With Doubtful Thoughts

"i didnt get out much..." he said to kaety before she left. he then stood up and stretched his arms. "i guess i should turn in for the night too." he then looked down at noire, "you shouldnt sleep outside...in the mountains of ciel it can get pretty cold at night." he wanted a friend dearly. living in his little house in the mountains with his parents it got lonely. he didnt have many freinds. the closest thing he got to friendship were the animals he hunted in the forests nearby.
Silently and without disturbance, Kashika arose from the table and walked off, in search of another place to sleep, this time for a longer period, he was exashuted it seems. While he stood up and walked away he passed Emily, and with a slight and strong whisper. "Goodnight Emily..." He trailed off in the home, looking around for a proper place to sleep. The home was so nice and well kept that Kashika would feel bad to have damaged anything by laying down, possibly tearing up all of the sorceress things. Then a room that had strong stone floors struck him fancy, there was not much else in the room, it just seemed to be what used to be a forge of some sort, but the room was almost completely cleared out except for some tools on the wall. Nealing and then laying down on the floor, Kashika retired for the night. He felt odd going to sleep though, changed to an extent, he felt that Emily had helped him, but he didn't know how. Before he could finish his thought, he was fast asleep.
Emily watched Kashika get up and walk by as he told her goodnight. As she watched him walk away she looked at all the people arguing and thought about what the girl had said. This planet is Ciel. It is abundant magic but due to the planet it's linked with, Earth, taking a downfall it too is taking a turn for the worse. And she has an ability. Emily thought on all of this and was surprisingly able to comprehend it. She was just curious on what her power was. Emily got up and walked into the house. As she was wandering around looking for a bedroom of some sort she ran into the creature. He was standing in the middle of the hall in a pounce stance, growling at Emily. "Oh. Hello," she said, laughing nervously, "Emily remembers everything so you can leave her alone now." Her legs started shaking as she kept her eyes on the monster. She noticed it had no fur. Only exposed pussy skin, the only hair on it was going in a line from its head down the middle of its back. It's eyes were a blood red shade. As it started to bark at her, Emily looked around for someone to help. "Damn how big this house is," she said in result in seeing no one, "Emily remembers silly dog, you can leave me alone now." She looked back down at it and its eyes and face looked shot with rage. Emily turned around and began running, "Someone help! Emily is I trouble!"
"ughh!" ginko' s eyes snapped toward the house then toward everyone else. "did you hear that?" he then whipped the door open and dashed in. he pulled his bow off of his back and looked for the screaming girl. he looked around desperately trying to find her, the house was so large he would get lost if he looked for her. his only hope was to wait for her to shriek again and follow the sound.
Noelle heard it. A shriek coming from inside the house. It was distinct and she could tell where it was coming from due to her now sensitive hearing. Ginko immediately gone inside to see what it was. Fool, she'd say, especially when you couldn't exactly pinpoint where it came from. Noelle, however, had that ability as a dog. She trotted inside, knocked Ginko up ontop of herself, and used her senses (hearing, smelling, and sight) to locate where the screaming came from. It wasn't very far, so she easily arrived to where the girl was. She dumped Ginko on the ground.
Kashika was instantly awoken by the sound of a scream, Emilies. Though he thought it was her just messing around outside his 'room', so he lazily opened the door and started to speak with a serious and tired tone. "W-what is it now Emily, it is time to retire for the..." He was instantly startled by the beast, it was not here before when he was looking for a place to rest. He looked and saw Emily panicked, and so without thinking he tore a rock off of his shoulder and chucked it at the beast with all his might, though it did little more then just anger the beast as it turned to Kashika. He wasn't sure of what to do, he just took a bracing stance and tried to prepare himself for whatever may come, though he had no idea what to do.
"haha, i told you we'd hunt together." ginko cheerfully said. "but nows not the time for jokes." his tone became serious. he was at a disadvantage, he wasnt able to shoot the beast being this close and we wasnt very skilled at hand to hand combat. but he had to try. he then dashed toward the monster and punched it in the face, with all of his force dropping his bow. after he hit the beast fear crept into him. he wasnt strong enough to fight a monster this powerful at this close of range, and unarmed. "we can do it together!!" he said as he saw kashika throw the rock and with noire by his side. "come on we can do this." he said as he got in a fighting stance, his morale boosted.
Emily looked back at the monster, getting hit by the others. She could tell it was purposely taking hits. "Stop! It's going to-" before she could finish the beast howled and its surroundings erupted into an explosion. Around it everything was on fire. Emily looked at Kashika and the other boy. They were frozen in place. The beast looked back at her. She then realized bits of the blow of due to the explosion were also frozen in place. The monster growled at her as it looked around in shock as well. "Did you do this?" Emily asked, despite knowing it couldn't talk. It then started running at her again. She put her hands out to try to stop it and realized they were glowing. There was a circled symbol rotating around each of her wrists. "Emily did this.." she said in shock as the beast hit her outstretched hands causing them both to collapse. Emily pushed it off with all of her strength.

