With Doubtful Thoughts

"aha, im not really skilled at cooking, but i suppose i can learn." ginko said as he followed the kaety. she gave him a warm feeling almost like his mother. ginko did in fact have many questions for her, why hes here, who are these others, and what they all have to do with ciel. ginko also wondered if she could teach him more advanced mage arts, he was only skilled in boosting the attack of his arrows, and potion making, nothing else. and by the look of her library she knew much more then he did.
"Not a problem Ginko," Kaety said, fulling willing to teach him, "It is simple really." They got to the kitchen in no time, though it was a simpler version than the kitchens on Earth. The stove was not powered by wood though, but fire. She thought this was a good time to teach him something, "Alright. Light it. You can imbue your arrows with the elements, make the fire start. I will keep it going once you get it started." She knew that continual mana use was hard on most people, so she wanted to start small, "Whatever you do with your arrows to make them imbued with fire. Think of that feeling at the moment it lights, and apply it to this situation. It may seem simple, but fire can be extremely helpful and dangerous." With that she motioned for him to begin, and went into her nearby pantry to fetch supplies for dinner.
"i see, never expected to be using my my bow for this." ginko then drew his bow, loaded an arrow, and aimed toward the belly of the stove. he then slowly closed his eyes and began to focus. "in the name of the divines i beg for heat, set my arrow alight so we may eat." at that moment his arrow began to get warm, and soon enough there was a deep red aura surrounding it. he then fired the arrow, igniting the stove. "kaety, i do have another question. is there a way to cast a spell without chanting something. they once told me at the school of magi that the chants are only to help you focus, but i cant seem to muster up anything without them."
Reliana stared at the books for a while,then sat down and began to read them.Each of them,except two,were runic spellbooks,and each on different ways for you to use them.The first two books on top were not runic,but normal spellbooks.She started to read the history of magic,and how it flowed and such.After history came basic spells,like levitation of objects,controlling your own magic,and manipulating the magic around.She began to test these ability,starting with the bow of violin,then the violin itself.Soon she was able to manipulate both of them at mid-speed.She then tried lifting herself,it was successful,but difficult.Reliana fell after being in the air for 2 minutes,"OW!"She screeched as she sat back on the chair.Reliana read the part about her own magic and the magic in the air.She lifted her imagining her hand filled with magic,and as she did her hand began to glow,"Magic,huh?"She muttered as the light faded from her hand.Reliana took her seat and began to read once more.After a while of reading through the beginner's book,she dove into the Runic Spells.The first book was on dimensional spells,which she could use on her violin.She tested out on a view of the books,and then on her violin,"Perfect,now I can take my violin where ever I go!"Reliana cheered as her violin dispersed,and she went back to reading about elemental spells,teleportion,illusions,even how fuse her music with the magic.
(( xD Totally not what I meant, but ok.))

