With Doubtful Thoughts

"hmm..." ginko looked down at his bow, thinking that this must already look suspicious, since it was in his hand. nevertheless he walked at a steady pace. trying to act normal like she said, he continued the conversation. "i attended a magic academy when i was a child. learned all the basics. you should look into it if you end up staying on ciel." if they were about to fight ginko was glad, it would give him a chance to apply the principles of magic kaety explained to him the night before.
"You should be careful little guy," Kaety said, opening her arms to him, "You could have gotten hurt. What's your name, huh? And how old are you?" She pouted slightly, looking up for a moment at the mother, who was staring blankly at a basket of fruit on a table. The mother seemed to have absolutely no emotions, even for her child. Kaety looked back at Noire, "Something is really wrong... Even this... its just..... it shouldn't be possible Noire. I am worried..." She gazed back to the child, and pursed her lips, "Hey, I will try my hardest to make everybody better. Everyone here will. You should probably come with us though. Ok?"
"Hmm..." Noire stared at the faces of the people. They didn't seem to notice they were there, or give any other motion towards them. "I would definitely ask one of the people here, if they were not... Zombified like this. Perhaps an non-native force intruded here and caused the place to go like this before the boy gone home... But I can't ever be sure, because I didn't know exactly what happened here."
Church had been following this group slightly from a distance watching what they did. He was especially perplexed by the girl whom dispersed wolves because she seemed to know quite a lot about him. Church didnt understand why she knew so much about him and he planned to answer her questions but not infront of the other girl. He was about fifty feet away from the group when they were with the child sitting on his haunches.
"All this stalking around is stupid!"A older female spat as she stepped out from an alley,a distance ahead.The woman clad in jewelry and expensive clothing looked completely out of place,just as they did.Her clothing clean and white,danced with the sun,"I'm Claudine and I have come to kill you,so prepare to die..."She barked nonchalantly as if she says that everyday,which she probably did.A shadow appeared next to Claudine,as once more another female appeared next to her,dressed in rags fit for a thief,she muttered,"Hmph..."This girl was the once with the dagger,preparing herself for the kill,but another presence stood behind the hero couple,"Hello my toys,I am the great and amazing soldier,Zonyer!"He said putting emphises on his names with a bright smile,only fit for a prince.

Reliana looked at Ginko,"Well,3 against two is un-fair,but fun,and I do like a challenge."She chuckled as she brushed her red hair out her face,then took a stance ready for anything.Looking over at Ginko,"I hope you can handle yourself..."Reliana joked as the sun beamed down on them.
"i'm allen. and im six." the child walked toward kaety when she opened her arms. he then stopped for a moment when she said they should leave. "no, i have to stay here until mommy gets better!" allen said cowering behind his mothers dress. "i cant leave her...' his eyes grew watery once again. "before father left he made me promise to protect her, i cant let him down.." 
"hmph, this should be fun." ginko looked toward relaina then toward their adversaries. he drew three arrows and clutched them between his fingers. "May the winds of the north guide my arrows!" he yelled wasting no time coating his arrows. after he uttered that a whitish aura coated the three arrows as he loaded them into his bow. "i dont plan on wasting any time here." he then released his bow firing the three arrows at the woman with the jewelry, which seemed to be the leader.
The small ragged girl jumped in front of Claudine,while she herself just ducked,"Heh!"She groaned as she was blown back like a rag doll.Claudine smirked and chuckled,"Hahaha!Simple commoner,you couldn't just attack me like that.Do better or else you will die quickly,which I'm hoping will happen."She lifted up her hand to show her palm,three dark orbs formed above her head,"Long-Range battle shall begin."She mocked as the Zoryne charged to attack them from the back,to which Reliana quickly lifted her leg in donkey kick style,"Quick Shot!"She roared as her leg shot back below to the ground,followed by Reliana bouncing from wall to wall.With her athletic background,and the way her body is on Ciel,hand-to-hand combat would be a breeze for Reliana.After a somersault Reliana aimed a kick at Zoryne once more,but he quickly dodged,"You BITCH!My face is too beautiful for rug-rat shoes!"He barked at her as anger flooded his eyes,this only caused Reliana to chuckle and laugh at him,"Hey Ginko,these guys will be a breeze!"She giggled as she took her fighting stance one more.
Auron watched everybody disperse into their own directions. He looked at Kashika as he stood there.