Despite how weak this made her she got up and grabbed a sword off of the wall next to her. "Come closer. Emily dares you," she said with confidence in her voice but not in her actual moral. It looked at her and shook it's head no. Emily's arms stopped glowing as the bits of shrapnel fell to the ground at the beast disappeared in a flash. Emily was shocked at what just happened. "So that's what Emily can do.." she said as grew weak, collapsing, an using the sword now stabbed into the ground to keep her up. She grunted as she fell onto the butt of the hilt. She looked at the mess the creature made. She wanted to know what it was.
"w-what??!!" ginko said in shock, he couldnt move, and he wasnt sure why. he tried to wiggle his fingers, but nothing. it seemed as if everything around him froze. as if time itself stopped. after emily fell ginko was able to move once agian. he then looked at where the monster was and it was gone, "what..." he looked back at emily. "ive never seen someone use magic to freeze time. strange. he said as he kneeled down and picked up his bow. "you should....be more careful..." ginko said to emily trying to catch his breath. he then also trekked into the back of the house looking for a room. "you can room with me if you want," he said to noire. "in case that thing decides to show up again." he said in a sarcastic tone as he vanished into the other side of the house.
Auron watched as Kaety walked away. She had given him the explanation that he wanted he debated on whether or not he wanted to believe it. He looked over at the wall and listened to the green haired man and the talking dog speak. Hearing there conversation, he had acquired their names.

"Ginko and Noelle," he said under his breath as he stared at them. He didn't know what to think and all the confusion wad beginning to hurt hid head.

He walked out the doors and began heading to the sleeping quarters that the one know as Kaety mentioned. As he he was walking down the hall, he heard a girl shriek and he dashed off into the direction.

Turning the corner of the hall, he stopped and began looking around. He had didn't know where it came from.

He looked back and saw ginko and noelle run pass him. He followed after them.

When he got to the room, Ginko was om the floor and a beast stared him down in a lowered, preparing for a lounge. Auron quickly took a shield that lied in the corner and ran toward Ginko.

As the beast lunged, Auron positioned himself between the beast and Ginko with the shield raised. The beast crashed into the shield and jumped back.

"Don't do what your not used to," he said looking at Ginko's bow in the ground. 
(sorry i didnt know everybody posted after haruaketchi. I didnt refresh my browser)
The events that had just took place were very confusing even though Noelle finds it easy to catch on to things. The monster that was infront of them and the girl, and why it was inside the place all just didn't make much sense to her. She stood where she stood, letting Ginko and the rocky man deal their blows to the monster. But the monster didn't budge. It was as if he let the hits hit it. But then everything froze... Well, nearly everything. For a moment or so Noelle couldn't move at all. When her movement returned, though, the monster was gone.