Kaety came back, things in her arms, and more hovering around her. She looked at him, then to the stove, now lit, but with a broken arrow in it. The things she had all floated down to the counter, and she giggled, "Ginko... that's not quite what I had intended... good job though. I shall keep it going. Now then... I have fresh vegetables and potatoes. Could you slice the veggies, and peel the potatoes? I will get the meat going." It was a simple cut that she had, and intended to cook. It should taste quite good once it is all done.
"i wasnt sure how else to do it haha." ginko then pulled an arrow out of his satchel, and began to snap the arrow head off. after doing that he used the blade to slice the vegetables. after slicing the veggies he then began to peel the potatoes. while peeling the potatoes he got hasty and cut his finger. "oww.." he said, ashamed of his mistake.
Emily read the page and was confused on why he was looking at the book. She followed him as he it up and wandered around the library. She at one point stood in front of him to stop him. "This is Emily," she said pointing at herself with both her hands, "Emily speaks in third person." She hopped this would be enough explanation of the obvious. "What are you looking for, Emily might be able to help," she said. It disappointed her that he didn't know where she could sleep but if she was going to be awake she might as well help. She was kind of interested on why he was reading that book but by his movements and guessed reading speed he was at the point where they began explaining about the gang with the tattoos. And for whatever reason this was important to him. She decided not to ask about why but instead continued advancing her options in help, "Your looking for a book with a topic starting with I, right?"
Kaety winced when he cut himself, and went over to check the cut, "You know Ginko, I do have knives. You could have just asked for one. We aren't in the stone ages. Is your finger ok?" She put the cut up to her lips, and kissed it, doing a simple healing spell. When her lips disconnected, the cut was gone, "There. All better. Now then. You can use a knife, they are in the drawer to your left. About how else to do it," Kaety moved back to her spot, prepping the stove for meat, "You have to focus on what you do. The feeling it gives you right before it works. Will it to work, without the bow and arrow. You know how to do it, the weapon is just a crutch."
"oh, i never thought of it that way" he said as he reached in to the drawer and grabbed a knife. when she kissed his finger it made him feel like a child again. he wasnt used to using things like knifes, or stoves, where he was from most of the people lived off of the land.
"It is alright. I view Earth a lot. The technology they have is amazing, but clearly has come at a price," She frowned, looking at Ginko, then going back to the meat. Kaety put it on the stove, which, set like it was, acted as a grill would. She turned to face him again as it sizzled, "So, want to tell me about yourself? I don't like to dive too deep into people. That is bordering on dark in some cases, and I would rather not open that door too wide. What side do you belong to? Or do you belong to any? I, as the legend says, belong to none."
ginko then sighed and looked at her,"Sevilans. i believe they were right from the start. i a war were to start today i would glady assist them." he then looked away and continued peeling the potatoes. he then looked to kaety again, "are there many monsters around these parts?"
"Of course there are! Why wouldn't there be?" Kaety laughed, and hopped up on top of the counter, "Well. Sevilans. They are the... 'better' of the two I suppose. It depends on how you look at it though. The Rieltans want progress, the Sevilans want to stay the same. I don't agree with either. Both are too concrete. What the world needs is a good balance. Progress, but careful progress. No one losing their minds from power. Not an easy task, but the alternatives aren't any better..." she stopped, and sighed, "I am sorry... Boring you with politics.... How are the potatoes and veggies coming? I want to try doing something called sauteing."
"well i just finished," he said as he handed them to her. "its not boring, i remember getting in heated debates with my father all the time about it. he sided with the rieltans. i never understood why though" ginko began to think about his parents, and what they had eaten, come to think of it he was out hunting for dinner when he was brought. the thought of his father with that grimaced face wondering where he was made him laugh.
"Thank you!" Kaety said, and made a pan materialize, floating. The veggies and potatoes were put in there, and it got set next to the meat. Fresh and natural butter was added, and Kaety looked again back at Ginko, "Now we wait I guess." A giggle left her lips, and a sweet smile was there. She moved some of her white hair that wasn't in a long braid out of her face, and she sighed happily, wanting to relax, "Years and years of planning this... Now the time is here, and I am honestly a little worried." The others could probably smell the cooking food by now. Kaety hoped they were hungry.
"worried about what? what could go wrong?" ginko asked. he just stared at kaety, she had to have been planning this for centuries, and to think that he was a part of it all along. he had no idea what the plan actually was. or what he was really doing here, all of these questions raced through his mind. but he let out a sigh and also tried to relax, he had no real priorities anyway.
Leibas was awakened by the loud opening of the door (among other things due to his enhanced hearing) and decided that now wouldn't be the best time to sleep. He got up and suddenly noticed the castle. "Why didn't I notice that before?" He said to himself before opening the door and walking in. He looked at the interior and wondered where the books on magic were. Maybe there are magic books like in Fire Emblem. Sure enough, he eventually found a stack of books in front of a girl, who seemed to be studying them. "~What'cha readin?" He said as he approached Reliana.
Kasika was quite surprised at what he was told. "Third person eh'. Quite interesting. Very well, yes, I am looking for a book that starts with i. The word I am particularly looking for Irezumi. You can help if you please but don't get in the way..." He could tell she was one of the pestering type, or maybe it was just the fact that she talked in third person which made it seem more pestering, either way, Kasika had to find this book or he spent all this time for nothing, which would seriously 'displease' him.
"Irezumi. Got it," Emily said, "Emily promises she won't get in you way!" She went off through the 'I' section of in the library quickly looking through every title on every books spine trying to find the book. She looked forward and saw a monster of some sort. "What the- What are you?" she asked quietly, trying not to talk loud enough to bother the boy. The creature looked sickly. Four legs and cut up beyond any normal thing could survive against. It looked Emily dead in the eye and began growling. "That's not vary nice," she said. Behind the beast was the book she was helping look for. She returned her gaze to where the monster was to find it was gone. "Strange..." Emily said. She didn't hear or see it move. She walked up to the book and took it out of the shelf, skimming through a few pages to make sure it was the right one. After reading enough she was sure it was the right book but something grabbed her attention and got her to keep reading. She quickly read through a few pages then gasped in surprise, closing the book quickly. "Boy! We're did you go? Emily found your book!" she said, trying to forget what she read. Whatever business this boy had with the gang and the tattoo, she didn't want to be part of it. Her own problems made her worry too. She decided to keep looking through the books for something on inter-dimensional travel. And whatever the hell that creature was.