"Follow me if you want to. I'm leaving," Auron said as he climbed on top of the building that was in front of the village. Its easier to see everything from higher up he thought as walked along the top of the buildings.
"Astounding.." ginko said as he was amazed by relaina's speed. "i cant be shown up by an earthling." ginko mused. when he shot the last arrow he realized the smaller girl was willing to give her life for the leader. "i see," ginko's first priority was to keep him and relaina safe, and secondary was to destroy their enemies. "i cant let her launch that attack." he then reached into his satchel and began to rapidly fire arrows at the black orbs forming in her hands.
Auron noticed a sound of a fight nearby. Running across the buildings, he quickly reached the destination of where the fight was. He stayed on the roofs and watched. He was waiting for an opening.
The black orbs began to fire at each and everyone of the arrows,clashing with them,then breaking them in the process,"Hmph,a person like me shouldn't have to deal with mongrels like!"She whined as she flicked a wrist and the orb sharpened and flew at Ginko.The girl that was previously thrown back,was back on her feet and rushing at Reliana,who was dealing with Zoryne,a muscle freak.Reliana's natural ability in combat was something very useful,but she didn't think she could take on two people,both of which have something insanely strong about them.The girl's speed was double that of Reliana's,and Zoryne's strength was something unbelievable.He was easy to throw around and piss off,but if he hit her,there would be a problem,"Ugh!I love a challenge,but just one of these guys is a challenge!"She groaned as she tried her best dodge,but was cut on the cheek on neck,by the ragged thief girl.
((your right.)) ginko jumps into a backlip dodging the sharpened orbs. while in the air, he fires an arrow at the smaller girl that was charging in toward relaina. 'i wish i could be more useful in this...but im no good up close. hmph, this will have to do for now.' after landing from his backflip he dashed back twice and surveyed the area. "but relaina's not strong enough.....we need somone else to help her while i take out their leader..." ginko said thinking aloud.
(I concur, GM controlling monsters take away the bias to your own character affect) 
Auron finally found his opening. Zoryne's grew lax due to her ally joining the fight. He crept around to a building that was closer to Zoryne. Right before she was about to Lunge at Reliana, He did a Dynamic Entry to he her face knocking her to he ground.

"Stop being mean," he said picking up a stick nearby with a smirk on his face. He did different stances with the stick, making it seem that he knew how to use some sort of weapon.

"Because if your not careful, I might kill you," he said with cutting eyes. He was a pretty good street fighter and with his parkour ability, granted him a fusion of formless moves that went with the flow. He is able to use his entire environment in his fights. 
(I'm assuming Zoryne doesnt have a weapon)
{Yep. And it stops the entire fight from being blocked up into a few huge posts. Looks like you're outvoted ;) } I laughed cheekily and said, "An important part of friendship is learning to share.". After a quick scribbling on my arm, a sparkly rainbow sprouted from the Quill as I wiggled my fingers and professed, "The more you know.".
(Well crap. I just didn't want it to be insanely slow. :( I will do it, but I can't until I get home...)
Zoryne hit the ground and began to roll backwards,till he was next to Claudine,after he rolled up to his feet,"AHHHH!!WHAT IS WITH YOU PEOPLE AND MIND FACE!!I KNOW IT IS GORGEOUS,BUT I WOULD PREFER IF YOU KEPT YOUR JEALOUS ACTS INSIDE INSTEAD OF ON MY FACE!!!"He yelled in torment over his face,which was something that was comparable to the most beautiful girl on earth.Zoryne was a pretty boy and he knew it,which was why he detested fighting,even though he loved it.The small girl,or so it appeared, reeled back after getting shot in the arm by Ginko,then kicked into the wall by Reliana.The girl stood up,and towered over Claudine.Her small appearance from before was nothing but a physical illusion she created just by crouching down,"You shrimps arn't weak as I thought you all were!I will give you that,but you all could still need some work.You girl,you have magical talent but have not used or do not know how to use.Archer boy,archers are ment for support and long-range combat,but they should know a little close-quarters.And you,a stick really?"The woman said as she pulled the wrap from around her face,revealing a 20+ mature lady,that had just went through the hero's giving them advice instead of criticising them.

Reliana stared at her in disbelieve,"Did this person really just give us advice,good advice at that!She is right I should really learn to us my powers..."Reliana thought as she raised her hands in the time-out sign,"Time-out?"mumbled Reliana hoping for an agreement.Claudine huffed,"There is no time out in war-fare!I am royalty and I say no time out!"Which was met by a slap cross the head a death stare from the 'new' leader,a second later the woman nodded signaling a yes.Anybdy could tell that this woman was a manipulater,and would do anything to get what she wants,but she is also a fair person.She thinks her crew is much stronger than the heros,but her crew has some major weaknesses that are very apparent.
Kaety sighed, "Your mommy won't get better all by herself. We need to help her. Ok? Do you wanna help your mommy? I am sure with your help we can do it." She smiled sweetly at the boy, wishing to comfort him. She didn't like it when anyone was upset, but a sad child just tugged at her heartstrings.

In a different area of town, a black and white version of Jason and Leibas were walking together, but they weren't void of emotion. Instead, both mimics had wicked smiles on their faces as they walked up to the real Jason and Leibas. They said nothing, and instead just stared at the real ones eerily.
Leibas looked at the monochrome versions of themselves. He turned to them and had a gentlemanly smile in comparison to his alternate's wicked smile. "Good day, me. I look like I've just heard a great joke. Would I mind if I shared it with myself?" He said, trying to use as many confusing pronouns as possible. He had also used a British accent to add icing to the cake.

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