With Doubtful Thoughts

((... Not... Really.... ^^; ;) )

Noire had no time to react, since she was being pulled alltogether. She nearly tripped, her Japanese-styled dress hindering her movement yet again. When the two had slowed down, Noire had some time to look around.

Black and white as Kaety had mentioned. She couldn't see any color, and it nearly blinded her. The black had looked all smushed like inc spreading across a paper as you touch it before it dries. "What unordinary thing are we supposed to find, since everything is definitely not ordinary..."
"I am not comic relief!", I yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Leibas. Then I felt a coil of fear go through me as I realized: if one hand was holding the Quill, and the other was pointing at Leibas... I cried out in shock as the bat flew into the side of my head, reclaiming my ear with it's teeth. I glared at Leibas indignantly as I admitted, "Okay, maybe a little...".
"i guess im going alone then." ginko said to himself. "you two can come along with me if you want." ginko said to jason and lebias. "your choice.." he said still clutching his bow in hand. "good luck!" he yelled to kaety and noire, just before they disappeared from view. he then continued down the opposite path, into the color barren town.
"Cheer up; I'm still the main source of comedy here." He then turned to look at Ginko. "Darn it, he left. I was going to tell him that it was dangerous to go alone and that he should take this." He said as he held a stick. He then dropped the stick and turned back to Jason. "So, where to?"
I pulled the bat off my ear and placed him on my shoulder before answering Leibas. "Hmmm... I dunno, she didn't really give us a clear objective, and we don't know what we're looking for, so...let's just wander around. If we're the Shaggy and Scooby of this story, the monster should come find us about five minutes in.", I said with a shrug, then flicked the bat on the nose as it snuck toward my ear again.
Church was in the black and white city he walked out of the corner when two things in the distance caught his seeking eye. He crouched down before coming completely around the corner drawing his native hunting bow from his back and cocking an arrow. He slowly crept closer and closer staying close to whatever was closest be it trees or building. With every step he would pull back a little further on the string and arrow and turned in a corner when he was just close enough to see that they were humanoid in shape. As he was hidden yet again he shifted into a pure white wolf with deep white eyes only the pupils were black. He barked three times ,obviously audible, as three black wolves appeared in a rising smoke from the earth. They split up running to the opposite sides of the things and ran from both sides two on each with their fangs bared and barks.

(Kaety and Noire)
(Anonymous, unless you're from Ciel, shifting shouldn't be that easy :c If you want, you can slightly change your char sheet so that you are from Ciel.)
(Its not easy the only animal he is currently able to control are wolves.) 
(And I'm believing he got here the same time you guys did or if possible a little before.)
(Yes, but he just got to Ciel. The point is, he would be completely new to it all. Even if he did get here the same time, except in the wrong place... it would still be weird for him and not natural yet.) 
(Its fine. Just make sure to be careful about it.)
((Yes. It would be a little unfair, since my character can basically turn into a wolf but she cannot control it, since it's a day to day thing until she can control it... And to have your character know how to do that off the bat... ^^; Anyway!))

Noire sighed. This was one of the unspecified reasons why Noire had decided to partner with Kaety. For one, she could easily take care of matters like this and, two, her knowledge of what had happened on Ciel was greater than anyone else. " Kaety... "
"Alright. I'll play Scooby-Doo and you play Shaggy, but I won't begin some words with 'R' and you don't have to say 'like'." Leibas said as he walked in a random direction through the town. "Unless you want to, of course."
"Impressive," Kaety said, looking at Church, "For a pup. You are an Earthling. How did you get over here? And how are you so good already at this magic you do?" She shook her head, and held her hand out to the side slightly, her staff appearing in an instant. "I do not recommend you try causing any trouble though, considering that I could kill you before you could blink if I wanted to," Kaety said, then turned her head to look at Noire, completely unfazed by the shadow wolves around her, "Perhaps something in this area has magnified his magical ability?"
"If that were true, it should have effected me. And did you say he was also from Earth?" Noire glanced back, thinking for a bit, and turned back again. She wasn't that fazed either, but only because Kaety were with her and it wasn't all that much in her nature to be afraid. What she didn't understand was why this person was so hostile.
ginko continued on his solitary investigation. 'strange' he thought as he passed the buildings, each more colorless then the one before it. he then saw what looked to be a local in this town, it was an elderly woman, doing her laundry. ginko did not speak to the woman, just made an observation. he then noticed that she had also lost her color. "so it seems that if people are here long enough they also lose their color. their souls..." he said as he stared at the woman. she did her daily activities almost as if she was in a dream. "that must mean that if we stay here too long, we may also be charmed by this magic. i must let kaety know that we cannot linger...." he said as he continued walking.
"Deal.", I said with a smile, then, "Well, we better get to our aimless wandering. If we're going to be stumbled upon by the monster, I'd rather we give it at least some trouble.". "Ha! You two, give trouble to anything? I'd be surprised if you could beat up a puppy.", the bat scoffed, and I asked in a sort of cheerfully flat voice that reminded me of Ryoko Asakura, "I'm not sure of the limits of my Quill, but I'm betting I could turn you into a cake fairly easily. I'm sure you'd be delicious.".
"Well, maybe he touched something?" Kaety said, and waved her staff, which forcibly dispersed the shadow wolves. She looked at the white wolf again, and smiled, "Follow along if you want. We have things to do." With that she moved on again, taking another turn, past the wolf. She walked alongside Noire, and spoke to her as she walked, "Yes. From Earth. He must have popped up in the wrong place or something."

