With Doubtful Thoughts

The fake Jason pushed hard against Jason, then bounced off and looked at his sword, then at the real Jason, "You get much slower and you won't live too long." He dashed towards him again, and swung towards his legs instead, hard and fast. Fake Leibas at the same time struck out at the real Leibas, and swung out a leg, trying to trip him.

(Oh gods. I am so sorry it took me so darn long. My weekend was absolutely insane.)
"I'll be sure to start training after I pound you into sand, you monochromatic mirror image!", I yelled, jumping over the blade fast-approaching my legs. My sword was already dragging my hand into a slashing arc, cutting a deep slash into Fake Me's chest with a flash of reflected sunlight. The wound widened with the pained recoil of my doppelganger, a substance that looked like ink flowing out of it.

(Aw, it's okay. Life: Whattaya gonna do?)
Leibas saw the fake him swing out its leg to trip him, so he did a powerful kick to the colored area, wondering if hitting the fake him there would swap the color back. He then stepped back and was once again in a evasive stance. "Hey Jason, could you draw me a weapon or something? I don't want to touch this guy."
"Sure thing! How's a sword sound?", I asked him, never taking my gaze off of my double as I - "OW!", I cried, pulling Bat off for the...actually, I had lost count. "Okay, you really need to stop doing that.", I told him firmly before replacing him on my shoulder.
The color tore off of Fake Leibas, and he frowned, "Hey! No fair! I got that color fair and square!" The Fake Jason sat on the ground, and looked at the ink flowing out of his chest. He felt no real pain, but knew it wasn't a good thing. Where the ink touched the ground, it stained it a blackish color. He laughed then at the Fake Leibas, and stood, "You are colorless again!" The Fake Leibas rolled his eyes, and looked at the real Leibas and Jason, "You see what I have to deal with?"

The bat flying around Fake Jason tried to bite him too, then he shooed it off and it went after the real Jason. The Fake Jason lunged at the Real one, a bit slower because of the gaping wound, and he swung at his midsection hard and fast. The Fake Leibas on the other hand, stared for a moment, before trying to give the real Leibas a very close shave with his claws.
Leibas bended backwards and barely avoided the fake him's claws. "I could really use a sword right now." He said to Jason, "The way I figure it, if you touch a colorless part, the color is stolen from the colored part that connects. The same applies to them."
I easily stepped out of range of the swing and, with the best acting I'd done in my life, asked concernedly, "You're moving quite slow...you must be tired. Sleep deprivation is a serious matter...maybe you should rest for a bit? Yes, I think that'd be best. Just take a little nap, and then we can go back to fighting. I'll even write up a bed for you.". I did just that after the Quill reverted back to itself, stooping to write 'bed' on the ground, and a frame of rock erupted from the ground and was filled by a stream of cloud flowing down from the sky. "Like sleeping on air. Would you like me to sing you a lullaby?", I asked him curiously. I discreetly wrote 'separate sword' on my pant leg and pulled a sword out of my pocket, tossing it to Leibas as he bent backward to avoid his Fake's claws.
Noelle stared down discontently on the boy with her red eyes. "Kaety, do you really think we should bring this kid with us?" She whispered lightly, for the boy not to hear. "He seems... Way childish. Not like I'm soft, I just don't see him coming with us on some journey so dangerous."

((Sorry for shorty post~))
(Sorry its taking me so long... issues going on, plus laptop barely came on. Pm me you guys? I will be honest, I don't know entirely how to fix it, so I want your help ^.^)
(Well. First thing is first. Who is still here? Character wise. Two, do you want me to kind of do a restart? Skip the town, since it didn't quite work, and move on? If you have other ideas, please say them.)
(-headdesk- F*** busy week after busy week. I have had time to reply to hardly any of my Rps. I am so sorry... T.T)
"You have a good point Noire," Kaety said, not hushing her tone, "Alright. Little guy, you have to be brave. You have to make sure that your mommy stays safe and sound. Stay with her. She won't notice you, but you should still make sure she is safe." After that was said and done, Kaety pulled Noire along, going towards Liebas and Jason. She had heard commotion off in that direction, and needed to go see what was going on.

The fake Leibas and Jason were having a difficult time, but both decided to attack again respectively. The Jason wanna be struck out with the sword again after getting off of the makeshift bed that had appeared, "Comedian much? This isn't supposed to be a comedy you know!" The fake Leibas clawed at its fighting partner furiously, meaning to claw skin off of his face if he could.

Kaety came up on the scene then with Noire, and called out to Leibas and Jason, "Need any help? Or do you have this one?" She was suitably impressed with the efficiency with which they seemed to be fighting, and was curious about how well they could be.
The fake him's attacks were too wild and weren't all that accurate, but the amount of times he swung made Leibas have to dodge a lot. As he analyzed the fake him, he realized why his attacks weren't getting through as much. "On second thought, don't give me a sword. Give me a quarterstaff or something blunt. The sharper something is, the less likely it is going to hit someone." He said to Jason while still dodging the claw strikes. He then said to Kaety, "I'm sorry, but the number you are dialing is busy at the moment. Please hang up and call again later."
I absently slashed the Quill in the direction of the sword I threw him, and reacting to my will it changed into a tall...bo-staff? Eh, close enough. "Anything can be a comedy if it's funny enough.", I remarked, stepping to the side to avoid the sloppy lunge. I grasped my copy's wrist and, ignoring the color drain, changed the Quill back to a sword and chastized, "Jay, you know better than to play with things you don't know how to use. Put the sword down before you -". I paused as I drove the Quill into the fake's eye, the blade resisting a little before it erupted out the other side of his head, then continued, "Poke somebody's eye out.".

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