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Futuristic With Hearts of Steel











As Theta walked in one their conversation surprising Sarah and Agitating Nathan. "Hey Theta? don't you think it was rude to eavesdrop on what we were talking about? but you do have a point, an Alien wouldn't show his true from just to the Humans who work for him. Whether they know or they don't? they are hindering the mission and hindrances should be "removed"." Nathan said sugar coating the last word. As Sarah began to talk to Theta. "Hey Theta. So you're with us huh? This mission should be a cake walk with the Top-5 with us." She said giggling as she continued to talk to Theta. "Oh yeah. I read your file once, it said your Enhancement allowed you to slow down your own time, that's cool... But, do you think you can beat Nathan's reaction time? even with my Enhancement he seems to be able to dodge it with ease, though I can hit him when he get's a tad too cocky." She said angrily glancing at a smiling Nathan.
Derik wasn't exactly one for idle chit-chat. Nor did he care whom he might run over in his path.

This often leads to a lot of people getting mad at him for shoving them out of the way when he wants or needs something.

In today's instance, it may lead to even more distrust in his teammates.

Or they could just not give a damn.

But what am I talking about here? Well, Derik was off minding his own business. He had downed the two pots of coffee and was making his final round over to the Hanger. The path he chose to take, the others had walked into, and of course, this means they will colide. At the speed of a brisk jog, Derik pushed through the chit-chatting party of Theta and Co., and more specifically, Archangel. He didn't care what happens to her as he continued his jog towards the Hanger. God he hated all the goddy names. Archangel? You think you some sort of creature of god? Fuck that man. Simple names are where it's at. "I doubt these people even know their strength without their fancy gear." He thought. His eyes scanned into the entrance of the Hanger, not sure what vehicle they would take.
Theta - On the way to hangar

Theta laughed at Phantom's comment about eavesdropping. He was chiding her as if they weren't being recorded twenty four/seven. She brushed the rest of it off, she obviously wasn't going to be able to change his mind about it. She thought that they were innocent, but it was their mission to take down anyone who go in their way. How did they even find out about Solvent anyway? Did they find a way to see through alien disguises? They couldn't the first time. Theta looked at Archangel as she began talking.

"Oh no, I'm on the Antarctica mission. Taking down the leader when he runs. Though, I think the others might want the fun." She joked. She watched as Monster walked past, high and mighty as always. Her eyes flicked back to Archangel. "As for Phantom," She didn't like callign her comrades by their actual names. After using code names for so long they felt fake and sticky on her tongue, "I'd have to fight him to find out." She said with a wink to Phantom, a small, playful threat lying under the words.

@VirtualNotoriety @NeverBetter

Calavera - Locker room

Cala entered just in time to hear Reign's analysis of Anubis. They kept their head down but kept listening, as much as they liked to pretend otherwise, gossip really piqued their interest. Though this may not officially be counted as gossip now, it could be later when they repeated it to others. As they reached for their armour, a new chest piece, they noticed Rho and Sigma in the corner. They pulled their chest plate on, considering their actions, then they decided that they'd try it. Rho being mad at them on a mission versus Rho possibly tearing their head off, verbally, right now. The mission one seemed a little more dangerous.

"That was a good match. I barely beat you." He called to Rho, doing up the armour at their side.

@Ahara @Zy That Guy @Yuffie Kisaragi
Leaving the Conference Room

Hmm. First mission....and I am the getaway driver. FANTASTIC. Audio groaned, and held his head in his hands. I don't my partners Tenno, Sigma, and Rho, but man, does this suck. I'm all for being one gear in a well oiled machine, but this gear is a bit lacking in action. Leo sighed and went to look for one of his partners. But which to talk to? Rho? Eh, she's...I'll give her determination and will to finish a round of applause, but otherwise...not easy to talk to. She kinda has that atmosphere of impatience. Maybe I'm wrong, but she's a bit too focused. I wonder if she ever relaxes? Maybe she's not so tight (OOC: for lack of better words) when she isn't training. Well, then there's Tenno...he's not bad, just a bit different style than myself. That leaves Sigma. The oh-so great get ahead of everyone else guy. This was gonna be interesting. Maybe Rho wasn't so bad. Audio set off to find Rho.
[Locker Room - Rho & Sigma]

"You're low because you're bad." Rho said to Anubis, the rage in her voice still abundantly clear. More people began to enter the room, and as it filled up, Rho stormed off, not saying another word to anybody, despite them attempting to console her. She nearly smacked Calavera in the face, but managed to resist. Sigma attempted to give everybody looks of sympathy, but that was a bit tough to do with a helmet on. In the end, he followed her out.

