With Doubtful Thoughts

after a couple minutes of gazing at the sky, ginko stood and shoved his hands in his pockets. he then let out a long sigh, "i shouldnt let those dreams affect me anymore, and i definitely cant let anyone else see me like that." he then slowly walked back into the house, looking down at his feet the entire time. as he walked inside he heard noire in the kitchen talking with kaety. "good-morning." he said as we also walked into the kitchen, trying to shake the mood that horrid dream had given him.
Kashika awoke in the darkness in the room, the only light coming from the fireplace of this long, forgotten forge. He stood up, hearing the rocks all over him rearranging a bit. He opened the door, seeing the window and natural light looming in with it, this was the first time in years Kashika has seen the sun, there is no sun in the alleyways, the smoke of the city would cloud it out anyways. He heard the voices of others strolling around the house, I guess it was time for everyone to wake up. He immediately heard his stomach growl and he grabbed it. "I need food..." He decided he would sneak off to the kitchen and find something to eat, old habits never do change. He managed to find his way to the kitchen creaked the door open, seeing all of the rows of pots and pans, and then the large cabnit where the food was held. He rubbed his hands together and licked his lips as he made his way to the pantry, opening it, and just scanning over all the food choices. As he was about to grab something he knocked over a large can, making a large clanky metallic sound.
Jason was simply reading in his room when, suddenly, he felt a wave of extreme fatigue. Being a little insomnic, however, the fatigue failed to put him fully to sleep, and so he was perfectly conscious when his floor decided to get painted with glowing purple symbols. A circle of them, actually. With him in the center. With a yelp of surprise he jumped up and out of the circle, moving about a foot away to observe the symbols. They abruptly vanished, and a moment later reappeared to once again surround him. He yelped again and scampered out of his room into the hall, pausing to look back into his room. The symbols followed. This continued for an impressive amount of time until, with a whimper of fear, Jason found himself trapped between a wall that appeared to be made of the symbols and a corner of his basement. The symbols themselves appeared under him again, and with their prey trapped began to glow brighter and brighter, forcing Jason to shield his eyes. And then, with an inexplicable 'pop', the light vanished.

Jason slowly lowered his arm to find himself standing on a stone patio situated on the side of a high skyscraper of rock and earth, wide at the bottom and tapering to a plateau at the top. On top of this plateau stood a grand castle, though to Jason, who had grown up in a world of gunmetal grey and brick red, the ruins of a barn would seem grand. He turned slowly, wondering where on Earth he was, and was startled to find the sky was not the normal smoggy brown but a bright blue. Blinking in surprise, he glanced down from the robin's egg dome covering the world and chanced upon another astounding revelation: the ground, dizzyingly far below, seemed to be covered in an emerald green carpet, with brown and green...things protruding from it. "Peculiar...", he muttered, "Very peculiar...".
Kaety jumped from the loud noise, a slew of words in other languages escaping her mouth quickly as she stared at Kashika. Her eyes darted back to Ginko, and she sighed, calming down until she heard a loud clap, or pop like sound. Her head turned in the direction of the sound, "Another one! How fun!" She didn't go there yet, instead her head turned back to Ginko, "Goodmorning, by the way. I hope you slept well, but both you and Noelle look like you've been crying. Poor dears." She smiled sweetly at Kashika, "Next time.... don't startle the sleepy sorceress. For your own safety. You can certainly have any food you wish Kashika."
"oh," he said quickly wiping his eyes. "just my allergies.." he said with a false smile. ginko didnt want to admit that he had a horrible dream. his best bet at this point was to forget about it. not like there was something he could do about it anyway. "so, whats our adventure today?" ginko asked as his smile grew wider. he was ready for any task kaety could throw at him.
Jason was very confused, and also mildly afraid, but seeing as nothing had tried to hurt him he wasn't going to freak out... yet. All his life, he'd been asking any Higher Being that would listen (for there had to be something presiding over everything, right?) to let something out of the ordinary happen, and inow that it had hewasn't going to be all scared and ungrateful. He simply sat down where he was and waited for his wise guide to come and tell him what he needed to do, for that's what always happened in stories like this. He admired the vibrant colors around him because, although strange, they were quite beautiful.
Kaety looked at Ginko with a smile, "We will go to the nearby town today, once everyone is up, and ready. I am going to greet the new boy." Without a second thought, she walked out of the kitchen, and to the young boy silently. Her feet made no noise, and she sat next to him, smiling sweetly. Her head turned towards him, and she spoke softly, "Hello there Jason. Do you like the view?"
"Gah!", Jason exclaimed, flinching away from the girl that had seemingly appeared from nowhere. Breathing a sigh of relief, he chastized, "Don't sneak up on people like that.", glaring at her for half a second before breaking into a wide grin and saying, "The view is beautiful.".
Kashika had almost never been so embarrassed in his life, he must have looked like a fool to Kaety, trying to sneak food through. He found something that struck him fancy, a large loaf of bread, freshly and home made, he had never had a scrap of homemade food in his life other then here, it was almost beautiful really. He walked over to Kaety and politely bowed, and with an embarrassed but still tone I-I'm sorry..."
Kaety looked back at Kashika with a smile, "No worries. Eat up. We will all need our strength. Later on could be rough. I do not know." Her eyes moved back to Jason, then to the view, and she sighed in delight, "I love this view as well. This is my house, and I enjoy looking at the view every day. Even though I am used to it, it still strikes me."

