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Fantasy Wolf Pack

Akira smiles,"I thought I would be more help if I got food, so I caught a deer, an brought it back as well as Laikas and the female from earlier named Roxii, but then I sorta chased a squirrel because I was bored....." She says then stretches and waits for a reply from snow..
Akira stands up then looks at him again.."okay, but... Do you want your jacket back snow?" She asks while taking it off, then holding it out for him.
Akira smiles brightly back, then looks around with him.."so.….do you know the way back?" She asks while putting the big jacket back on.for warmth..
"yah i do how do you think i found you your not to far from the cave" Snow gets up and starts walking to the river and starts to make his way there.
Akira shrugs than follows snow back to the cave..."soo...where's glass.. Is he still with ..uh shade?..oh by the way is she ok?" Not completely sincerely but semi, since she was still mad about what the other female called her...but she still didn't want her to get hurt even though she is slightly angry..
"glass i don't know? what or were he is i lost hims a bit ago and yes she is safe" he makes a turn and heads in a different part of the cave and starts walking this part being much darker then the other way in.
Akira looks around.."ok....." She then notices that this is a different way to the cave.. She looks around in the darkness , only slightly ale to see, which would change if she shifted, but she was not in the mood for that.. 'Huh...I never would have thought, there would be another way in....' She thinks to herself and keeps following snow..
Akira stared at the walls and then blinked...'is that wall.... Glowing blue?' She then nervously looks at snow..to see him...smiling as it was glowing.. "Uh snow?...... Do you see the glowing blue walls to?" She asks, making sure she isn't going crazy...
Snow looked at her "Yah i see it they glow when a wolf come down the hallway i don't really now why but i like it!" He keeps walking as one side of the wall opens up to show a underground forest. It looked like no one had ever been down there.
Akira stares at the underground forest, as she walks through the opening...."Wow....... How.....di-....just wow...." She says as she keeps staring with huge eyes...
"This path is long and it show what this cave has in side of it i have only been so far in to it it goes on and on. It doesn't look like it ends so don't run of ok." He looks back to see if she was still there and not somewhere else.
Akira walks up to him...*poke* she pokes his nose..and slits her yes... She then smiles..."yup not a weird dream...cool!"
Snow looks at her trying to think the speaks "what?!?"He looks at her and thinks. "why would she think i'm part of a dream?"
Akira then giggles, then turns around and looks at the forest again....'hmmm maybe I shouldn't have said that out loud....=/' she then turns back around to look at snow....
Snow just keeps walking and turns in to a room that looked like were every one was to sleep for the night. He walks in and lays down in one of the beds on the ground he looks at her.
Akira follows him into the room, then looks back at him…"so....now what?" She asks then looks around ..
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(Ah, sorry guys. I've been busy this morning, and now I'm not feeling good at all. I was also having a bit of writer's block; I'll see what I can come up with.)

Roxii could feel her being watched and realized Laikas was looking at her, but she made no move to indicate that she noticed. Instead, she waited until the few moments of being stared at were over and he fell into, what she assumed, slumber. She looked around the cave with mild interest, pushing her pessimism and paranoia back to the "back burner" of her mind and smothering them, trying to stay calm and collected. Plenty has happened in the last hour or so: saved a female werewolf's life, met a fair amount of other werewolves, learned two of their names, Akira and Laikas, and was now taking shelter from the raging storm in a cave. Of course, she'd had more eventful days—some that she never wants to reminisce over.

She hadn't realized it, but she was gazing longingly at the flames, their tongue licking at the air and dancing with their own life. Her great distance from the fire offered absolutely no warmth, and she longed for the heat the flames gave. Giving in to her desires, she got up quietly and silently padded over to the fire, opposite of Laikas. Roxii then laid down just close enough to feel the warmth and curled up with her back to the heat, gazing into the darkness of the cave.
Laikas' ear twitched when she started padding over, and, keeping completely still, he spoke again, "You're cold aren't you?" He waited for a response and his eyes opened, almost suddenly. He didn't move his head but he glanced round with his eyes, looking directly at the black-furred werewolf. The flames seemed to make his fur shine a little. @Javax
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Roxii didn't move but was slightly startled when the male wolf spoke. She hadn't expected him to still be awake. "A little," she admitted. It wasn't exactly a lie; she was much colder than she let on. Except she couldn't tell if she was cold from the weather or if it was a fearful cold.

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