[Leaving Conference Room - Epsilon]

Epsilon was startled by Phantasm's sudden appearance. She liked the guy well enough. He was funny, if a bit irritating occasionally. She did wonder why he never took off his Armor, but she didn't let it bother her. They all had their quirks. "I um, I wasn't sneaking away." She said with a slight shrug. "I just needed to go get ready." She explained. After all, Epsilon was still Armorless. "But uh, yeah I guess so." She tried to say with a smile. Phantasm was a much better choice for that job than she was. He was very strong and his enhancement made him quite good with stealth oriented tasks.


  • Over the comms came Colonel Heisman's voice. "Report in. Are you all in position?"

    [Garage - Rho & Sigma]

    "Yessir, waiting for those trucks." Sigma answered promptly. He was seated on the trunk of a sedan. He switched his wide comms off and glanced around, to Audio, Tenno, and of course, Rho. Rho was leaning against a nearby wall, hood up, tapping against the concrete anxiously. "So guys, whatcha guys think will be in those trucks? I'll bet my other bag of marshmallows that it's some badass weapons of some sort." Sigma said cheerfully. Rho rolled her eyes.

    "Why would they bring weapons to Solvent? He doesn't have any need of them." She retaliated. Sigma merely shrugged, as if he had no real explanation.

    [Lobby of Solvent Inc. - Psi]

    "In the front door." Psi whispered into his comms. Over top of his Armor was the disguise of a security guard, well dressed in his suit and hat. He moved through the lobby, taking inventory of his surroundings. There were a few people milling about, including several lined up at the front desk, presumably to ask questions of some sort. There was a real security guard over by the stairs. Theoretically his hacking skills should get him inside any doors and systems, but worst comes to worst he could always take out the guard and take his keycard or whatever. "I'll make it to the control room soon, then I can wreak havoc on their systems whenever you need me to." He whispered again.

The Conference Room

Onyx has strolled into the conference room, wiping the sleep from his eyes after a much needed nap. His brown, sculpted arms hung from the sleeveless grey too that he wore over the standard addition sweats provided for workouts. He'd spent the previous day reading up on chess tactics and challenging the computer on the highest setting, after making his usual passes at the girls.

His mind seemed to be processing in full swing as the colonel stood by the heads up display and explained the missions ahead. For him this was just another competition; which team could complete their mission the fastest? Who would move up or down the ranks? What would the kill count be? Usually, he could care less about those sort of things, but something about this operation brought that kid out in him.

The Locker room

The fiber mesh suit was snugged against his thinner form, yet accentuated his muscles. Jahn had gotten used to putting on this armor and it had become like a second skin to him. From the moment the cerebral pulsed was latched onto the base of his neck, connected to his mind and hummed to life, he felt alive. The thicker pieces of plating hummed and circulated with a brilliant orange glow that became attracted to his body and latched instananeously.

Antarctica -Alien base

The wind howled and carried a flurry of ice and snow in its wake. Onyx huddled before the main entrance of the base that had been erected around multiple ice caps. He hadn't seen this threat up close. He had no idea what these being we're capable of, but he knew that they were intent on bringing down their very way of life. That was enough for him, enough to still show his loyalty to his captors.

His comm picked up the ever angry voice of the colonel asking for a mission report.

"This is Onyx reporting with assault team. We're locked and loaded. Waiting for your word colonel."

The LX bow was already held in its fire ready mode while his right hand waited behind him, itching to unleash all hell.

