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Fantasy Wolf Pack

Roxii began threading the needle, noticing the wolf's embarrassment and unease. "If I were here to hurt you," she said matter-of-factly, "I would've done it already." The werewolf finished threading the needle and grabbed the hydrogen peroxide and alcohol, pouring some on the cloth. "This may sting." She began cleaning the wound with the damp cloth, her sensitive hearing picking up the low sizzling of the alcohol burning the infectious bacteria. Once she was done cleaning the wound, she grabbed another piece of dry cloth and started patting it dry.

The black-haired werewolf picked up the needle and thread and hesitated. "
I don't have anesthetics, so this is going to hurt, but I need you to stay as still as possible." With that, she inserted the needle into the female wolf's skin with careful precision to begin stitching up the gaping laceration.
"I'm fine!" She grunts as she hears the other wolves talking about moving her somewhere else or not. "I can move on my own." She sighs as she says this.

Shadow squints her face up as the needle goes through her. She does everything she can not to cry out and just holds on through the process until she is done.
Laikas sighed and glanced at them, "One of you must have some sort of shelter around here somewhere. Anyone of you." He waited for one of them to respond; he didn't have anywhere to stay himself so he was hoping someone else would have somewhere they could stay.
The werewolf put the last stitch through and used her teeth to cut off the thread, tying the end off. She began putting her stuff up and said softly, "As long as you don't make too many sudden movements, you'll be fine. And take your shifts slow." Roxii stood up and shouldered her backpack. "My work here is done." She dripped her head in a gesture of goodbye and turned and began walking away. The werewolf wasn't keen on being around others; she was dangerous and no matter where she went, trouble followed. Roxii didn't want these werewolves to get hurt.
sorry i cant do that )

Snow looks at the werewolf walking away then back to the wolf on her side not really knowing what to say...
Javax said:
The werewolf put the last stitch through and used her teeth to cut off the thread, tying the end off. She began putting her stuff up and said softly, "As long as you don't make too many sudden movements, you'll be fine. And take your shifts slow." Roxii stood up and shouldered her backpack. "My work here is done." She dripped her head in a gesture of goodbye and turned and began walking away. The werewolf wasn't keen on being around others; she was dangerous and no matter where she went, trouble followed. Roxii didn't want these werewolves to get hurt.
"Yeah.. no problem.." Shadow muttered under her breath. She picked her head up and started panting a little trying to catch her breath after all of that pain searing through her. The wind blew as clouds rolled over in the sky. She sniffed the air smelling rain in the distance. She closed her eyes enjoying the scent. She looked around to see just all who was near her and at the field.
Snow sits down and looked up at the sky he smiled as rain falls to hit him.Snow looks around as he then looks at the others as he noticed something. His ears perk up and he looks around something know having his attention. "we should get going now! This place is far from safe right now."
Akira, got agrivated that she couldn't start the fire d threw the rock at the tree and fell on her back.."I hate this...." She says grumpily.. Then hearing the one male say it wasn't safe there, she changed hr from into a wolf again and sat up..
Laikas looked at the werewolf who had used the stitches, and as she walked away, he followed her, calling back over his shoulder at the others, "Go to the cave, I'll meet you guys there. I'll follow your scent." @Javax
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Glass was walking around the woods in his human form with his mask up, he really had nothing to do since all the males in his pack ganged up on him and threw him out because of that his right hand was injured."man this sucks there's nothing to do and no one to talk to..." after a minute or two he said "Gah so boring" as he punched a tree making the birds in the nearby area fly away in a giant flock.
Shadow looked around as she heard the males yelling. She looked up as it started raining. Her fur started getting heavier with the rain and her stomach rumbled. She got up slowly as the big wolf approached her to warn her. "I'll be fine go on to your cave. I have business to take care of.... and Snow? that's your name right? Uh.. Thank you for saving me.. I am in your debt." Shadow bows slightly and winces but tries to hide it. She starts limping off towards her cave by the waterfall over the mountain.
Akira watches the male walk up to the injured female on the ground... She then looks round for a path to a cave... She then hears and ees a huge flock of birds flying way from something.... She then starts walking that way interested in what it was they were flying away from....
Roxii felt the vague sensation of being followed, the voice calling out the group she had left confirming her suspicions. Letting out a deep sigh as rain drops began to fall from the sky and soak into her beanie and jacket, she stopped dead in her tracks. Without turning around, she inquired harshly, "What do you want?" She didn't mean for the venom to drip off of her lips; she just didn't have the best social skills.
Glass kept walking for a couple more minutes and came upon other wolfs one of them looked injured, there was a male about his size and a couple of females so he decided to lean against a tree and watch them. after a couple seconds of watching he yelled out "yo you guys need some help here" in a monotone voice that sounded like he could attack at any moment but he wouldn't.

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