With Doubtful Thoughts

Kaety looked around at everyone, then rested her eyes on Leibas, a little confused with his question. "I don't know what that is..." she said, tilting her head, "However, if you have that type of magic, I suppose it would work...." Kaety really didn't know for sure. She didn't even really know what the song of storms was. "Come on everyone. Stop what you're doing, we need to go before it gets too late in the day!" With that she started walking, down a staircase, and onto flat ground eventually. The staircase seemed a lot shorter than it should have been, a magic spell she had put on it a long while ago. It would be about an hour though, before they got to the village, one downside of living so secluded.
"Thank you," Auron said as he examined the book in his hands. Auron followed after Kaety.

"You guys better hurry up or you'll be left behind," said Auron to Kashika and Leibas as he exited the library. He remembered that he still didn't ask Kaety of his ability that he was able to use earlier. Kaety seemed to be in a hurry to leave so he decided to ask when the mood was more suitable.
Noelle hummed. "Even if it's dangerous out there, I don't have any armor with me. Nor do I have any weapons. Sure, I may know how to spin a dagger or two, but I won't be any use to anyone fighting with it..." Noelle yawned and, after finishing her apple, threw the core into the garbage bin. Nonchalantly she proceeded to the starts, walking some distance behind Kaety to follow her to wherever they were going.
I gave Leibas a deadpan stare for a moment before saying matter-of-factly, "You are my new favorite person.". I then vacated the library at a swift pace, rearranging my hands so I held the quill in one and the inkwell in the other, the paper hanging loosly between two fingers. I uncorked the inkwell, dipped the quill into it, and brought the tip to the page to write...but by the time it got there the quill had dried. Not as in the ink had hardened, no. There was absolutely no trace of ink anywhere on the quill. I furrowed my brow in confusion and dipped the quill in again, letting it sit and paying attention the time. In a matter of seconds the quill had absorbed all the ink in the well, leaving it spotless and shining. "Not so good for writing, but maybe a cleaning utensil...", I murmured, scratching the tip on the page just to try. To my surprise, ink blossomed on the page as surely as if I had touhed a pen to it.

Now even more perplexed than before, I found myself walking out onto the place I had arrived and descending a set of steps. I set the inkwell on the ledge as I went, turning my attention to walking lest I fall off the cliff. It took much less time than it should have to reach the bottom of the mountain, and I found myself once again marveling at the wonder of this place. But no time for magical transportation, I had to puzzle over why my feather acted as a stain remover.
"well, ill protect you." ginko said with a halfhearted smile. he could barely protect himself with the third rate bow he had. he then also followed after kaety and the others. wondering what this village was like. she said that it was black and white, but even living on ciel his entire life he hadnt heard of something like that. this was a very diverse group of people kaety had aquired, this could prove interesting he thought.
I began to ponder what the quill could do. Evidently it could write without an inkwell, but that wasn't very magical... actually, it was pretty mundane when you considered pens had already been invented. "Twinkle twinkle little bat, how I wonder where you're at. Up above the world so high, like a tea tray in the sky...", I sang suddenly, laughing soon after. On a whim I wrote 'bat' on the paper Kaety had given me, and I yelped as it jumped out of my hands to start folding itself. I watched with wide-eyed fascination and fear as, after many folds, it took on the shape of what I had written, a bat. As soon as the last fold had been creased by some unseen hand, the paper caught on fire, and I gasped in surprise. It burned away to ashes, leaving a perfectly normal bat in it's place. A bat that seemed to be unconscious, as it flopped to the ground after the paper had been burned away. I was somewhat scared of the thing I had somehow created and/or summoned, but after a few seconds that fear gave way to curiosity and pity. I stooped to pick the poor thing up, placing him on my shoulder before continuing after the others. I could feel his claws clutching my shirt weakly, so at least he wasn't dead. Comforted by the thought, I returned my attention to the quill. Actually, something so obviously magical should be capitalized. Ahem... Comforted by the thought, I returned my attention to the Quill.
"It's nice to know that someone likes me." Leibas said before pondering for a few seconds. He then shrugged his shoulders and started to play the ocarina.





ll ---- Leibas played --- ll

ll ----- Sun's song ----- ll


He then looked up at the sky to see if it would actually change the time.
"Meet back," Kaety said, looking back at Jason for a moment, before glancing at Leibas playing a song. She shrugged it off, and kept walking. As she walked, she instructed the group, "Alright, once we get there, we split into groups. I am going with either Auron or Ginko, whichever of you thinks you will be more helpful. The town is large, and as I said, the people have little to no emotion left in them. They do, however, still carry on normal routines." She sighed, the black and white town slowly coming into view.