@Yuffie Kisaragi , @Scrapmaster , @SuperiorKunivas
Reign- Outside the front door

"Yeah we're in position." Why In the fuck would be put me on an assault squad with Omega, time to move up on the leaderboard. He looked at Omega and sighed, he was not at all worried about the aliens he knew what to expect from them but, his teammates see they were the wildcard because they had the ability to betray him or save him. Let's hope nothing crazy happens actually that happens every time we are together. Atleast he would have a story to tell if he survives.

[Construction Site, Solvent Mission]

Snow White's gunmetal grey Armor blended in with the decrepit building she was perched against. Overlooking the construction site, she knew that her small shield mounted magnetic cannon wouldn't do th...or it would. She sighed softly, finally figuring out a crazy, workable way to cause destruction. When the Colonel's voice came in, she blinked at a small icon in the visor. The three-chirp signal emitted, her own way of communicating that she was ready. She'd hang back, let the others go in and start destroying things, before she went in and started breaking what was left. Snow White looked at WOLF'S BANE, then holstered it on her back. She unlocked CINDERELLA'S SONG and extended the twin prongs that served as the rails for firing.

A few more beeps informed the other teammates on this mission that she was in position and ready to deconstruct the construction.
(Apologies for my posts being very visually boring, I'm not one for writing with that kinda stuff xD )

Derik stood in the middle of the pile of construction equipment and materials that was the sight for his particular talents to be displayed. He had already lifted one crane into the air, the light tapping of his foot echoed through the area as a signal of his impatience. "Tactical bullshit is boring." Was all he thought till the commander chimed in. "Yeah, whatever Petty officer Stoneface." he muttered. He knew the old man couldn't give a fuck about the "Stoneface" comment, but knowing him, like any military man, they hate their pretty little titles being confused, even by a jackass like himself. He was prepared for the reprimand he would receive after this was all done, but he quite frankly didn't care. "So. Who wants to play a game...?" He said to any of his teammates within vicinity. "Simple rules. The bigger a hole we turn this place into in a short amount of time, the better a score you get. Completely co-op. Simple enough to understand I would hope."
- Vanguard - Construction site - Solvent mission.

"As long as keep the damage within the construction site, it'l be better if no civilians are harmed or the outside area is too damage...even if this place is empty...Otherwise, I think we can let ourselves go to an extent." Vanguard spoke with a chuckle, his voice echoing out of his heavy armor suit as he approached one of the construction areas, and stood near it, it looked like a small building in construction, regardless, it was going down. He leaned his back against it. "I am in position and ready as well Colonel." Vanguard said unsheating GALATINE, his high frequency greatsword, that could cut this small construction down with one well placed slash on just the area he was leaning his back against.

He watched his squadmates, Monster, Snow white, Calavera. All was in place.

@Xion136 @Yuffie Kisaragi @NeverBetter

- Disruptor - In position outside the front door - Arctic mission

Disruptor took a moment to recheck his weapons and drones's systems, as well as everyone else. Savior began flying around, making no noise in its flight, it was completely silent, what with the constant snow and noises from the area muffling it. It flew to Omega and Reign. It beeped in what seemed like a greetings and a sign of 'Hello', but what it also did was shoot as small ball of energy at them, silently. Omega and Reign would notice their suits getting covered in a thin layer of energy.

"These shields should prove useful in case we run into anything later on, they don't protect against everything though. When damaged, it should regenerate itself within a few moments without taking fire, it will also protect you guys from my EMP blasts" Disruptor warned them as Savior flew back to his left shoulder, while Ravager never left its spot on his right shoulder. He knew these two he was going in with, Reign wasn't a very big problem, it was Omega and her over arrogant self, he knew she was thinking lowly of both him and Reign. Well, ever more reason to prove her wrong.

@Yuffie Kisaragi @Zy That Guy

- Destroyer - Front door - Artic mission.

"Aye Colonel, we are in position, we'l strike at your signal. Nothing is getting out of the front lobby alive." Destroyer confirmed Colonels's question. As he prepared his suit's Fusion system and his IMPERATOR heavy rifle. "Alright, roles" Destroyer began speaking to his fellow squadmates he would be charging into the front door with.