She yawned again, and blinked hard, her next word slurring with the sound, "Aaaahnywhays... I am Kaety. Resident Sorceress. You are no longer on Earth, instead this is Ciel. I brought you here. If you want food, it is in the kitchen, you are welcome to anything. In a few hours, we leave for the nearby town." She looked down towards the drop off, swinging her legs like a child, "There, the people and the town itself are black and white. Their personalities too. Don't worry, stepping into it won't make you that color. We need to find out what happened there to make everything so bland.... What do you think?"
Jason took the news that he was on an entirely different planet rather well. Looking out over the small patch of this world, he couldn't imagine any place on Earth looking nearly this...lushious. Jason looked at Kaety, raised an eyebrow, and said quite seriously, "I think that seemed a little racist.". He kept a straight face for three seconds more before letting a smile spread across his face. He immediately wiped it off and said, "But seriously, comparing Earth to this place, I could see how becoming monochromatic would be an indication of a problem.". He looked back down at the view and noticed, just on the edge of the horizon, a small patch of sparkling blue. "It's so...colorful, and pure-looking. Anything that takes that away must be bad.", he concluded, perhaps a little juvenilely.
Kaety looked at him, her brow furrowing, completely missing his joke, "I don't under... Ah well... They literally become black and white. All color stripped of them. Some places have become sepia though, instead of black and white. All quite odd, even for Ciel." She looked the boy up and down, biting her lip softly, "I wonder what you can do now. When you came here, something changed. Something activated. It will become apparent soon I am sure." Kaety patted the boy's back, sighing as she did so. Her hair was still free-flowing, a beautiful white blanket on her head.
"Mmmm...", he hummed thoughtfully, looking down at his hands, "I don't feel any different. I feel like I normally do. Although maybe my normal wasn't so normal in the first place...". He offered a wry smile at this thought, remembering how his surroundings, the people in his life, even life itself seemed so boring in his head. The only vibrant color he'd seen in his life on Earth were those symbols that brought him to Ciel, and the little music he'd heard before giving up on it sounded...artificial, metallic, and flat.
"You'll figure it out soon enough," Kaety said and stood, then played with his ears, "Are these actually normal for you?" She chuckled, then pulled on his arm, beckoning him towards her, "You should really go eat. I can show you where the kitchen is." With that, she turned, walking and expecting him to follow as she continued speaking, "Our journey will be rough, but you will like it here, I am sure of that!"
He playfully swatted at the hand playing with his ear and stood also, hurrying after Kaety while at the same time trying to look like he wasn't. "Yes these are normal for me,", he answered her from earlier, indicating his ears, ", and don't worry. I already do.". He smiled and glanced back at the view, slipping his hands into his pockets. Then...he felt something. Something...fluffy. He closed his hand around the thing and drew it out, holding it up to see. It was...well, he had no idea what it was, seeing as he had never seen a bird before. Someone who had would easily recognize it as a feather, or maybe a quill. "That wasn't there before.", he mused out loud.
"Most humans don't have odd ears," Kaety said matter of fact, and glanced back at him. Her eyebrow raised at the quill, "That is a quill. It is made from a feather of a bird. You write with it." She had no idea why he had it. Now in the kitchen, she tossed an apple towards him, smiling, "Eat up. We have water too if you want it."
He caught the thing she flung toward him with the hand not holding the quill and gazed down at the green ball in his hand. Tilting his head curiously, he brought the ball up to his mouth, took a small bite, and sorta spaced out a bit as the flavour of the thing exploded in his mouth. "Sour...but also sweet. What's it called?", he asked her, looking down at the exposed white inside. Earth had something like this, only they came in pre-packaged cubes and were a sickly grey color. And they didn't taste nearly as good. Or at all, really.
"That's an apple. Is Earth really that bad now-a-days?" Kaety questioned with a frown, "This really needed to happen then. Good. Everything will get better hopefully. After all this is done..." Her words trailed off as her mind thought about the dark possibilities. She was still hiding a lot from the others, like how she could very well end up dead from this. They could as well. She shook her head and smiled at Jason again, "Focus on the quill. What is it saying to you?"
Emily started hearing people wake up and move about the house. She sat up and sniffed the air. "Food," she said aloud. She got up and began following the scent of food to the kitchen. She saw a few people populating the room. "Food," she repeated from outside, "What food are you making and may Emily watch?" She found herself to have a strange interest in watching people cook. It made her want the food that much more but every bone in her body was incapable of making an edible meal. Flashbacks have been spinning through her head all night and she needed to take her mind off of the pointless replays of things she remembered before the creature showed itself. 'It's good at triggering flashbacks, but not helpful ones.' Emily thought. The paranoia was draining from her the longer she went without seeing it. Emily's stomach grumbled at her as the smell of food became more and more abundant throughout the room. She looked at the population in wait for an answer.