The sun was almost directly above their heads as they neared the town. The line between bleak and regular colors wasn't a straight one. It curves, like someone had splattered paint, only in reverse. As the first colorless townspeople were visible, she looked back at the group, stopping for a moment, "Be careful. All of you. I can sense foul magic at play here. True dark arts. Also, I think there is another group here investigating. Part of one of the factions probably. I do not know what they will do."

She looked at Auron and Ginko, and nodded at them before she spoke to the group again, "Try finding any clues! Anything might help. If it seems more out of the ordinary than usual, find me, or bring the object to me. If it is an occurrance that is strange, again, stay safe. Now then... Try your best!" With that, she turned and walked into the town.

Her color stayed with her, but the feeling of the town made her feel uncomfortable and weak. Kaety didn't know why yet but she would find out. She wasn't watching to see who followed her, but honestly she didn't care much. She just hoped someone would find something, and that it would be a peaceful visit.
He extended his hand toward Kaety. "Wait," he said as she walked away, but she was too far to hear. He looked around at the people that was there, then he looked at Ginko.

"I guess this is the part where we split," Auron said as he watched Kaety walk into the colorless town.

"Choose a side," he said looking back at the group. He didn't know what Kaety wanted them to find, but he couldn't let her down.
Leibas was slightly disappointed when it didn't turn to night. Soon after walking into the town, he heard the word 'split'. " 'Alright let's split up, gang. Daphne, Velma, and I will go down this way while Shaggy and Scoobie-Doo go that way.' " He said, trying to make his voice sound like Fred's, but then changed his expression to serious. "Yeah, no. This is beginning to turn into a fantasy-horror genre. And if yelling at people in horror movies has taught me anything, it's that we shouldn't split up." He then pondered for a second. "Also, does anyone have the ability to break the fourth wall? I'd really like to know when the soundtrack changes."
(Lost? It's a simple case of breaking the fourth wall.)

I raised an eyebrow at Leibas' comments. "I think you just did. And anyways, what do you think this is, some sort of story?", I asked incredulously, then turned to look at completely empty space and added, "Breaking the fourth wall, HA! He might as well have suggested we ask the author for advice.". I turned back to Leibas and said, "As for not splitting up, I disagree with that, too. We'd get through this much quicker if we all split up into easily-picked-off groups of one and two to explore this town full of places enemies way out of our leagues could be waiting to assassinate us from.". I held my annoyed look for a few more seconds before I chuckled and said, "But seriously, I agree that splitting up is bad.".
"well this should prove to be entertaining." ginko said as he took his bow of his back and tightened his arrow satchel. he then turned his attention to lebias and jason. "im sure we'll be fine. im a skilled archer and kaetys just short of a demi-god. then theres that golem guy." he said pointing back to kashika. "would have to be a very powerful foe to take us all down." ginko then walked over and stood next to Auron. "yes, choose a side, as Auron said." ginko said tightening the vines on his bow. 

weirdbraxto said:
(I am so lost D:)
just arrived in that black and white town, just post where u fit in. right now were splitting up into two teams. one team with ginko, and the other with auron.