She skimmed through the titles again and found a book that could help her. She took it out and looked at the contents. "Amnesia during Travel" sounded what she was looking for. "In rare cases random travel between dimensions may occur," Emily read quietly aloud, "In this case the traveler is commonly diagnosed with short term amnesia. This causes the traveler to forget recent happening in their lives or what they did to get into the new world. Commonly the amnesiated traveler is hunted by a creature from both the new world and theirs.." She stopped reading out loud. "This being stalks the traveler in attempt to shock their memories back into them. This however normally fails, in witch cases the being instead attacks the traveler. This normally leads to rarely hospitalizing the traveler and commonly kills them. If the traveler does remember their lost memories the beast will leave them alone and return to normal space." That was the end of that chapter. She closed the book and decided that's all she needed to know.
Kashika heard the girl speaking and he decided to go over and see if she had actually found the book, Sure enough she did and he gently took it off the table next to her. "Thank you..." He opened it up and searched through the information, trying to find bits and pieces of what he wanted. Then something caught Kashika's eye, a few paragraphs just talking about the tattoo's and their power, 'These tattoo's were an ancient art used by the clan for centuries, the tattoos themselves were used to summon many things, the magic behind it is long gone.' At the end of the sentence the rest of the page has been torn out. Out of frustration, Kashika smashed his fist on the table, forgetting his strengths and breaking the table in two. "Crap.." He set the book back up and just let the table lay there, knowing he can't do anything about it.
Emily herd the boy take the book. She was still in shock about what she herself had just read. She then herd him smash the table and jumped in surprise. "What was that for?" she asked, looking at him, "You scared Emily." How strong he got in what was obvious to her as rage was scary on its own to Emily. He was mad about something from the book? Emily took the book he had put down and looked through the pages, imidiatly noticing the torn one. She read what was on the page and the bits of the torn words that were still on the page. "Well, do you know what the tattoo is called? We could find a book that is specificly for the tattoo," she said to him. She wanted to help him. Part of her also wanted to know why he was looking for information on the tattoo. Did he have one? He showed an emense amount of power when he broke the table. She wouldnt jump to conclusions but she was still curious.
Kashika looked over at her, the anger slowly flowing out of him as he calmed down. "No, not exactly. I must find out the tattoo's power, find out the tattoo itself it would nice but that's not what I need." He looked over on his arm, the carving of the tattoo in his rocks. They seemed very exotic, so he found it very unlikely that he could just find a match. "Look, Emily, I have these tattoo's all over my body, the rock still has them engraved on them but are harder to see. Seeing that picture of a similar person in that book has convinced me enough that these are something special. You must understand." He didn't figure that she would understand but at least she wasn't so judgmental as most people were, she must have some sort of brain deficiency or something because she seems clueless.
Reliana jumped at Leibas speaking to her,"What!"She said knocking over the stack of books.She bent down to pick them up,but thought about it,and decided to use them as practice.She lifted her hands up,making the books climb the air,and settle back on the table,"Oh,sorry.I'm reading these spellbooks Mrs.Kaety chose for me.The first two books are on basic magic,but the rest is Runic."She cheered happily as she picked up her 4th book.Reliana looked up at Leibas,"Hi,I'm Reliana."She spoke holding out her hand for him to shake.
Emily looked at his arms and noticed the carvings. "Oh. So your trying to figure out more about yourself by why the tattoos make your arms that way," she said, "Emily understands. Emily will help you find out more about the tattoos." She had nothing better to do in this world except be paranoid about that monster hunting her down. She could at least take her mind off of it while she was helping the boy. "By the way, Emily doesn't know your name, mind sharing it with her?" she asked. It came to mind that she had never asked it and he had known hers all along because of how she talked. She wanted to stick around with this boy. Not in the romantic way but he was interesting, like a good book. Maybe he could protect her from the thing hunting her if she stuck around. By the amount of power he showed was incredible it seemed he would be able to kill the monster. Hopefully that didn't make things worse.
Ritakki wiped away her tears and walked around all proud and hid her sadness. Looking down with her goldish-blonde hair covering her face, she was searching for food. Ritakki isn't a hunter type person, but she tried her best. She can hear some people near but doesn't know if her brain is just messing with her. Turning into a neko with her black ear coming out and her eyes turning blue, she searched for a river or a lake. Rikki created a spear first by taking a branch and carving a sharp point. Smiling gently she saw a lake near by. Running to it as fast as she could, she threw her spear in to see if she caught a fish thinking she had luck. She missed terribly. She took her spear and waited by the edge of the lake. She swayed her tail as she waited patiently. No fish came so she looked somewhere else. Later on hungry and tired, she saw a huge river. She ran to it and looked down. It was pretty deep. She believed that the fish would come since it was big. She waited and stared at the water. Ritakki yawned and waited for a long time. Out of no where she passed out.