"Onyx, I want you behind me and Vasir at all costs, leave the main tanking of fire to me and my fusion shield that I will deploy when we enter. Your arrows will go through it and even get a small buff, so don't worry. Vasir, you are on crowd control, I want you freezing every motherfucker we see in there, feel free to fire your gun to finish other grunts off too, keep close to me and Onyx." Destroyer gave them a small suggestion on what to do, and he hoped they would follow it at least somewhat.

@Refusedstone @Yuffie Kisaragi

- Phantasm - Outside of the garage - Arctic mission.

"Well I am in position, or so I believe this is the garage door anyway. This place all looks the same." Phantasm joked at Colonel as he readied his SOMA rifle as he stood outside. "Now...would anyone explain to me how we got here so easily without getting spotted? you'd think these 'Aliens' would be a bit more...cautious? Paranoid? I don't know the right word...eh...whatever..." Phantasm shrugged as he stood beside Epsilon.

"Are you all ready for the time of your lives?" Phantasm asked his team.

@Yuffie Kisaragi @Smoaki

Free theme for the upcoming fighting :D


Calavera - Construction site

Cala looked around at their team mates, then spoke their own answer into their mic.

"In position." They told the Colonel, then tuned into the team's talk. A competition. They glanced at the construction site, a half finished building. It looked almost too easy to bring down. "I'm in." They told the other four, blinking commands into their display, red circles locking onto pillars dotted around the site. They checked their guns, loading them with heavy hitting shells. "Is there going to be a prize, or is it just for honour?" They joked as they stopped fiddling with their guns. Instead they pulled their sword's handle off of their hip, ready to activate it when the group go the go ahead.

@Scrapmaster @Xion136 @NeverBetter

Theta - Antarctica base, back door

Theta slotted her knife back into the holder next to her helmet. The handle looked just like decoration, only people who knew a knife was there would see the small crack between the hilt and the sheath.

"Locked and loaded, sir." Theta told the Colonel then exhaled deeply, rolling her shoulders to keep the cold out of them. She kind of envied the people who were getting to go inside, but still, she knew that she was probably best suited to this if the Colonel said she was. She barely managed to stifle her laugh at that thought. She disguised it as a cough then looked around her team. "Who's ready to wipe this base off the map?" She asked the three around her, her gun resting lightly in her hands.

@Ahara @SuperiorKunivas @Mistory1997
Anubis - Antartica base, back door

Anubis shivered a little due to the extreme cold but suppressed it. He was getting antsy already, he was so excited to prove himself in a real battle. He checked his pistols and watched the blades on the end glow green. His shoulder turrets raised up so that they could fire the moment that enemies appeared. He looked at the team members he was fighting alongside and thought to himself, "Well, at least I can count on them to have my back." He heard Theta's question and responded, "Leave the base to the others. I'm sure this target is going to be surrounded by guards and we have to jump the moment we get visual." He clutched the twin pistols tightly in anticipation.

@SuperiorKunivas @Mistory1997 @SecretRock
The figure that was Kraken simply remained silent, it's fingers crackling with electricity as it adjusted itself, waiting patiently for the order to move
{Tenno: Solvent Mission; Garage}

Tenno had remained in a thoughtful silence as he geared up for the mission and on the way to the drop. He now took up a position in the shadows of the garage as per his orders.

"Unless they are planning some alpha strikes." Tenno responded to Rho's question. "Wouldn't be the first time infiltration units were used to disrupt defenses before an invasion."

Tapping the side of his helmet, Tenno turned on his mike.

"In position, Colonel." He answered.

@Yuffie Kisaragi

{Pixie: Solvent Mission; Drop Zone}

"Almost, sir." Pixie answered promptly.

After a quick test of her suits systems, Pixie was ready. She opened up her wing arms and the propulsion unit refer to life.

"Ready for drop?" She asked Phantom Reaper.

@Yuffie Kisaragi @VirtualNotoriety
Limbo checked to make sure his pistols were going to work properly in this weather and looked around at the others, " Ready to breach when you guys are." He said with a nod.