"Before you attempt to beat the odds, be sure you could survive the odds beating you. Overconfidence precedes carelessness", I quoted in the voice of a wise old British man from one of my great-great-grandparents' old movies. I think his name was...Rumbleroar? No, that's not it...Oh well.
"Considering that we're in a world that is different than our own, the chances of us being in a story are better than not. And I'm not breaking the fourth wall, I'm leaning on the fourth wall. If I looked out into space and talked to an invisible audience spouting hypocritical humor, it would be breaking the fourth wall unless I was mocking someone." Leibas replied before hearing the intentional absurdity of the last sentence and laughed with him. "You seriously have to teach me how to know when you're joking. Also the monsters go after the group with the comedy relief, putting people like me in serious danger. Double danger if I was black, and I have no intention of being racist."
ginko turned his back to jason, seeing kaety walk away. "im sure you have never been in battle where your from." he then turned back to jason. "so you couldnt possibly know what i mean. but nevertheless.." ginko then began walking toward jason. "if worse comes to worse, we always have that little sketchbook of yours." he said looking at the journal, recalling the bat he had made earlier.
Kaety stopped and looked back at the group, who seemed to be sort of debating something. She called out to them loudly, "You guys?! Anybody going with me? Or am I all alone?" She frowned, though she doubted anyone could see from that distance. Kaety didn't want to really go alone, and she would like to get to know at least one person more. "If you want, it can be two people with me! If you guys can't decide..." She said, walking back towards them, still frowning. She wanted to get work done, and figure it all out, starting with the groups.

(O my gosh. I love your fourth wall breaking XDDD It is so funny!)
(Breaking? Oh no, breaking things is bad. We're leaning on it.)

I looked down at the Quill and piece of paper, still clutched in my hands, then back up at him and said, "I made an unconscious bat. What's it gonna do, flop our enemies to death?". The bat in question, apparently recovered, bit my ear. "Ow!", I cried, pulling it away from the appendage by the nape of it's neck, glaring at it's seemingly smug face.
((That's smashbro for you. ovob~))

Noelle sighed. Couldn't they just have all gone at once? It's not like they would be that suspicious in a town like this. For all she cared, they were spouting nonsense. She attempted to walk on her own, but saw that Kaety didn't want to go alone and so she walked back towards the group. "If you want, I'll go with you. I'd rather not stay with an idiotic comedian, an optimistic archer who seems to want to be my friend badly, and a gigantic, seemingly-dangerous golem who might accidentally sit on me and utterly crush my bones in the process..."
I looked from the bat to Noelle with a sad expression on my face and my ears drooping. "OW!", I cried again, turning back to the bat who had, once again, bitten my ear.
"i see..." ginko said refering to noelle in disappointment. he never knew that trying to make freinds was a bad thing. "but jason." he then looked toward jason. "you just need a bit more mana control. then you should be able to dictate whether your creations have life or not." ginko then looked toward kaety once again. "splitting up is a good idea, but i didnt know it would be this difficult to choose who was going with who."
"Sure," Kaety said, looking at Noire, "Why not?" She smiled at the girl, then looked to the others again, "Ok, if anyone else wants to go with me, then come along." Kaety turned, and again began walking to the city, "That is true Ginko. You should help lead some others. They shouldn't get too lost though. It is a black and white town. It might be a little hard to get lost... hmm... Up to you all! I am going now. We are wasting too much time."

She grabbed onto Noire's hand, and pulled her along at a brisk pace, into the city. She turned down the first road on the left, and slowed down. Kaety looked at all the buildings, in some places they seemed almost to run like wet paint. The black blurred. It was almost like a depressing, unfinished painting. "Well... Let's see what we can find..."
"I think my creation has a little too much life right now.", I said passive-aggressively, not turning away from the bat again. My ear had learned it's - "OW!", I cried a third time, recoiling from the bat chomping on my nose. "If you were intelligent, you'd know biting is bad.", I growled and, holding the bat in one hand, brought the Quill to it's chest. I had no idea what I thought was going to happen when I wrote 'intelligent' on it, but I could safely say I didn't expect it to speak. "Just because it's bad doesn't mean I'm not gonna do it.", the bat said cheekily, straining forward to quickly nip my nose. It was too far away for an actual bite, but it still kinda smarted.
(Yay! I'm famous!)

"Well if we're being forced to split up, I'm going with Jason." Leibas said, "It will prove my point and I won't be bored." He then looked at Jason to find that a bat was attacking him. "Us comic relief have to stick together."

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