Rikki opened her eyes, choking. She found herself underwater with a school of fish swimming past her. She swam up. The feeling of her heart beat was racing. As soon as her head was out of the water, Rikki was spitting out the water and coughing. She went to get out of the water to get to land. Ritakki was laying down, breathing heavily and was listening her heart beat. She started to shiver because she was so cold, wet, tired, and hungry. She looked up at the sky and closed her eyes peacefully waiting for her food to arrive soon.
Noelle's silent sleep was interrupted by the grumbling of her own stomach. She glared at it from the floor and decided she could make do with where she was. With a hightened sense of smell she could tell that there was water nearby and someone inside the mansion was trying to cook something. "I'd rather take the time to get used to this." Noelle stood up and exited the mansion without anyone else inside knowing.

She was guided by the water's smell. First she found a small lake. Noelle stuck a paw inside and nearly stumbled, but that ligament touched the bottom pretty easily. Too shallow.

The lake led into a bigger and larger river. One that Noelle was sure was deeper than the lake. Noelle was about to dive in to catch herself a fish like she saw other animals do on television, but there was another smell that caused her to stop and look.

A girl. Blonde, with cat ears and a tail. Apparently she was covered in the same water from the river and was breathing heavily where she was. Idiot.

"Might as well show you how to catch a fish." Noelle now put her motor skills to the test. She watched the water with her wolfish eyes. As soon as a blot of red came rushing by, Noelle leaped into the water and bit through the creature that dare make it's way past her. She bit down hard enough to kill it. As soon as it looked dead she swam to the top, hoisting herself up with both her front and hind legs. Noelle stood, proud, with a very large fish in her mouth. She put it down on the ground and stared at the girl next to her.

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