After a short while of walking, she came upon a group of listless villagers, all colorless except for one small boy. He wasn't older than six, and was crying, tugging on the dress of someone who was probably his mother. The woman wasn't reacting at all, seeming to not even notice the child. "Poor kid..." Kaety said, looking at the boy, "He must have been outside of the town at the time of the color draining... We should ask him about whatever he knows." She walked up to the child, and knelt down to his level, "Hello little guy, what's wrong?"

(Someone wanna do the role of the child? Then please do. I dun wanna. >.<)
"Bat-cake? why don't you turn him into a mouse and then turn him into a cake?" Leibas said, "By the way, playing pokemon and going through deep caves has given me a deep hatred of bats. Give me a reason to go into extreme melee revenge."

"I'd do a link for the extreme melee revenge, but the picture is a bit graphic. ...Did I just hear something break?"
I tilted my head in confusion. "Why a mouse then a cake?", I asked, unconsciously hugging the bat to my chest as he professed his...dislike. Extreme melee revenge my foot, that'd be like kicking a pupp - "OW!", I cried, bringing my finger to my mouth to suck on it as I glared down at the bat.
((kinadra...i have nothing to lose, ill play the kid.))

the child looked toward kaety with tears and snot all over his face. he then raised his hand that wasnt clutching his mothers clothing and began rapidly wiping his clothes. "m-m-mommy!! somethings wrong with her!! w-w-why cant she hear me....?" his cries grew quiet for a moment, then much louder than before.

ginko continued walking deeper into the town, regardless of the imminent danger he just discovered. "this is very...depressing." he said as he slowed his pace. "i wonder what the others are doing right now..." ginko thought to himself as he stopped and shoved his hands in his pockets. he then turned down a dirt road that led into a much more abandoned part of town.
"Um, hello..." Leibas pointed to his ears and tail. "Cat. Mouse-cake. Solution." He looked around where he was. "Man, where is that yet-to-be-revealed monster? Do I need to tempt fate or something?"
Kaety winced, and furrowed her brow. She wasn't good with kids, but motherly instincts were kicking in, and she felt really sorry for the little kid. She made a small handkerchief appear, and scooted closer to the child, wiping off his face, "Your mommy is just feeling a bit under the weather. Everyone here is... but you don't seem to be, little one. What happened? You feel fine, right?"

(If you guys are waiting for me to make a monster, you guys can just come up with something :3)
((Since I have been absence,I will be with Ginko))

Reliana looked over at the moment they ar wondering around the town,except for Miss Keaty and Noelle!"She explained with a smile.Because of her latent sound powers she is able to hear a great distance,but since the town is huge her hearing has toned down to just the group's frequencies,and the area around herself and Ginko.

Reliana looked at Ginko as they turned,"Your theory about the souls could be true,but I don't think they have lost their souls,more like they have lost their perception.Some thing could have drainned them of their perception,and in turn used it for dark arts.Your perception is the way your mind views things,such as you see something in the distance it is small,but as it gets closer it is larger.If a person could control this,then they would be able bust your skull from a distance,with just a pinch."She pondered as she looked through the history book.Reliana searched for any tales of a person with such power,"back to your soul idea!If their soul was taken then their bodies would be nothing but a shell,but these people seem to be walking about and doing as they please,as if nothing has changed at...all....,"The young maiden thought about it for a second,and then her eyes shot up,"A TIME TRAP!"She screeched rather louder than a normal person.
the child quieted his crying to a soft whimper. he was slightly comforted by kaety's concern. "it was the day i chased the butterfly into the forest. i was playing in the forest like i always do, then there was the prettiest butterfly i had ever seen. i followed it deeper into the forest. i caught the butterfly then started walking back home, when i got back every thing was grey and black, and mommy and daddy.....Uuuwaaaaa!!" the child broke out into tears again. burdened as he resurfaced his memories.

ginko looked to her, suprised by her sudden outburst. "maybe your right. i hadnt looked at it that way before." he didnt mind the company, being alone in this town was kind of creepy, no matter how prepared you were. "you always bring that thing along with you?" he asked referring to the hefty history book she had. her sound perception was great, and he knowledge of that book. but she might not prove very useful in a battle, he thought to himself.
Reliana chuckled and smiled at him,"Of course not!I found this book in the library.It mostly covers the basic outline of history instead of the full tale..."She explained as she produced another book from her bag.Reliana looked at Ginko,"Concerning your question earlier,I keep all the books in this bag,which I found in the armory.It allows me to store items in here,but I do not know how many...I mostly got books in here on wild-life,Magic,Magic History,and the basics of Magic..."Reliana confessed with a small smirk,as she heard a sound in the vicinity,"Wait!"She whispered as her latent sound powers kicked in.A light sparked off a blade in the alley way,"Someone is watching us,and could be preparing to attack...Act normal!"Her voice would only reach his ears.With a slight tug on his arm,she pulled him along

(Time for a little Minion vs Hero action!)

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