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Fantasy Wolf Pack

Akira looked at glass worryingly..as he walked out after snow did.."Was that shades howl?"she asked herself standing up..she then started pacing.. 'I want to go to... But I don't want to get in the way..... What if I go and sh gets even more injured?'
"sorry I always act before I think " he said as he cuffed some water in his hands and drank it not reacting to the hail. Glass said "and the trail doesn't end here there's always a secret or something". He said as he started tapping the wall near the waterfall.
Akira then looks outside.... 'Hmmm...where is laikas and that other lady anyway.......... Hmmm..... I'm hungry again..bluh...oh if they find her she might be hungry!! I shall find some food!' She then runs out of the cave and into the forest, as her dark colored pelt gets soaked... She first starts sniffing the ground in different places.. Until she finds a scent.. 'Oh its just laikas.....and over here is....oh the fawn from earlier that got away!' She then starts running full speed, to end up in a clearing, and down in a ditch is the fawn with a broken leg... 'After I kill it I'll find laikas and the lady.…did she ever say what her name was?' Sh then jumps into the ditch and snaps the fawns neck... She smiled as the delicious blood filled her mouth but she didn't eat it.... She jumped out with the fawn in toe and starts sniffing for the two wolves ...

@Baconhands @Javax
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Snow popes his head out the other side of the waterfall and see a cave and climes in to it "what do we have?" here he asked him self.
Glass said "Damn you" as he jumped through the water fall and said "you couldn't have waited have you" he said as he rubbed his forehead.
After a while, their scents finally became stronger.... "Hello Lakias and lady whom I don't know the name to!" She jumps through the brush and happily says this with a pretty adult fawn in her mouth as blood gushes out of her mouth... She then drops it on the ground and pants from running while holding the corpse..

@Baconhands @Javax
Laikas turned to face Akira and almost sighed, "Hello." He glanced down at the fawn with slight intrigue before he shook his head and glanced at the wolf, "Nice to see you found us, but I said I would meet you guys back at the cave."
Snow looks at him. "Well i could have but i didn't " He walks in looking around. "Hey if this is her home don't go touching things.!"
Roxii followed the younger wolf, whose name she learned was Laikas from the other blue-eyed wolf. She watched with mild intrigue as the two conversed, somewhat anxious to be near more than one stranger at a time.

(Ugh. #shortposts.)
Akira sighed and lowered her head.... "I-i know...but I was left alone in the cave... And I thought I would be helpful if I hunted.....so I found the deer and I smelled you guys not to far away.....s-s-o I just thought hey we could meet up!........….but I can go if you want…" she says nudging the deer and starting to pick it up..
Laikas sighed and glanced at the other werewolf before shrugging, "I guess you can lead the way back, Akira. We'll follow you." He looked around him, he didn't mind this at all, he was just disappointed he couldn't continue with his questions. Knowledge is power was a philosophy he lived by, and it was one he had great respect for. He motioned for Akira to guide them back before glancing at the werewolf beside him.
Roxii looked between Akira and Laikas, maintaining her silent composure. She stayed alongside the male, allowing the female to lead the way like Laikas instructed. However, she kept a reasonable distance from the others, not too comfortable with being so close to strangers. She felt uncomfortable and uneasy, her anxiety and paranoia gnawing at the edges of her mind. Her ears kept swiveling back and forth and her nose picked up every possible scent, hoping that these two weren't setting her up for disaster.
Akira then raises her head and wags her tail, she then starts walking backwards then turning the right way to keep going in that direction.. After a while there made it to the clearing and past the blood stained ditch where she killed the deer.. Then after a few minutes they were by a hill.. She then drops the deer... Then sniffs around for a bit, grabs the deer again, then starts going up a tree covered hill , then slightly down and there was the cave with the tiny fire going.. "We're here!!" She states cheerfully then drops the deer in the back of the cave and lays down against the cave all wall...
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Laikas glanced at the figure next to him and sighed, "Well, considering you now know my name I guess should ask you yours. Or maybe the formal introductions would be preferred." He bowed his head slightly, "My name is Laikas." He glanced up and continued walking, almost awaiting a response, though he honestly didn't expect one.
The black wolf hesitated. She didn't want to be rude, but disclosing personal information was not a favourite of hers. The werewolf flicked her eyes towards the other as he waited for a response but returned her gaze back to straight in front of her. "Roxii." Her voice was quiet and reserved, barely audible.
Laikas' ear twitched; he'd never heard a name like that before but he nodded nonetheless, "Nice to meet you Roxii." He stopped outside of the cave once they'd reached in and glanced inside, motioning for Roxii to go inside. He waited before he also padded inside and he lid near the entrance, glancing outside and listening to the sounds of the rain hitting the ground.
Akira stared at the fire like she usually does the rain..."pretty..." She whispers to herself as she stretches and still stares at it as she puts her head on her paws..
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Roxii padded inside cautiously, cursing her damaged vision. She looked around carefully, trying to inspect the cave, but her left eye was not aiding her in the slightest. Her left peripheral was completely gone, so it took much longer than she desired to observe the area. Once inside, she lightly shook the water off of her, settling down away from the others in silence.
Laikas sighed and tilted his head, looking back inside and studying all the wolves; this wouldn't be a bad little pack, or so he thought. He shrugged off the idea and sighed, lowering his head and occasionally glancing at Roxii. She intrigued him a little; she was quiet and he almost wanted to know why.
Akira, sniffed the air, and then stood up and looked though the rain... 'I wonder when snow and glass are going to be back.....' She then sees a squirrel and her inner pup is released.... She runs after the squirrel, but then realizes what she is doing and goes back inside as to not embarrass herself any further and so she doesn't accidently get lost.... 'I can NOT be alone this time..... They will be released.....'she then shakes and sits down in the cave again..

@Aqua @Shadow9816 @Shadowfallen9570 and etc.

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