(Sorry for the short post)










As Pixie and P.R. were checking on their gear, Pixie asked P.R. if he was ready. "Heh, more than ever." Nathan said as he Loaded his Assault Rifle. Over to the Rooftop laid A.A. talking in the comms. "Ok Team, remember there will be some human Casualties due to the Mercenaries." A.A. said as she scoped into the building observing the enemies. "Ok Archangel, cover us were about to head in." Nathan said activating his Enhancement.

  • Colonel Heisman came back in over the comms after everyone gave their reports. "Get this thing started. Remember the Oath, and kick some alien ass for me down there."

    Then he was gone. If someone had a question, he would answer it, but as things were, the mission had begun. No time to continue to slack.

    [Construction Site]

    There were some leftover machines. A few cranes, a couple bulldozers. Some trucks. A few portapotties. Some building materials, like unmixed concrete, plywood, steel beams, and cinder blocks. But, as things were, no explosives or anything of that sort. It might be prudent to carefully destroy the steel frame of a building to be so that the Armor Wielders would still have some cover when the mercenaries started coming. But it was up to them.

    [Archangel: Overwatch]

    Nothing was particularly odd on the streets, and the rooftops were still clear. The construction site was silent, at least until the other crew began to demolish. Then it would be likely noisy. The one thing of note that Archangel could identify was a pair of human security guards lurking nearby Gecko's entry position.

    [Rho & Sigma - Garage]

    Rho shrugged as Sigma smiled joyfully, laughing a bit. "See? Tenno has logic and he's on my side." Sigma said, looking to Rho. She rolled her eyes.

    "I still think it'll be more utilitarian. Teleportation equipment maybe, or communication gear. Something more game-changing. Solvent seems too important to be dealing with simple weaponry." Rho continued to comment. Sigma held his hand out, bringing a finger to his helmet in a shushing gesture. Said gesture did not perform quite as well when one was helmeted. But a gentle rumbling could be heard if one was quiet. Sigma slid off the hood of the car he was seated upon, hiding. Rho dashed away as well, moving out of view of the entrance. As soon as their target was fully in the garage they could move.

[Reign- Artic Base front door]

Omega was expecting them to follow her and that wasn't in Reign's daily routine but he followed her but that was the last order he was gonna take from her.

Reign moved in behind Omega still checking if his systems were up, making sure his pistol wasn't jammed and that his sword was still cutting. Reign was gonna get promoted today whilst kicking alien ass, life is definitely fun right now and no one was going to take that from him.
Theta - Arctic Base, back door

Theta rolled her eyes, her amused smile hidden by her helmet, and she was not taking that off until the snow was far, far away from her. Of course Anubis would take that literally. She paused as she heard the colonel's go ahead, then nodded. She glanced around at the unfaltering and featureless white landscape, then she shrugged.

"Into ambush places, I guess?" She shrugged, looking at the other two.

@Ahara @SuperiorKunivas @Mistory1997

Calavera - Solvent Mission, Construction Site

"Let's get started then." Calavera said, their photon sword activating, casting odd shadows on everything around them. They glanced over their display for a second before picking a steel pillar that seemed to be very important in holding up the building. They strode over to it and raised their sword before bringing it down with a lot of force, the photon blade slicing through the metal. Despite the cut through it, the beam held steady, the weight from above stopping it from completely falling over. With a deep breath, Cala pulled their arm back, preparing the strike the beam and collapse it and the material's above it.

@Scrapmaster @Xion136 @NeverBetter
SecretRock said:
Theta - Arctic Base, back door
Theta rolled her eyes, her amused smile hidden by her helmet, and she was not taking that off until the snow was far, far away from her. Of course Anubis would take that literally. She paused as she heard the colonel's go ahead, then nodded. She glanced around at the unfaltering and featureless white landscape, then she shrugged.

"Into ambush places, I guess?" She shrugged, looking at the other two.