((kinadra Thanks for letting moi know ^^ ))
"kaety, can you toss me one of those apples?" ginko said. he saw the newcomer walk in but was waiting to receive his apple before greeting him. there were alot of new people coming over from this, 'earth'. and he didnt understand it all. were there really that many special people on that planet, and what were they even here to do? as far as he was concerned he was just normal ginko, he wasnt sure why he was transported here at all.
Jason blinked, a little bemused by the question. "Um, I don't know...do writing implements usually talk to you in this world?", he asked, half-joking and half-not. It was possible, actually. He looked down at the quill in his hand for a moment, turning it over in his hands, even bringing it up to his nose to sniff it. He tilted his head at it before looking at Kaety and saying, "The only thing I really get the impression to do with this is write.".
Noelle nodded. She would have liked it that way, for nobody else to worry about her. Any problems that were her's were her's... But she didn't know she had tears on her face. She wiped it with her loose sleeve.

She had wandered into the kitchen to put her stubbornness aside; she was hungry. An apple and banana were thrown at her. She caught them and stared at them for a while.


Noelle couldn't recognize the fruits right away. She happily ate them, but they didn't strike her as an apple and banana. "Still Noire..." Noelle insisted they call her that. Noelle was too girly of a name.

"Putting that aside, though..." Noelle turned. She had thought Ginko was there. "Where did you go? I didn't see you in the room when I woke up. You don't have to tell me though, I wanted to know since I was fine with you waking me up early." She then realized he might have not realized she was a wolf, and she cursed to herself under her breath.
ginko then looked toward noire, "noire...? but i thought...hmmm." he then continued staring at her, examining her human form. he had heard of people on ciel that could alternate between beast and human form, but had never actually seen one in person. "so...your able to alternate, between a dog and a human??" he asked slightly intrigued. he wouldve never know that was noire if she hadnt of asked about where he went this morning. since noire was the only person that would know he left. "aanyway," he said coming to terms with her transformation. "i went out for some fresh air this morning, needed to clear my mind."
A sweet aroma filled Auron's room as the morning breeze flowed around in this room. He woke up and sat up looking around his room that he slept in.

"So this is real," he said looking at his injured hand. He had regretted cutting into his hand so deep. I simple would of sufficed he thought as he got up and stretched. He look over and noticed a room that wasn't there before. He walked in and saw something that resembled a shower. How convenient he thought stripping off his clothes and entering his shower.

After getting out, he noticed some clothes that sat in the corner.

"It must be for me," he said as he dried himself off. Reaching for the clothes, he noticed that the injury on his hand had vanished and he felt surprisingly refreshed. He had concluded that it was the shower and left it alone, He figured thinking about it would waste his time. Nothing is normal here.

Putting on his clothes, he thought that it fit perfectly. It seemed to match his style of choice as well. It was extremely flexible and stylish he thought looking at himself in the mirror.

Exiting out of the room, he decided to try his new clothes out. He looked over to the open window and a smile appeared on his face. Its been awhile he thought as he walked to the window. He looked out and planned his descent. He saw the patio and made it a goal to get there

"This should be fun," he said climbing out the window. The architecture was so much easier to climb then on Earth. All the jagged edges and creases made it easier to maneuver around. After descending for a while, he reached a wall. He walked along the edges as he kept his balance. He scaled another wall and continued to do so unto he reached a wall that was a bit too far from the patio. He looked down and saw a loong way down. He smiled out of excitement. The rush began to reach his head.

He held his breathe and broke out into a full sprint. He thought that because of the unreasoning and the supernatural that this world had to offer would help him make this insane jump and he was right. Right before he was about to jump, he felt a force muster up in him and he shot of the ground. He made the jump with his ease as he rolled onto the patio. 
THis is the new clothes. minus the sword 
This is how i look, so picture both<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Anima-.Beyond.Fantasy.full.552073.jpg.c618a8533d536858b746e8d613e30285.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="282" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Anima-.Beyond.Fantasy.full.552073.jpg.c618a8533d536858b746e8d613e30285.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Rai.png.45ccc7d98bf2647e2632aed3d982a7d9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Rai.png.45ccc7d98bf2647e2632aed3d982a7d9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Anima-.Beyond.Fantasy.full.552073.jpg
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(Sorry, was home sick for the day)

Everyone seemed to be flooding in the kitchen, the sweet smells of many different types of food filling the air. Kashika quietly stayed in the back, watching everyone do there thing. He took one of the apples they were throwing around and held it in his palm, then when he tried to grip it the apple shattered, leaving nothing behind but a mess of apple juice on the ground and a peel in his hand. He closed his eyes in disappointment, his current form was making him use a lot of energy, but no food seemed to satisfy his cravings. Silently. he snuck of to the library which was not too far and snatch the book he was looking at, flipping to the missing page. He walked back into the kitchen, a determined face crossed him as he aproched the sorceress. He stuck the book in her face where the page was missing. "Where is this page..."

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