With Doubtful Thoughts

The monochrome version of Leibas laughed, then copied Leibas word for word, even using the same voice, "Good day, me. I look like I've just heard a great joke. Would I mind if I shared it with myself?" The monochrome Jason laughed too, then the wicked smiles were plastered back on their faces. The monochrome Leibas pushed back the fake Jason a bit, then walked closer to Leibas, and bowed, then kicked him in the shin and ran back behind the fake Jason. Where he had kicked the real Leibas, it was black and white, whereas, on the fake Leibas's shoe, there was a small bit of color where he had made contact with the real Leibas.

(Oh gods... that paragraph was torturous.)
My eyes widened imperceptibly at Fake Leibas' actions, and with with horror I glanced down at where the fake had kicked him to see the color leeched from the spot. I looked over at the Fake Leibas' shoe and saw the missing color; he had stolen it. Time to board a ship!, that ever-present voice in my head chimed, and I thought back to it flatly, Shut up unless you can help. Out loud I admonished, "Well that was mean. Whoever copied you must not have taught you how to play nice.", in a Scottish accent, wagging my finger at our doubles.
Leibas grasped his shin in pain, noticing the change in color. "Oh boy, my evil twin now has a British accent and soon your evil twin will have a Scottish accent... Awesome." He said, not appearing to be scared. "Let me guess, you're stealing my creativity aren't you. You're going to try to turn me into one of you. After you are all colorful like myself, you'll be one of those comedic sociopaths that make people laugh while you kill them. And might succeed if it weren't for one thing:" He then looked them in the eyes. "You ruined my shoe. I like my shoe."
The fake Jason looked at the real Jason, and then to the fake Leibas. The fake Jason walked to the fake Leibas, and bent down, peeling the color off of where it had attached to fake Leibas. Fake Jason mimicked Jason, even with the accent and the wagging of the finger, "Well that was mean. Whoever copied you must not have taught you how to play nice." Fake Jason looked behind him, and seemingly out of nowhere, a colorless bat flew over to the group. "Bat!" said the fake Jason, and the fake Leibas smiled, then frowned and glared at fake Jason, "Color?!" The fake Jason pouted, then tossed the color bit at fake Leibas, it landing right where it was gained, back onto fake Leibas's shoe.

Fake Leibas started saying, "I like my shoe." Over and over again, while fake Jason walked up to Jason and started a staring contest with him, "Play nice! Play nice!" He seemed like some sort of crazed child.
I glared at Fake Me. He was starting to get annoying, repeating the same thing over and over again, but I couldn't let that distract me. If what Real Leibas said was true, then we couldn't touch them, or we'd get our creativity sucked out and end up like the rest of the town. Fake Jason had created a bat, so they could at least simulate our powers, but I wondered if they shared our comomn sense. "Leibas is such a dork. He couldn't take the color out of a lollipop.", I said loudly, counting on my double to repeat it and counting on Real Leibas to not believe it. Of course, since Fake Jason was a copy of me (probably), it was possible he had come up with the exact same plan as me.
The fake Jason shook his head, repeating though, "Leibas is such a dork. He couldn't take the color out of a lollipop." The fake Leibas rolled his eyes, "I guessed wrong! Wrong wrong wrong! Or would it be you that was wrong? I can't turn you into me! You can't be like them! They all normal! Huuuumans. Normal normal human people thingies! They have no magic. You have magic. I just want color, so I can be like you, an-" "NO! YOU DON'T SAY THAT! It adds suspense if you don't!" interrupted the fake Jason, then he continued, "Besides. Mr. Boss person told us not to..." Fake Leibas shrugged, and walked up to Jason, then his jaw unhinged, and a hissing noise came out, alone with tons of sharp, tiny teeth.
Churchill walked around off in the back ground watching the colored and black and white people argue an struggle about with each other. He shifted back into his human form as he watched the scene go down,smoke erupted slowly from multiple parts of his body as he shifted. He started walking around again attempting to find the girl that had known so much about him even though she still had questions. Church tried to remain hidden,staying against walls and trees.
('Came out' as in grew or 'came out' as in shot?)

A strangled noise came out of my throat as I slowly took a couple of steps back, raising the Quill threateningly. I didn't know what I was going to do with an archaic pen, but after a few seconds I thought of something. My arm shot forward, and on Fake Leibas' chest I wrote 'sword goes here'. I thought maybe a sword would suddenly impale him, but instead the Quill began to glow. It elongated to over three feet long before the light faded, and in my hand I clutched the hilt of a shortsword. "Lovely.", I said in the Scottish accent.
(Grew in quickly.)

Fake Leibas looked down at his chest, and laughed at the ink, a creepy smile on his face. He looked back up, as fake Jason scooted off to the side, standing politely next to real Leibas. Fake Jason said what Jason had said, "Lovely." Fake Leibas yawned, and fake Jason leaned against real Leibas, no color coming off of him, "Can I call for a switch! A switch a switch please!" Fake Leibas nodded, and smiled at real Jason, both faces back to normal by now.
"Hnnnn...", I whined as I backed away a little more, sword raised defensively. I didn't like where this was going, wherever that was, and the way Fake Leibas was leering at me was starting to border on pedophilic. I shivered.
"Oh, I know what's going to happen. Anything I do the fake me is going to do to you and vice-versa." Leibas said, "But if we don't do anything, they are going to act on their own." He then went into a pondering pose, tilting his head down and resting his chin on his closed hand, to see if the other him would do the same.
((sorry guys, i wont be posting on here for a while, my computer is pretty broken and idk how to fix it. so um, someone can take control of the kid, and TagochiRein can take control of ginko until i return.))
((Sorry, my Alerts weren't telling me that people were posting on this thread till recently, I'll post as soon as I catch up with reading it all))
((Np HaruAketchi and dististik))

The fake Leibas and Jason glared at real Leibas. Fake Leibas did the same pose that the real one did, then tilted his head to the side, "We don't copy everything you do." Fake Jason shook his head, "Nope! Just most. Called studying. We do what we were told, and this is what we have to do..." Fake Jason looked at fake Leibas, and pouted, "I wanna fight me. Can I fight me? Pleaseeee?"
There were several comments I could make to this but I settled on, "Bring it on, copycat. I could beat me with one hand tied to an assault rifle.". I made a couple practice swings with the sword and found that the Quill must have given me a magical understanding of the weapon it had turned into.
"Oh good." Leibas said, "I think we've put this off long enough." Leibas then got his retractable claws ready for the fight.
(Now I am out, but I am packing. I have I go to my dads. I will pack my lappy with me though. :/ sorry I am slowing you guys down. I really am trying.)
The fake Jason smiled, and bowed politely, the sword appearing in his hand, then darted toward the real Jason and swung hard. It had no sense of fear, and was now smiling again like an insane patient in a straight jacket. The fake Leibas smiled a little more sweetly, and got his claws ready in the same way, walking up to Leibas slowly, and menacingly.
I could say that I brought my sword up to gracefully meet Fake Me's swing, but I would be lying. It's more like the sword brought itself up and dragged my hand along for the ride. I may know how to use the thing, but my reflexes needed work. The two blades met with a CLANG, the shock traveling up my arm and making it slightly numb.
Leibas looked at his doppelganger and took a defensive stance, ready to dodge the next few hits. He still wasn't sure what that color-swap was all about and he didn't want to throw a punch just to cause his hand to turn gray.

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