@Ahara @SuperiorKunivas @Mistory1997

Calavera - Solvent Mission, Construction Site

"Let's get started then." Calavera said, their photon sword activating, casting odd shadows on everything around them. They glanced over their display for a second before picking a steel pillar that seemed to be very important in holding up the building. They strode over to it and raised their sword before bringing it down with a lot of force, the photon blade slicing through the metal. Despite the cut through it, the beam held steady, the weight from above stopping it from completely falling over. With a deep breath, Cala pulled their arm back, preparing the strike the beam and collapse it and the material's above it.

@Scrapmaster @Xion136 @NeverBetter
"Thanks for that, now, how about we do it again with a little more productivity."

Derik hefted the crane he had picked up earlier and activated his Sword Bits using the iris tracking in his visor to guide them to the appropriate location. "Heads down." His voice only showing the mildest inflections of amusement as he tossed the crane into the middle of the frame work. A simple command given by the movement of his eyes was all he needed to tell the Sword Bits to lance through the crane. Of course, it's full of fuel, and what happens when hot lasers come in contact with flammable stuff?

Answer: it burns. Or in this case, explodes, as bits of crane go flying everywhere, warping and damaging the upper portion of the frame and weakening the lower portion of the frame even more.

"What? They said make noise. Explosions are loud. I figure I'll probably get at least a bonus point for using my environment."

[Construction Site: Solvent Mission]

Unlike the slicing and the blowing shit up, Snow White landed beside Calavera. Before the next strike could be done, she latches the prongs of her magnetic cannon and fired. The metal was bent from the magnetic shock, aiding in the fall as she turned to Calavera.

"Cut and go." She tapped her shield, the next magnetic charge al ready beginning. "I'll finish it." She looked around. The crane Monster destroyed was going to draw attention. He should have waited a bit. No plan. They could have had the entire thing already falling. Now they had to deal with Mercenaries.

Monster? Over compensating point chaser. Snow White nodded to Cavalera as she moved away from the now weakened structure, already scanning the area for threats. She didn't like how this mission could possibly turn out. Decoys had the most variables...

Snow White clicked through the Seven Dwarves, settling on her personal favorite - Ghost. She prepped herself for the Ghost Drive to engage, and went back to working to draw out the mercs...and wonder if Monster and his lack of tactics would ever change.
Calavera - Solvent mission, Construction Site

Cala pulled their fist back quickly as Snow White bent the metal out of shape better than they ever could. They moved their arm, instead stopping any debris from hitting them, an instinct despite their armour. They looked at Snow White and nodded, liking the plan. It would be efficient and easier on both of them. They spun their sword and ran to the next beam, readying their sword.

"Monster, weaken the joints and make some cover!" They called back, their voice distorted by the walls and the microphone in their helmet. "And keep an eye out for mercenaries!" They added as they swung their sword down, cutting another beam, and they moved onto the next, trying to figure out which would destabilise it more.

@Xion136 @NeverBetter
{Pixie: Solvent; Drop Zone}

"Alright, let's fly!" Pixie said, excitement in her voice.

While she was worried about fighting humans, she always loved flying. She took off, did a quick loop in the air, then grabbed Phantom Reaper.

"Hold on tight." She warned before speeding off into the sky.

Keeping her wings on low yield to prevent getting spotted, Pixie flew close to the buildings to keep out of sight of the target building. Finally arriving at P.R.'s position, she swooped a loop over the roof, dropping her partner off.

"Phantom is dropped off and I'm making circles." Pixie radioed the rest of the team. "Give me a ring if you need back up!"

{Tenno: Solvent; Garage}

With his armor currently a dark red, Tenno remained in the shadows, behind a pillar as the van came in.

"I don't have a good angle." He whispered into his mike. "What's the tango count?"
- Vanguard - Construction site - Solvent job.

While Monster, Calavera, and Snow white were destroying things, Vanguard examined the area more thorougly, he wasn't dumb, even for a heavy armor unit like him some cover would be very welcome. There was a few entrances, most of which could be used to be blocked off...Vanguard glanced at some bulldozers to the side.

Cue one of the bulldozers being thrown effortlessly at one of the secondary structures, which was previously untouched by his allies. It crumbled on top of the bulldozer...but it did leave a nice pile of rubble. Which could be used as cover.