"The hell?" Noelle spat, not understanding anything that just happened. He looked towards the two men in hopes of an answer but she just didn't get that answer. She did, though, get an invitation to room with the man who had wanted to hunt with her. Of course she took that offer. "I will, but not because of the monster out there..." Because she just loved the expressions on people's faces! Just thinking about what she could do with Ginko, she snickered, and followed him down the hallway.
ginko continued walking, he then noticed noelle behind him. "i see you took me up on my offer. hahah." he said smiling. he then stopped and knocked on one of the doors in the hall. "helloooo...." he said as he slowly opened the door. peering around the door he saw that the room was empty. "hmm..."he looked at the bed and saw it was exceptionally large for one person. he then removed his bow and arrows and set them down next to the bed, in the event that anything were to happen that night. he removed his armor and also set it down next to his bow. ginko took a couple of the blankets balled then and threw them on the floor at the foot of the bed. "you can sleep there." ginko said in a teasing manor looking at noire.
Noelle stared blankly at the ball of sheets. "Why I oughta..." She grumbled. She nipped at an edge of the sheets. She tried pulling it so it could be unraveled but it was humans work, and it was difficult with what she had now. Yes, she had paws, but no thumbs to help her with it. She knocked on it several times before it finally came loose enough for her to use effectively. She stepped onto the sheets and curled into a ball before sleeping without another word.
"goodnight..haha" ginko said as he also laid in his bed. he pulled the blankets over him, feeling slightly guilty about making her sleep on the floor. he then let a long sigh, "noire....you can sleep up here if you really want to..." ginko then curled his legs, making room at the bottom of the bed for her. she seemed nice. if they got to know each other better she could make a great guardian. "dont try anything..." ginko said as he turned over and closed his eyes beginning to drift into sleep.
((Smack it and tell it that it has no right to rebel :I))

" 'Don't need to, " Retorted Noelle, "I'm fine with the floor. It's the blankets that bothered me." Noelle yawned as a dog would with her tongue rubbing lightly against the roof of her mouth. She stuck her head deeper into her body and then completely drifted to sleep.
"yeah yeah...." ginko replied half asleep. he was drifting off into his sleep. and right now he was between sleep and consciousness. ginko rolled once again and then he was fully asleep, ready for any adventures that awaited in the morning.
((kinadra I won't be on most of week,but I will try to get on tomorrow and tuesday,after that I'm gonna till saturday))

Reliana slipped back into the library,and began to read the books once more.The books called to her and she came to them,but her thirst for knowledge was not gonna keep her body awake.While reading the 6th book she began to drift into the plane of dreams.
Kashika didn't know what to think of the situation. There were things going on that he just couldn't comprehend with his tired state of mind. Without barely changing expression, he made his way back to his 'room'. He stopped at the door, opening it and then with a very mellow tone. "Goodnight once more, Emily." He walked through and slammed the door shut, not in anger, but in confusion. The monster, Emily's power, it was all too much for a tired mind to take. He found his spot on the floor and knelt down, and laid himself to sleep.
Emily watched everyone walk away in surprise. She whispered "good night" in reply to Kashika. She struggled to her feat and looked at the seared sections of the hall. Roses in a flower pot were still on fire as well as a few melted drops of metal from the overhanging chandelier on the ground. Emily had a feeling that wasn't all the creature was capable of. It was strange that it was able to move even when she froze time. How did she freeze time to start with? She left the sword where it was considering they were leaving tomorrow. She didn't have strength to go far but she continued wandering through the halls, to paranoid to sleep. As she looked down at her legs and chest and didn't see any cuts over her clothes. She just assumed she got lucky and got tired of wandering so she lied in the hall looking at the ceiling. "What were you?"
Auron rested the shield back where he first retrieved it. He watched everybody leave the room one by one. He had thought that the ordeal that just took place was a bit odd, yet everybody seemed to be at peace with what just happened.

Not being able to wrap his mind around these strange events put him in an uneasy mood. His hand began to throb and a headache was slowly beginning to appear. He examined his bleeding hand. The white napkin was completely red. I'm losing too much blood he thought as he wandered around the castle looking for a bathroom.

He had wondered around the castle for about an hour before finding somewhere to clean his wound. After cleaning his wound, he let out a huge sigh. He was extremely tired from the day and he set out to find a room to rest his head.

After another hour of searching, he found an empty room that he could sleep in. Before getting in the bed, he opened the window.

"What a nice breeze," he said getting into his bed. Shortly after, he fell asleep
((I'm just gonna time skip here. >.> Sorry about yesterday, my computer decided that everything was going to freeze, and shut down. Very sad. Fixed now hopefully.))

After a long while, the suns were already up on the horizon, Kaety woke up. Ciel had a delicate balance with a binary star system, in a tenuous, but perfect Goldilocks zone. She didn't think of this now though, instead, she just rubbed her eyes, and laid back down, staring up at her wooden ceiling. She stayed this way for a while, before moving to her shower, something as nice as ones on Earth, but powered by magic. It was set up to be automatic, and such a perfect temperature, depending on what the person wanted. Each room had one.

