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Fantasy Wolf Pack

Shadowfallen9570 said:
Snow sighed and gets up and looks at her "Shes going to try to kill me after this..." Snow gets up and walks over to shade.He turns in to a wolf helping her walk by letting her lean on him. "Just out up with it for now i don't wont you to get hurt anymore right now."
Shadow growled at Snow and shoved him away. She starts to run away from them all. She just wanted to be back at her cave where she can lay in agony and pain alone. "Leave me alone! I don't need help." She holds back her pain as she shoots off into the woods with no one by her.
Am2aM said:
Akira then jumps down from the tree and hears what the female says and growls, but doesn't say anything, and starts stomping off toward snow...to sit down grumpily next to where he was standing...'toy!?!?toy!! I am not a toy!!! Grrr!!!' She yells in her own head grinding her teeth together... Then watches snow walk to the other Girl...
Glass sighed as he walked over to the other female and said "sorry that you heard that and by the way my names Glass" he said looking at her.
Akira looks up at the guy named... Glass and stares daggers at him.."nice to meet you glass... But just to make this clear I don't like you in the way she said!! Cause I am not a toy!! Is that clear?" She spat, as she still stared daggers at him waiting for his reply..
Am2aM said:
Akira looks up at the guy named... Glass and stares daggers at him.."nice to meet you glass... But just to make this clear I don't like you in the way she said!! Cause I am not a toy!! Is that clear?" She spat, as she still stared daggers at him waiting for his reply..
"Ok,ok i get it you dont have to be pissed at me sweetie" he said looking down at her wolf form "and i know your not a toy, any living thing is not a toy is what i think" he said as he looked at her with a serious but gentle and warming look.
Akira than smiles like she is the nicest most delicate person in the world, leaving no trace of her past face.. "Great!..Ok now let's go with Snow so we don't die!!" She says velvety and kindly.. Then stands up changing forms, and prances next to snow like a pup would.. She then waits for snow to go somewhere..
Glass sighed and said under his breath "well ill take a bigger bite out of everyone" as he followed up to the cave in his human form with ease.
(Sorry; I had to go do things.)

Roxii nodded, agreeing with younger werewolf. She took a moment to shift into her wolf form, her bones shifting and breaking and her entire body morphing into a completely different mammal. Her pitch black fur sprouted from her body and camouflaged her in the surrounding shadows. The falling rain began to roll off of her fur with ease, due to the oils in her wolf fur. She swiveled her ears as she listened to their surroundings, but the only things she could hear was the rain splashing on the ground, the crackling thunder—the aftermath of the flashing lightning in the distance—, the varying werewolves within the area, and the various animals scurrying about. The black wolf tilted her head slightly and gazed at the other, waiting for them to follow suit.
Akira fallows as well, going into the cave, and then flops onto her back twists then lays on her side.... 'Now what.....blahblah blah blah...blah'she thinks, then lifts her head and looks st the two... "So now what?....there isn't much to do in here is there?" She ask looking around and sniffing the unfamiliar ground..
Shadow turns her head making sure no one is following her then slows down to a slow walk and winces a little. She sits in the pouring rain trying to breath. She turns trying to lick her side to make it feel better but she cant reach it. She sighs and gets back up slowly. She jumps over a log and sees the mountains where she lives. She starts going a little faster to make it out of this rainstorm. 'Almost there... jut a few more turns'... She mumbles to herself as she lets out a little cry when she jumps over another log and lands wrong on her front paw.
"I dont care what we do as long as i get to fight that damn pack that you guys are afraid of" he said with a smile as he pulled out a little stone knife that he made for cutting up food and balanced it on his finger.
Snow looks at him. "They must have been after the bear. So we should be clear" He looks at the other two there should be some fire wood that in the back can one of you try to start a fire.
Akira jumps up quickly... "I'm not afraid!!.. I'm just fallowing you guys!" She then spits her tongue out at him after she changes her form to human again... 'Pshhh me scared of a pack thats can probably kill me? ... as ......if..... ⊙3⊙' she then crosses her arms over her stomachs and labs against the cave wall..

Akira then stares at snow with an eyebrow raised.."didn't you see me try earlier?....its impossible!" She says over exaggeratedly blank, than lays her arms at her sides..blowing her hair out of her face...
Am2aM said:
Akira jumps up quickly... "I'm not afraid!!.. In just fallowing you guys!" She then spits her tongue out at him after she changes her form to human again... 'Pshhh me scared of a posh tugs can probably kill me? ... as ......if..... ⊙3⊙' she then crosses her arms over her stomachs and labs against the cave wall..
"nobody asked if you were scared but if you are ill protect you" he said to Akira with a grin as he set down the dagger and says to snow saying "oh bear hunters just like my old tribe" he said then said "and ill start it" he said as he picked up some wood.

Akira stared at glass for a few minutes after what he said...she then watches him intently while he starts the fire.. 'Bwahahahah if he can do it I can do it!' She smugly says to her self than smile cheerfully.. But sh then look at snow with concern... "What's not good snow?"
Glass starts the fire saying "and Akira i dont know why your staring at me but its making me think you really do like me. and Glass looks out where Snow was saying "great weather for a battle" he said in a sarcastic voice.
Shadow's stomach growls loud but she ignores it as she nears the waterfall. She hasn't eaten in 4 days. She slows to a walk and decides to slowly walk into the water. She hits the deep part where she can't touch and gets dragged under from the rushing water the rain caused. She tries to swim up and catch some air. She breaks the surface and powers towards the falls. She grunts as she goes underneath the falls and gets dragged back under. She swims back up and gasps for air. She finally reaches the small bank that leads to a wall of ivy. She slowly claws her way up onto the surface using her hind legs to push herself up with her drenched fur. She coughs up some water then shakes off her fur. She pants so heavy she can barely stand. She struggles to get up but manages to and slowly drags her paws on the ground. She reaches the ivy wall and uses her muzzle to part the ivy into her cave. She drops down as soon as she hits her bed of dead leaves and winces at the pain that shoots through her. She lets out a howl of pain and agony. She passes out from exhaustion and hunger, soaking wet and covered in mud, leaves, and blood.
Akira whom was surprised at what Glass said, blushed, and then glared at him speechless, before looking out of the cave at the rain as she wrapped her arms around her legs...
As Shadow howled Glass's sensitive ears picked them up and looked at snow saying "did you hear that howl" which bet Snow probably heard it.
Snow picks up a bag and puts it on his back "I'm going to back i'm going to go look for something" Snow Darts out of the cave and looks around getting hit by the falling ice he tried to stay under what he was able to hide in. He makes his way back and see blood on the ground and followed it and made his way to a water fall "Why dos it just end here?!"
Glass followed after Snow saying "your not having all the fun" after running and following the same blood trail he met up with Snow saying "be observing" he said in his human formas he sniffed the air to find a scent.

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