Looking at his handywork he turned to the others and unsheated his greatsword. its energy outlines beginning to glow signalling it had been activated, and it was set on kinetic mode, as well as his armor...the neutral element.

Seeing Calavera's and Snow white's work...he also began analyzing to find a weak link in the structure. "If we knock the entire thing to the side we'l have plenty of cover from one side...but i'l follow you guy's plan." Vanguard spoke out, as he found one beam which seemed vital, and sliced it completely in half with his sword in one fell swoop. Carefully stepping out of the way just in case it actually ended destabilising the thing. He began cutting a few more, strategically and precisely.

@Yuffie Kisaragi @Xion136 @NeverBetter @SecretRock

- Destroyer- Artic base's front entrance - Assault team.

Hearing the commander's orders, Destroyer began doing the last preparation checkup on his suit's energy,vital and communication systems as well as his weapon systems. Everything calibrated nicely, specially the jetpack, he needed this thing.

"Roger that colonel, breaching the entrance now." Destroyer spoke as he took a few, slow steps forward towards the main entrance to the base. It seemed sturdy...well...somewhat. It would have to be tested.

Fusion energy channeling to his left arm and gauntled, making the entire thing glow a bright, orange-ish light. He delivered a haymaker to the base's doors. "Weapons ready!" He spoke as he did this, as the doors were partially melted off from the heat alone as well as they were flung off their hinges and thrown against any unfortunate fool who was in the way, impacting against a nearby wall.

Still having fusion energy charged in his left arm he held his arm in front of him as a large, orange-ish rectangular shield made of fusion energy emerged in front of him, projected by his suit's gauntled. Holding his imperator heavy machinegun with his right hand. he began firing at any hostile in the way. And if there were a group of them, a small volley of rockets would make short work of them. "Vasir, crowd control!, Onyx, focus fire on high threats!" He ordered his fellow teammates as he began a slow walk into the base. Firing back at the opposition.

@SuperiorKunivas @Refusedstone

- Disruptor - Arctic base - Sabotage team.

Disruptor frowned under his helmet at Omega's statement. And seeing that Reign seemed very...unwilling to comply. "Savior, Ravager, battle mode." Disruptor spoke to his drones as they got off his shoulders and began floating around him and his allies, Savior standing close to him while Ravager scanning the targets. Thankfully they didn't have to shoot anyone.

Pulling out his dual wielded heavy pistols he followed Omega and Reign inside. Meanwhile Savior began beeping to him on his comms, and only to him. "Yeah...tensions seem high here." Disruptor spoke back to his little drone, while beginning to charge his EMP.

@Yuffie Kisaragi @Zy That Guy

- Phantasm - Arctic base - Infiltration team -

"I still have a pretty bad feeling." Maxis spoke with a shrug, even though he kinda agreed to Epsilon's points, and as the mission was officialy about to begin he began getting extice, putting away his rifle and pulling out his polearm. "Lets do thiz" He said. As he began to move in, Epsilon shot out two cameras.

"Nice shooting." Maxis spoke before he dematerialized and vanished into thin air, leaving a small trail of particles, flying around the area, and further down into the area, to scout for enemies, they wouldn't be able to detect him very easily, if at all in this state. He's pounce on them the moment they weren't expecting!

@Yuffie Kisaragi










As Pixie dropped Nathan off he went into the Building as he talked over the comms. "Heh, Shouldn't really need it, with an Ace Sniper covering us this shouldn't be difficult." Nathan said arrogantly as Sarah was surprised to hear a Compliment from Nathan no-less. "Wow, is that you P.R? cause it sure doesn't sound like it." Sarah said as she activated her Enhancement to keep track of everything, as Nathan smirks. "What? can't I give a compliment once in a while?" Nathan said jokingly as Sarah rolled her eyes as she spoke. "P.R. be careful, two Guards headed your way." Sarah said as Nathan hugged the wall avoiding the Guards. "We can't have any casualties yet, the camera systems seems to still be online, just continue overwatch." Nathan said which sounded completely unlike him, since he is reckless at times.

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