A smile slowly dawned on her face as she woke up more, becoming more aware of her surroundings. She hated mornings, but showers always made them doable. After the shower, she threw on a towel made from soft sheepskin, and ran a hand through her white hair. Normally she had it bound in braids, but she decided against it. A new day, why not do something new? her thoughts bounced around in her head, and she smiled wider.

In very little time, she was dressed, and out of her room, walking towards the kitchen. She hadn't heard or seen the commotion last night, so she was blissfully unaware. Once in the kitchen, an apple made it's way to her mouth, floating to her as though she thought nothing of it. Kaety really didn't have to at this point, though she knew that the others wouldn't be this powerful for a very long time, if ever.

People always told her how powerful and talented she was, how she would always go somewhere. Those people were right, but now they were all dead, and never got to see what they said come true. The thought depressed her, as it always did, but she knew immortality came with a hefty price. There wasn't anything she could have done about it, or that's at least what she always told herself.

((Mitaku, no problem. Thanks for warning me.))

((dististik, Oh! And Dis, just so you know, your time thing will not affect Kaety. ^.^))
"ughhh!!" ginko yelled as he woke from his sleep in a cold sweat. still panting from how frightening his dream was. he looked out of the window and the sun had already risen. "buy the divines..." he said referring to his dream. when he fell asleep last night he appeared in a strange dream, back in the forest, hunting. he was just about to shoot a deer, almost exactly the same way he was before he came here. before he was about to take the shot he heard his mother shriek and his father began yelling. he began sprinting back up the hill to is small wooden cottage. it was on fire, his mother was still inside, and his father was being restrained by the bandits that set it alight, forced to watch his wife die. ginko then fell to his knees, heavily sobbing, knowing that there was nothing he could do. and thats when he woke from his dreams, covered in tears and sweat. he looked around himself, trying to calm down a bit. "i need.....to vent." he said as he slowly got out of his bed. he then began to strap his armor back on, after he was finished he also put his bow back on. he tried to walk out of the room, quietly as possible not to wake noelle. when he walked into the hall he heard kaety in the kitchen, he also tried to sneak past her. so she couldnt stop him from going outside.

when he got outside he took a deep breath, "ahhh, fresh air." ginko said. he then walked over to the edge of the patio, sat down on the ledge of the mountain face. and stared off into the morning sky.
Noelle woke up in tears and regretful thoughts. The kind of dream she had was too much, even with a child of her own caliber. She stood up, her head aching painfully, and everything feeling different once more. She rose a hand to her head. She was human again.

Noelle stared at her other hand, thinking over the dream once more.

Blood splattered everywhere. Her arms, her clothes, her whole face... They were covered in blood. The blood of a person right infront of her with a knife lodged in her leg. The person let out a painful scream for help, but nobody came for her aid. Around were shadows and nothing more. A mirror image appeared infront of Noelle, with a twisted and corrupted face she had made several times before. Was she that scary?

Noelle clenched her fists. Even if she were unique compared to the others on Earth, that didn't mean it was a bad thing. So what if she enjoyed the death of people? They were to die anyway. Regaining her confidence again, she smiled, and headed out to go do something else.

While walking in the halls, Noelle wondered where Ginko had gone. She didn't exactly notice him leave when she was sleeping. She headed into the kitchen, saw Kaety, and waved.
Kaety blinked and waved back at Noelle, but her wave turned beckoning. She didn't know where Ginko had gone, and at this point, she didn't care. She wanted to crawl back into bed and sleep, but the tear marks she could see on Noelle's face worried her slightly, "Dear, what's.... Nevermind. Your problems are your own. I shouldn't pry..."

She rubbed her eyes again and yawned, "I see you are human now though. Good. Going around as a pup would have made things difficult." Kaety leaned over the counter, and tossed Noelle an apple, and then a banana as well, "Eat up. Breakfast is important. So, Noelle or Noire? Which do you prefer? Either is pretty." Kaety liked this girl better as a human, she was kind of adorable, but scary at the same time.

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