anyway but I don't see how I have given this is the first time I've spoken to you." He raised his head as the rain started dropping onto his snow-white fur, "May I ask where you are going?"
"i'm sorry but i'm not going anywhere i'm to blame for you injuries i will will stay and help well if i'm needed" Snow looked at her then to were the sound was coming from it was getting closer.
The werewolf lowered her gaze to the ground, somewhat guilty for the unintended harshness in her words. The inquiry had made her realize that she had no idea where she was or where she was going. She was simply traveling and wandering, no real destination in mind. She was never accepted anywhere and would never be, and she accepted that truth long ago. Staying still, Roxii simply shrugged her shoulders in response, a common gesture for "I don't know".
Javax said:
The werewolf lowered her gaze to the ground, somewhat guilty for the unintended harshness in her words. The inquiry had made her realize that she had no idea where she was or where she was going. She was simply traveling and wandering, no real destination in mind. She was never accepted anywhere and would never be, and she accepted that truth long ago. Staying still, Roxii simply shrugged her shoulders in response, a common gesture for "I don't know".
Laikas sighed a deep sigh before taking a step towards her before sitting in front of her, "You might as well come with the group, don't you think? At least until the rain stops. You wouldn't want your clothes get soaked through and not be able to dry them." He paused for a moment, "Unless you're going to become a wolf and carry your clothes, which, in my experience, tends to leave annoying holes in the most inconvenient of places." He would have grinned before he bowed his head again.
Shadowfallen9570 said:
"i'm sorry but i'm not going anywhere i'm to blame for you injuries i will will stay and help well if i'm needed" Snow looked at her then to were the sound was coming from it was getting closer.
Shadow turns away from him and looks skeptically at a male that has called out leaning on a tree up ahead. She sighs and starts limping towards him to get past him so she can get to her cave.
Akira turned and looked at the new male that just called out.."huh? Oh we just got her all patched up, but now we are looking for a cave, or shelter I think....=/" she then walks up to him and bends over in a playful manner..

Am2aM said:
Akira turned and looked at the new male that just called out.."huh? Oh we just got her all patched up, but now we are looking for a cave, or shelter I think....=/" she then walks up to him and bends over in a playful manner..
Glass looks at the female thinking "what's she doing...some thing to say hi" he looked down at her with one eyebrow up saying "oh your just looking for a cave huh?" he said as he scratched his head with one hand.
Roxii followed the werewolf with her gaze as he appeared in her restricted field of vision, watching him intently. "I do not do well with others," she replied quietly. She wasn't exactly lying; any time she was around others, they either ridiculed her or cast her out and betrayed her. Being around others, no matter if they were humans or werewolves, made her uneasy and nervous. However, she was simply afraid. Though she'd never admit it.
Snow sits there looking back at the other wolf. "We have a cave we just need to make it there!" he yells out to the new wolf
She then turned into a human,as her long, curly, blondish white hair blowed in the wind."I think so... Or any type of shelter...oh wait what he said..." She then points a thumb at the other male and raises an eyebrow " are you a loner to?" She asks putting a finger on her lip..
Shadow gets closer to the new arrival that's still standing against the tree. As she limps near him she locks gazes with him for a brief moment.
Glass is all of a sudden the attention of everyone and answers the question saying "yes im a loner since i was kicked out of my pack for being to big, and aggreesive towards the males...i just wanted to have fun thats all" he said as he sat on the ground with a thud making a acorn land on his head.
Shadow smirked at the action he made and walked pasted him. She limped into the woods towards her hidden cave.
Glass looks at the female and says "i dont know where your going but with a injury like that you wont get far" he said to the injured wolf as he cracked the acorn that was on his head with ease. Glass then looks at the wolf that turned into a human and said "so got any more questions".


Akira watched the make s he layd down and got hit in the head, she then laughed and went over by a tree a couple feet away, stretched, then watched everyone.... "I don't think so.."
"Hey dont ignore someone when they talked to you" he said to the female wolf that was laying under the tree, he really didnt like it when people ignored other peoples questions.

Aqua said:
Glass looks at the female and says "i dont know where your going but with a injury like that you wont get far" he said to the injured wolf as he cracked the acorn that was on his head with ease. Glass then looks at the wolf that turned into a human and said "so got any more questions".

She stops at the new guys comment and turns her head back to look at him as she gets soaked in the rain. "You don't know anything about me newbi. I have lived on my own for my entire life and I didn't need anyone then. I sure don't need anyone now." She turns her head back around and continues to the waterfall.
Shadow9816 said:
She stops at the new guys comment and turns her head back to look at him as she gets soaked in the rain. "You don't know anything about me newbi. I have lived on my own for my entire life and I didn't need anyone then. I sure don't need anyone now." She turns her head back around and continues to the waterfall.
Glass snickers to himself saying "You cant cheat death for ever, trust me" he said as he watched her walking away.
Akira, then stared at him,"I'm thinking" she spits out.. She then hears the other female, and him exchange words... She then smirks..."hmm...ok I have a question Lil man!" She stands up proudly.."soooo, um how was it being in a pack?" She then scoots closer with anticipation.
Javax said:
Roxii followed the werewolf with her gaze as he appeared in her restricted field of vision, watching him intently. "I do not do well with others," she replied quietly. She wasn't exactly lying; any time she was around others, they either ridiculed her or cast her out and betrayed her. Being around others, no matter if they were humans or werewolves, made her uneasy and nervous. However, she was simply afraid. Though she'd never admit it.
(Notification didn't show, so sorry)

Laikas tilted his head and stopped, sitting in front of her, "Neither do I. Why do you think I was alone?" He thought for a moment, She wasn't there was she? He sighed and shook his head, "Never mind. You weren't there were you?" He looked at her before he stood, "Question for you, another one I guess. You say you don't do well around others, yet you helped that other wolf back there. Why?"
Snow walks off to a tree and turns human and puts something around his hands and climes the tree.Snow looks around he him self getting wet from the rain as he was up on top of the tree he see a pack of wolfs getting closer.
"Hmm for me it was a annoyance, i hated being bossed around but it was good for the little ones as they got to play around" he said with a smirk under his mask. he looks over to the female and says "im just looking for a small pack or to start a new pack, and dont call me little ok little one" he said as he smirked under his mask again. "Now if you excuse me i gotta go help a stubborn wolf" he said as he ruffled the females head while he smirked and walked off after the other female.


Aqua said:
Glass snickers to himself saying "You cant cheat death for ever, trust me" he said as he watched her walking away.
Shadow ignores his comment and keeps limping. She shakes her head and tries to see through the rain that is coming down harder then before.

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